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Of the several proteins that bind along the cytoplasmic domain of erythrocyte membrane band 3, only the sites of interaction of proteins 4.1 and 4.2 remain to be at least partially localized. Using five independent techniques, we have undertaken to map and characterize the binding site of band 4.1 on band 3. First, transfer of a radioactive cross-linker (125I-2-(p-azido-salicylamido)ethyl-1-3-dithiopropionate) from purified band 4.1 to its binding sites on stripped inside-out erythrocyte membrane vesicles (stripped IOVs) revealed major labeling of band 3, glycophorin C, and glycophorin A. Proteolytic mapping of the stripped IOVs then demonstrated that the label on band 3 was confined largely to a fragment comprising residues 1-201. Second, competitive binding experiments with Fab fragments of monoclonal and peptide-specific polyclonal antibodies to numerous epitopes along the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 displayed stoichiometric competition only with Fabs to epitopes between residues 1 and 91 of band 3. Weak competition was also observed with Fabs to a sequence of the cytoplasmic domain directly adjacent to the membrane-spanning domain, but only at 50-100-fold excess of Fab. Third, band 4.1 protected band 3 from chymotryptic hydrolysis at tyrosine 46 and to a much lesser extent at a site within the junctional peptide connecting the membrane-spanning and cytoplasmic domains of band 3. Fourth, ankyrin, which has been previously shown to interact with band 3 both near a putative central hinge and at the N terminus competed with band 4.1 for band 3 in stripped IOVs. Since band 4.1 does not associate with band 3 near the flexible central hinge, the competition with ankyrin can be assumed to derive from a mutual association with the N terminus. Finally, a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 1-15 of band 3 was found to mildly inhibit band 4.1 binding to stripped IOVs. Taken together, these data suggest that band 4.1 binds band 3 predominantly near the N terminus, with a possible secondary site near the junction of the cytoplasmic domain and the membrane. 相似文献
D G Jay 《Biochemistry》1986,25(3):554-556
The band 3 protein has a single glycosylation site on the carboxy-terminal 55 000-dalton tryptic fragment that defines a sequence of the polypeptide on the extracytoplasmic surface of the cell. To locate this site, a novel procedure involving end labeling of the 55 000-dalton tryptic fragment was used. Peptides resulting from partial proteolysis of the end radiolabeled glycoprotein were separated by lectin-Sepharose chromatography and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The smallest fragment observed defined the distance between the glycosylation site and the amino terminus. The procedure was first tested on a protein for which the location of the glycosylation site is known, HLA-B7 antigen. It was then used to show that the glycosylation site of human band 3 is 28 000 +/- 3000 daltons from the carboxy terminus of the protein. 相似文献
Localization of the pyridoxal phosphate binding site at the COOH-terminal region of erythrocyte band 3 protein 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Y Kawano K Okubo F Tokunaga T Miyata S Iwanaga N Hamasaki 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1988,263(17):8232-8238
A human erythrocyte Band 3 peptide, affinity labeled with pyridoxal phosphate, was purified by a combination of gel permeation and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The amino acid sequence of the transmembrane peptide was determined by sequencing subfragments of the peptide obtained from lysyl endopeptidase and staphylococcal proteinase V8 digestions. When a peptide containing the COOH-terminal of human erythrocyte Band 3 was also purified and sequenced, the affinity-labeled peptide was found to be located close to the COOH-terminal of Band 3, where it could be aligned with amino acid residues 852-927 of a murine erythrocyte Band 3, deduced from a nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone (Kopito, R. R., and Lodish, H. F. (1985) Nature 316, 234-238). The amino acid sequence of the COOH-terminal region was highly homologous to that of murine Band 3. As a result, the sequence of the COOH-terminal peptide of Band 3 was established as follows. (Formula: see text). The pyridoxal phosphate binding site was identified as Lys-18 which corresponded to Lys-869 of the deduced sequence. It appears that the COOH-terminal region of Band 3 constitutes at least a part of the active center for anion transport in human erythrocyte membranes. 相似文献
