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Results are presented from experimental studies of the efficiency of lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) in the FT-2 tokamak. The dependence of the LHCD efficiency on the grill phasing Δφ and RF oscillator power was determined experimentally in a wide range of plasma densities. It is shown that, at high plasma currents (i.e., at sufficiently high electron temperatures), current drive is suppressed when the plasma density reaches its resonance value n LH for the pumping wave frequency, rather than when parametric decay comes into play (as was observed in regimes with lower plasma currents and, accordingly, lower electron temperatures T e ). In order to analyze the experimentally observed effect of LHCD and its dependence on the value and sign of the antenna phasing, the spectra of the excited LH waves, P(N z ), were calculated. Simulations using the FRTC code with allowance for the P(N z ) spectrum and the measured plasma parameters made it possible to calculate the value and direction of the LH-driven current, which are determined by the spectrum of the excited LH waves. It is shown that the synergetic effect caused by the interaction between different spectral components of the excited RF wave plays a decisive role in the bridging of the gap in the wave spectrum.  相似文献   

In experiments on lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) carried out at the FT-2 tokamak, a substantial increase in the central electron temperature T e (r = 0 cm) from 550 to 700 eV was observed. A complex simulation procedure is used to explain a fairly high LHCD efficiency and the observed additional heating, which can be attributed to a transition into the improved core confinement (ICC) mode. For numerical simulations, data obtained in experiments with deuterium plasma at 〈n e 〉 = 1.6 × 1019 m–3 were used. Simulations by the GRILL3D, FRTC, and ASTRA codes have shown that the increase in the density and central temperature is apparently caused by a significant suppression of heat transport in the electron component. The mechanism for transition into the improved confinement mode at r < 3 cm can be associated with the broadening of the plasma current channel due to the lower hybrid drive of the current carried by superthermal and runaway electrons. In this case, the magnetic shear s = (r/q)(dq/dr) in the axial region of the plasma column almost vanishes during the RF pulse. In this study, the effect of lower hybrid waves on the plasma parameters, resulting in a transition into the ICC mode, is considered. New experimental and calculated data are presented that evidence in favor of such a transition. Special attention is paid to the existence of a threshold for the transition into the ICC mode in deuterium plasma.  相似文献   

Conditions for efficient ion heating in the interaction of lower hybrid waves with plasma are experimentally determined. Experiments show that efficient lower hybrid heating stimulates a transition to the improved confinement mode. The formation of internal and external transport barriers is associated with strong central ion heating, which results in a change of the radial electric field E r and an increase in the shear of the poloidal plasma velocity. The improved confinement mode in the central region of the discharge is attained under the combined action of lower hybrid heating and an additional rapid increase in the plasma current. A new mechanism for the generation of an additional field E r is proposed to explain the formation of a transport barrier.  相似文献   

The dynamics of electron heat transport at improved energy confinement during lower hybrid plasma heating in the FT-2 tokamak was studied experimentally. Evolution of the profiles of the electron temperature and density was thoroughly investigated under conditions of fast variation in the plasma parameters. The energy balance in the electron channel is calculated with the help of the ASTRA code by using the measured plasma parameters. Correlation is revealed between the dynamics of electron heat transport and the behavior of small-scale drift turbulence measured using the enhanced scattering correlation diagnostics. The suppression of heat transfer and turbulence agrees well with the increase in the shear of poloidal plasma rotation calculated from experimental data in the neoclassical approximation.  相似文献   

At present, the method of current drive by means of lower hybrid waves is not applied to low-aspect-ratio tokamaks, because, in the traditional approach, it would be necessary to use waves with a very high slowing-down factor. However, studies of new transparency regions for waves in a nonuniform magnetized plasma, performed earlier at the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, made it possible to develop an approach in which slow waves are excited in the poloidal (rather than toroidal) direction. In this approach, moderately slowed-down waves first propagate in the poloidal direction, but then turn in the toroidalal direction and get into the dense plasma. In this work, this approach is further developed using numerical methods. In particular, the influence of the density profile in the edge plasma on the efficiency of wave excitation for given antenna parameters is studied in detail.  相似文献   

The propagation of lower hybrid (LH) waves in a tokamak plasma in the presence of an LH resonance surface is studied experimentally with the use of a specially elaborated technique based on the backscattering of the probing microwave radiation in the upper hybrid resonance region. The technique provides resolution in the wave vectors of the scattering density fluctuations. The conditions are determined under which the LH wave propagates in accordance with the predictions of linear theory and is converted into the short-wave-length ion Bernstein mode. The parameter range is found in which the predictions of linear theory fail to hold and the nonlinear effects come into play during LH wave conversion. The radial wavelengths of the LH and ion Bernstein waves are determined.  相似文献   

