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The behaviour of cabbage root flies is governed by their need for food and shelter. Captive flies fed on sugar solution lived for periods up to 62 days, and a bred female laid 122 eggs.
Weather conditions determine the activity and the length of life of the flies. Feeding and egg-laying occur in warm sunny weather, and long periods of sunshine with temperatures of at least 60° F. in the latter half of April are associated with the onset of attack on the host plants. In cold or wet weather the flies shelter in soil or in thick herbage, and if they are immobilized for some time they die of starvation. In this way, the onset of cold weather checks the development of cabbage root fly attack. Details are given to show how the weather affected the activity of the flies in the springs of 1948–50 inclusive.
Eggs are laid in batches of varying size at irregular intervals during approximately 4 weeks. The position of the eggs about the host plants is affected by weather conditions. They are usually laid in the soil, but when the pressure of sunshine and drought is removed they are laid freely on aerial parts of the plants.
Knowledge of the influence of the weather on the activity of the flies enables attack to be anticipated with some degree of accuracy and control measures to be carefully timed.  相似文献   

In 1951, eggs of Erioischia brassicae were first found in the field on 2 May, and the peak period of egg-laying occurred 19–31 May. This was up to a month later than in the period 1948-50.
The periodic removal and examination of the surface soil showed that eggs of E. brassicae were continuously present on the host plants from mid-June to early November. Plants under observation during this period showed an average of 285 eggs per plant and other plants exposed to attack from July to November showed an average of 162 eggs per plant. Peak periods of egg-laying, as indicated by numbers of eggs per plant per day, occurred in late June and early July, in mid-August and, to a less extent, in the first half of October. The plants showed no increase in the rate of infestation as the season advanced, although E. brassicae has a reproductive capacity of about 100 eggs per female and three to four generations a year.
The difference between the observed egg populations and pupal populations indicated that E. brassicae had a heavy mortality rate in its immature stages. The condition of puparia showed that the species was subject to a high degree of natural control, a fact for consideration when direct control measures are formulated.
Pupal diapause extending from October 1949 to May 1951 was observed in one specimen of E. brassicae and from October 1949 to August 1951 in one specimen of its Hymenopterous parasite, Trybliographa rapae Westw.
Tests with tar-oil winter wash showed that at a concentration of 1 1/4% it killed eggs of Erioischia brassicae and repelled gravid females for approximately a week. Laboratory tests with BHC indicated that it had no adverse effects on the eggs but was larvicidal.  相似文献   

To determine the importance of beetle predators on the natural control of cabbage root fly, experiments were carried out in 1958 and 1959 using various types of barriers to obtain different levels of beetle populations on cauliflower plots. A barrier of DDT-treated straw, placed in the soil around some plots, decreased the numbers of beetles within them and allowed a greater number of eggs and larvae of cabbage root fly to survive than on the untreated plots, resulting in a greater crop damage. Another type of barrier allowed the beetles to enter plots but made it difficult for them to leave. On these, fewer cabbage root-fly eggs and larvae survived and the crop damage was much less than on the plots surrounded by straw barriers. Where plants were treated with insecticide the root-fly population was reduced to a minimum and crop yields were considerably increased. The insecticide, however, caused a reduction in the numbers of predatory beetles.  相似文献   

白菜乳酸菌混菌发酵的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了大白菜乳酸菌乳链球菌DM 2 2和植物乳杆菌UM 2 2混合发酵中的生长和产酸以及环境因子的影响 ,并对混菌发酵的风味物质作了分析。结果表明 :混菌发酵中 ,DM2 2在发酵前期生长迅速 ,是优势菌群 ,而UM2 2在发酵后期占主导 ;发酵温度、发酵剂组成以及发酵液盐浓度都会显著影响混合发酵中菌的产酸代谢 ;发酵风味物质与单菌发酵区别明显。  相似文献   

1. A method has been described whereby the intensity of the light of luminous bacteria may be measured in a quantitative manner. 2. It is pointed out that the temperature coefficients for light intensity do not follow the van''t Hoff rule, but are higher and vary with each 10° temperature interval. 3. From a comparison with other data it is found that the process is not a simple one, but that the observed curve is the resultant of several reactions which proceed simultaneously. 4. The discrepancies in the temperature coefficients in the neighborhood of the "optimum temperature" may be due to a process of coagulation of the colloidal particles of the enzyme. This coagulation will tend to cause a deviation of the curve away from that normal for chemical reactions.  相似文献   

本文系统分析了春小麦套种玉米地膜覆盖栽培对作物根系、生育期和生长特征及产量形成的影响。指出地膜覆盖栽培技术是改善我国北方地区粮作生产生态环境条件,实现高产稳产的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out from 1956 to 1958 on the effect of soil applications of aldrin on clubroot disease of summer cabbage. In the first two seasons the compound was applied either as a dust, broadcast and worked into the soil, or as an emulsion watered round the plants. Results in 1956 were inconclusive and the same plots were used again in 1957, the same quantities of aldrin being re-applied. In this season increasing doses of the compound gave increasing control of the disease. The treatment of individual plants with emulsion was more successful than the application of dusts.
In 1957 half of each plot received a heavy dressing of ground limestone. Lime alone gave a control equal to that given by the highest aldrin treatment. Lime and aldrin together gave a further reduction in clubbing.
In 1958 increasing doses of emulsion were tested. These gave increasing control of disease but the higher doses caused some phytotoxicity which was reflected in a delay in maturation of the crop.
A reduction of clubbing from 'severe' to 'moderate' caused a marked increase in crop, but further reductions in clubbing did not result in any corresponding increase in crop weight.  相似文献   

山鸡椒根部精油化学成分的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
金静兰  陈桂初  文永新  成桂仁   《广西植物》1991,11(3):254-256
采用水蒸气蒸馏、气相层析、标准品加入和归一法等综合技术鉴定出山鸡椒根部精油含α-蒎烯、柠檬烯、1.8-桉叶素、对聚伞花素、香草醛、甲基庚烯酮、异胡薄荷醇、香叶醇甲酸酯、α-松油醇、香草醇,柠檬醛a,b、香叶醇、丁香酚十三个成分。  相似文献   

西洋参根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西洋主根顶端的原分生组织由三群原始细胞组成。初生木质部为三原型。维管形成层产生的次生维管组织中薄壁细胞占主导地位;维管分子量少、聚集成群,分散在薄壁组织中。周皮加、周皮发生较迟,其木栓形成层由紧靠内皮层的皮层细胞产生。不同年龄西洋参主根随着龄龄的增加,周皮、次生真心皮部和木质部面积均呈增加趋势,但韧皮部与木质部面积比值自5:1下降至1:1。一年生根由中柱鞘产生初生分泌道,由维管形成层产生一圈次生分  相似文献   

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