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Trophically-transmitted parasites often change the phenotype of their intermediate hosts in ways that increase their vulnerability to definitive hosts, hence favouring transmission. As a “collateral damage”, manipulated hosts can also become easy prey for non-host predators that are dead ends for the parasite, and which are supposed to play no role in transmission strategies. Interestingly, infection with the acanthocephalan parasite Polymorphus minutus has been shown to reduce the vulnerability of its gammarid intermediate hosts to non-host predators, whose presence triggered the behavioural alterations expected to favour trophic transmission to bird definitive hosts. Whilst the behavioural response of infected gammarids to the presence of definitive hosts remains to be investigated, this suggests that trophic transmission might be promoted by non-host predation risk. We conducted microcosm experiments to test whether the behaviour of P. minutus-infected gammarids was specific to the type of predator (i.e. mallard as definitive host and fish as non-host), and mesocosm experiments to test whether trophic transmission to bird hosts was influenced by non-host predation risk. Based on the behaviours we investigated (predator avoidance, activity, geotaxis, conspecific attraction), we found no evidence for a specific fine-tuned response in infected gammarids, which behaved similarly whatever the type of predator (mallard or fish). During predation tests, fish predation risk did not influence the differential predation of mallards that over-consumed infected gammarids compared to uninfected individuals. Overall, our results bring support for a less sophisticated scenario of manipulation than previously expected, combining chronic behavioural alterations with phasic behavioural alterations triggered by the chemical and physical cues coming from any type of predator. Given the wide dispersal range of waterbirds (the definitive hosts of P. minutus), such a manipulation whose efficiency does not depend on the biotic context is likely to facilitate its trophic transmission in a wide range of aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Several gammarid species serve as intermediate hosts for the acanthocephalan parasite Polymorphus minutus. This parasite influences gammarid behaviour in order to favour transmission to its ultimate host, generally a bird. We investigated this host manipulation in Gammarus roeseli, a gammarid species introduced in France 150 years ago which now coexists with several exotic species from different origins. In the field, vertical distribution of G. roeseli revealed a higher proportion of infected individuals close to the water's surface and the size distribution of infected gammarids revealed predation pressure on infected individuals. However, under laboratory conditions both infected and non-infected individuals remained benthic. The addition of a second gammarid, Dikerogammarus villosus, to the experimental device involved a vertical displacement of infected G. roeseli towards the water's surface. Dikerogammarus villosus, originating from the Ponto-Caspian basin, can be considered as an aggressive predator. The substitution of D. villosus with Atyaephyra desmarestii, a planktivore decapod, did not alter the gammarids' distribution, with both infected and uninfected G. roeseli staying benthic. Thus, biotic interactions between D. villosus and G. roeseli represent selective pressure encouraging the expression of manipulated behaviour in infected amphipods. Through manipulation, P. minutus was found to increase the survival of infected G. roeseli when faced with non-host predators and to make it more vulnerable to predation by the parasite's definitive host.  相似文献   

Trophically transmitted parasites often alter their intermediate host's phenotype, thereby predisposing the hosts to increased predation. This is generally considered a parasite strategy evolved to enhance transmission to the next hosts. However, the adaptive value of host manipulation is not clear as it may be associated with costs, such as increased susceptibility to predators that are unsuitable next hosts for the parasites. We examined the ratio between the benefits and costs of host manipulation for transmission success of Acanthocephalus lucii (Acanthocephala), a parasite that alters the hiding behaviour and pigmentation of its isopod hosts. We experimentally compared the susceptibility of infected and uninfected isopods to predation by perch (Perca fluvialis; definitive host of the parasite) and dragonfly larvae (dead end). We found that the parasite predisposed the isopods to predation by both predators. However, the increased predation vulnerability of the infected isopods was higher towards perch. This suggests that, despite the costs due to non-host predation, host manipulation may still be advantageous for the parasite.  相似文献   

