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alpha2beta1 integrin, CD36, and GP VI have all been implicated in platelet-collagen adhesive interactions. We have investigated the role of these glycoproteins on activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex induced by platelet adhesion to type I fibrillar and monomeric collagen under static conditions. In the presence of Mg2+, platelet adhesion to fibrillar collagen induced activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex and complete spreading. Anti-alpha2beta1 integrin and anti-GP VI antibodies inhibited the activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex by about 40 and 50%, respectively, at 60 min although minimal inhibitory effects on adhesion were seen. Platelet spreading was markedly reduced by anti-alpha2beta1 integrin antibody. The combination of anti-alpha2beta1 integrin with anti-GP VI antibody completely inhibited both platelet adhesion and activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex. Anti-CD36 antibody had no significant effects on platelet adhesion, spreading, and the activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex at 60 min. Aspirin and the thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist SQ29548 inhibited activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex about 30% but had minimal inhibitory effect on adhesion. In the absence of Mg2+, there was significant activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex but minimal spreading was observed. Anti-GP VI antibody completely inhibited adhesion whereas no effect was observed with anti-alpha2beta1 integrin antibody. Anti-CD36 antibody partially inhibited both adhesion and the activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex. Platelet adhesion to monomeric collagen, which requires Mg2+ and is exclusively mediated by alpha2beta1 integrin, resulted in partial activation of the GPIIb-IIIa complex and spreading. No significant effects were observed by anti-CD36 and anti-GP VI antibodies. These results suggest that both alpha2beta1 integrin and GP VI are involved in inside-out signaling leading to activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex after platelet adhesion to collagen and generation of thromboxane A2 may further enhance expression of activated GP IIb-IIIa complexes.  相似文献   

The L-type calcium channel is the major calcium influx pathway in vascular smooth muscle and is regulated by integrin ligands, suggesting an important link between extracellular matrix and vascular tone regulation in tissue injury and remodeling. We examined the role of integrin-linked tyrosine kinases and focal adhesion proteins in regulation of L-type calcium current in single vascular myocytes. Soluble tyrosine kinase inhibitors blocked the increase in current produced by alpha(5) integrin antibody or fibronectin, whereas tyrosine phosphatase inhibition enhanced the effect. Cell dialysis with an antibody to focal adhesion kinase or with FRNK, the C-terminal noncatalytic domain of focal adhesion kinase, produced moderate (24 or 18%, respectively) inhibition of basal current but much greater inhibition (63 or 68%, respectively) of integrin-enhanced current. A c-Src antibody and peptide inhibitors of the Src homology-2 domain or a putative Src tyrosine phosphorylation site on the channel produced similar inhibition. Antibodies to the cytoskeletal proteins paxillin and vinculin, but not alpha-actinin, inhibited integrin-dependent current by 65-80%. Therefore, alpha(5)beta(1) integrin appears to regulate a tyrosine phosphorylation cascade involving Src and various focal adhesion proteins that control the function of the L-type calcium channel. This interaction may represent a novel mechanism for control of calcium influx in vascular smooth muscle and other cell types.  相似文献   

