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The effects of the divalent cations Ca and Mg on the properties of ACh-activated channels at the frog neuromuscular junction were studied using a two-microelectrode voltage clamp. The divalent cation concentration was varied from 2 to 40 mM in solutions containing 50% normal Na. The reversal potential was determined by interpolation of the acetylcholine (ACh)-induced current versus voltage relationship. The single-channel conductance and the mean channel lifetime were calculated from fluctuation analysis of the ACh-induced end-plate current. Extracellular Na and/or divalent cations affected the reversal potential of endplate channels in a way that cannot be described by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation or by a simple two-barrier, one-binding site model of the channel if the assumption was made that permeability ratios were constant and not a function of ion concentrations. Increasing the divalent cation concentration decreased the single-channel conductance to approximately 10 pS in solutions with 50% Na and 40 mM divalent cation concentrations. The effect of the divalent cations Ca and Mg on the mean channel lifetime was complex and dependent on whether the divalent cation was Ca or Mg. The mean channel lifetime was not significantly changed in most solutions with increased Ca concentration, while it was slightly prolonged by increased Mg concentration.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of substance P on the end-plate currents (EPC) and the miniature EPC (MEPC) after acetylcholine esterase (ACE) inhibition in the cut neuromuscular preparation of the frog sartorius muscle using the voltage-clamp technique. At concentrations of 5·10–7–1·10–6 moles/liter substance P had no effect on the amplitude and the time characteristics of single EPC and MEPC but promoted prolongation of EPC decay on repetitive stimulation of the nerve with a frequency of 10/sec, indicating intensification of postsynaptic potentiation. Elevation of the concentration of the given peptide to 5·10–6 moles/liter led to the shortening of the decay of single EPC and a more marked depression of the EPC amplitude in the trains as compared to the control, reflecting a decrease in the sensitivity of the postsynaptic membrane to the mediator, i.e., development of desensitization.S. V. Kurashov State Medical Institute, Kazan. I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 436–441, July–August, 1991.  相似文献   

The effects were studied of ethimizol, a substance activating memory processes, on features of synaptic transmission during experiments on frog cutaneous pectoris muscle. It was found that the presynaptic action of ethimizol consists of raising the frequency of miniature potentials, when used at a concentration of 0.5–10 mM, and modulating quantal content of synaptic transmission due to changes in binomial quantal release parameters p and n when 0.5–2 mM ethimizol was used. This substance facilitated transmission at synapses with a low initial level of transmitter release. This substance facilitated transmission at synapses with a low initial level of transmitter release. Ethimizol was also found to have a postsynaptic action, consisting of reducing amplitude at a concentration of 5–10 mM and prolonging synaptic currents and potentials when concentrations of 0.5–10 mM were used. The latter effect produced a considerable increase in the time integral of endplate potentials. The postsynaptic action of ethimizol is perhaps seen in its effects on features of postsynaptic ionic channels. The effects of ethimizol are discussed with a view to how it may act within the central nervous system as a nonspecific modulator.A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 757–763, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

The ionophores A23187 and X537A have markedly different actions on the MEPP frequency recorded at the frog neuromuscular junction. A23187 has no significant effect at 9–17°C, but causes a small increase in MEPP frequency at 6°C. At 25°C, on the other hand, A23187 causes a marked and progressive rise in MEPP rate. It is suggested that, in spite of increased Ca2+ influx associated with application of the ionophore, the presynaptic terminals can maintain [Ca2+]i constant at 9–17°C, although [Ca2+]i rises at higher and lower temperatures, causing an increase in frequency of MEPPs. As previously reported by Kita and Van der Kloot (5) X537A causes a dramatic increase in MEPP frequency, but it is suggested that its action is more complex and probably involves an increase in Na+ permeability.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicle pools at the frog neuromuscular junction   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We have characterized the morphological and functional properties of the readily releasable pool (RRP) and the reserve pool of synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve terminals using fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, and electrophysiology. At rest, about 20% of vesicles reside in the RRP, which is depleted in about 10 s by high-frequency nerve stimulation (30 Hz); the RRP refills in about 1 min, and surprisingly, refilling occurs almost entirely by recycling, not mobilization from the reserve pool. The reserve pool is depleted during 30 Hz stimulation with a time constant of about 40 s, and it refills slowly (half-time about 8 min) as nascent vesicles bud from randomly distributed cisternae and surface membrane infoldings and enter vesicle clusters spaced at regular intervals along the terminal. Transmitter output during low-frequency stimulation (2-5 Hz) is maintained entirely by RRP recycling; few if any vesicles are mobilized from the reserve pool.  相似文献   