This report describes initial efforts to map the ankyrin-binding site of the cytoplasmic domain of the human erythrocyte anion exchanger. The conclusions are that this site is likely to involve a fairly extended sequence in the midregion of the cytoplasmic domain and requires interactions that are not provided by isolated peptides. The region of the sequence involving residues 174-186 is likely to participate in the ankyrin-binding site based on several experiments. Limited tryptic cleavage in the midregion of the cytoplasmic domain (residues 174 and/or 181) nearly abolished the ability of the cytoplasmic domain to inhibit binding of ankyrin to the anion exchanger. Ankyrin protected the cytoplasmic domain from tryptic digestion. Finally, peptide-specific antibodies against the sequence encompassing the site(s) of tryptic cleavage (residues 174-186) blocked binding of ankyrin to the anion exchanger. However, the sequence comprising the tryptic site is not sufficient for high affinity binding of ankyrin. A 39-amino acid peptide (residues 161-200) that includes the tryptic cleavage site(s) was inactive in inhibiting binding of ankyrin to the anion exchanger. Further evidence for a complex ankyrin-binding site is that peptide-specific antibodies against two different, noncontiguous regions (residues 118-162 and 174-186) both inhibited binding of ankyrin to the anion exchanger and were only 10-20% as effective as antibody against the entire cytoplasmic domain. Finally, the ankyrin-binding site of the anion exchanger did not renature following sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis and transfer to nitrocellulose paper even though spectrin did recover ability to bind ankyrin under the same conditions. Thus, the ankyrin-binding site is not defined by a short continuous sequence. A simple consensus sequence for ankyrin-binding regions in other proteins is not likely. 相似文献
Human erythrocyte protein band 3 was purified from a Triton X-100 extract of white ghosts. This purification, including an ion-exchange chromatography and a group-affinity chromatography, was automated. The apparatus was assembled from commercially available elements and allowed for the recovery of 2 to 3 mg pure band 3 in 2 hr. The purification could be repeated several times a day. The advantages of automation are discussed. 相似文献
The cytoplasmic domain of erythrocyte membrane band 3 (cdb3) serves as a center of membrane organization, interacting with such proteins as ankyrin, protein 4.1, protein 4.2, hemoglobin, several glycolytic enzymes, a tyrosine phosphatase, and a tyrosine kinase, p72(syk). The crystallographic structure of the cdb3 dimer has revealed that residues 175-185 assume a beta-hairpin loop similar to a putative ankyrin-binding motif at the cytoplasmic surface of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. To test whether this hairpin loop constitutes an ankyrin-binding site on cdb3, we have deleted amino acids 175-185 and substituted the 11-residue loop with a Gly-Gly dipeptide that bridges the deletion without introducing strain into the structure. Although the deletion mutant undergoes the same native conformational changes exhibited by wild type cdb3 and binds other peripheral proteins normally, the mutant exhibits no affinity for ankyrin. This suggests that the exposed beta-hairpin turn indeed constitutes a major ankyrin-binding site on cdb3. Other biochemical studies suggest that ankyrin also docks at the NH(2) terminus of band 3. Thus, antibodies to the NH(2) terminus of cdb3 block ankyrin binding to the cdb3, and ankyrin binding to cdb3 prevents p72(syk) phosphorylation of cdb3 at its NH(2) terminus (predominantly at Tyr-8). However, a truncation mutant of cdb3 lacking the NH(2)-terminal 50 residues displays the same binding affinity as wild type cdb3. These data thus suggest that the NH(2) terminus of cdb3 is proximal to but not required for the cdb3-ankyrin interaction. 相似文献
Esther L. Sabban David D. Sabatini Vincent T. Marchesi Milton Adesnik 《Journal of cellular physiology》1980,104(2):261-268
The major integral membrane protein of red blood cells, the mouse equivalent of human band 3, was purified and used to raise a specific antiserum. The murine protein resembles its human counterpart in several of its properties, including susceptibility to digestion by chymotrypsin added to intact cells and an ability to bind to concanavalin A. The synthesis of 35S-labeled band 3 was detected in Friend erythroleukemia cells treated with DMSO by immuneprecipitation followed by SDS gel electrophoresis and fluorography. Induction with DMSO led to a greater than tenfold increase in the synthesis of band 3 and maximal synthesis was reached 3 to 4 days after the beginning of induction. 相似文献
Two-dimensional structure of the membrane domain of human band 3, the anion transport protein of the erythrocyte membrane. 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5