Cell matrix interactions play a critical role in hepatic development and regeneration after acute injury. These interactions are mediated by transmembrane receptors belonging mainly to the integrin family. We have tried to assess the role of divalent cations in mediating attachment of hepatocytes to matrix proteins like collagen IV (Col IV) and laminin (Ln). The three cations examined viz. Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ showed attachment promoting activity. Since alpha1beta1 integrin is a common receptor for col IV and LN in liver, the effect of cations in its binding to these matrix proteins was studied. Although cations in general enhanced the binding, different cations exhibited differential effect in promoting the binding for different ligands. Mg2+ ions were more effective in promoting the binding of alpha1beta1 integrin to col IV but Ca2+ proved to be more effective one for Ln. Kinetic analysis of binding in dot blot assays using different concentrations of cations showed that while Mg2+ was active at low concentrations Ca2+ and Mn2+ promoted the binding more at higher concentrations. Absence of competitive effect in binding studies showed that they bind at different sites on the receptor. Differential effects of cations in promoting the binding of alpha1beta1 integrin to Col IV and Ln suggest that changes in level of diffusible cations can modulate affinity of the common receptor alpha1beta1 integrin to its ligands and can influence adhesion of hepatic cells to different matrix proteins during hepatic development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Structural basis of collagen recognition by integrin alpha2beta1   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We have determined the crystal structure of a complex between the I domain of integrin alpha2beta1 and a triple helical collagen peptide containing a critical GFOGER motif. Three loops on the upper surface of the I domain that coordinate a metal ion also engage the collagen, with a collagen glutamate completing the coordination sphere of the metal. Comparison with the unliganded I domain reveals a change in metal coordination linked to a reorganization of the upper surface that together create a complementary surface for binding collagen. Conformational changes propagate from the upper surface to the opposite pole of the domain, suggesting both a basis for affinity regulation and a pathway for signal transduction. The structural features observed here may represent a general mechanism for integrin-ligand recognition.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGases) are enzymes which catalyze cross-link formation between glutamine residues and lysine residues in substrate proteins. We have previously reported that one of the TGases, blood coagulation factor XIIIa (FXIIIa), is capable of mediating adhesion of various cells. In this paper, we report for the first time that tissue-type transglutaminase (TGc) also has cell adhesion activity. TGc-coated plastic surface promoted adhesion and spreading of cells in a TGc concentration-dependent manner. However, there are some obvious differences between cell adhesion mediated by TGc and FXIIIa. As was reported previously, the adhesion to FXIIIa is dependent on its TGase activity. In contrast, the TGc-mediated cell adhesion is independent of its TGase activity: 1) The modification of the active center cysteine with iodoacetamide blocked the enzyme activity without any effect on cell adhesion; 2) the addition of Mg2+ did not induce the enzyme activity, but it was as effective as Ca2+ for cell adhesion; 3) the addition of NH4+ inhibited the enzyme activity but did not affect the cell adhesion significantly. The integrins involved in these cell adhesions are quite different. In the case of FXIIIa, alpha vbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins are involved and consequently the RGD peptide substantially inhibited the adhesion. On the other hand, the cell adhesion to TGc is mediated by alpha4beta1 integrin but not alpha5beta1; a CS-1 peptide, which represents the binding site of fibronectin to alpha4beta1 integrin, completely inhibited the cell adhesion to TGc. It is possible that TGc and FXIIIa may mediate cell adhesion under different physiological and pathological situations.  相似文献   

We have determined the 1.8 Å crystal structure of a triple helical integrin-binding collagen peptide (IBP) with sequence (Gly-Pro-Hyp)2-Gly-Phe-Hyp-Gly-Glu-Arg-(Gly-Pro-Hyp)3. The central GFOGER hexapeptide is recognised specifically by the integrins α2β1, α1β1, α10β1 and α11β1. These integrin/collagen interactions are implicated in a number of key physiological processes including cell adhesion, cell growth and differentiation, and pathological states such as thrombosis and tumour metastasis. Comparison of the IBP structure with the previously determined structure of an identical collagen peptide in complex with the integrin α2-I domain (IBPc) allows the first detailed examination of collagen in a bound and an unbound state. The IBP structure shows a direct and a water-mediated electrostatic interaction between Glu and Arg side-chains from adjacent strands, but no intra-strand interactions. The interactions between IBP Glu and Arg side-chains are disrupted upon integrin binding. A comparison of IBP and IBPc main-chain conformation reveals the flexible nature of the triple helix backbone in the imino-poor GFOGER region. This flexibility could be important to the integrin-collagen interaction and provides a possible explanation for the unique orientation of the three GFOGER strands observed in the integrin-IBPc complex crystal structure.  相似文献   

