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Heritable variation is essential for evolution by natural selection. In Neotropical army ants, the ecological role of a given species is linked intimately to the morphological variation within the sterile worker caste. Furthermore, the army ant Eciton burchellii is highly polyandrous, presenting a unique opportunity to explore heritability of morphological traits among related workers sharing the same colonial environment. In order to exploit the features of this organismal system, we generated a large genetic and morphological dataset and applied our new method that employs geometric morphometrics (GM) to detect the heritability of complex morphological traits. After validating our approach with an existing dataset of known heritability, we simulated our ability to detect heritable variation given our sampled genotypes, demonstrating the method can robustly recover heritable variation of small effect size. Using this method, we tested for genetic caste determination and heritable morphological variation using genetic and morphological data on 216 individuals of E. burchellii. Results reveal this ant lineage (1) has the highest mating frequency known in ants, (2) demonstrates no paternal genetic caste determination, and (3) suggests a lack of heritable morphological variation in this complex trait associated with paternal genotype. We recommend this method for leveraging the increased resolution of GM data to explore and understand heritable morphological variation in nonmodel organisms.  相似文献   

In promiscuous mating systems, females often show a consistent preference to mate with one or a few males, presumably to acquire heritable genetic benefits for their offspring. However, strong directional selection should deplete additive genetic variation in fitness and consequently any benefit to expressing the preference by females (referred to as the lek paradox). Here, we provide a novel resolution that examines non-additive genetic benefits, such as overdominance or inbreeding, as a source of genetic variation. Focusing on the inbreeding coefficient f and overdominance effects, we use dynamic models to show that (1) f can be inherited from sire to offspring, (2) populations with females that express a mating preferences for outbred males (low f) maintain higher genetic variation than populations with females that mate randomly, and (3) preference alleles for outbred males can invade populations even when the alleles are associated with a fecundity cost. We show that non-additive genetic variation due to overdominance can be converted to additive genetic variation and becomes “heritable” when the frequencies of alternative homozygous genotypes at fitness loci deviate from equality. Unlike previous models that assume an infinite population size, we now show that genetic drift in finite populations can lead to the necessary deviations in the frequencies of homozygous genotypes. We also show that the “heritability of f,” and hence the benefit to a mating preference for non-additive genetic benefits, is highest in small populations and populations in which a smaller number of loci contribute to fitness via overdominance. Our model contributes to the solution of the lek paradox.  相似文献   

Many species show substantial between‐individual variation in mating preferences, but studying the causes of such variation remains a challenge. For example, the relative importance of heritable variation versus shared early environment effects (like sexual imprinting) on mating preferences has never been quantified in a population of animals. Here, we estimate the heritability of and early rearing effects on mate choice decisions in zebra finches based on the similarity of choices between pairs of genetic sisters raised apart and pairs of unrelated foster sisters. We found a low and nonsignificant heritability of preferences and no significant shared early rearing effects. A literature review shows that a low heritability of preferences is rather typical, whereas empirical tests for the relevance of sexual imprinting within populations are currently limited to very few studies. Although effects on preference functions (i.e., which male to prefer) were weak, we found strong individual consistency in choice behavior and part of this variation was heritable. It seems likely that variation in choice behavior (choosiness, responsiveness, sampling behavior) would produce patterns of nonrandom mating and this might be the more important source of between‐individual differences in mating patterns.  相似文献   