Competition between parasites within a host can influence the evolution of parasite virulence and host resistance, but few studies examine the effects of unrelated parasites with conflicting transmission strategies infecting the same host. Vertically transmitted (VT) parasites, transmitted from mother to offspring, are in conflict with virulent, horizontally transmitted (HT) parasites, because healthy hosts are necessary to maximize VT parasite fitness. Resolution of the conflict between these parasites should lead to the evolution of one of two strategies: avoidance, or sabotage of HT parasite virulence by the VT parasite. We investigated two co-infecting parasites in the amphipod host, Gammarus roeseli: VT microsporidia have little effect on host fitness, but acanthocephala modify host behaviour, increasing the probability that the amphipod is predated by the acanthocephalan's definitive host. We found evidence for sabotage: the behavioural manipulation induced by the Acanthocephala Polymorphus minutus was weaker in hosts also infected by the microsporidia Dictyocoela sp. (roeselum) compared to hosts infected by P. minutus alone. Such conflicts may explain a significant portion of the variation generally observed in behavioural measures, and since VT parasites are ubiquitous in invertebrates, often passing undetected, conflict via transmission may be of great importance in the study of host-parasite relationships.  相似文献   

Manipulation by parasites is a catchy concept that has been applied to a large range of phenotypic alterations brought about by parasites in their hosts. It has, for instance, been suggested that the carotenoid-based colour of acanthocephalan cystacanths is adaptive through increasing the conspicuousness of infected intermediate hosts and, hence, their vulnerability to appropriate final hosts such as fish predators. We revisited the evidence in favour of adaptive coloration of acanthocephalan parasites in relation to increased trophic transmission using the crustacean amphipod Gammarus pulex and two species of acanthocephalans, Pomphorhynchus laevis and Polymorphus minutus. Both species show carotenoid-based colorations, but rely, respectively, on freshwater fish and aquatic bird species as final hosts. In addition, the two parasites differ in the type of behavioural alteration brought to their common intermediate host. Pomphorhynchus laevis reverses negative phototaxis in G. pulex, whereas P. minutus reverses positive geotaxis. In aquaria, trout showed selective predation for P. laevis-infected gammarids, whereas P. minutus-infected ones did not differ from uninfected controls in their vulnerability to predation. We tested for an effect of parasite coloration on increased trophic transmission by painting a yellow-orange spot on the cuticle of uninfected gammarids and by masking the yellow-orange spot of infected individuals with inconspicuous brown paint. To enhance realism, match of colour between painted mimics and true parasite was carefully checked using a spectrometer. We found no evidence for a role of parasite coloration in the increased vulnerability of gammarids to predation by trout. Painted mimics did not differ from control uninfected gammarids in their vulnerability to predation by trout. In addition, covering the place through which the parasite was visible did not reduce the vulnerability of infected gammarids to predation by trout. We discuss alternative evolutionary explanations for the origin and maintenance of carotenoid-based colorations in acanthocephalan parasites.  相似文献   

Trophically transmitted parasites start their development in an intermediate host, before they finish the development in their definitive host when the definitive host preys on the intermediate host. In intermediate–definitive host systems, two strategies of host manipulation have been evolved: increasing the rate of transmission to the definitive host by increasing the chance that the definitive host will prey on the intermediate host, or increasing the lifespan of the parasite in the intermediate host by decreasing the predation chance when the intermediate host is not yet infectious. As the second strategy is less well studied than the first, it is unknown under what conditions each of these strategies is prevailed and evolved. We analysed the effect of both strategies on the presence of parasites in intermediate–definitive host systems with a structured population model. We show that the parasite can increase the parameter space where it can persist in the intermediate–definitive host system using one of these two strategies of host manipulation. We found that when the intermediate host or the definitive host has life‐history traits that allow the definitive host to reach large population densities, that is high reproduction rate of the intermediate host or high conversion efficiency of the definitive host (efficiency at which the uninfected definitive host converts caught intermediate hosts into offspring), respectively, evolving manipulation to decrease the predation chance of the intermediate host will be more beneficial than manipulation to increase the predation chance to enhance transmission. Furthermore, manipulation to decrease the predation chance of the intermediate host results in higher population densities of infected intermediate hosts than manipulation that increases the predation chance to enhance transmission. Our study shows that host manipulation in early stages of the parasite development to decrease predation might be a more frequently evolved way of host manipulation than is currently assumed.  相似文献   