The chemokine CXCL12 promotes T lymphocyte adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1. CXCL12 activates the GTPase Rac, as well as Vav1, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for Rac, concomitant with up-regulation of alpha4beta1-dependent adhesion. Inhibition of CXCL12-promoted Rac and Vav1 activation by transfection of dominant negative Rac or Vav1 forms, or by transfection of their siRNA, remarkably impaired the increase in T lymphocyte attachment to alpha4beta1 ligands in response to this chemokine. Importantly, inhibition of Vav1 expression by RNA interference resulted in a blockade of Rac activation in response to CXCL12. Adhesions in flow chambers and soluble binding assays using these transfectants indicated that initial ligand binding and adhesion strengthening mediated by alpha4beta1 were dependent on Vav1 and Rac activation by CXCL12. Finally, CXCL12-promoted T-cell transendothelial migration involving alpha4beta1-mediated adhesion was notably inhibited by expression of dominant negative Vav1 and Rac. These results indicate that activation of Vav1-Rac signaling pathway by CXCL12 represents an important inside-out event controlling efficient up-regulation of alpha4beta1-dependent T lymphocyte adhesion.  相似文献   

alpha4beta1 integrin plays an important role in cell migration. We show that when ectopically expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, alpha4beta1 is sufficient and required for promoting protrusion of broad lamellipodia in response to scratch-wounding, whereas alpha5beta1 does not have this effect. By time-lapse microscopy of cells expressing an alpha4/green fluorescent protein fusion protein, we show that alpha4beta1 forms transient puncta at the leading edge of cells that begin to protrude lamellipodia in response to scratch-wounding. The cells expressing a mutant alpha4/green fluorescent protein that binds paxillin at a reduced level had a faster response to scratch-wounding, forming alpha4-positive puncta and protruding lamellipodia much earlier. While enhancing lamellipodia protrusion, this mutation reduces random motility of the cells in Transwell assays, indicating that lamellipodia protrusion and random motility are distinct types of motile activities that are differentially regulated by interactions between alpha4beta1 and paxillin. Finally, we show that, at the leading edge, alpha4-positive puncta and paxillin-positive focal complexes/adhesions do not colocalize, but alpha4beta1 and paxillin colocalize partially in ruffles. These findings provide evidence for a specific role of alpha4beta1 in lamellipodia protrusion that is distinct from the motility-promoting functions of alpha5beta1 and other integrins that mediate cell adhesion and signaling events through focal complexes and focal adhesions.  相似文献   

In this study, we established that collagen gel, but not collagen gel coating, induced apoptosis exclusively in epithelial cell lines, which indicated that low substratum rigidity might trigger cell apoptosis. To confirm this, we used collagen gels with different rigidities due to cross-linking or physical disruption of collagen fibrils caused by sonication. We found that collagen gel-induced apoptosis was inversely correlated with substratum rigidity. Low substratum rigidity collagen gel-induced apoptosis was neither prevented by Bcl-2 overexpression nor preceded by mitochondrial release of cytochrome c. This suggested that the mitochondrial pathway was not involved in low substratum rigidity-induced apoptosis. Low substratum rigidity activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) within 4 h, but it also rapidly down-regulated c-Jun within 1 h and triggered persistent aberrant expression of c-Fos for at least 24 h. Either reduced c-Jun expression or c-Fos overexpression induced apoptosis in several epithelial cells. Inhibiting low substratum rigidity-induced JNK activation prevented aberrant c-Fos expression but only partially blocked low substratum rigidity-induced apoptosis. Taking these results together, we conclude that low substratum rigidity collagen gel induced apoptosis in epithelial cells and that deregulated AP-1 proteins mediated that apoptosis, at least in part.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion receptors have been implicated in bidirectional signal transduction. The dynamic regulation of integrin affinity and avidity as well as post-ligand effects involved in outside-in signaling depends on the interaction of integrins with cytoskeletal and signaling proteins. In this study, we attempted to identify cytoplasmic binding partners of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin. We were able to show that cell adhesion to alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates results in the association of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) with the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin independent of PLCgamma tyrosine phosphorylation. Using peptide-binding assays, the membrane proximal sequences within the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin subunits were identified as binding sites for PLCgamma. In particular, the conserved sequence of beta(1) subunit binds the enzyme very efficiently. Because purified PLCgamma also binds the integrin peptides, binding seems to be direct. Inhibition of PLC by leads to reduced cell adhesion on alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates. Cells lacking the conserved domain of the alpha(1) subunit fail to respond to the PLC inhibition, indicating that this domain is necessary for PLC-dependent adhesion modulation of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin.  相似文献   