The lek paradox asserts that strong directional selection via female choice should deplete additive genetic variation in fitness and consequently any benefit to females expressing the preference. Recently, we have provided a novel resolution to the paradox by showing that nonadditive genetic effects such as overdominance can be inherited from parent to offspring, and populations with females that express a mating preference for outbred males maintain higher genetic variation than populations with females that mate randomly. Here, we test our dynamic model using empirical data previously published from a small island population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The model assumes that fitness and male trait expression display overdominance effects. The results demonstrate that female choice for outbred males mediated by directional selection on song repertoire size provides a heritable benefit to offspring through reduced inbreeding depression. Within the population, we estimate the heritability of the inbreeding coefficient to be 0.18 ± 0.08 (SD). Furthermore, we show that mate choice for outbred males increases fitness‐related genetic variation in the population by 12% and thereby reduces inbreeding depression by 1% per generation in typical years and upwards of 15% in severe years. Thus, mate choice may help to stave off population extinction in this and other small populations.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females has been proposed to function as a form of mate-choice, which implies that males should show heritable variation in sperm-competitive abilities. In this study, repeatability and heritability of sperm competition success was estimated in the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini. Fertilization success of males was estimated in competition with sperm of two other males. Males differed consistently in their sperm competition success, with repeatability estimated at 0.22. The heritability of sperm competition success was estimated using parent-offspring regression, with the mean fertilization success from two matings used as a measure of each male's competitive ability. There was a significant association between the sperm competition success of fathers and sons. Narrow sense heritability (h2) was 0.284. This result supports the hypotheses proposing the multiple mating is selectively maintained in females by enhancing the reproductive success of their progeny.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to consider variation in mating p among females. We define mating p as the sensory and behavioural properties that influence the propensity of individuals to mate with certain phenotypes. Two properties of mating p can be distinguished: (i) ‘preference functions’–the order with which an individual ranks prospective mates and (2)‘choosiness’ -the effort an individual is prepared to invest in mate assessment. Patterns of mate choices can be altered by changing the costs of choosiness without altering the preference function. We discuss why it is important to study variation in female mating behaviour and identify five main areas of interest: Variation in mating p and costs of choosiness could (i) influence the rate and direction of evolution by sexual selection, (2) provide information about the evolutionary history of female p, (3) help explain inter-specific differences in the evolution of secondary sexual characteristics, (4) provide information about the level of benefits gained from mate choice, (5) provide information about the underlying mechanisms of mate choice. Variation in mate choice could be due to variability in preference functions, degree of choosiness, or both, and may arise due to genetic differences, developmental trajectories or proximate environmental factors. We review the evidence for genetic variation from genetic studies of heritability and also from data on the repeatability of mate-choice decisions (which can provide information about the upper limits to heritability). There can be problems in interpreting patterns of mate choice in terms of variation in mating p and we illustrate two main points. First, some factors can lead to mate choice patterns that mimic heritable variation in p and secondly other factors may obscure heritable p. These factors are divided into three overlapping classes, environmental, social and the effect of the female phenotype. The environmental factors discussed include predation risk and the costs of sampling; the social factors discussed include the effect of male–male interactions as well as female competition. We review the literature which presents data on how females sample males and discuss the number of cues females use. We conclude that sexual-selection studies have paid far less attention to variation among females than to variation among males, and that there is still much to learn about how females choose males and why different females make different choices. We suggest a number of possible lines for future research.  相似文献   

The tendency of females to mate with multiple males is often explained by direct and indirect benefits that could outweigh the many potential costs of multiple mating. However, behaviour can only evolve in response to costs and benefits if there is sufficient genetic variation on which selection can act. We followed 108 mating chases of 85 North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) during 4 years, to measure each female's degree of multiple male mating (MMM), and used an animal model analysis of our multi-generational pedigree to provide what we believe is the first estimate of the heritability of MMM in the wild. Female red squirrels were highly polyandrous, mating with an average of 7.0 ± 0.2 males on their day of oestrus. Although we found evidence for moderate levels of additive genetic variation (CV(A) = 5.1), environmental variation was very high (CV(E) = 32.3), which resulted in a very low heritability estimate (h(2) < 0.01). So, while there is genetic variation in this trait, the large environmental variation suggests that any costs or benefits associated with differences among females in MMM are primarily owing to environmental and not genetic differences, which could constrain the evolutionary response to natural selection on this trait.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is important in the evolution of traits and facilitates adaptation to rapid environmental changes. However, variation in plasticity at the individual level, and the heritable basis underlying this plasticity is rarely quantified for behavioral traits. Alternative behavioral reproductive tactics are key components of mating systems but are not often considered within a phenotypic plasticity framework (i.e., as reaction norms). Here, using lines artificially selected for repeated mating rate, we test for genetic (G × E) sources of variation in reproductive behavior of male Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles (including signaling behavior), as well as the role of individual body size, in responsiveness to changes in social environment. The results show that body size influences the response of individuals’ signaling behavior to changes in the social environment. Moreover, there was G × E underlying the responses of males to variation in the quality of social environment experienced (relative size of focal male compared to his rival). This shows that individual variation in plasticity and social sensitivity of signaling behavior can evolve in response to selection on investment in mating behavior, with males selected for high mating investment having greater social sensitivity.  相似文献   

Antler size in red deer: heritability and selection but no evolution   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We present estimates of the selection on and the heritability of a male secondary sexual weapon in a wild population: antler size in red deer. Male red deer with large antlers had increased lifetime breeding success, both before and after correcting for body size, generating a standardized selection gradient of 0.44 (+/- 0.18 SE). Despite substantial age- and environment-related variation, antler size was also heritable (heritability of antler mass = 0.33 +/- 0.12). However the observed selection did not generate an evolutionary response in antler size over the study period of nearly 30 years, and there was no evidence of a positive genetic correlation between antler size and fitness nor of a positive association between breeding values for antler size and fitness. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a heritable trait under directional selection will not evolve if associations between the measured trait and fitness are determined by environmental covariances: In red deer males, for example, both antler size and success in the fights for mates may be heavily dependent on an individual's nutritional state.  相似文献   

