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The mass occurrence of the large hyperiid Themisto libellula was recorded in both the western and the eastern Bering Sea within 2007–2011. Those were the years of a relatively long 6-year period of cold, which was caused mainly by the inflow of cold waters from the north; this is confirmed by the distribution of bottom and surface temperatures and also by the ice-cover values. This hyperiid became dominant in the diet of salmon, walleye pollock, herring, and several other nekton fish species. T. libellula periodically spreads southward with cold northern waters, finding favorable conditions in “new” areas. Being a rapidly growing species with a short life cycle, within 1 or 2 years it reaches a high abundance, which then gradually declines and remains at a mean or low level, as usually occurs with species that were introduced into a new habitat. After the environmental conditions deteriorate, as a “warm” period arrives with changes in the general circulation and a growing inflow of warmed Pacific waters, the southern boundary of the species range moves back far northward and it completely disappears in the areas where it prevailed in the plankton and was a main forage item in the diet of many fish species. Taking into account the durations of warm and cold periods from 1980 until 2010, an event like this in the Bering Sea can be expected within 1 or 2 years. In the eastern Bering Sea, the abundance and dominance of a number of zooplankton species may vary simultaneously. This effect is more pronounced in T. libellula and for this reason the species is considered as a biological indicator of the described climatic changes in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Based on complex epipelagic surveys in the western Bering Sea, a comparative analysis of food supply of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) was conducted in summer and fall from 2002 to 2006. Nine indirect indices of food supply used in the study were as follows: feeding similarity, width of the feeding spectrum, diet feeding ration, diet feeding rhythms, fraction of accessory food in the ration, growth rate of the fish, abundance of food resources, and abundance of salmon. The food supply of salmon is lower in summer 2003 and fall 2006 in comparison to the food supply in other years of the study. However, well expressed feeding selectivity, consumption of prey items of certain type, and small proportion of accessory food (copepods and chaetognaths) prevailed in plankton, suggests the presence of sufficient food resources for Pacific salmon in the western Bering Sea.  相似文献   

The data on the composition and abundance of nekton species and their interannual variations within the upper epipelagic layer (0–50 m) in the Aleutian and Commander basins in the western Bering Sea that are considered in the article were collected during complex surveys that were conducted by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center in September and October of 2002–2013. The core species structures of the nekton communities in these two areas were similar: the chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta and the boreopacific gonate squid Boreoteuthis borealis were the most abundant species. Simpson’s dominance index varied synchronously in both areas, with higher values in the Aleutian Basin, until 2009. In the subsequent years, the values of the index for the studied areas became equal and varied asynchronously. An analysis of abundance showed that two types of species structure most often prevailed (with the dominance of either chum salmon or squid); in some years the species structure differed from that in other years. Species of the low-boreal and low-boreal-subtropical complexes were more abundant in the Commander Basin, reaching particularly high proportions in 2006, 2008, and 2012. Certain species showed similarity in the year-to-year dynamics of their abundance; however, these coincidences were frequently accidental. After the climate regime shift in 2006–2007, the total biomass of nekton in the Aleutian Basin decreased from 3241 to 1736 kg/km2 (46%); in the Komandorskiye Basin it decreased from 2459 to 1976 kg/km2 (20%).  相似文献   

