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C Vishalakshi  B N Singh 《Génome》2006,49(7):777-785
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA, subtle random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry) is often used as a measure of developmental instability (DI), which results from perturbations in developmental pathways caused by genetic or environmental stressors. During the present study, we estimated FA in 5 morphological traits, viz. wing length (WL), wing to thorax ratio (W:T), sternopleural bristle number (SBN), sex-comb tooth number (SCTN), and ovariole number (ON) in 18 laboratory populations of Drosophila ananassae. FA levels of measured traits differed significantly among populations except for SBN (in males and females) and W:T ratio (in females). Positional fluctuating asymmetry (PFA), a sensitive measure of DI, also varied significantly among the populations for SBN in females and SCTN in males. Interestingly, both males and females were similar for nonsexual traits. However, when FA across all traits (sexual and nonsexual) was combined into a single composite index (CFA), significant differences were found for both populations and sexes. Males showed higher CFA values than females, suggesting that males are more prone to developmental perturbations. The magnitude of FA differed significantly among traits, being lowest for nonsexual traits (SBN, WL, W:T ratio) and highest for sexual traits (SCTN and ON). The trait size of sexual traits (SCTN and ON) was positively correlated with their asymmetry. The possible reasons for variation in FA both among traits and among populations, and the usefulness of FA as an indicator of developmental stress and phenotypic quality in D. ananassae are discussed.  相似文献   

Host shifts cause drastic consequences on fitness in cactophilic species of Drosophila. It has been argued that changes in the nutritional values accompanying host shifts may elicit these fitness responses, but they may also reflect the presence of potentially toxic secondary compounds that affect resource quality. Recent studies reported that alkaloids extracted from the columnar cactus Trichocereus terscheckii are toxic for the developing larvae of Drosophila buzzatii. In this study, we tested the effect of artificial diets including increasing doses of host alkaloids on developmental stability and wing morphology in D. buzzatii. We found that alkaloids disrupt normal wing venation patterning and affect viability, wing size and fluctuating asymmetry, suggesting the involvement of stress–response mechanisms. Theoretical implications are discussed in the context of developmental stability, stress, fitness and their relationship with robustness, canalization and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Among the explanations for minimizing the effects of extraneous variation has been canalization and developmental stability. However, there is little agreement as to whether these two processes reflect a common set of mechanisms. This confusion is inflated due to the lack of consensus as to a precise definition of canalization. In this study, canalization in the sternopleural bristle system is used to investigate the relationships between measures of canalization and developmental stability by comparing how a panel of naturally derived lines responds to both genetic and environmental perturbations. No evidence for a common mechanism between the different measures of canalization was observed. Furthermore, a hypothesis regarding a common mechanism for environmental and genetic canalization was tested, and no evidence was found to support it. However, there is evidence for a relationship between at least one form of canalization and developmental stability.  相似文献   

Congruence between changes in phenotypic variance and developmental noise in inter-population hybrids was analysed to test whether environmental canalization and developmental stability were controlled by common genetic mechanisms. Developmental stability assessed by the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA), and canalization by the within- and among-individual variance, were measured on several floral traits of Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae). Hybridization affected canalization. Both within- and among-individual phenotypic variance decreased in hybrids from populations of intermediate genetic distance, and strongly increased in hybrids from genetically distant populations. Mean-trait FA differed among cross-types, but hybrids were not consistently more or less asymmetric than parental lines across traits. We found no congruence between changes in FA and changes in phenotypic variance. These results suggest that developmental stability (measured by FA) and canalization are independently controlled. This study also confirms the weak relationship between FA and the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes following inter-population hybridization.  相似文献   

Drosophila ananassae, a desiccation and cold sensitive species, is abundant along the latitudinal gradient of the Indian subcontinent. Analysis of seasonally varying wild-caught flies showed two independent patterns of melanisation: (1) narrow to broad melanic stripes on three anterior abdominal segments only; (2) a novel body color pattern (dark vs. light background). We investigated the degree to which these two melanisation systems vary; first with latitude and secondly among seasons. There is a shallow latitudinal cline for percent striped melanisation as well as for frequency of body color alleles during the rainy season. The frequencies of body color alleles vary significantly across seasons in the northern populations i.e. the light allele occur abundantly (>0.94) during the rainy season while the frequency of the dark allele increases (0.22–0.35) during the dry season causing steeper clines during the dry season. By contrast, the low variations in abdominal stripes showed non-significant changes and the cline was similar across seasons. Furthermore, both types of melanisation patterns showed no plasticity with respect to temperature. The present study also investigated clines related to desiccation, heat and cold stress in D. ananassae females across seasons (rainy and dry) from nine latitudinal populations. The clines for stress related traits changes to steeper and non-linear during the dry season. Thus, latitudinal populations of D. ananassae differ in slope values of clines for stress related traits across seasons. This study reports seasonal changes in latitudinal clines of stress resistance traits as seen in a changing frequency of body color alleles of D. ananassae in northern locality, while in southern localities it remains constant. This is presumably the result of only minor seasonal changes in humidity and temperature in the South, whereas in the North seasonal climatic variability is much higher.  相似文献   