Numerous coleopteran species express male‐specific “weapon traits” that often show size variations among males, even within a single population. Many empirical studies have demonstrated that environmental conditions during development affect absolute weapon size. However, relatively few studies in horned beetles support the hypothesis that the relationship between weapon size and body size, also referred to as a “scaling relationship” or “static allometry”, is largely determined by genetic factors. In this study, the heritability of absolute mandible length and static allometry between mandible length and body size were estimated in the stag beetle Cyclommatus metallifer. While no significant heritable variation was observed in absolute mandible length, high heritability (h2 = 0.57 ± 0.25) was detected in the static allometry between mandible length and body size. This is the first report on the genetic effect on male mandible size in Lucanidae, suggesting that absolute mandible size is largely determined by environmental conditions while the static allometry between weapon size and body size is primarily determined by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Female crickets can exert post-copulatory mating preferences by prematurely removing a male's spermatophore after copulation, which terminates sperm transfer. Although most models of sexual selection assume that female mating preferences are heritable, there has been little work addressing genetic variation underlying post-copulatory mate choice. We used a paternal half-sib design, in which different males were randomly assigned as mates to several females to create half-sib families, to determine the heritability of spermatophore retention time in female house crickets, Acheta domesticus. There was significant additive genetic variance in the timing of spermatophore removal by females [h(2) = 0.50 +/- 0.19 (+/- SE)], suggesting that the timing of spermatophore removal is determined, in part, by the female's own genotype independent of the quality of her mate. The relatively high heritability of spermatophore retention time may be reflective of the absence of strong selection on this trait, consistent with previous work showing no difference in the fitness of females permitted to freely remove the spermatophore of their mates and those forced to accept complete ejaculates.  相似文献   

Interlocus sexual conflict theory predicts that some male adaptations are harmful to their mates. Females are therefore expected to evolve resistance to this harm. Using cytogenetic cloning techniques, we tested for heritable genetic variation among females for resistance to harm from males and determined whether propensity to remate, female body size, and intralocus conflict contributes to this variation. We found low but significant heritability for female resistance, but this variation accounted for more than half of the standing genetic variation for net fitness among females. We found no association between female resistance and female body size or level of intralocus sexual conflict. Reluctance to remate was found to be an important factor contributing to the female resistance phenotype, and we found a positive selection gradient on this trait. However, we observed only a nonsignificant positive correlation between a female's resistance and her net fitness. One factor contributing to the observed nominal level of selection on female resistance was that males cause the greatest amount of harm to females with the highest intrinsic fecundity.  相似文献   

Repeatability: Its role in evolutionary studies of mating behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Repeatability, a concept derived from quantitative genetics theory, is a statistic that describes the degree to which variation within individuals contributes to total variation in a population. Its usual application has been to set an upper limit on heritability but it may also be useful for studies of stereotypy of behavior. The repeatability of the production of male mating signals gives information both about whether males differ sufficiently for selection to act and whether the differences could be appreciably heritable. Measures of the repeatability of female mating preferences will provide data that can describe the preference functions used in mathematical models of the evolution of sexually selected traits, as well as putting an upper bound on the heritability of preferences. A survey of the few measures in the literature shows that the repeatability of male signal production varies substantially (range 0.21–0.85) and does not necessarily reflect heritability. The repeatabilities of female preferences have not been published previously: for the response to conspecific pheromones by female flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum), my best estimate is zero. Measuring the repeatability of other traits such as parental care and foraging behavior may also lead to insights about selection on and the evolution of these traits.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, field heritability estimates have focused on morphological traits and ignored maternal effects. This study considers heritable variation and maternal effects in a physiological trait, heat resistance. Drosophila were collected from the field in Melbourne, Australia. Resistance was determined using knock-down time at 37°. Drosophila melanogaster was more resistant than Drosophila simulans, and males tended to be more resistant than females. Field heritability and maternal effects were examined in D. simulans using the regression of laboratory-reared F(1) and F(2) onto field-collected parents. Males from the field were crossed to a laboratory stock to obtain progeny. The additive genetic component to variation in heat resistance was large and significant, and heritability was estimated to be around 0.5. A large maternal effect was also evident. Comparisons of regression coefficients suggested that the maternal effect was not associated with cytoplasmic factors. There was no correlation between body size (as measured by wing length) and heat resistance. Unlike in the case of morphological traits, the heritability for heat resistance in nature is not less than that measured in the laboratory.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):1180-1189
Male fruitflies from stocks from two localities were artificially selected for defence of a food area against intruding males. Both stocks showed a rapid replicable response to selection over a few generations, indicating considerable genetic variation for territorial success in the base populations. Crosses between lines indicate directional dominance for increased territorial success and no maternal or paternal effects. Selected males escalated relatively more frequently against territory residents than control males, and won relatively more escalated encounters. There was no correlated response in body weight. In the presence of territories, selected males had a higher mating success with inseminated females than control males, but did not differ in mating speed. Indirect selection for territorial success was carried out by allowing flies to mate in the presence of different types of resources. After 21–26 generations, males from lines held in cages with discrete resources where territories could be established had greater territorial success than males from lines held in cages with one large resource. This genetic divergence in response to resource type is consistent with the heritable variation in territorial success and mating success of territorial males.  相似文献   