The western Bering Sea is an important region that is used by many nekton species for feeding. From the seasonal aspect, these waters are characterized by pronounced dynamics of the abundance and structure of the nekton community. The pattern of seasonal variations in the total biomass, composition, and structure of nekton in the upper epipelagic layer (0–50 m) of this region are considered based on the data of the complex studies conducted by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center) in the deep-sea basins of the western Bering Sea and the Navarin area in June–October, 2003–2015. During June–October, the total nekton biomass changed by more than an order of magnitude: from 100 kg/km2 in early June it increased to a maximum of 2700 kg/km2 in the middle of August and then declined significantly, to 200 kg/km2, in late October. The major contribution to the nekton biomass was made by Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), mainly O. keta, as well as by the boreopacific gonate squid (Boreoteuthis borealis) and the shortarm gonate squid (Gonatus kamtschaticus). As well, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), and capelin (Mallotus villosus) were abundant in waters near the shelf. The dynamics of the species structure can be divided into three periods: (1) early summer, from June to the second 10 days of July, when pre-anadromous pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum salmon predominate and the species diversity is at a medium level (the polydominance index is 3.5–4.0); (2) summer, from the third 10 days of July to the second 10 days of September, when chum salmon becomes dominant (more than 70% of the biomass) and the species diversity is at a minimum (1.5–2.0); and (3) autumn, from the third 10 days of September to October, when common species such as chum salmon, sockeye salmon, and boreopacific gonate squid have relatively equal proportions, the proportion of pink salmon underyearlings is also high, and the species diversity is at a maximum (4.5). The pattern of the spatial distribution in the early summer period is characterized by active formation of the nekton community due to the large-scale migrations from the central and eastern Bering Sea and from the Pacific Ocean. In the summer period, the concentration of the nekton in the western Bering Sea, particularly in the Aleutian Basin, reaches the maximum level and the migratory activity decreases. Reverse migration processes are observed in the autumn period: a major portion of the nekton biomass redistributes to the southeastern Commander Basin for further movement to the ocean and the central Bering Sea.  相似文献   

A newly developed DNA microarray was applied to identify mitochondrial (mt) DNA haplotypes of more than 2200 chum salmon in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean in September 2002 and also 2003, when the majority of maturing fish were migrating toward their natal river. The distribution of haplotypes occurring in Asian and North American fish in the surveyed area was similar in the 2 years. A conditional maximum likelihood method for estimation of stock compositions indicated that the Japanese stocks were distributed mainly in the north central Bering Sea, whereas the Russian stocks were mainly in the western Bering Sea. The North American stocks were abundant in the North Pacific Ocean around the Aleutian Islands. These results indicate that the Asian and North American stocks of chum salmon are nonrandomly distributed in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, and further the oligonuleotide DNA microarray developed by us has a high potential for identification of stocks among mixed ocean aggregates of high-seas chum salmon.  相似文献   

Wild stocks of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, have experienced recent declines in some areas of their range. Also, the release of hatchery chum salmon has escalated to nearly three billion fish annually. The decline of wild stocks and the unknown effects of hatchery fish combined with the uncertainty of future production caused by global climate change have renewed interest in the migratory patterns of chum salmon on the high seas. We studied the composition of high-seas mixtures of maturing and immature individuals using baseline data for 20 allozyme loci from 356 populations from throughout the Pacific Rim. Composition estimates were made from three time series. Two of these time series were from important coastal migratory corridors: the Shumagin Islands south of the Alaska Peninsula and the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The third was from chum salmon captured incidentally in the Bering Sea trawl fishery for walleye pollock. We also analyzed geographically dispersed collections of chum salmon captured in the month of July. The time series show dynamic changes in stock composition. The Shumagin Island corridor was used primarily by Northwest Alaskan and Asian populations in June; by the end of July stocks from the Alaska Peninsula and southern North America dominated the composition. The composition along the Kamchatka coast changed dramatically from primarily Russian stocks in May to primarily Japanese stocks in August; the previously undocumented presence of stocks from the Alaska Peninsula and Gulf of Alaska was also demonstrated. Immature chum salmon from throughout the Pacific Rim, including large proportions of southern North American stocks, contributed to the Bering Sea bycatch during the months of September and October. The migration routes of North American stocks is far more widespread than previously observed, and the Bering Sea is an important rearing area for maturing and immature chum salmon from throughout the species' range.  相似文献   