Phenotypic alterations induced by parasites in their intermediate hosts often result in enhanced trophic transmission to appropriate final hosts. However, such alterations may also increase the vulnerability of intermediate hosts to predation by non-host species. We studied the influence of both infection with 3 different acanthocephalan parasites (Pomphorhynchus laevis, P. tereticollis, and Polymorphus minutus) and the availability of refuges on the susceptibility of the amphipod Gammarus pulex to predation by 2 non-host predators in microcosms. Only infection with P. laevis increased the vulnerability of amphipods to predation by crayfish, Orconectes limosus. In contrast, in the absence of refuges, the selectivity of water scorpions, Nepa cinerea, for infected prey was significant and did not differ according to parasite species. When a refuge was available for infected prey, however, water scorpion selectivity for infected prey differed between parasite species. Both P. tereticollis- and P. laevis-infected gammarids were more vulnerable than uninfected ones, whereas the reverse was true of P. minutus-infected gammarids. These results suggest that the true consequences of phenotypic changes associated with parasitic infection in terms of increased trophic transmission of parasites deserve further assessment.  相似文献   

Numerous parasites with complex life cycles are able to manipulate the behaviour of their intermediate host in a way that increases their trophic transmission to the definitive host. Pomphorhynchus laevis, an acanthocephalan parasite, is known to reverse the phototactic behaviour of its amphipod intermediate host, Gammarus pulex, leading to an increased predation by fish hosts. However, levels of behavioural manipulation exhibited by naturally-infected gammarids are extremely variable, with some individuals being strongly manipulated whilst others are almost not affected by infection. To investigate parasite age and parasite intensity as potential sources of this variation, we carried out controlled experimental infections on gammarids using parasites from two different populations. We first determined that parasite intensity increased with exposure dose, but found no relationship between infection and host mortality. Repeated measures confirmed that the parasite alters host behaviour only when it reaches the cystacanth stage which is infective for the definitive host. They also revealed, we believe for the first time, that the older the cystacanth, the more it manipulates its host. The age of the parasite is therefore a major source of variation in parasite manipulation. The number of parasites within a host was also a source of variation. Manipulation was higher in hosts infected by two parasites than in singly infected ones, but above this intensity, manipulation did not increase. Since the development time of the parasite was also different according to parasite intensity (it was longer in doubly infected hosts than in singly infected ones, but did not increase more in multi-infected hosts), individual parasite fitness could depend on the compromise between development time and manipulation efficiency. Finally, the two parasite populations tested induced slightly different degrees of behavioural manipulation.  相似文献   

