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澳大利亚森林火灾的管理与火生态的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
澳大利亚是火灾频发的地区.每年因森林火灾的危害都要造成相当的社会、经济损失及生态环境的破坏,故火生态的研究及火的管理在澳大利亚的生态学研究中一直占有重要地位.本文主要讨论了澳洲森林大火起燃的物理过程和机制、可燃物的特征、林火的特点、习性及对生态环境的影响和如何控制和减少火灾的危害性,达到对火进行利用、控制和管理的目的.  相似文献   

Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus chicks require ample invertebrates for growth and feather development. Early successional or resprouting vegetation provides invertebrates for chicks but may not provide other resources such as roosting and loafing cover that is typically provided by later successional stages. Thus, management for bobwhites provides multiple seral stages in close proximity but the effects of landscape interspersion have not been tested for bobwhite broods. During a 2-year study, we explored the effects of landscape complementation and food availability on growth and survival of bobwhite chicks. We found growth of chicks to be negatively related to home range size which was negatively correlated to the amount of area burned. We also found survival of chicks to be positively related to the amount of burned area (i.e., foraging area) within brood home ranges. To maximize the growth and survival of bobwhite chicks, it would be necessary to increase access to foraging areas while decreasing the size of brood home ranges. Access to foraging areas can be created through frequent prescribed fire at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Long-term forest fire ecology and dynamics in southern Switzerland   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
1 Pollen and charcoal analysis at two lakes in southern Switzerland revealed that fire has had a prominent role in changing the woodland composition of this area for more than 7000 years.
2 The sediment of Lago di Origlio for the period between 5100 and 3100  bc cal. was sampled continuously with a time interval of about 10 years. Peaks of charcoal particles were significantly correlated with repeated declines in pollen of Abies , Hedera , Tilia , Ulmus , Fraxinus excelsior t., Fagus and Vitis and with increases in Alnus glutinosa t., shrubs (e.g. Corylus , Salix and Sambucus nigra t.) and several herbaceous species. The final disappearance of the lowland Abies alba stands at around 3150  bc cal. may be an example of a fire-caused local extinction of a fire-intolerant species.
3 Forest fires tended to diminish pollen diversity. The charcoal peaks were preceded by pollen types indicating human activity. Charcoal minima occurred during periods of cold humid climate, when fire susceptibility would be reduced.
4 An increase of forest fires at about 2100  bc cal. severely reduced the remaining fire-sensitive plants: the mixed-oak forest was replaced by a fire-tolerant alder–oak forest. The very strong increase of charcoal influx, and the marked presence of anthropogenic indicators, point to principally anthropogenic causes.
5 We suggest that without anthropogenic disturbances Abies alba would still form lowland forests together with various deciduous broadleaved tree taxa.  相似文献   

道路生态研究进展   总被引:81,自引:5,他引:81  
道路广泛分布在各种景观中,其密度和交通量都不断增加,随之带来多方面的生态影响:道路建设导致动植物死亡和生境丧失、物理化学环境变化、路旁植被改变。对动物种群产生的生态影响包括道路致死、道路回避和巢区转移、移动格局改变、障碍作用导致生境和种群的破碎化。道路还强烈地改变景观格局和过程。道路生态影响的定量化测度指数包括道路密度、道路位置和道路影响域,道路生态研究在道路规划和野生动物保护中有很广阔的应用前景,成为生态学的一个重要领域。  相似文献   

道路生态研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
道路广泛分布在各种景观中,其密度和交通量都不断增加,随之带来多方面的生态影响:道路建设导致动植物死亡和生境丧失、物理化学环境变化、路旁植被改变.对动物种群产生的生态影响包括道路致死、道路回避和巢区转移、移动格局改变、障碍作用导致生境和种群的破碎化.道路还强烈地改变景观格局和过程.道路生态影响的定量化测度指数包括道路密度、道路位置和道路影响域,道路生态研究在道路规划和野生动物保护中有很广阔的应用前景,成为生态学的一个重要领域.  相似文献   

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology - In the research areas referred to above the Department of General Microbiology in Copenhagen is involved directly or indirectly. Microbial ecology...  相似文献   