Based on the data of 28 surveys that were carried out by the Pacific Fisheries Research Center in the Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, and Pacific waters during 2001–2010, we analyzed the interannual variability of indirect indices of the food supply of the Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus): the daily food ration, daily consumption rate, diel feeding chronology, diet overlap, trophic niche breadth, number of prey items, and the share of minor food. The years of the most pronounced changes in the diet composition and consumption rate of Pacific salmon were revealed. The variability of different trophic characteristics as indicators of the salmon food supply is discussed. Despite a significant increase in salmon abundance in the 2000s compared to previous years, no marked changes occurred in their feeding spectra and consumption rates.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about fish species interactions in offshore areas of the world’s oceans because adequate experimental controls are typically unavailable in such vast areas. However, pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) are numerous and have an alternating-year pattern of abundance that provides a natural experimental control to test for interspecific competition in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Since a number of studies have recently examined pink salmon interactions with other salmon, we reviewed them in an effort to describe patterns of interaction over broad regions of the ocean. Research consistently indicated that pink salmon significantly altered prey abundance of other salmon species (e.g., zooplankton, squid), leading to altered diet, reduced total prey consumption and growth, delayed maturation, and reduced survival, depending on species and locale. Reduced survival was observed in chum salmon (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) originating from Puget Sound and in Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Growth of pink salmon was not measurably affected by other salmon species, but their growth was sometimes inversely related to their own abundance. In all marine studies, pink salmon affected other species through exploitation of prey resources rather than interference. Interspecific competition was observed in nearshore and offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, and one study documented competition between species originating from different continents. Climate change had variable effects on competition. In the North Pacific Ocean, competition was observed before and after the ocean regime shift in 1977 that significantly altered abundances of many marine species, whereas a study in the Pacific Northwest reported a shift from predation- to competition-based mortality in response to the 1982/1983 El Nino. Key traits of pink salmon that influenced competition with other salmonids included great abundance, high consumption rates and rapid growth, degree of diet overlap or consumption of lower trophic level prey, and early migration timing into the ocean. The consistent pattern of findings from multiple regions of the ocean provides evidence that interspecific competition can significantly influence salmon population dynamics and that pink salmon may be the dominant competitor among salmon in marine waters.  相似文献   

On the basis of ichthyoplankton surveys made in June 2004–2005 and 2007, June–July 2010, and July 2011 in these bays and beyond them (in open waters of the White Sea Basin and adjacent areas of the Gorlo) larvae of White Sea herring were absent. Principal aggregations of larvae are found in the Kandalaksha Bay in June 2004–2005 and 2007. In the Onega Bay and in the Dvina Bay surveyed in June 2007 abundance of larvae was ratter low and in June–July 2010 and July 2011 in these bays and beyond them (in open waters of the White Sea Basin and adjacent areas of the Gorlo) larvae of White Sea herring were absent. Within the Kandalasksha Bay, from year to year, there were two disconnected aggregations of larvae. The space between them was situated in the open part of the bay along the transect of the Chupa Estuary and the Umba Estuary. One of the aggregations of larvae occupied the tail of the bay, and the second aggregation occupied the ante-mouth and mouth areas of the Chupa Estuary. It is supposed that these aggregations result from spawning of two independent spawning groups of the White Sea herring spawning in isolated regions of the Kandalaksha Bay. Presence of the bulk of larvae of the White Sea herring within the limits of the Kandakaksha Bay and their almost complete absence at the boundary of the bay with the White Sea Basin and at the boundaries between the Onega Bay and the Dvina Bay and the Basin support the hypothesis on the absence of an exchange with larvae between stocks of the White Sea herring spawning in large bays of the White Sea. The larvae are retained within shallow waters of the Kandalaksha Bay by the system of two-layer water circulation in the areas of spawning of herring in bays and gulfs of the estuarine type. Their drift outside of the Onega Bay and the Dvina Bay may be delimited by frontal divides at their boundaries with the Basin.  相似文献   

