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Changes in respiratory rate and the effects of respiratory inhibitorson respiration were determined in apple (Malus sylvestris cv. Delicious) and red pepper (Capsicum fructescens) fruits dusting different stages of development and ripening.The results showed that there was an abrupt rise in respiration daring ripening inapple fruit, but the respiration of the red pepper declined continuously throughout theripening period. Thus the apple is climacteric and the red pepper is non-climacteric fruit. The respiration of apple fruit was sensitive to KCN (1 mM) during the period ofdevelopment but changed to CLAM-sensitive and CN-resistant during preclimactericand climacteric phases, indicating that a diversion of respiratory pathways from the cy-tochrome path to the alternative path has occurred. The respiration of the red pepperfruit was CN-sensitive thoughout the whole period of fruit ripening, suggesting thatthe operation of the CN-resistant path was insignificant. Slices from climacteric apple fruits developed induced .respiration after aging, bothKCN and CLAM (1 mM) inhibited the induced respiratic considerably. However, slices from red pepper fruits showed no evidence of induced respiration after aging. Slices from climacteric apple fruits infiltrated with 3 mM CLAM before aging, reducedthe peak of the induced respiration by about 30%, indicating that the development ofinduced respiration was suppressed by the presence of CLAM. The above results indicated that the: climacteric fruits were characterized by diversion of traffic from the cytochrome path to the alternative path during ripening andby the development of induced respiration after slicing and aging. While in nonclimacteric fruits no .diversion of electron transport path was observed during ripening andno induced respiration occurred after aging. Although both the eytochrome and alternative pathways were present in the tissue of red pepper fruits, the alternative pathwas not operating except when the cytochrome path was blocked or was saturated by electron flow.  相似文献   

The levels of peroxidase activity in leaves of non-infected melon plants resistant to Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schl. ex. Fr.) Poll. were considerably higher than those in the leaves of susceptible plants. After infection the ratio of peroxidase activity to that in non-infected plants reached a value of up to 47.5 in susceptible plants whereas in resistant plants it remained between 1 and 2. Changes in isozyme pattern were investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In non-infected resistant leaves slowly migrating isozymes were found. Their intensities increased with time following infection. These isozymes were absent in the susceptible leaves but appeared after the leaves had been infected with S. fuliginea. The role of these isozymes in the resistance mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the structural organization of the funiculus of Phaseolusvulgaris were correlated with mitochondrial respiration rates,including both cytochrome and alternative pathway activitiesand seed weight during development of the seed. After fertilization,vascular elements are still differentiating within the funiculus.The central core of the funiculus consists mainly of procambialcells together with a few mature xylem and phloem elements.As the seed gradually matures, more vascular elements beginto appear. Procambial cells in the upper region of the funiculusadjacent to the pod differentiate and result in xylem and phloemappearing as a convoluted, intertwining network of strands.In the lower part of the funiculus adjacent to the seed, fewervascular elements are present and they organize into a smallbundle prior to entering the seed. The funiculus is fully developedat the cotyledon stage judging from the size of the funiculusand the organization of the vascular tissues. At the early maturationstage, the seed begins to enlarge in both size and weight. Correlatedwith development of the funiculus tissue is a gradual decreasein total rates of respiration. Inhibitor studies using potassiumcyanide and/or salicylhydroxamic acid show that the CN-insensitive,or alternative pathway is the predominant route of electrontransport in funiculus mitochondria during the early stagesof development. This pathway declines in activity with age whereuponcytochrome pathway activity accounts for all of the respirationby the time vascular tissues are mature and the seed is rapidlyexpanding.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Funiculus, vascular tissue, cytochrome, respiratory pathway, alternative respiratory pathway, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   

The respiratory activity of the mycelium of Eremothecium ashbyii from submerged cultures was manometrically determined at different stages of its development and the results were statistically analyzed. The experiments were performed in a manner designed to diminish the endogenous respiration without affecting the response to the addition of an exogenous substrate. Lactose was the carbohydrate tested that produced the lowest oxygen consumption. The oxidation of maltose, which was high at 24 hr, decreased by more than 50% at 48 and 55 hr. Glucose and sucrose were actively oxidized by mycelium of three ages. From the intermediates of carbohydrate metabolism, 24-hr mycelium did not produce oxygen consumption with malate, lactate, citrate, fumarate, and α-ketoglutarate. At 48 hr, mycelium did not oxidize either lactate or citrate; 55-hr mycelium showed oxygen consumption with all intermediates tested. Acetate and pyruvate always produced high oxygen consumption. Ethyl alcohol produced high oxygen consumption with mycelium of all tested ages.  相似文献   