The time course of carbachol-induced desensitization onset and recovery of sensitivity after desenitization have been compared at the frog neuromuscular junction. The activation-desensitization sequence was determined from input conductance measurements using potassium-depolarized muscle preparations. Both desensitization onset and recovery from desensitization could be adequately described by single time constant expressions, with tauonset being considerably shorter than taurecovery. In nine experiments, tauonset was 13+/-1.3 s and taurecovery was 424+/-51 s with 1 mM carbachol. Elevating the external calcium or carbachol concentration accelerated desensitization onset without changing the recovery of sensitivity after equilibrium desensitization. Desensitization onset was accelerated by a prior activation-desensitization sequence to an extent determined by the recovery interval that followed the initial carbachol application. The time course of return of tauonset was closely parallel to, but slower than the time course of recovery of sensitivity. These results are consistent with a cyclic model in which intracellular calcium is a factor controlling the rate of development of desensitization.  相似文献   

The effects of deuterium oxide (D2O) and temperature on the properties of endplate channels were studied in voltage-clamped muscle fibers from the frog Rana pipiens. Studies were performed at temperatures of 8, 12, 16, and 20 degrees C. The single channel conductance (gamma) and mean channel lifetime (tau) were calculated from fluctuation analysis of the acetylcholine-induced end-plate currents. The reversal potential was determined by interpolation of the acetylcholine-induced current-voltage relation. The mean reversal potential was slightly more negative in D2O Ringer's (-7.9 +/- 0.1 mV [+/- SEM]) compared with H2O Ringer's (-5.2 +/- 0.6 mV, P less than 0.01). The single channel conductance was decreased in D2O. This decrease was greater than could be accounted for by the increased viscosity of D2O solutions, and the amount of the decrease was greater at higher temperatures. For example, gamma was 38.4 +/- 1.3 pS (+/- SEM) in H2O Ringer's and 25.7 +/- 1.0 pS in D2O Ringer's for a holding potential of -70 mV at 12 degrees C. The mean channel lifetime was significantly shorter in D2O, and the effect was greater at lower temperatures. There was not a strong effect of solvent on the temperature dependence of gamma. On the other hand, the temperature dependence of the reciprocal mean channel lifetime, alpha (where alpha = 1/tau), was strongly dependent upon the solvent. The single channel conductances showed no demonstrable voltage dependence over the range of -90 to -50 mV in both solvents. The reciprocal mean channel lifetime showed a voltage dependence, which could be described by the relation alpha = B exp(AV). The slope A was not strongly affected by either temperature or the solvent. On the other hand, the intercept B was a strong function of temperature and was weakly dependent upon the solvent, with most values greater in D2O. The D2O effects on alpha were what would be expected if they were due to the properties of D2O as a solvent (solvent isotope effects), while the D2O effects on gamma must also include the exchange of D for H in the vicinity of the selectivity filter (primary and/or secondary kinetic isotope effects).  相似文献   

The active zone is a unique specialization of the presynaptic membrane and is believed to be the site of transmitter release. The formation of the active zone and the relationship of this process to transmitter release were studied at reinnervated neuromuscular junctions in the frog. At different times after a nerve crush, the cutaneous pectoris muscles were examined with intracellular recording recording and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The P face of a normal active zone typically consists of two double rows of particles lined up in a continuous segment located opposite a junctional fold. In the initial stage of reinnervation, clusters of large intramembrane particles surrounding membrane elevations appeared on the P face of nerve terminals. Like normal active zones, these clusters were aligned with junctional folds. Vesicle openings, which indicate transmitter release, were seen at these primitive active zones, even though intramembrane particles were not yet organized into the normal pattern of two double rows. The length of active zones at this stage was only approximately 15% of normal. During the secondary stage, every junction was reinnervated and most active zones had begun to organize into the normal pattern with normal orientation. Unlike normal, there were often two or more discontinuous short segments of active zone aligned with the same junctional fold. The total length of active zone per junctional fold increased to one-third of normal, mainly because of the greater number of segments. In the third stage, the number of active zone segments per junctional fold showed almost no change when compared with the secondary stage. However, individual segments elongated and increased the total length of all active zone segments per junctional fold to about two-thirds of the normal length. The dynamic process culminated in the final stage, during which elongating active zones appeared to join together and the number of active zone segments per junctional fold decreased to normal. Thus, in most regions, regeneration of the active zones was complete. These results suggest that the normal organization of two double rows is not necessary for the active zone to be functional. Furthermore, localization of regenerating active zones is related to junctional folds and/or their associated structures.  相似文献   