The alpha4beta1 integrin is an essential adhesion molecule for recruitment of circulating lymphocytes into lymphoid organs and peripheral sites of inflammation. Chemokines stimulate alpha4beta1 adhesive activity allowing lymphocyte arrest on endothelium and subsequent diapedesis. Activation of the GTPase Rac by the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor Vav1 promoted by CXCL12 controls T lymphocyte adhesion mediated by alpha4beta1. In this study, we investigated the role of DOCK2, a lymphocyte guanine-nucleotide exchange factor also involved in Rac activation, in CXCL12-stimulated human T lymphocyte adhesion mediated by alpha4beta1. Using T cells transfected with DOCK2 mutant forms defective in Rac activation or with DOCK2 small interfering RNA, we demonstrate that DOCK2 is needed for efficient chemokine-stimulated lymphocyte attachment to VCAM-1 under shear stress. Flow chamber, soluble binding, and cell spreading assays identified the strengthening of alpha4beta1-VCAM-1 interaction, involving high affinity alpha4beta1 conformations, as the adhesion step mainly controlled by DOCK2 activity. The comparison of DOCK2 and Vav1 involvement in CXCL12-promoted Rac activation and alpha4beta1-dependent human T cell adhesion indicated a more prominent role of Vav1 than DOCK2. These results suggest that DOCK2-mediated signaling regulates chemokine-stimulated human T lymphocyte alpha4beta1 adhesive activity, and that cooperation with Vav1 might be required to induce sufficient Rac activation for efficient adhesion. In contrast, flow chamber experiments using lymph node and spleen T cells from DOCK2(-/-) mice revealed no significant alterations in CXCL12-promoted adhesion mediated by alpha4beta1, indicating that DOCK2 activity is dispensable for triggering of this adhesion in mouse T cells, and suggesting that Rac activation plays minor roles in this process.  相似文献   

One of the intriguing questions regarding cell motility concerns the mechanism that makes stationary cells move. Here, we provide the first physical evidence that the onset of breast cancer cell motility in response to insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) correlates with lowering of adhesion strength from 2.52 +/- 0.20 to 1.52 +/- 0.13 microdynes/microm2 in cells attached to fibronectin via alpha5beta1 integrin. The adhesion strength depends on the dose of IGF-I and time of IGF-I treatment. Weakening of cell-matrix adhesion is blocked significantly (p < 0.01) by the catalytically inactive IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI-3 kinase) inhibitor LY-294002, but it is unaffected by mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor UO-126 and Src kinase inhibitor PP2. Sustained blockade of Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) with Y-27632 down-regulates adhesion strength in stationary, but not in IGF-I-treated, cells. Jasplakinolide, a drug that prevents actin filament disassembly, counteracts the effect of IGF-I on integrin-mediated cell adhesion. In the absence of growth factor signaling, ROCK supports a strong adhesion via alpha5beta1 integrin, whereas activation of the IGF-IR kinase reduces cell-matrix adhesion through a PI-3K-dependent, but ROCK-independent, mechanism. We propose that disassembly of the actin filaments via PI-3 kinase pathway contributes to weakening of adhesion strength and induction of cell movement. Understanding how cell adhesion and migration are coordinated has an important application in cancer research, developmental biology, and tissue bioengineering.  相似文献   

Galectins are a taxonomically widespread family of galactose-binding proteins of which galectin-3 is known to modulate cell adhesion. Using single cell force spectroscopy, the contribution of galectin-3 to the adhesion of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells to different extracellular matrix proteins was investigated. When adhering to collagen-I or -IV, some cells rapidly entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Galectin-3-depleted cells had an increased probability of entering the enhanced adhesion state. Adhesion enhancement was specific to integrin alpha(2)beta(1), as it was not observed when cells adhered to extracellular matrix substrates by other integrins. The adhesion phenotype of galectin-3-depleted cells was mimicked in a galactoside-deficient MDCK cell line and could be complemented by the addition of recombinant galectin-3. We propose that galectin-3 influences integrin alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering.  相似文献   