Density-dependent effects on parasite fitness have been documented from adult helminths in their definitive hosts. There have, however, been no studies on the cost of sharing an intermediate host with other parasites in terms of reduced adult parasite fecundity. Even if larval parasites suffer a reduction in size, caused by crowding, virtually nothing is known about longer-lasting effects after transmission to the definitive host. This study is the first to use in vitro cultivation with feeding of adult trematodes to investigate how numbers of parasites in the intermediate host affect the size and fecundity of adult parasites. For this purpose, we examined two different infracommunities of parasites in crustacean hosts. Firstly, we used experimental infections of Maritrema novaezealandensis in the amphipod, Paracalliope novizealandiae, to investigate potential density-dependent effects in single-species infections. Secondly, we used the crab, Macrophthalmus hirtipes (Ocypodidae), naturally infected by the trematodes, M. novaezealandensis and Levinseniella sp., the acanthocephalan, Profilicollis spp., and an acuariid nematode. These four helminths all develop and grow in their crustacean host before transmission to their bird definitive host by predation. In experimental infections, we found an intensity-dependent establishment success, with a decrease in the success rate of cercariae developing into infective metacercariae with an increasing dose of cercariae applied to each amphipod. In natural infections, we found that M. novaezealandensis-metacercariae achieved a smaller volume, on average, when infrapopulations of this parasite were large. Small metacercariae produced small in vitro-adult worms, which in turn produced fewer eggs. Crowding effects in the intermediate host thus were expressed at the adult stage in spite of the worms being cultured in a nutrient-rich medium. Furthermore, excystment success and egg-production in M. novaezealandensis in naturally infected crabs were influenced by the number of co-occurring Profilicollis cystacanths, indicating interspecific interactions between the two species. Our results thus indicate that the infracommunity of larval helminths in their intermediate host is interactive and that any density-dependent effect in the intermediate host may have lasting effects on individual parasite fitness.  相似文献   

Trophically transmitted parasites may increase their transmission efficiency by altering the behaviour of infected hosts to increase their susceptibility to predation by target hosts (the next host in the life cycle). The parasite Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda) reduces the vision of its fish intermediate hosts: its metacercariae lodge themselves in the eyes of fish and induce cataract formation, which gives them the opportunity to affect fish behaviour. We examined whether D. spathaceum eye flukes change the preference of fish for the surface layers of the water column or their escape behaviour, which could make the fish more vulnerable to predation by bird hosts. We also studied the influence of parasites on the susceptibility of fish to artificial aerial predators that were able to catch fish from the water surface. Infected and control fish did not differ in their preference for the surface layers but infected fish showed less escape behaviour when a black plate was drawn over the water surface. They were also more easily caught by human ‘predators’ dipping a net into the tank. Thus, infected fish should be easier prey for gulls and terns, implying that the ability of D. spathaceum eye flukes to alter fish behaviour may be a parasite strategy evolved to enhance transmission.  相似文献   

Several parasite species have the ability to modify their host's phenotype to their own advantage thereby increasing the probability of transmission from one host to another. This phenomenon of host manipulation is interpreted as the expression of a parasite extended phenotype. Manipulative parasites generally affect multiple phenotypic traits in their hosts, although both the extent and adaptive significance of such multidimensionality in host manipulation is still poorly documented. To review the multidimensionality and magnitude of host manipulation, and to understand the causes of variation in trait value alteration, we performed a phylogenetically corrected meta‐analysis, focusing on a model taxon: acanthocephalan parasites. Acanthocephala is a phylum of helminth parasites that use vertebrates as final hosts and invertebrates as intermediate hosts, and is one of the few parasite groups for which manipulation is predicted to be ancestral. We compiled 279 estimates of parasite‐induced alterations in phenotypic trait value, from 81 studies and 13 acanthocephalan species, allocating a sign to effect size estimates according to the direction of alteration favouring parasite transmission, and grouped traits by category. Phylogenetic inertia accounted for a low proportion of variation in effect sizes. The overall average alteration of trait value was moderate and positive when considering the expected effect of alterations on trophic transmission success (signed effect sizes, after the onset of parasite infectivity to the final host). Variation in the alteration of trait value was affected by the category of phenotypic trait, with the largest alterations being reversed taxis/phobia and responses to stimuli, and increased vulnerability to predation, changes to reproductive traits (behavioural or physiological castration) and immunosuppression. Parasite transmission would thereby be facilitated mainly by changing mainly the choice of micro‐habitat and the anti‐predation behaviour of infected hosts, and by promoting energy‐saving strategies in the host. In addition, infection with larval stages not yet infective to definitive hosts (acanthella) tends to induce opposite effects of comparable magnitude to infection with the infective stage (cystacanth), although this result should be considered with caution due to the low number of estimates with acanthella. This analysis raises important issues that should be considered in future studies investigating the adaptive significance of host manipulation, not only in acanthocephalans but also in other taxa. Specifically, the contribution of phenotypic traits to parasite transmission and the range of taxonomic diversity covered deserve thorough attention. In addition, the relationship between behaviour and immunity across parasite developmental stages and host–parasite systems (the neuropsychoimmune hypothesis of host manipulation), still awaits experimental evidence. Most of these issues apply more broadly to reported cases of host manipulation by other groups of parasites.  相似文献   