Investigations were performed on a split neuromuscular preparation of frog sartorial muscle during acetylcholinesterase inhibition. A study was made of the part played in postsynaptic potentiation (PSP) and desensitization (DS) in changes in the amplitude and time course of miniature endplate currents (MEPC) recorded directly after regular stimulation of the motor nerve at a frequency of 10 Hz for 5 or 60 sec, producing short and long series of multiquantal endplate currents (EPC) respectively. After the short train the amplitude of MEPC could hardly be distinguished from initial level, while the decay time constant (MEPC) increased by 32%, indicating PSP. Comparable but more pronounced biphasic changes occurred in the time course of endplate currents. These effects were not observed when acetylcholinesterase was uninhibited. Both PSP and DS were restored when 1×10–6 M exogenous acetylcholine was added to the bath. The ratio between them could be changed by aprodifen — a substance which accelerates desensitization.S. V. Kurashov Medical Institute, Ministry of Public Health of the RSFSR, Kazan'. I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 645–654, September–October, 1986.  相似文献   

(1) The rising phase of minature endplate currets was recorded at the frog's neuromuscular junction using both the two electrode voltage clamp and a single external electrode, or Strickholm, voltage clamp. (2) The Q(10) of the miniature endplate current rising phase was 2.3 in a variety of solutions selected to alter presynaptic behavior. (3) Increasing the solution's viscosity by an amount sufficient to slow the diffusion coefficient of acetylcholine by a third has no effect on the duration of the rising or the decay phase. This solution does seem to further slow the miniature endplate current decay phase, but not the rising phase, after inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase. (4) As the membrane potential is made more positive, the miniature endplate current rising phase is prolonged, with an e-fold slowing per 170 mV change. (5) It is concluded that neither presynaptic nor subsynaptic events determine the rising phase of miniature endplate currents at the frog neuromuscular junction. Rather, the limiting step occurs within the membrane and is most likely a change in the binding constant of the receptor for the acetylcholine molecule.  相似文献   

The fractional increase in ACh responses that occurs at the beginning of each train of iontophoretically applied ACh pulses has been examined at the frog neuromuscular junction at room temperature, in the presence of active cholinesterase, during desensitization produced by a rapid sequence (every 20 s) of short (5 Hz, 5 s) iontophoretic trains of ACh. The fractional increase in ACh responses, which is used as an indicator of postsynaptic potentiation, becomes progressively greater with ACh application, often markedly (greater than 100%), although ACh responses are greatly reduced (as much as 90%) owing to desensitization. Clearly postsynaptic potentiation can exist concomitantly with desensitization. In addition, the dose-response curve is shifted to the right and its maximal response is diminished. The shift in the dose-response curve to the right, which can explain greater postsynaptic potentiation, is unlikely to be caused by accumulation of "monoligand-bound ACh receptor complexes," since experiments were done with active cholinesterase. The shift probably results from a greater number of desensitized receptors which, because of their large affinity for ACh molecules, serve as "high affinity traps." A small decrease of the maximal dose-response suggests only a small fractional decrease in the number of activable receptors, whereas a large shift to the right indicates a large fractional increase in the number of desensitized receptors. It appears that prior to ACh application only a small fraction of all receptors are desensitized. Alternatively, the shift to the right occurs because the cooperative action of ACh on receptors increases during desensitization.  相似文献   

Frog nerve-muscle preparations were quick-frozen at various times after a single electrical stimulus in the presence of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), after which motor nerve terminals were visualized by freeze-fracture. Previous studies have shown that such stimulation causes prompt discharge of 3,000-6,000 synaptic vesicles from each nerve terminal and, as a result, adds a large amount of synaptic vesicle membrane to its plasmalemma. In the current experiments, we sought to visualize the endocytic retrieval of this vesicle membrane back into the terminal, during the interval between 1 s and 2 min after stimulation. Two distinct types of endocytosis were observed. The first appeared to be rapid and nonselective. Within the first few seconds after stimulation, relatively large vacuoles (approximately 0.1 micron) pinched off from the plasma membrane, both near to and far away from the active zones. Previous thin-section studies have shown that such vacuoles are not coated with clathrin at any stage during their formation. The second endocytic process was slower and appeared to be selective, because it internalized large intramembrane particles. This process was manifest first by the formation of relatively small (approximately 0.05 micron) indentations in the plasma membrane, which occurred everywhere except at the active zones. These indentations first appeared at 1 s, reached a peak abundance of 5.5/micron2 by 30 s after the stimulus, and disappeared almost completely by 90 s. Previous thin-section studies indicate that these indentations correspond to clathrin-coated pits. Their total abundance is comparable with the number of vesicles that were discharged initially. These endocytic structures could be classified into four intermediate forms, whose relative abundance over time suggests that, at this type of nerve terminal, endocytosis of coated vesicles has the following characteristics: (a) the single endocytotic event is short lived relative to the time scale of two minutes; (b) earlier forms last longer than later forms; and (c) a single event spends a smaller portion of its lifetime in the flat configuration soon after the stimulus than it does later on.  相似文献   