The alpha 2 beta 1 integrin serves as either a specific cell surface receptor for collagen or as both a collagen and laminin receptor depending upon the cell type. Recently we established that the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin binds to a site within the alpha 1 (I)-CB3 fragment of type I collagen (Staatz, W. D., Walsh, J. J., Pexton, T., and Santoro, S. A. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 4778-4781). To define the alpha 2 beta 1 recognition sequence further we have prepared an overlapping set of synthetic peptides which completely spans the 148-amino acid alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment and tested the peptides for ability to inhibit cell adhesion to collagen and laminin substrates. The minimal active recognition sequence defined by these experiments is a tetrapeptide of the sequence Asp-Gly-Glu-Ala (DGEA) corresponding to residues 435-438 of the type I collagen sequence. The DGEA-containing peptides effectively inhibited alpha 2 beta 1-mediated Mg2(+)-dependent adhesion of platelets, which use the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin as a collagen-specific receptor, to collagen but had no effect on alpha 5 beta 1-mediated platelet adhesion to fibronectin or alpha 6 beta 1-mediated platelet adhesion to laminin. In contrast, with T47D breast adenocarcinoma cells, which use alpha 2 beta 1 as a collagen/lamin receptor, adhesion to both collagen and laminin was inhibited by DGEA-containing peptides. Deletion of the alanine residue or substitution of alanine for either the glutamic or aspartic acid residues in DGEA-containing peptides resulted in marked loss of inhibitory activity. These results indicate that the amino acid sequence DGEA serves as a recognition site for the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin complex on platelets and other cells.  相似文献   

Alkaline treatment is a good method for extracting collagen with high recovery even from an aged animal specimen. However, the properties of collagen treated under alkaline conditions have not been well established yet. By the treatment with a solution of 3% sodium hydroxide and 1.9% monomethylamine, the isoelectric point of type I collagen was lowered from 9.3 to 4.8 because of the conversions of Asn and Gln to Asp and Glu. With the acidification of the pI, the denaturation temperature of the collagen was decreased from 42 to 35 degrees C after 20 d treatment, but the collagen-specific triple helical conformation was maintained. Human keratinocytes and fibroblasts adhered to the alkali-treated collagen via the collagen receptor integrin alpha2beta1. This indicates that the alkali-treated collagen maintained its property as a biological adherent molecule. Unlike acid-soluble collagen, alkali-treated collagen lost the ability to form fibrils at neutral pH under physiological conditions. This ability was lost even after 4 h of alkaline treatment, when the denaturation temperature of the collagen did not change. On the other hand, the alkali-treated collagen formed a fibrous precipitate with a uniform diameter of 50-70 nm under acidic conditions at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that platelets adhere to collagen substrates via a Mg2(+)-dependent mechanism mediated by the surface glycoprotein Ia-IIa (human leukocyte very late activation protein 2, alpha 2 beta 1 integrin) complex. The adhesion is specific for collagen and is supported by collagen types I, II, III, IV, and VI. Several other members of the integrin family of adhesive protein receptors recognize discrete linear amino acid sequences within their adhesive glycoprotein ligands. Experiments with both intact platelets and with liposomes containing the purified receptor complex indicated that the alpha 2 beta 1 receptor recognized denatured type I collagen in a Mg2(+)-dependent manner. To further localize the binding site, the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains of type I collagen were purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography and tested as adhesive substrates. Both the alpha 1(I) and alpha 2(I) chains effectively supported Mg2(+)-dependent platelet adhesion. The purified alpha 1(I) collagen chain was then subjected to cleavage with cyanogen bromide, and the resultant peptides were separated by chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose. Only the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment supported Mg2(+)-dependent platelet adhesion. The monoclonal antibody P1H5 which recognizes an epitope on the alpha 2 subunit of the integrin receptor and which inhibits the adhesion of both intact platelets and liposomes bearing the purified receptor to collagen also inhibited platelet adhesion to the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment. These results indicate that the alpha 2 beta 1 receptor recognizes a sequence of amino acids present in the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment of type I collagen. An identical or similar sequence likely mediates binding of the receptor to other collagen polypeptides.  相似文献   