The membrane domain of human erythrocyte Band 3 protein (M(r) 52,000) was reconstituted with lipids into two-dimensional crystals in the form of sheets or tubes. Crystalline sheets were monolayers with six-fold symmetry (layer group p6, a = b = 170 A, gamma = 60 degrees), whereas the symmetry of the tubular crystals was p2 (a = 104 A, b = 63 A, gamma = 104 degrees). Electron image analysis of negatively stained specimens yielded projection maps of the protein at 20 A resolution. Maps derived from both crystal forms show that the membrane domain is a dimer of two monomers related by two-fold symmetry, with each monomer consisting of three subdomains. In the dimer, two subdomains of each monomer form a roughly rectangular core (40 x 50 A in projection), surrounding a central depression. The third subdomain of the monomer measures approximately 15 x 25 A in projection and appears to be connected to the other two by a flexible link. We propose that the central depression may represent the channel for anion transport while the third subdomain appears not to be directly involved in channel formation. 相似文献
The rotational mobility of band 3, a protein constituent of the human erythrocyte membrane, was measured by observing the flash-induced transient dichroism of the triplet probe eosin maleimide. In the presence of melittin, a pharmacologically active polypeptide from honey bee (Apis mellifera) venom, a dose-dependent loss of rotational mobility was detected. With acetylated melittin, the ability to immobilise is reduced. Succinylated melittin, however, is devoid of immobilising activity.The possible relevance of these findings to the normal mode of action of melittin was examined by comparing the relative abilities of the native, acetylated and succinylated melittins to lyse erythrocytes and synergise with phospholipase A2, another constituent of bee venom. For both these properties, the order of effectiveness is native melittin > acetyl melittin > succinyl melittin = 0, the same as their order of effectiveness in immobilising band 3.A mechanism is proposed in which melittin is anchored in the membrane by its hydrophobic N-terminus, while its cationic C-terminal moiety binds to negatively charged residues on membrane proteins. This leads either directly or indirectly to protein aggregation and hence loss of mobility. From a detailed comparison of the different effects of the melittin derivatives, it is concluded that melittin may function in vivo by aggregating membrane proteins in order to allow phospholipase A2 to gain access to the membrane bilayer and commence catalysis. 相似文献
The characteristics of the anion transport system in human erythrocyte, which can be modified by eosin 5-isothiocyanate (EITC), were studied using the pH titration method and by measuring the sulfate efflux. Based on the pH dependence of EITC binding to the erythrocyte ghosts, it was found that the reaction rate was maximal at about pH 6.4, and that the pH profile of EITC binding was similar to that of divalent anion transport. The interaction between EITC and ghosts was interpreted by a two-step reaction, a fast ionic-binding reaction and a slow covalent-binding reaction. The induced CD spectrum of the EITC-ghost system was also dependent on pH. The intensity of the CD band at 530 nm was decreased in acidic pH region, and the inflection point was observed at about pH 6.3, indicating a participation of the histidine residue in the interaction of EITC with band 3. In order to characterize the EITC-binding site, the kinetics of sulfate efflux in intact and EITC-modified cells were examined at various pH values. The inhibitory effect of EITC was dependent on pH. From the experimental results, the followings are suggested. The rate of ionic interaction in the early stage is much slower than that in a general ionic reaction. A conformational change may participate in the reaction. The conformation of the EITC-binding site depends on pH, relating to the dissociation of the histidine residues. The EITC molecules act also as a competitive inhibitor to the sulfate efflux after binding covalently to band 3 protein. 相似文献
A permanent cell line with inducible expression of the humananion exchanger protein 1 (hAE1) was constructed in a derivative ofhuman embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). In the absence of the inducer,muristerone A, the new cell line had no detectable hAE1 protein byWestern analysis or additional36Cl flux. Increasing dose andincubation time with muristerone A increased the amount of protein(both unglycosylated and glycosylated). The4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate(DNDS)-inhibitable rapid Cl exchange flux was increased up to40-fold in induced cells compared with noninduced cells. There was noDNDS-inhibitable rapid flux component in noninduced cells. This resultdemonstrates inducible expression of a new rapid Cl transport pathwaythat is DNDS sensitive. The additional transport of36Cl and35SO4had the characteristics of hAE1-mediated transport in erythrocytes: 1) inhibition by 250 µM DNDS,2) activation of36Cl efflux by external Cl with aconcentration producing half-maximal effect of 4.8 mM,3) activation of36Cl efflux by external anionsthat was selective in the orderNO3 = Cl > Br > I, and4) activation of35SO4influx by external protons. Under the assumption that the turnovernumbers of hAE1 were the same as in erythrocytes, there was good agreement (±3-fold) between the number of copies ofglycosylated hAE1 and the induced tracer fluxes. This is the firstexpression of hAE1 in a mammalian system to track the kineticcharacteristics of the native protein. 相似文献