In our 2011 synthesis (Bowman et al., Journal of Biogeography, 2011, 38 , 2223–2236), we argued for a holistic approach to human issues in fire science that we term ‘pyrogeography’. Coughlan & Petty (Journal of Biogeography, 2013, 40 , 1010–1012) critiqued our paper on the grounds that our ‘pyric phase’ model was built on outdated views of cultural development, claiming we developed it to be the unifying explanatory framework for all human–fire sciences. Rather, they suggest that ‘historical ecology’ could provide such a framework. We used the ‘pyric transition’ for multiple purposes but did not offer it as an exclusive explanatory framework for pyrogeography. Although ‘historical ecology’ is one of many useful approaches to studying human–fire relationships, scholars should also look to political and evolutionary ecology, ecosystems and complexity theories, as well as empirical generalizations to build an interdisciplinary fire science that incorporates human, ecological and biophysical dimensions of fire regimes.  相似文献   

不同区域森林火灾对生态因子的响应及其概率模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晓炜  赵刚  于秀波  于强 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1219-1229
火灾是影响森林生态系统过程的重要干扰之一,其对森林生态系统内各生态因子的响应各不相同.由于植被状况及生态环境的不同,森林火灾的时空分布特征在中国不同植被气候类型内表现不同,根据植被气候类型分类系统,将中国主要森林火灾地区划分为4个区域:东北(冷温带松林)、华北(落叶阔叶林)、东南(常绿阔叶林)和西南(热带雨林),应用遥感监测数据和地面环境数据,以时空变量、生态因子(植被生长变化指数、湿度等)为可选自变量,应用半参数化Logistic回归模型,就森林火险对不同生态影响因子的响应规律进行了分析,建立了基于生态因子的着火概率模型和大火蔓延概率模型,通过模拟及实际数据散点图、火险概率图,评估了模型应用价值.结果表明,土壤湿度及植被含水量在落叶阔叶林、常绿阔叶林、热带雨林地区对着火概率影响显著.在4个植被气候区内,土壤及凋落物湿度对大火蔓延的作用较小.在冷温带松林、落叶阔叶林、常绿阔叶林地区,植被生长的年内变化对火灾发生的影响显著,在常绿阔叶林地区,年内植被生长变化对大火蔓延的作用较小.森林火险概率与各生态因子的相关关系主要呈现出非线性.不同植被气候区内,火险概率受不同生态因子组合的影响,这与不同区域的植被状况及生态环境不同有关.在不同植被气候类型,应用时空变量、生态因子建立半参数化logistic回归模型,进行着火概率和大火蔓延概率的模拟具有可行性和实际应用能力.为进一步分析森林生态系统与火灾之间的动态关系、展开生态系统火灾干扰研究提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

According to contemporary ecological theory, the mechanisms governing tree cover in savannas vary by precipitation level. In tropical areas with mesic rainfall levels, savannas are unstable systems in which disturbances, such as fire, determine the ratio of trees to grasses. Precipitation in these so-called “disturbance-driven savannas” is sufficient to support forest but frequent disturbances prevent transition to a closed canopy state. Building on a savanna buffering model we argue that a consistent fire regime is required to maintain savannas in mesic areas. We hypothesize that the spatiotemporal pattern of fires is highly regular and stable in these areas. Furthermore, because tree growth rates in savannas are a function of precipitation, we hypothesize that savannas with the highest rainfall levels will have the most consistent fire pattern and the most intense fires—thus the strongest buffering mechanisms. We analyzed the spatiotemporal pattern of burning over 11 years for a large subset of the West African savanna using a moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer active fire product to document the fire regime for three savanna belts with different precipitation levels. We used LISA analysis to quantify the spatiotemporal patterns of fires, coefficient of variance to quantify differences in peak fire dates, and center or gravity pathways to characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of the fires for each area. Our analysis confirms that spatiotemporal regularity of the fire regime is greater for mesic areas that for areas where precipitation is lower and that areas with more precipitation have more regular fire regimes.  相似文献   

Fire regimes are changing dramatically worldwide due to climate change, habitat conversion, and the suppression of Indigenous landscape management. Although there has been extensive work on plant responses to fire, including their adaptations to withstand fire and long-term effects of fire on plant communities, less is known about animal responses to fire. Ecologists lack a conceptual framework for understanding behavioural responses to fire, which can hinder wildlife conservation and management. Here, we integrate cue-response sensory ecology and predator-prey theory to predict and explain variation in if, when and how animals react to approaching fire. Inspired by the literature on prey responses to predation risk, this framework considers both fire-naïve and fire-adapted animals and follows three key steps: vigilance, cue detection and response. We draw from theory on vigilance tradeoffs, signal detection, speed-accuracy tradeoffs, fear generalization, neophobia and adaptive dispersal. We discuss how evolutionary history with fire, but also other selective pressures, such as predation risk, should influence animal behavioural responses to fire. We conclude by providing guidance for empiricists and outlining potential conservation applications.  相似文献   