Rapid activation of integrins in response to chemokine-induced signaling serves as a basis for leukocyte arrest on inflamed endothelium. Current models of integrin activation include increased affinity for ligand, molecular extension, and others. In this study, using real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer to assess alpha(4)beta(1) integrin conformational unbending and fluorescent ligand binding to assess affinity, we report at least four receptor states with independent regulation of affinity and unbending. Moreover, kinetic analysis of chemokine-induced integrin conformational unbending and ligand-binding affinity revealed conditions under which the affinity change was transient whereas the unbending was sustained. In a VLA-4/VCAM-1-specific myeloid cell adhesion model system, changes in the affinity of the VLA-4-binding pocket were reflected in rapid cell aggregation and disaggregation. However, the initial rate of cell aggregation increased 9-fold upon activation, of which only 2.5-fold was attributable to the increased affinity of the binding pocket. These data show that independent regulation of affinity and conformational unbending represents a novel and fundamental mechanism for regulation of integrin-dependent adhesion in which the increased affinity appears to account primarily for the increasing lifetime of the alpha(4)beta(1) integrin/VCAM-1 bond, whereas the unbending accounts for the increased capture efficiency.  相似文献   

The membrane-distal headpiece of integrins has evolved to specifically bind large extracellular protein ligands, but the molecular architecture of the resulting complexes has not been determined. We used molecular electron microscopy to determine the three-dimensional structure of the ligand-binding headpiece of integrin alpha5beta1 complexed with fragments of its physiological ligand fibronectin. The density map for the unliganded alpha5beta1 headpiece shows a 'closed' conformation similar to that seen in the alphaVbeta3 crystal structure. By contrast, binding to fibronectin induces an 'open' conformation with a dramatic, approximately 80 degrees change in the angle of the hybrid domain of the beta subunit relative to its I-like domain. The fibronectin fragment binds to the interface between the beta-propeller and I-like domains in the integrin headpiece through the RGD-containing module 10, but direct contact of the synergy-region-containing module 9 to integrin is not evident. This finding is corroborated by kinetic analysis of real-time binding data, which shows that the synergy site greatly enhances k(on) but has little effect on the stability or k(off) of the complex.  相似文献   

Engagement of very late Ag-4 (integrin alpha(4)beta(1)) by ligands such as VCAM-1 markedly stimulates leukocyte migration mediated by LFA-1 (integrin alpha(L)beta(2)). This form of integrin trans-regulation in T cells requires the binding of paxillin to the alpha(4) integrin cytoplasmic domain. This conclusion is based on the abolition of trans-regulation in Jurkat T cells by an alpha(4) mutation (alpha(4)(Y991A)) that disrupts paxillin binding. Furthermore, cellular expression of an alpha(4)-binding fragment of paxillin that blocks the alpha(4)-paxillin interaction, selectively blocked VCAM-1 stimulation of alpha(L)beta(2)-dependent cell migration. The alpha(4)-paxillin association mediates trans-regulation by enhancing the activation of tyrosine kinases, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and/or proline-rich tyrosine kinase-2 (Pyk2), based on two lines of evidence. First, disruption of the paxillin-binding site in the alpha(4) tail resulted in much less alpha(4)beta(1)-mediated phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK. Second, transfection with cDNAs encoding C-terminal fragments of Pyk2 and FAK, which block the function of the intact kinases, blocked alpha(4)beta(1) stimulation of alpha(L)beta(2)-dependent migration. These results define a proximal protein-protein interaction of an integrin cytoplasmic domain required for trans-regulation between integrins, and establish that augmented activation of Pyk2 and/or FAK is an immediate signaling event required for the trans-regulation of integrin alpha(L)beta(2) by alpha(4)beta(1).  相似文献   

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