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The addition of a 1% concentration of alkaline earth or heavy metal chloride to a 15% neutral formalin solution was found to be much superior to a similar addition of nitrate. Of the 19 salts tried, BaCl2 and CoCl2 generally gave the best results with the tissues of Pheretima posthuma, Pila globosa, Rana tigrina, Cauia porcellus and Mus rattus. The CoCl2 fixative was found to work more successfully with shorter time for fixation and subsequent impregnation by silver, than da Fano's cobalt nitrate technique. The results obtained with BaCl2 fixative, were equally good and in some cases even excelled those obtained with Aoyama's CdCl2. Fixatives containing MgCl2 and ZnCl2 were satisfactory but the results were not so good as were those obtained with barium and cobalt chloride fixatives. Fixatives containing nitrates generally required longer periods for impregnation and reduction, than those containing chlorides.  相似文献   

Formalin fixation is a mainstay of modern histopathologic analysis, yet the practice is poorly standardized and a significant potential source of preanalytical errors. Concerns of workflow and turnaround time drive interest in developing shorter fixation protocols, but rapid protocols can lead to poor histomorphology or inadequate downstream assay results. Additionally, assays such as immunohistochemistry for phosphorylated epitopes have historically been challenging in the context of formalin-fixed tissue, indicating that there may be room for improvement in this process that is fundamental to the practice of anatomic pathology. With these issues in mind, we studied basic formalin biochemistry to develop a novel formalin fixation protocol that involves a pre-incubation in subambient temperature formalin prior to a brief exposure to heated formalin. This new protocol is more rapid than standard protocols yet preserves histomorphology and yields tissue that is compatible with an expanded set of downstream clinical and research assays, including immunohistochemistry for phosphorylated epitopes.  相似文献   

Brains of cats that had been fixed 2 months or longer in 10% formalin were cut into 3-6 mm. slices and impregnated by Golgi's dichromate-silver procedure (6% dichromate solution, 4-6 days; 1.5% silver nitrate solution 2 days). Sections 100 µ thick were cut after embedding in low melting point paraffin. Three changes of xylene and three of absolute alcohol were followed by staining 3-5 minutes in a saturated solution of thionin in absolute alcohol. The sections were dipped quickly in absolute alcohol and cleared in xylene, then differentiation was effected by an equal-parts mixture of absolute alcohol and xylene. A final clearing in three changes of xylene and mounting in Permount completed the process. Counter-staining was most successful when applied to freshly cut sections.  相似文献   

A method for impregnating oligodendroglia in nervous tissue (monkey) fixed and preserved in formalin for many years is described. This tissue is reconditioned by placing 12 to 30μ frozen sections of it in concentrated ammonia (sp. gr. 0.90) and by washing them slowly for 24 hours with a 1 mm. stream of water. The fluid is then poured off the sections; the jar is refilled with concentrated ammonia; and washing is repeated for another 24 hours. The sections are then plunged into concentrated ammonia for 7 minutes.

After treatment in ammonia, the sections are incubated for one hour at 38oC. in Globus' 5% hydrobromic acid solution. They are washed again, in distilled water, and then impregnated in a “medium” strength ammoniacal silver carbonate solution (5 ml. of 10% AgNO3 added to 15 ml. of 5% Na2CO3. The precipitate is dissolved in concentrated ammonia and diluted to SO ml. with distilled water). Impregnation is followed by reduction in 1% formalin without agitation; fixation in 5% Na2S2O3; dehydration, and mounting in clarite.

Typical oligodendroglia (Fig. 1) were made visible by use of the method outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

A simple technique is described by which retinal whole mounts or slices of brain can be impregnated by the Golgi procedure in a graded manner. The unfixed tissue is laid on a glass slide and covered with a layer of Telfa gauze which is tied in place. Following fixation, the progress of staining, which begins beneath holes in the gauze, is followed by direct observation through the slide. The tissue is impregnated or reimpregnated until the desired results are obtained.  相似文献   