We describe an altered membrane band 3 protein-mediated anion transport in erythrocytes exposed to peroxynitrite, and relate the loss of anion transport to cell damage and to band 3 oxidative modifications. We found that peroxynitrite down-regulate anion transport in a dose dependent relation (100-300 μmoles/l). Hemoglobin oxidation was found at all peroxynitrite concentrations studied. A dose-dependent band 3 protein crosslinking and tyrosine nitration were also observed. Band 3 protein modifications were concomitant with a decrease in transport activity. ( - )-Epicatechin avoids band 3 protein nitration but barely affects its transport capacity, suggesting that both processes are unrelated. N-acetyl cysteine partially reverted the loss of band 3 transport capacity. It is concluded that peroxynitrite promotes a decrease in anion transport that is partially due to the reversible oxidation of band 3 cysteine residues. Additionally, band 3 tyrosine nitration seems not to be relevant for the loss of its anion transport capacity. 相似文献
We describe an altered membrane band 3 protein-mediated anion transport in erythrocytes exposed to peroxynitrite, and relate the loss of anion transport to cell damage and to band 3 oxidative modifications. We found that peroxynitrite down-regulate anion transport in a dose dependent relation (100–300 μmoles/l). Hemoglobin oxidation was found at all peroxynitrite concentrations studied. A dose-dependent band 3 protein crosslinking and tyrosine nitration were also observed. Band 3 protein modifications were concomitant with a decrease in transport activity. ( ? )-Epicatechin avoids band 3 protein nitration but barely affects its transport capacity, suggesting that both processes are unrelated. N-acetyl cysteine partially reverted the loss of band 3 transport capacity. It is concluded that peroxynitrite promotes a decrease in anion transport that is partially due to the reversible oxidation of band 3 cysteine residues. Additionally, band 3 tyrosine nitration seems not to be relevant for the loss of its anion transport capacity. 相似文献
Zhang Y Manning LR Falcone J Platt O Manning JM 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2003,278(41):39565-39571
Hemoglobin function can be modulated by the red cell membrane but some mechanistic details are incomplete. For example, the 43-kDa chymotryptic fragment of the cytoplasmic portion of red cell membrane Band 3 protein and its corresponding N-terminal 11-residue synthetic peptide lower the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin but effects on cooperativity are unclear. Using highly purified preparations, we also find a lowered Hill coefficient (n values <2) at subequivalent ratios of Band 3 fragment or of synthetic peptide to Hb, resulting in an oxygen affinity that is moderately decreased and a partially hyperbolic shape for the O2 binding curve. Both normal HbA and sickle HbS display this property. Thus, the determinant responsible for the Hb cooperativity decreases by the 43-kDa fragment resides within its first 11 N-terminal residues. This effect is observed in the absence of chloride and is reversed by its addition. As effector to Hb ratios approach equivalence or with saturating chloride normal cooperativity is restored, and oxygen affinity is further lowered because the shape of the oxygen binding curve becomes completely sigmoidal. The relative efficiencies of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), the 43-kDa Band 3 fragment, and the 11-residue synthetic peptide in lowering cooperativity are very similar. The findings are explained based on the stereochemical mechanism of cooperativity because of two populations of T-state hemoglobin tetramers, one with bound effector and the other with free (Perutz, M. F. (1989) Q. Rev. Biophys. 22, 139-237). As a result of this property, hemoglobin at the membrane inner surface in contact with the N-terminal region of Band 3 could preferentially bind O2 at low oxygen tension and then release it upon saturation with 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the interior of the red cell. Membrane modulation of hemoglobin oxygen affinity has particularly interesting implications for the polymerization of hemoglobin S in the sickle red cell. 相似文献
Band-3 protein from human erythrocyte membranes was isolated, without using detergents, by a two-step procedure: (1) The peripheral proteins were removed from the membrane by treatment with 10% acetic acid. (2) The remaining lipoprotein complex was solubilized in approximately 92% (v/v) acetic acid and then separated into its components by preparative zonal electrophoresis in a gradient made up of acetic acid, water and sucrose. Band 3 was recovered from the gradient at a yield of 60 - 70% and purity of about 95%. Approximately 25 mg of band 3 could be prepared in one run. The protein is soluble in aqueous solutions, even in the absence of organic solvents or detergents. In addition to band 3, the proteins stained by periodic acid/Schiff's reagent (the sialoglycoproteins) are also separated from the other proteins. 相似文献