Larvae of many trophically-transmitted parasites alter the behaviour of their intermediate host in ways that increase their probability of transmission to the next host in their life cycle. Before reaching a stage that is infective to the next host, parasite larvae may develop through several larval stages in the intermediate host that are not infective to the definitive host. Early predation at these stages results in parasite death, and it has recently been shown that non-infective larvae of some helminths decrease such risk by enhancing the anti-predator defences of the host, including decreased activity and increased sheltering. However, these behavioural changes may divert infected hosts from an optimal balance between survival and foraging (either seeking food or a mate). In this study, this hypothesis was tested using the intermediate host of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis, the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex. We compared activity, refuge use, food foraging and food intake of hosts experimentally infected with the non-infective stage (acanthella), with that of uninfected gammarids. Behavioural assays were conducted in four situations varying in predation risk and in food accessibility. Acanthella-infected amphipods showed an increase in refuge use and a general reduction in activity and food intake. There was no effect of parasite intensity on these traits. Uninfected individuals showed plastic responses to water-borne cues from fish by adjusting refuge use, activity and food intake. They also foraged more when the food was placed outside the refuge. At the intra-individual level, refuge use and food intake were positively correlated in infected gammarids only. Overall, our findings suggest that uninfected gammarids exhibit risk-sensitive behaviour including increased food intake under predation risk, whereas gammarids infected with the non-infective larvae of P. laevis exhibit a lower motivation to feed, irrespective of predation risk and food accessibility.  相似文献   

Parasites with complex life cycles, relying on trophic transmission to a definitive host, very often induce changes in the behaviour or appearance of their intermediate hosts. Because this usually makes the intermediate host vulnerable to predation by the definitive host, it is generally assumed that the parasite's transmission rate is increased, and that the modification of the host is, therefore, of great adaptive significance to the parasite. However, in the ecological "real world" other predators unsuitable as hosts may just as well take advantage of the facilitation process and significantly erode the benefit of host manipulation. Here we show that the intertidal New Zealand cockle (Austrovenus stutchburyi), manipulated by its echinostome trematode (Curtuteria australis) to rest on the sediment surface fully exposed to predation from the avian definitive host, is also subject to sublethal predation from a benthic feeding fish (Notolabrus celidotus, Labridae). The fish is targeting only the cockle-foot, in which the parasite preferentially encysts, reducing the infection intensity of manipulated cockles to levels comparable with those in non-manipulated, buried cockles. Based on the frequency and intensity of the foot cropping and predation rates on surfaced cockles by avian hosts, it is estimated that 2.5% of the parasite population in manipulated cockles is transmitted successfully whereas 17.1% is lost to fish. We argue that the adaptive significance of manipulation in the present system depends critically on the feeding behaviour of the definitive host. If cockles constitute the majority of prey items, there will be selection against manipulation. If manipulated cockles are taken as an easily accessible supplement to a diet composed mostly of other prey organisms, behavioural manipulation of the cockle host appears a high risk, high profit transmission strategy. Both these feeding behaviours of birds are known to occur in the field.  相似文献   