In studies of trace elements in biological tissue, it is imperative that sample handling does not substantially change element concentrations. In many cases, fresh tissue is not available for study, but formalin-fixed tissue is. Formalin fixation has the potential to leach elements from the tissue, but few studies have been published in this area. The concentrations of 19 elements were determined by high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in formalin in which human and rat brain samples had been stored for different time durations ranging from weeks up to several years. Additional analysis was carried out in fixed brain samples. There was substantial leaching of elements from the tissue into the formalin, and the leaching varied considerably between different elements. For example, formalin concentrations of As, Cd, Mg, Rb, and Sb increased more than 100-fold upon long-term (years) storage, while for Ni and Cr, the leaching was negligible. The degree of leaching was strongly time-dependent. In conclusion, formalin fixation and storage of biological tissue has the potential to leach substantial fractions of several trace elements from the tissue. The potential of leaching must be critically considered when using formalin-fixed biological tissue in trace metal analysis.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is routinely used in diagnostic pathology to detect infectious agents, to immunophenotype neoplastic cells, and to prognosticate neoplastic diseases. Formalin fixation is considered a limiting factor for IHC because formalin can cross-link antigens and mask epitopes. Prolonged formalin fixation is presumed to result in decreased antigen detection; however, this effect has only been evaluated with a few antibodies. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of prolonged formalin fixation on the immunohistochemical detection of 61 different antigens. Approximately 5-mm-thick tissue slices were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin. Tissue slices were removed from formalin, processed, and paraffin-embedded at 1-day, 3-day, and then at ∼1-week intervals. IHC was performed on all sections in tandem after all tissues were processed. Immunoreactions were evaluated by three pathologists according to a four-tier grading system. Immunoreactivity of cytokeratin 7, high-molecular-weight cytokeratin, and laminin was diminished by prolonged formalin fixation. However, immunohistochemical reactivity remained moderate to strong with up to 7 weeks of fixation for all other antibodies. These results suggest that prolonged formalin fixation has minimal effects on antigen detection for most commonly used antibodies. These results further validate the use of IHC in diagnostic pathology. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:753–761, 2009)  相似文献   

The appearance of silver impregnation of the Golgi apparatus can be enhanced by the use of nitrocellulose as an embedding medium. Fixation of 1.5 mm thick pieces of fresh tissue for 8 hr in: glycine, 1.7 gm; 15% formalin, 100 ml; HNO3, conc., 0.5 ml, at pH 2.6 followed by rinsing in water, 4 hr in 1.5% AgNO3, another rinse, and 2 hr reduction in 1.5% hydroquinone in 15% formalin. This staining procedure yields consistently good results for rat, rabbit, and human tissues. Low-viscosity nitrocellulose embedding is done by infiltrating at 56 C in 7% nitrocellulose for 0.5 hr, 15% for 4 hr, and 27% for 1 hr. The nitrocellulose is hardened 2 hr in chloroform, after which, sections as thin as 5 μ can be cut on a sliding microtome. Gold toning and counterstaining can be done with the tissue affixed to the slide. The Golgi apparatus is stained dark brown to black, and there is better preservation of cellular detail than in tissues processed in paraffin.  相似文献   

Studies are reported on the effect of aqueous formalin fixation on the bovine mast cell. Paraffin sections of bovine skin were prepared from tissues fixed for 7 to 72 hr in 10% neutral formalin in saline, and from tissues which were treated with water for various times both before and after formalin fixation. Metachromatic halos, scattering of the granules, and fraying of the cell outline, were seen in the mast cells of tissues washed in water before fixation. Exposure to water after fixation did not produce these artifacts. The tendency towards orthochromatic staining, and the occurrence of perinuclear clear zones are probably effects of the formalin and not of overstaining or of exposure of the tissue to water. The majority of the metachromatic material in the bovine mast cell is water soluble, and may be removed by washing in water before fixation, whereas the granules are relatively resistant to water. The optimum time of formalin fixation of bovine skin to permit studies on the metachromatic material of the mast cells was 24 to 36 hr.  相似文献   

The effect of formalin fixation on the enzymatic activity of five enzymes in rat liver was studied as a function of time and temperature, β-glucuronidase was found to be most resistant to the inactivating effects of formalin. At a time when fixation was satisfactory for preparing frozen sections (24 hours), considerable enzymatic activity was present in decreasing order; β-glucuronidase, sulfatase, acid phosphatase, esterase, and alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