Vernal grass fires may encourage profuse flowering in clonal, colonies ofOxalis violacea. Long-styled colonies appear to be more floriferous than short-styled colonies and set a greater number of capsules. Individual flowers of both morphs live one or two days, change position on their respective pedicels and advertise nectar concealed at the base of the floral throat. AlthoughDiptera, Hymenoptera, andLepidoptera forage for nectar, bees (Andrenidae,Anthophoridae, Halictidae, andMegachilidae) probably make the only effective pollen transfers between the two morphs. Both male and female bees may transport pollen of both morphs and short-tongued bees (e.g.,Augochlorella spp.,Dialictus spp.) may be more common but as effective as pollinators as long-tongued bees (e.g.,Calliopsis andreniformis andHoplitis spp.). The conversion rate of flowers into capsules is only 13–17%. The spreading style in the short-styled morph is interpreted as an adaptation restricting insect-mediated, self-pollination but encouraging bee-stigma contact during nectar foraging.  相似文献   

森林干扰生态研究   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
朱教君  刘足根 《应用生态学报》2004,15(10):1703-1710
陆地上80%的生态系统都已受到了来自人类和自然的各种干扰,森林生态系统也不例外.在各种干扰作用下,尤其是人类不合理的干扰导致世界范围内的森林退化/衰退已成为一个十分严峻的事实,因此,以维持、恢复森林生态系统固有的多种功能为基础,实现高效、稳定、可持续就成为经营森林生态系统的总目标.随着干扰的加剧,近年来生态学界更加关注的是“受干扰”生态系统的研究.干扰对森林生态系统主要生态过程的影响以及森林生态系统对干扰的响应等问题,已成为森林生态研究领域的国际前沿与热点.因此,系统地研究干扰条件下森林生态系统的生态过程,并在此基础上确立干扰森林的经营理论与技术,对中国天然林资源保护等林业工程实施及国家生态安全建设具有重要的科学和现实意义.本文在广泛收集国内外有关森林干扰研究结果的基础上,总结了森林干扰的基本概念,分析了干扰与森林经营的关系,探讨了森林干扰研究领域所涉及的内容和关注的基础问题,提出了森林干扰生态研究的主要内容与方向,对今后干扰森林生态研究和中国天然林保护等林业工程建设具有参考价值.  相似文献   

Rojo  C.  Alvarez-Cobelas  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,424(1-3):141-146
When looking for a pattern of phytoplankton behaviour across trophic gradients, we need to cross the boundaries between different disciplinary areas, from autoecology to systems ecology, because eutrophication is a complex process which involves different time scales and different levels of community structure. Thus, we submit our observations to the muddled conceptual world of assemblage ecology. These inaccuracies arise, for example, from both species and community arguments; eutrophication as a fertilization or a metabolic phenomenon; and the notions frequently interwoven of pattern, process and rules. We suggest that it is advantageous to tackle this issue from the perspective of general ecology, rather than from a specifically planktonic orientation. In this way, useful general ecological tools, for example, time series and assembly-rule studies, can be used. Time-series study allows the dynamics of any variable to be described or to show that long term variable fluctuations may sometimes be unregulated, in response to some exogenous factor. Rules of assembly help us to resolve which traits are selectively involved during the eutrophication process. In this context, we advocate (1) the use of traits instead of morphospecies in phytoplankton studies, (2) looking for the dynamic patterns of phytoplankton with eutrophication, (3) the use of time series techniques to study phytoplankton trajectories, (4) the use of assembly rules to discern patterns in the formation of multispecies assemblages, (5) the consideration of the pelagic food-web in studies of phytoplankton dynamics and, as an overall suggestion, to borrow knowledge and inspiration from general ecology.  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是一种严重的入侵物种,工蚁具有很强的攻击性,活动迅速,给采样带来了一定的困难.本文设计了红火蚁工蚁的定量采集装置、诱饵上工蚁的活体分装与计数装置以及工蚁的分级装置,并提供了制作和使用方法.这些装置及方法可为红火蚁的室内研究工作提供安全可靠的实验方法.  相似文献   

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