Microphallus piriformes (Trematoda) is unusual in having only two hosts and no motile free-living stages. The intermediate host, the rough periwinkle, Littorina saxatilis, is present year-round on rocky shores and has a high parasite prevalence near breeding colonies of the definitive host, the herring gull, Larus argentatus, which is present in numbers at these sites for only 4 months per year. Given the seasonal availability of gulls for infection and a low incidence of periwinkles in the normal diet of herring gulls, specialized transmission between stages appears necessary for maintenance of the parasite's life cycle. We investigated the hypothesis that M. piriformes alters its intermediate host's behaviour during the gull's breeding season in a manner that may facilitate predation of the infected periwinkle by breeding gulls. We studied the movements of periwinkles during simulated tidal cycles in the laboratory; parasite status was established subsequently. Periwinkles with mature infections moved further upwards but showed less downwards and horizontal movement than uninfected periwinkles. The movement of periwinkles with immature (nontransmissible) infections was less affected by the parasite. During the tidal cycle, infected and uninfected periwinkles differed in both timing and extent of movement. A field experiment confirmed the greater upwards movement of infected periwinkles. The parasite-induced changes in periwinkle behaviour may increase the chances of predation by the final host and could represent an important survival strategy for M. piriformes. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

According to the 'parasitic manipulation hypothesis', phenotypic changes induced by parasites in their intermediate hosts are effective means of increasing trophic transmission to final hosts. One obvious prediction, although seldom tested, is that increased vulnerability of infected prey to an appropriate predator should be achieved by the parasite altering the anti-predator behaviour of its intermediate host. In this study, we tested this prediction using the fish acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus tereticollis and the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex. Firstly, we estimated the relative vulnerability of infected and uninfected gammarids to predation by the bullhead Cottus gobio in the field. Second, we investigated under experimental conditions how two common anti-predator behaviours of aquatic invertebrates, refuge use and short-distance reaction to predator chemical cues, were affected by infection status. We found that the prevalence of infection in the field was 10 times higher among gammarids collected from the stomach contents of bullheads compared with free-ranging individuals collected in the same river. In a microcosm uninfected gammarids, but not infected ones, increased the use of refuge in the presence of a bullhead. Finally, a behavioural experiment using an Y-maze olfactometer showed opposite reactions to predator odour. Whereas uninfected gammarids were significantly repulsed by the chemical cues originating from bullheads, infected ones were significantly attracted to the odour of the predator. Taken together, our results suggest that the alteration of anti-predator behaviour in infected G. pulex might enhance predation by bullheads in the field. Reversing anti-predator behaviour might thus be an efficient device by which parasites with complex life-cycles increase their trophic transmission to final hosts. Further studies should pay more attention to both the increased vulnerability of infected prey to an appropriate predator in the field and the influence of parasitic infection on the anti-predator behaviour of intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

There are many recorded cases of parasites that are capable of altering the behaviour of their host to enhance their transmission efficiency. However, not all of these cases are necessarily the results of the parasites actively manipulating host behaviour; they may rather be the 'by-products' of pathology caused by the parasite's presence. This study investigates the effect of the microphallid trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis on the behaviour of one of its crustacean intermediate hosts, the amphipod Paracalliope novizealandiae. Uninfected amphipods were experimentally infected by exposure to M. novaezealandensis cercariae. The activity level and vertical position of experimentally infected amphipods were compared with uninfected amphipods at 2 weeks and 6 weeks post-infection, i.e. both before and after the parasite achieved infectivity to its definitive host. Infected amphipods were found to exhibit significantly lower levels of activity and to occur significantly lower in the water column than uninfected controls during both periods. Based on the timing of the change in behaviour exhibited by infected amphipods, the results suggest that the altered behaviour exhibited by P. novizealandiae infected with M. novaezealandensis is most likely due to pathology caused by the parasite rather than a case of active, and adaptive, behavioural manipulation.  相似文献   