A barn swallow Hirundo rustica partial cross‐fostering experiment with simultaneous brood size manipulation was conducted in two years with contrasting weather conditions, to estimate heritable variation in tarsus, tail and wing size and fluctuating asymmetry. Environmental stress had contrasting effects depending on trait type. Significant heritabilities for tarsus, tail and wing size were found only in enlarged broods irrespective of year effects, while tarsus asymmetry was significantly heritable in the year with benign weather conditions irrespective of brood size manipulation effects. Tail, wing and composite (multicharacter) asymmetry were never significantly heritable. The environment with the higher heritability generally had higher additive genetic variance and lower environmental variance, irrespective of trait type. Heritability was larger for trait size than for trait asymmetry. Patterns of genetic variation in nestlings do not necessarily translate to the juvenile or adult stage, as indicated by lack of correlation between nestling and fledgling traits.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that females use fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in sexual ornaments to assess male quality. FA of sexual traits is predicted to show greater sensitivity to stress than FA of nonsexual traits, and to be heritable. We used a half‐sib mating design and manipulation of larval food environment to test these predictions on stalk‐eyed flies, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, in which females prefer males with larger eyespans. We measured size and FA of eyestalks and of two nonsexually selected characters, wing length and width. We found no evidence of an increase in FA under larval food stress in any of the individual traits, although trait size decreased under stress. We combined FA across traits into a single composite index, and found that males reared in the most benign larval environment had significantly higher composite FA than males reared on other media. There was no such effect in females. Heritability of FA was not significantly different from zero in any of the traits, in any of the environments, although trait sizes showed high heritability. We conclude that FA in sexual and nonsexual traits is a poor indicator of developmental stress and genetic quality.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic variation in female response towards male mating attempts has been found in several laboratory studies, demonstrating sexually antagonistic co-evolution driven by mating costs on female fitness. Theoretical models suggest that the type and degree of genetic variation in female resistance could affect the evolutionary outcome of sexually antagonistic mating interactions, resulting in either rapid development of reproductive isolation and speciation or genetic clustering and female sexual polymorphisms. However, evidence for genetic variation of this kind in natural populations of non-model organisms is very limited. Likewise, we lack knowledge on female fecundity-consequences of matings and the degree of male mating harassment in natural settings. Here we present such data from natural populations of a colour polymorphic damselfly. Using a novel experimental technique of colour dusting males in the field, we show that heritable female colour morphs differ in their propensity to accept male mating attempts. These morphs also differ in their degree of resistance towards male mating attempts, the number of realized matings and in their fecundity-tolerance to matings and mating attempts. These results show that there may be genetic variation in both resistance and tolerance to male mating attempts (fitness consequences of matings) in natural populations, similar to the situation in plant-pathogen resistance systems. Male mating harassment could promote the maintenance of a sexual mating polymorphism in females, one of few empirical examples of sympatric genetic clusters maintained by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Parental investment in reproduction is adjusted according to potential benefits in terms of offspring survival and/or mating success. If male quality affects the reproductive success of a female, then females mating with high-quality males should invest more in reproduction. Although the subject has been of general interest, further experimental verification of the hypothesis is needed. We studied whether female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) adjusted their maternal effort according to male quality, measured as mating success. To enable the measurement of maternal effort during nursing separately from male genetic effects the litters were cross-fostered. Further, the genetic background of male quality was examined. Male quality did not correlate with litter size or offspring size at birth. Offspring growth was positively related to food consumption and milk production of mothers. However, these direct measurements of maternal effort were independent of male quality. Male mating success appeared to be significantly heritable indicating that there are genetic benefits. Still, females did not adjust maternal effort according to the genetic quality of their offspring. We suggest that female bank voles gain significant genetic benefits from mating with high-quality males whereas they cannot improve their reproductive success by increasing maternal effort.  相似文献   

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