The binding of 45Ca2+ to isolated band 3 protein, the anion transport protein of the human erythrocyte membrane, was studied by equilibrium dialysis. The protein was solubilized and purified by either the nonionic detergent Ammonyx-L0 or acetic acid. Each preparation of band 3 protein showed a single high-affinity Ca2+ binding site and several Ca2+ binding sites of lower affinity. The association constant of the high-affinity site was 4-13 X 10(4)M-1; it was only moderately dependent on ionic strength. Mg2+ effectively competed with Ca2+ for the site. Anion exchange across the human erythrocyte membrane is inhibited by micromolar concentrations of intracellular Ca2+. Our results suggest that this inhibition is due to the binding of the cation to a single site on band 3 protein. 相似文献
Rotational diffusion of the erythrocyte integral membrane protein band 3: effect of hemichrome binding. 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Human erythrocyte band 3 was covalently labeled within the integral membrane domain by incubating intact erythrocytes with the phosphorescent probe eosinyl-5-maleimide. The rotational diffusion of band 3 in membranes prepared from these labeled cells was measured using the technique of time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy. Three rotational correlation times ranging from 16 to 3800 microseconds were observed, suggesting that band 3 exists in different aggregate states within the plane of the membrane. The oxidizing agent phenylhydrazine was used to induce hemichrome formation within intact erythrocytes. The immobilization of band 3 in membranes prepared from these erythrocytes suggests that the binding of hemichromes induces clustering of band 3. The addition of purified hemichromes to erythrocyte ghosts leads to a similar effect. We have also examined the mobility of the cytoplasmic domain of band 3. This region was labeled indirectly using a phosphorescently labeled antibody which binds to an epitope within the cytoplasmic domain. We observed very rapid motion of the cytoplasmic region of band 3, which was only partially restricted upon hemichrome binding. This suggests that the integral and cytoplasmic domains of band 3 may be independently mobile. 相似文献
Interaction of a peripheral protein of the erythrocyte membrane, band 4.1, with phosphatidylserine-containing liposomes and erythrocyte inside-out vesicles 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Interactions of band 4.1 with mixed phospholipid membranes [phosphatidylserine (PtdSer), phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, etc.] and erythrocyte inside-out vesicles were studied. Band 4.1 showed a higher affinity to PtdSer-containing membranes. The amount of binding to PtdSer-containing liposomes was larger than that to PtdSer-lacking liposomes. The amount of binding to inside-out vesicles did not change significantly on a protease treatment of the vesicles. The amount of band 4.1 bound on inside-out vesicles decreased on PtdSer-decarboxylase treatment of the vesicles. Ca2+ acted inhibitory to the binding of band 4.1. Band 4.1 together with PtdSer-containing vesicles but not with PtdSer-lacking vesicles induced gelation of spectrin-actin copolymer solution. Ca2+ inhibited the gelation. Fluorescence energy transfer from PtdSer-containing vesicles to band 4.1 was larger than that from PtdSer-lacking vesicles. Band 4.1 caused a marked release of tempocholine from preloaded PtdSer-containing liposomes but not from PtdSer-lacking liposomes. The release was larger from liposomes containing more PtdSer. Ca2+ was inhibitory to the tempocholine release. We suggest from these results that band 4.1 provides another anchoring site for the cytoskeletal spectrin-actin network to PtdSer domains in the inner layer of erythrocyte membrane. This anchoring may be involved in functional regulation since the interaction causes the membrane permeability change that is dependent on Ca2+. 相似文献
W J Gerritsen A J Verkley R F Zwaal L L Van Deenen 《European journal of biochemistry》1978,85(1):255-261
1. Circular dichroism studies on the Soret region of the cytochrome b-c1 complex of yeast reveal a change in the dichroism of cytochrome c1 depending on the redox state of cytochrome b, indicating a conformational interaction between both cytochromes. 2. This interaction is not influenced by binding of the inhibitor antimycin A to the complex, so that the interaction does not appear to be involved in the mechanism of electron transport through the complex. 3. Antimycin A binding causes a complex set of changes in the CD spectrum of the complex, which can be attributed to a severe and specific distortion of the environment of the chromophore of cytochrome b. 相似文献