T Hattori  H Maehashi 《Life sciences》1988,42(25):2639-2644
For the purpose of elucidating the mechanism of action of stannous ion (Sn2+), we investigated effects of stannous chloride (SnCl2) on the twitch and on the electrical phenomena in the muscle fiber. Sciatic nerve-sartorius muscle preparations from the bullfrog were used as the material. Effect of SnCl2 was examined on the twitch partially inhibited by pretreatment with d-tubocurarine. SnCl2 (1-100 microM) antagonized d-tubocurarine and enhanced the twitch dose-dependently. Tartaric acid, which is the solvent used for SnCl2 solution, had no augmentative effect on the twitch, even at a concentration as high as 250 microM. SnCl2 (1-50 microM) increased the amplitude of the endplate potential; that is, it exerted an anti-curare action. The resting potential and the membrane resistance of the muscle fiber were not altered by 30 microM SnCl2. These findings lead to the conclusion that Sn2+ enhances the twitch by increasing the endplate potential of the muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Synaptic delay of single-quantum response with low mean quantal size (0.05–1) was measured during experiments on preparations of frog neuromuscular junctions using extracellular focal recording of presynaptic action potentials and endplate currents. It was found that distribution of these synaptic delays is of a polymodal nature and mean intermodal interval equaled 0.22±0.01 msec over 13 experiments. An increase in quantal size produced only a redistribution of mode weighting, while mean modal interval remained unchanged. A reduction in temperature induced an increase in the modal interval with the temperature coefficient Q10=2.42±0.14 (n=15). The explanation is suggested that the process of quantal transmitter release is determined by interaction between the calcium-dependent mechanism for raising the likelihood of release on the one hand and the rhythmic operation of the system producing transmitter release on the other. The latter stage in the process depends on temperature, not intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The polymodal distribution of synaptic delay reflects the rhythmic operation of the transmitter release zone.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 748–756, November–December, 1986.  相似文献   

Action of Co and Ni at the frog neuromuscular junction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A decrease in the amplitude of the miniature and evoked end-plate potentials, as well as a change in the course of facilitation and depression of the end-plate potentials under rhythmic stimulation, were observed in psychosine-treated preparations of the cutaneous-pectoral muscle of the frog. The results of electron microscopic investigations indicate changes in the structure of synaptic Schwann cells enveloping the motor terminals and disturbances of the inner mesaxon structure of the myelinated axons.A. A. Ukhtomskii Institute of Physiology, Saint Petersburg University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 482–490, July–August, 1992.  相似文献   

The sequence of structural changes that occur during synaptic vesicle exocytosis was studied by quick-freezing muscles at different intervals after stimulating their nerves, in the presence of 4-aminopyridine to increase the number of transmitter quanta released by each stimulus. Vesicle openings began to appear at the active zones of the intramuscular nerves within 3-4 ms after a single stimulus. The concentration of these openings peaked at 5-6 ms, and then declined to zero 50-100 ms late. At the later times, vesicle openings tended to be larger. Left behind at the active zones, after the vesicle openings disappeared, were clusters of large intramembrane particles. The larger particles in these clusters were the same size as intramembrane particles in undischarged vesicles, and were slightly larger than the particles which form the rows delineating active zones. Because previous tracer work had shown that new vesicles do not pinch off from the plasma membrane at these early times, we concluded that the particle clusters originate from membranes of discharged vesicles which collapse into the plasmalemma after exocytosis. The rate of vesicle collapse appeared to be variable because different stages occurred simultaneously at most times after stimulation; this asynchrony was taken to indicate that the collapse of each exocytotic vesicle is slowed by previous nearby collapses. The ultimate fate of synaptic vesicle membrane after collapse appeared to be coalescence with the plasma membrane, as the clusters of particles gradually dispersed into surrounding areas during the first second after a stimulus. The membrane retrieval and recycling that reverse this exocytotic sequence have a slower onset, as has been described in previous reports.  相似文献   

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