Variation at the three microsatellite (ms) DNA loci in chum salmon was applied to estimate preliminarily the stock composition using a conditional maximum likelihood method in more than 700 fish collected from 14 stations in the Bering Sea and adjacent North Pacific Ocean during September 2003. Regional stock assignment accuracy with these msDNA markers was nearly the same as the previous estimation with mitochondrial (mt) DNA for the Japanese and North American stocks, but decreased for Russian stocks. The temporal stock estimation with msDNA gave a nonrandom distribution pattern of chum stocks, in that the Japanese and Russian stocks increased in the western to central Bering Sea, and the North American stocks were abundant in the eastern Bering Sea and near the Aleutian Islands. However, predominance of the North American stocks in nearly all of the surveyed area was different from the previous mtDNA estimation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Some of the views on the marine ecology of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) that were popular in the second half of the 20th century are discussed critically: the absolutization of the influence of sea surface temperature on distribution of salmon and strength of their year classes, as well as the conclusions on the shortage of food (particularly in winter) and the fierce competition for food, the “suppression” of other salmon species and own adjacent broodline by pink salmon, the limited carrying capacity of the pelagic zone of subarctic ocean waters for salmon, the distortion of the structure of epipelagic communities in ecosystems of the North Pacific due to the large-scale stock enhancement of chum salmon, etc. Most of these ideas have not been confirmed by the data of long-term monitoring conducted in the form of complex marine expeditions by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center) in the Far-Eastern Seas and adjacent North Pacific waters since the 1980s. The data show that Pacific salmon are ecologically very flexible species with a wider temperature range of habitat than was previously believed. Salmon are able to make considerable vertical migrations, easily crossing zones of sharp temperature gradient and different water masses. Having the wide feeding spectra and being dispersed (as non-schooling fish) when feeding in the sea and ocean, they successfully satisfy their dietary needs in vast areas even with relatively low concentrations of prey organisms (macroplankton and small nekton). The total biomass of all the Pacific salmon species in the North Pacific is not greater than 4–5 million t (including 1.5–2.0 million t in Russian waters), whereas the biomass of other common species of nekton is a few hundreds of millions of tons. Salmon account for 1.0–5.0% of the total amount of food consumed by nekton in the epipelagic layer of the western Bering Sea, 0.5–1.0% in the Sea of Okhotsk, less than 1% in the ocean waters off the Kuril Islands, and 5.0–15.0% in the ocean waters off East Kamchatka. Thus, the role of Pacific salmon in the trophic webs of subarctic waters is rather moderate. Therefore, neither pink nor chum salmon can be considered as the species responsible for the large reorganization in ecosystems and the population fluctuations in other common nekton species.  相似文献   

According to materials of trap, long-line, and trawl fishing, specific features of distribution of sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria and some of its biological characteristics in Pacific waters off the southeastern coast of Kamchatka, continental slope of the western part of the Bering Sea, Shirshov Underwater Ridge, and off the Commander Islands are considered. Maximum density concentrations according to data of trap fishing was noted along southeastern coast of Kamchatka and the data of trawl fishing indicated most frequent catches in the western part of the Bering Sea in the area of Koryak coast up to Cape Navarin. The pattern of vertical distribution in different areas considerably differs. The magnitude of trap catches in different areas is different and determined by the type of trap and the period of soaking. The size composition, fatness, and the sex ratio are different in catches of different fishing gear and differ between regions. On the whole, in Russian Far Eastern waters, females mature in mass at a body length of 71 cm and males at 57 cm.  相似文献   

This study continues the identification monitoring of local sockeye salmon stocks in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Russia on the basis of scale criteria. This study was launched in 2002 as a part of BASIS (the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey). Scale samples of immature sockeye salmon from the trawl catches of the R/V TINRO in the western Bering Sea in August–October 2006 were used for the analysis. The total number of these mixed samples was 1681 specimens for age definition and 1290 specimens for stock identification. The baseline samples (scales from 3162 specimens from Kamchatka, Chukotka and Alaska) were collected by the Kamchatka Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography (KamchatNIRO), Chuckchee Branch of TINRO (ChukotTINRO), North-East Fishery Protection Service (Sevvostrybvod) and the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game in the summer of 2006. The results of the analysis indicate the dominant role of the Bristol Bay complex of stocks in the formation of sockeye salmon stocks in the western Bering Sea for the period of the survey: their share was estimated as 55.3% or 88.18 million individuals The most frequent among the Asian stocks were the fishes from the Kamchatka (15.0% or 23.85 million individuals) and Ozernaya Rivers (14.5% or 23.07 million individuals). The summary contribution of minor stocks from north-eastern Kamchatka and Chukotka was also high (11.7% or 18.64 million individuals). The contribution of West Kamchatkan minor stocks was low (3.5% or 5.61 million individuals).  相似文献   