Among the factors leading to the refusal to continue muscular work, afferent impulsation carrying information about the efforts developed by the working muscles and about the respiratory function tension is noteworthy. Based on this information, the integral self-rating of the intensity of the physical load and its endurance is formed in the sensory CNS sphere, with one of the signals to stop the work being the feeling of shortness of breath. Under the cyclic working conditions, the so-called critical power load, which is high enough but does not lead to a refusal so far, enabling one to perform the maximum amount of useful work, appears to be the most effective. A question is posed as to the possibility of using an active choice of preferable load intensity by an individual in order to develop a method for determining the optimal work power according to the functional state of the body.  相似文献   

The respiratory activity of Rhodococcus rhodochrousM8 cells containing nitrile hydratase and amidase was studied in the presence of nitriles and amides of carbonic acids. The culturing of cells with acrylonitrile and acrylamide yielding maximum respiratory activity was studied. The optimum conditions for measurements and maintenance of respiratory activity were found. Curves for the linear concentration dependence of cell respiratory activity on 0.01–0.5 mM acrylonitrile, 0.025–1.0 mM acetonitrile, and 0.01–0.1 mM acrylamide were plotted. The selectivity of cell respiratory activity for some substrates was analyzed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Profound developmental changes occur in the morphologyand physiology of the respiratory system of amphibians duringthe transition from strictly aquatic to dual aquatic-aerialbreathing. This developmental transition usually involves modificationsin ventilatory mechanisms and/or respiratory surfaces {e.g.,degeneration of gills, ventilation of functional lungs). Boththe first appearance of obligate air breathing and the subsequentdependence upon it by amphibian larvae are sensitive to a varietyof environmental stressors during critical developmental periods.These stressors include oxygen availability, ambient temperature,the risk of predation and mode of feeding.  相似文献   

A postulated role of the CN-resistant alternative respiratory pathway in plants is the maintenance of mitochondrial electron transport at low temperatures that would otherwise inhibit the main phosphorylating pathway and prevent the formation of toxic reactive oxygen species. This role is supported by the observation that alternative oxidase protein levels often increase when plants are subjected to growth at low temperatures. We used oxygen isotope fractionation to measure the distribution of electrons between the main and alternative pathways in mung bean (Vigna radiata) and soybean (Glycine max) following growth at low temperature. The amount of alternative oxidase protein in mung bean grown at 19°C increased over 2-fold in both hypocotyls and leaves compared with plants grown at 28°C but was unchanged in soybean cotyledons grown at 14°C compared with plants grown at 28°C. When the short-term response of tissue respiration was measured over the temperature range of 35°C to 9°C, decreases in the activities of both main and alternative pathway respiration were observed regardless of the growth temperature, and the relative partitioning of electrons to the alternative pathway generally decreased as the temperature was lowered. However, cold-grown mung bean plants that up-regulated the level of alternative oxidase protein maintained a greater electron partitioning to the alternative oxidase when measured at temperatures below 19°C supporting a role for the alternative pathway in response to low temperatures in mung bean. This response was not observed in soybean cotyledons, in which high levels of alternative pathway activity were seen at both high and low temperatures.  相似文献   

Chin CK  Lee M 《Plant physiology》1980,66(6):1058-1060
Inhibition of respiration of cultured cells of Petunia hybrida by NaF, NaN3, malonic acid, and salicylhydroxamic acid increased at low pH. This increase could be partially reversed by raising the pH of the medium. Uptake experiments show that the greater inhibition of malonic acid at low pH was not the result of greater uptake. The results suggest that the increase in inhibition at low pH could not be attributed to greater cell penetration.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from `Fuerte' avocado fruit (Persea americana Mill.) at four different stages of the respiratory climacteric. Preclimacteric fruit had the highest rate of succinate oxidation and the postclimacteric mitochondria the lowest. Subsequently, successive additions of ADP increased the respiratory control ratio.  相似文献   

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