Grouping behaviours (e.g. schooling, shoaling and swarming) are commonly explicated through adaptive hypotheses such as protection against predation, access to mates or improved foraging. However, the hypothesis that aggregation can result from manipulation by parasites to increase their transmission has never been demonstrated. We investigated this hypothesis using natural populations of two crustacean hosts (Artemia franciscana and Artemia parthenogenetica) infected with one cestode and two microsporidian parasites. We found that swarming propensity increased in cestode‐infected hosts and that red colour intensity was higher in swarming compared with non‐swarming infected hosts. These effects likely result in increased cestode transmission to its final avian host. Furthermore, we found that microsporidian‐infected hosts had both increased swarming propensity and surfacing behaviour. Finally, we demonstrated using experimental infections that these concurrent manipulations result in increased spore transmission to new hosts. Hence, this study suggests that parasites can play a prominent role in host grouping behaviours.  相似文献   

Helminth communities in definitive hosts are formed by the acquisition of packets of larvae arriving each time an intermediate host is consumed. It is thus possible that associations between parasite species or other aspects of community structure get transferred from intermediate to definitive hosts. Earlier computer simulations showed that associations between 2 parasite species, in particular positive associations, could be transferred up the food chain. Here, we alter some of the assumptions of previous models and generate new simulations of several ways in which source infracommunities in intermediate hosts can be transferred to target infracommunities in definitive hosts. In particular, we introduced nonrandom selection of intermediate hosts by predatory definitive hosts, to mimic the phenomenon of host manipulation by parasites; this consisted in biasing predation toward intermediate hosts harboring a certain parasite species. Overall, our results show that positive covariances between 2 parasite species can not only be transferred but can also be amplified during transmission to definitive hosts; significant covariance between parasite species can even appear in the definitive hosts when none existed in the intermediate hosts. Negative covariance was not as readily transferred to definitive hosts and amplified, in part because of properties of the presence-absence covariance index. Amplification of covariance results from intermediate host manipulation as well as from other processes taking place during transmission. These results suggest that the patterns of association between helminth species in definitive hosts cannot be taken to reflect the processes acting inside those hosts: they may simply be inherited, with amplification, from intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Because resistance to parasites usually has a cost for host species, it is theoretically expected that, in case of multi-infection, host immune responses should vary according to the levels of parasite pathogenicity. The crustacean gammarid Gammarus aequicauda is the second intermediate host of 4 trematode species. Three of these parasites always encyst in the abdomen of gammarids and have no particular effect on the host. However, 1 of these species is sometimes able to encyst in the cerebroid ganglia of the gammarid and strongly alter its behavior in a way that increases its predation risk by aquatic birds, the definitive hosts. In accordance with the hypothesis that the level of parasite pathogenicity influences the likelihood and the degree of host reaction, cases of melanization in our gammarid collection almost exclusively concern the cerebral metacercariae. Our results also indicate that this melanization is able to cancel the behavioral alterations induced by the parasite, suggesting that the cause of the manipulation is not the physical presence of metacercariae in the brain.  相似文献   

The larval flatworm Microphallus papillorobustus encysts in the protocerebrum of its intermediate host, Gammarus insensibilis, and changes the gammarid's responses to mechanical and photic stimuli. The resulting aberrant escape behaviour renders infected gammarids more susceptible to predation by birds, the definitive hosts of the parasite. We used immunocytochemical methods to explore the mechanisms underlying these subtle behavioural modifications. Whole mounts of gammarid brains were labelled with fluorescent anti-serotonin and anti-synapsin antibodies and viewed using confocal microscopy. Two types of change were observed in infected brains: the intensity of the serotonergic label was altered in specific regions of the brain, and the architecture of some serotonergic tracts and neurons was affected. A morphometric analysis of the distribution of the label showed that serotonergic immunoreactivity was decreased significantly (by 62%) in the optic neuropils, but not in the olfactory lobes, in the presence of the parasite. In addition, the optic tracts and the tritocerebral giant neurons were stunted in parasitized individuals. Published evidence demonstrates changes in serotonin levels in hosts ranging from crustaceans to mammals infected by parasites as diverse as protozoans and helminths. The present study suggests that the degeneration of discrete sets of serotonergic neurons might underlie the serotonergic imbalance and thus contribute to host manipulation.  相似文献   

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