Carbowax serial sections from pubic symphyses of female mice, fixed and decalcified in a 10% formalin-5% Versenate solution for 18 hr at 4 C, pH 5.2, were incubated for 30 min with Burstone's simultaneous coupling reagent (pH 5.2); substrate: naphthol AS-TR and the diazonium salt, fast red violet L.B. All sections were counterstained with 1% methyl green at pH 4.0 in a phospho-citrate buffer. Inhibition by 0.01 M NaF, 0.0002 M CuCl2, 10% tartaric acid and 0.01 M NaCN, as well as substrate-deficient and heat-inactivated controls, demonstrated conclusively that acid phosphatase was functionally preserved. Strong enzymatic activity was exhibited by osteoclasts, chondroclasts and free multinucleated giant cells. In addition, megakaryocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells, and monocytes exhibited moderate activity. The results demonstrated the technique to be consistently reproducible.  相似文献   

The difficulties in impregnating bony tissues, which occur after decalcification with acids or electrolysis are avoided by decalcification with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at pH 8.2-8.5. The decalcification of adult human teeth which have been cut to a thickness of 2-5 mm takes 1-2 mo. If frozen sections of the decalcified teeth are impregnated 24 hr in 20% AgNo3, rinsed through 6 changes of 20% neutralized (CaCO3) formalin, blotted thoroughly with a cloth and placed in an ammoniated silver solution for 15-20 min, reliable impregnation of nerve fibers is obtained. The stock ammoniated silver solution is prepared by adding concentrated NH4OH to 10-20 ml of 20% AgNO3 until the precipitate formed by it is dissolved and then adding a few drops of the silver solution until the first permanent opalescence of the mixture is obtained. From this 2 ml are diluted directly before use with 6 ml of distilled water and 4 drops of concentrated NH4OH added. The diluted stock solution should be used for few (5-10) sections only. The rest of the technic is done in the routine manner.  相似文献   

It was observed that mitochondria are well-demonstrated by aniline-acid fuchsin staining after Zenker-formol fixation if the sections are not de-Zenkerized. Tests showed that after mordanting in HgCl2, K2Cr2O7, FeCl3, or FeSO4, mitochondria in sections from tissues fixed in neutral buffered formalin could be stained fairly intensely by the same method. Salts of Ag, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, and Zn were ineffective. If the presence of occasional mercury crystals in the sections is not objectionable, demonstration of mitochondria in Zenkerformol fixed tissues offer speed and additional flexibility in the subsequent use of the blocks as advantages over usual methods.  相似文献   

Dna Flow Cytometry of Breast Carcinoma After Acetic-Acid Fixation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Aqueous acetic acid was used to fix and store specimens of tissue prior to dissociation into nuclear suspensions for flow cytometric quantitation of DNA. the optimum concentration was 20 volumes of glacial acetic acid in 80 volumes of distilled water. Both neoplastic and benign nuclei were easily released from the fixed tissue blocks by slicing and shaking. Residual undissociated tissue was suitable for microscopic examination to confirm its identity. the nuclei fluoresced brightly after staining with propidium iodide, and yielded histograms similar to those from unfixed samples. Acetic-acid fixation resulted in slightly broader G1 and G0 peaks in the DNA histograms in comparison to unfixed cells, but fluorescent debris was less and correlation between the flow cytometric S-phase fraction (SPF) and in vitro thymidine labelling index (TLI) was better than with unfixed cells. Twenty-one of thirty-nine acetic-acid-fixed breast carcinomas had DNA indices in excess of 1.0 (increased nuclear DNA content in comparison to benign cells), and eighteen had DNA indices of 1.0 (normal or near-normal). the SPF was usually in excess of the TLI, but the two were significantly correlated (r= 0.72, P>0.0001). However, a significant correlation of SPF with TLI held only for the group with DNA index < 1.0. DNA indices < 1.0 were associated with high SPF and TLI, and high SPF and TLI each associated with low content of estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