Ten isofemale lines of two natural populations of Drosophila ananassae were compared at four different temperatures for body size, W/T ratio, ovariole number and different life history traits. Three-factor nested ANOVA for thorax length and W/T ratio shows significant differences for temperature and sex, while for wing length it shows significant sex difference only. Two-factor nested ANOVA for ovariole number shows a significant difference between populations only, and not for different temperatures. Tests of correlations among different life history traits show novel trade-offs between LDT and pupal period and between pupal period and egg–pupa DT at different temperatures.  相似文献   

The frequency of recessive lethals in the 2nd chromosome was examined in two mutator stocks of Drosophila ananassae, ca and ca; px. They are characterized respectively by possessing an extrachromosomal clastogenic mutator in males, and by the retrotransposon "tom", which induces Om mutability only in females. The frequencies of recessive lethal mutations in the 2nd chromosome among progenies from males and females of the ca; px stock are 0.35 and 0.34 percent, respectively. Similarity of these frequencies indicates that tom does not induce recessive lethals in females. In contrast to the ca; px stock, the frequency of recessive lethals in males of the ca mutator stock was estimated to be 1.54 percent for the 2nd chromosome. No visible mutants except Minutes were recovered. Some recessive lethals derived from ca stock males were associated with chromosomal rearrangements. Being consistent with its high rate of Minute mutation it was demonstrated that the ca clastogenic mutator also induced recessive lethals.  相似文献   

Natural selection may enhance or weaken the robustness of phenotypes against genetic or environmental perturbations. However, important aspects of the relationship between adaptive evolution and canalization remain unclear. Recent work showed that the evolution of larger wing size in a high altitude natural population of Drosophila melanogaster was accompanied by decanalized wing development–‐specifically a loss of robustness to genetic perturbation. But this study did not address environmental robustness, and it compared populations that may have numerous biological differences. Here, we perform artificial selection on this same trait in D. melanogaster (larger wing length) and directly test whether this directional selection resulted in decanalization. We find that in general, size‐selected replicates show greater frequencies of wing defects than control replicates both after mutagenesis (genetic perturbation) and when subjected to high temperature stress (environmental perturbation), although the increase in defect frequency varies importantly among replicates. These results support the hypothesis that directional selection may result in the loss of both genetic and environmental robustness–offering a rare window into the relationship between adaptation and canalization.  相似文献   

The relationship between the two components of developmental homeostasis, that is canalization and developmental stability (DS), is currently debated. To appraise this relationship, the levels and morphological patterns of interindividual variation and fluctuating asymmetry were assessed using a geometric morphometric approach applied to the skulls of laboratory samples of the house mouse. These three samples correspond to two random-bred strains of the two European subspecies of the house mouse and their F1 hybrids. The inter- and intraindividual variation levels were found to be smaller in the hybrid group compared to the parental ones, suggesting a common heterotic effect on skull canalization and DS. Both buffering mechanisms might then depend on the same genetic condition, i.e. the level of heterozygosity. However, related morphological patterns did not exhibit any congruence. In contradiction with previous studies on insect wing traits, we therefore suggest that canalization and DS may not act on the same morphological characters. The fact that this discrepancy could be related to the functional importance of the symmetry of the characters under consideration is discussed in the light of our knowledge of the genetic bases of both components of developmental homeostasis.  相似文献   

Interracial hybridization in Drosophila ananassae   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
B. N. Singh 《Genetica》1981,57(2):139-142
Crosses were made between strains of Drosophila ananassae, homozygous for the ST or AL gene sequences in the second chromosome, and originating from geographically distant localities in India. All interracial crosses were maintained separately in culture bottles for ten generations. After ten generations it was observed that the inversion heterozygotes were heterotic. Thus it was found that interracial hybridization does not lead to breakdown of heterosis. Therefore, it has been suggested that localised coadaptation is absent in the natural populations of Indian D. ananassae. Thus D. ananassae does not show the pattern of some other species.  相似文献   