The biomass and abundance of large jellyfish (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa, Hydrozoa) was estimated and their seasonal and interannual dynamics was studied based on the data of trawl surveys conducted by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center) in the Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, Sea of Japan, and the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (NWPO) in 1991–2009. Most of the jellyfish biomass (over 95%) in the Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, and NWPO was formed by Chrysaora spp., Cyanea capillata, Aequorea spp., Phacellophora camtschatica, and Aurelia limbata. The same species along with Calycopsis nematophora predominated in abundance in the Bering Sea and NWPO, while Ptychogena lactea, C. capillata, and Chrysaora spp. were most abundant in the Sea of Okhotsk. In the northwestern Sea of Japan, Aurelia aurita, C. capillata, and Aequorea spp. predominated both in abundance and biomass. Generally, the jellyfish abundance reached the highest values in the summer and fall and decreased abruptly in the winter. Meanwhile, the seasonal dynamics proved to be specific for each species and were manifested in some of them by reaching maximum values at various periods of the warm season, whereas the other (Tima sachalinensis and P. lactea) showed the reverse pattern of seasonal variations, with the highest abundance in cold months. Jellyfish biomass and abundance varied greatly from year to year, which was related to the short lifecycle and alternation between sexual and asexual generations, in which reproductive success was predetermined by various environmental factors. In the fall, year-to-year fluctuations of the relative biomass could increase by ten times. In 1991–2009, it varied from 200 to 2000 kg/km2 in the northern Sea of Okhotsk, from 500 to 4200 kg/km2 in the northwestern Bering Sea, and from 300 to 3700 kg/km2 in the southwestern Bering Sea. Taking the jellyfish abundance estimates into account, along with the vertical distribution and the seasonal dynamics, the overall biomass of large species that occurred in trawl catches in Far Eastern seas and adjacent Pacific waters during the warm season could reach 13.0–15.0 million tons, of which up to about 6.0 million tons would be concentrated in the western Bering Sea and 5.5–6.0 million tons in the Sea of Okhotsk.  相似文献   

Integral parameters of zooplankton community, including species diversity and its components were compared between the Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, and adjacent Pacific waters based on the data obtained by standard Juday net with a mouth area of 0.1 m2 during the large-scale surveys conducted by the Pacific Fisheries Research Center (TINRO Center) in 1984–2013. These parameters were calculated for the total surveyed area of approximately 7.0 million km2 and separately for each of the considered water bodies. In Pacific waters, species richness is higher than that in all the seas, while the concentration of individuals (expressed in terms of abundance, ind./m3) and evenness of their distribution over species were lower. The only sea with a larger mean size of organisms compared to the ocean is the Bering Sea. A lower species diversity than in the ocean has been recorded only from the Chukchi Sea; a lower density (in terms of biomass, g/m3) was determined only from the Sea of Japan. Among the four seas, the Chukchi Sea ranks first in terms of biomass and abundance of zooplankton, second in species evenness, third in the mean size of individuals, and last in species richness and diversity. The Bering Sea ranks first in terms of mean size of plankton organisms, second in species richness, diversity, and biomass, third in abundance, and last in species evenness. The Sea of Okhotsk ranks second in terms of mean size of individuals, last in their abundance, and third in the other parameters. The Sea of Japan ranks first in terms of species richness, evenness, and diversity, second in abundance, and last in mean size of zooplankton organisms, and, therefore, their biomass. The biomass of zooplankton, in accordance with the concentration of nutrients, increases in the southto-north direction (while its absolute abundance depends largely on the size of the body of water). The mean size of organisms increases in the same direction; the evenness of their distribution over species increases in the reverse direction (with the exception of both parameters for the Chukchi Sea). The rank of a water body for its biodiversity coincides with the species richness rank. The latter increases from north to south (except for the Okhotsk Sea), but greatly depends on the surveyed area and, even more, on the surveyed volume of water. A study of the literature data found some unexpected statistically significant relationships of the integral parameters of zooplankton with those of pelagic and bottom macrofauna, as well as with the parameters of zooplankton production, on the size of the considered bodies of water. The causes and the biological meanings of most of these relationships still do not have any rational interpretation. Their testing at other spatial scales will be continued in future works.  相似文献   