Many alternative methods for immunopathological evaluation of kidney tissue are now available. Immunofluorescent or immunoperoxidase staining of kidney can be performed after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. This is also possible after fixation with formol-sublimate (Stieve's fluid) using the immunoperoxidase technique or by immunofluorescence after removal of mercury. Reduction of strong nonspecific fluorescence caused by the mercury fixative parallels the elimination of mercury as verified by X-ray microanalysis of the sections. Using a mouse model with injection of graded dilutions of antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies, immunofluorescent staining after Stieve fixation and embedding in Paraplast was about 60% of that in cryostat sections. Immunofluorescent staining after mercury removal can be followed by silver staining for detailed morphologic study of the same 1 μm Paraplast sections. A case of antiglomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis is illustrated in more detail to show the necessity of alternative methods, including the technique presented, pre-embedding immunofluorescent staining of Epon sections, and electron microscopy, to make a reliable diagnosis of this disease.  相似文献   

Deterioration of Golgi impregnation begins immediately after impregnated tissue blocks are sectioned with the Vibratome. The first signs of deterioration are fading of delicate impregnated processes, the disruption and fragmentation of dendrites, and, eventually, fading of entire neurons. These changes can be prevented by stabilization, i.e., by converting the water soluble silver chromate Golgi precipitate into metallic silver or by replacing the silver with some other dense, insoluble material. A technique is described using photographic developers to treat Vibratome sections containing Golgi-rapid or Golgi-Kopsch impregnated CNS neurons. In this way part of the silver chromate Golgi precipitate is reduced to metallic silver, and the remaining silver chromate is then removed with sodium thiosulfate. Of the various developers tested, Kodalith and Elon-ascorbic acid gave the best results, with excellent stabilization of the most delicate stuctures, such as the stalks of dendritic spines and finely woven axonal plexuses. Treatment with other developers (HC-110, Neutol, D-19, D-76, D-163, Kodak Universal, Rodinal, Atomal, Diafine, Eukobrom, Microdol-X) resulted in stabilization ranging from good to poor. Good stabilization of Golgi impregnation could also be achieved by first exposing the sections to sodium bromide (bromide substitution) followed by treatment with D-19, Kodalith, Elon-ascorbic acid or HC-110. After stabilization, the sections can be counterstained with aqueous cresyl violet or with alcoholic thionin without degradation of the stabilized Golgi image. The countentain permits exact determination of the position of impregnated neurons in cortical layers or subcortical nuclei.  相似文献   

The silver chromate precipitate present in neurons impregnated according to the Golgi-rapid and Golgi-Kopsch procedures can be stabilized by treatment with a photographic developer. In a complementary light microscopic study the stabilizing properties of various photographic developers were tested. Kodalith, Elon-ascorbic acid, HC-110, D-19 and Neutol proved to be the most successful. In the present electron microscopic study, we studied the distribution, shape and size of the particles found in Golgi-rapid and Golgi-Kopsch-impregnated neurons by treatment with each of these developers and, simultaneously, the effect of the developer on the preservation of the ultrastructural details. The reaction product after developer-treatment of Golgi-rapid material is sufficiently stable to withstand embedding and thin sectioning, whereas in Golgi-Kopsch material additional gold chloride “Honing” is necessary. In Golgi-impregnated, Kodalith-, Elon-ascorbic acid-, or HC-110-treated material the formed particles are small and located in the cytoplasm, limited by the plasma membranes of the impregnated profiles. In Golgi-impregnated, D-19 treated neurons, the formed particles are relatively coarse. The majority of these particles are within cytoplasm, but particles may also lie either across or entirely outside the plasma membranes of the impregnated profiles. A large number of the small particles in Golgi impregnated, Neutol-stabilized neurons can be seen partly or entirely outside the plasma membranes of the impregnated profiles. Good original ultrastructural preservation seems to be unaffected by developer treatment. Treatment of Golgi material with sodium bromide before stabilization (bromide substitution) results in the formation of small silver particles both inside and outside the impregnated profiles. The sodium bromide step of this procedure has an adverse effect on the preservation of ultrastructural detail.  相似文献   

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