Phenotypic or morphological differences among different populations and sexual dimorphism in certain metric traits were analysed in D. bipectinata complex. It was noticed that different populations of D. bipectinata species group harbour large amount of variation for these characters. In all the populations, morphometric characters such as lengths of femur, tibia and wing length, wing width, number of sternopleural bristles and bristles on epandrium varied significantly among populations. The study indicates that the morphological variations are due to the interplay of genetic and environmental endowments. Further, females had significantly larger values, for lengths of femur, tibia and wing length, wing width and sternopleural bristles.  相似文献   

Correlated responses to bi‐directional selection on thorax length, examined on several life‐history traits and chromosome inversion polymorphisms, have revealed apparent novel trade‐offs in Drosophila ananassae. We provide evidence of trade‐offs between hatching time and pupal period, pupal period and egg‐pupa development time, and pupal period and larval development time (LDT). Body size shows positive correlations with ovariole number, LDT and DT (egg–fly). We provide evidence of sexual dimorphism for trade‐offs between longevity and body size and starvation and longevity in females only. Trade‐offs between wing/thorax (W/T) ratio and longevity, W/T ratio and starvation, and DT (egg‐ fly) and longevity are evident in males only. Sexual dimorphism is also evident for inversion polymorphism with body size and longevity. A longevity assay suggests that low line females outlived high line females whereas high line males outlived low line males. The mean longevity in males is negatively correlated with the 2L‐ST and 3R‐ST arrangement frequencies whereas the 3L‐ST arrangement frequency is positively correlated with the mean longevity in males but opposite arrangements are found in females. Absolute starvation resistance is negatively correlated with 2L‐ST and 3R‐ST chromosome arrangements and results in a trade‐off between longevity and absolute starvation resistance in females. Analyses of fecundity, hatchability, and viabilities based on age intervals in both G10 and G13 suggest that the early reproduction is favoured in D. ananassae. The productivity percentage is highest in the high line and there is no effect of late reproduction on it. Overall, we provide some unravelled trade‐offs and striking sex differences, which may help in understanding the life‐history evolution of the species. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 669–685.  相似文献   

Artificial selection was carried out for high and low spontaneous male recombination values in D. ananassae for nine generations by using cu b se marker (second chromosome) and wild stocks which were free from heterozygous chromosome inversions. The mean crossing-over frequency of nine generations was 2.22, 0.70 and 1.20% in high, low and control lines respectively. The values of regression coefficient and realized heritability also indicated that male recombination was affected by selection. However, response to selection was more pronounced in high line as compared to low line. This provides evidence that spontaneous male crossing-over in D. ananassae is under polygenic control.  相似文献   

Drosophila ananassae has a unique status among Drosophila species because of certain peculiarities in its genetic behavior. The most unusual feature of this species is its relatively high frequency of spontaneous male recombination. The results of studies on non-sexual behavior, such as phototactic responses, eclosion rhythm, and preferences for oviposition and pupation sites, lead us to suggest that this behavior is under polygenic control, with a substantial amount of additive genetic variation. Sexual isolation has been reported in D. ananassae with the degree of such isolation being stronger in isofemale lines than in natural populations. The significant variations seen in the mating propensity of several isofemale strains, inversion karyotypes and wild type strains, the diminishing effects of certain mutations on the sexual activity of males, and the positive responses to selection for high and low mating propensity point to a genetic control of sexual behavior in D. ananassae. Males contribute more to variation and thus are more subject to intrasexual selection than females. There is a positive correlation between sternopleural bristle number, mating propensity and fertility in D. ananassae. This correlation between morphometric traits and mating success suggests that larger flies are more successful in mating than smaller ones. There is also evidence for adaptive plasticity and a trade-off between longevity and productivity in D. ananassae. Rare, specific courtship song parameters that provide males with a mating advantage have also been reported in different geographic strains of D. ananassae. The remating behavior of males and females, sperm displacement, and the bi-directional selection for female remating speed indicate that post-mating behavior in this species may also be under genetic control. The occurrence of size assortative mating further indicates that there is size-dependent sexual selection in D. ananassae.  相似文献   



Many properties of organisms show great robustness against genetic and environmental perturbations. The terms canalization and developmental stability were originally proposed to describe the ability of an organism to resist perturbations and to produce a predictable target phenotype regardless of random developmental noise. However, the extent to which canalization and developmental stability are controlled by the same set of genes and share underlying regulatory mechanisms is largely unresolved.  相似文献   

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