2010年夏季白令海小型浮游植物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2010年7月10-19日我国第四次北极科学考察“雪龙”号考察船在白令海(52°42.29′-65°30.23′ N, 169°20.85′ E-179°30.37′ W)采集的70份水采样品,共鉴定小型浮游植物5个门类143种(含变种和变型).其中硅藻门37属95种,甲藻门15属44种,绿藻门2属2种,裸藻门和金藻门各1属1种.聚类分析表明: 调查海区浮游植物可分为深水区群落和浅水区群落.深水区群落分布于太平洋西北部和白令海海盆,种类组成主要以温带大洋性种西氏新细齿状藻、大西洋角毛藻和广布种菱形海线藻、扁面角毛藻为主,浮游植物的丰度较低,种间分配均匀,优势种不突出,种类多样性指数高;浅水区群落分布于白令海陆坡区和北部陆架区,主要由近岸冷水种诺登海链藻、叉尖角毛藻和广温广盐种丹麦细柱藻、旋链角毛藻等组成,浮游植物的丰度高,种间分配不均匀,优势种突出,种类多样性指数低.浮游植物平均丰度为58722 cells·L-1,变化范围在950~192400 cells·L-1,站间差异显著.平面分布趋势总体呈白令海陆架区>白令海陆坡区>白令海海盆>太平洋西北部海域.垂直分布均以表层浮游植物丰度较低,至温跃层附近出现高值.不同水域温跃层的差异决定了其垂直分布格局.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated the ecology of charrs in freshwater, however, little is known about charrs in the ocean. This study examined the distribution, seasonal abundance, and some biological features of Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) in the Pacific Ocean. An analysis of by-catch data of Japanese offshore salmon monitoring showed that Dolly Varden were distributed across a wide range in the offshore waters of the Pacific Ocean, including the Japan Sea, Bering Sea, and Okhotsk Sea. The catch per unit effort showed a sharp increase from May to August, followed by a sharp decrease in September. Offshore areas served as an important summer habitat for anadromous Dolly Varden.  相似文献   

Complex trawl surveys were conducted in the upper epipelagic zone of the western Bering Sea and adjacent Pacific waters in the summer and fall seasons of 2002–2006. The abundance of small nekton (micronekton) was estimated using two independent methods: traditional trawling and a mathematical model of selective feeding by fish. According to the trawl data, total micronekton density varied from 1 to 158 (average 40) mg/m3 on the northwestern Bering Sea shelf and from 6 to 151 (37) mg/m3 in deep-water areas of the southwestern Bering Sea and adjacent Pacific waters. According to model calculations, micronekton density was higher—72–193 (141) mg/m3 on the shelf and 78–507 (228) mg/m3 in the deep-water part of the studied area. Both trawl and model data showed that small nekton on the northwestern shelf mostly consisted of larval and juvenile walleye pollock, as well as small fish species, such as capelin and Pacific sand lance. In the deepwater areas, mesopelagic fish and squid (northern lampfish, northern smoothtongue, and boreopacific gonate squid), which migrate to the surface at night, juvenile Atka mackerel, and shortarm gonate squid dominated among micronekton. The advantages and disadvantages of both the trawl and model methods for calculating the abundance of small fish and squid were considered. Comparison of abundance estimates for mass fish species, obtained through trawl and model methods, enabled us to analyze trawl catchability coefficients and propose a more differentiated division of micronekton into size classes than had been done earlier. A function that characterizes the dependence of the catchability coefficient (CC) on body length was offered for juvenile Atka mackerel. This equation can be also used for evaluation of CC for other fishes that have similar size and behavior.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - An aerial survey of Pacific salmon spawning grounds in the main watercourses that empty into the Bering Sea was conducted for the first time since 1992. The...  相似文献   

From 2003 to 2008, arrivals (including mass) of sea bream Brama japonica, saury Cololabis saira, and spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, as well as some cases of catches of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus, and Todarodes pacificus, and Onychoteuthis borealijaponica squids were recorded in Pacific waters of Kamchatka in the southwestern sector of the Bering Sea. The penetration of these species far to the north is related to feeding migrations as well as to the passive transfer of water by currents. Migrations of subtropical species to Pacific waters of Kamchatka and the southern part of the Bering Sea depend on thermal conditions and circulation of currents in each particular year and are determined, first of all, by the intensity of the Western Subarctic gyre, although in some years, the migration flow of B. japonica and C. saira from the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean increases.  相似文献   

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