Results are presented from numerical simulations that show that, in a plasma with well-developed turbulence, the radial electric field can be positive in the region where the gradients of the plasma parameters are steep. In a plasma in which the turbulence is suppressed (as is the case with auxiliary lower hybrid heating), the radial electric field is found to exhibit a nearly neoclassical behavior during the formation of a transport barrier and transition to the H-mode.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the generation and maintenance of the toroidal current in the Globus-M spherical tokamak by using waves in the lower hybrid frequency range without applying an inductive vortex electric field are presented. For this purpose, the original ridge guide antennas forming a field distribution similar to that produced by multiwaveguide grills were used. The high-frequency field (900 MHz) was used for both plasma generation and current drive. The magnitude of the generated current reached 21 kA, and its direction depended on the direction of the vertical magnetic field. Analysis of the experimental results indicates that the major fraction of the current is carried by the suprathermal electron beam.  相似文献   

Results are presented from probe measurements carried out in the scrape-off layer of the FT-2 tokamak in the course of additional lower hybrid heating, during which an L-H transition was observed. The objective of this study was to obtain information on the parameters of blobs-turbulent structures with enhanced plasma density. The measurements were performed not only on the low-field side of the torus, but also on the high-field side, which is still poorly studied. Coherent structures with radial velocities directed both toward the vessel wall and into the plasma column were revealed at the tokamak periphery. Blobs propagating toward the vessel wall were found to prevail both before and after the L-H transition. The average radial velocity of blobs in the L- and H-modes was determined experimentally. The dependence of the radial blob velocity on the transverse size and density of the structure agrees with the ballooning mode model. It is found that the average value of the poloidal blob velocity is four to five times higher than the average radial velocity. The results of measurements carried out on both sides of the torus indicate the presence of internal poloidal polarization of blobs. The average drift velocity of such polarized structures is directed toward the vessel wall. The L-H transition is accompanied by a reduction in the radial velocity. At the same time, the average plasma density inside the structures observed on the low-field side increases appreciably during the transition. The obtained dependences of the radial blob velocity on the plasma density inside the structure generally agree with predictions of the ballooning mode model.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the processes in edge plasma that accompany the transition to an improved confinement regime during lower hybrid heating in the FT-2 tokamak are presented. The poloidal and radial distributions of the plasma parameters and drift particle fluxes were measured with the use of mobile mulitielectrode Langmuir probes and were found to be substantially nonuniform in the poloidal direction. The evolution of the plasma parameters in the course of heating and during an L-H transition is investigated. It is shown that, in FT-2 experiments, the drift of plasma particles in a slowly varying (quasi-steady) electric field and the fluctuation-induced particle fluxes make comparable contributions to the radial particle transport, whereas the contribution of fluctuations to poloidal plasma fluxes is negligibly small. The effective coefficient of radial diffusion is determined. The measurement results show that the L-H transition is accompanied by a substantial decrease in this coefficient.  相似文献   

Results are presented from studies of small-scale plasma density fluctuations in the FT-2 tokamak by the method of far-forward CO2-laser collective scattering. The frequency and wavenumber spectra of fluctuations are measured using parallel k analysis at various positions of the scattering volume in the plane of the minor cross section of the torus. The data obtained are interpreted using numerical simulations. In phenomenological models, plasma fluctuations are substituted by a superposition of two-dimensional noninteracting cells with Gaussian profiles. A comparison of the calculated and experimental spectra shows that plasma fluctuations should be described based on the concept of strong microturbulence. The poloidal rotation velocity and the characteristic scale length of the scattering fluctuations, as well as the radial position of the region where they are located, are determined. The diffusion coefficient of the cells introduced in the model turns out to be close to the thermal diffusivity determined from the electron energy balance in the ohmic phase of the discharge.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the time behavior of the transport processes in the edge plasma of the FT-2 tokamak during auxiliary lower hybrid heating when an internal transport barrier and then an external transport barrier form in the plasma. An analysis of the data on turbulent particle transport in the edge plasma shows that the radial electric field generated inside the plasma column during auxiliary heating plays an important role in both the formation of a transport barrier and the suppression of anomalous transport at the plasma periphery in the postheating phase of the discharge. The mechanism for the formation of a negative radial electric field E r near the last closed flux surface after the end of the lower hybrid heating pulse is considered. Fluctuation spectra of the particle density and poloidal electric field are presented that characterize the process of suppression of microturbulence at the plasma periphery. The experimental data were obtained with the use of movable multielectrode Langmuir probes.  相似文献   

The statistical properties of fluctuations of the plasma density and radial drift particle flux in the peripheral region of the FT-2 tokamak are analyzed using data from probe measurements. It is found that the probability distribution functions of the quantities under study vary over the radius and poloidal angle and change significantly after a transition to an improved confinement mode during auxiliary lower hybrid heating. Using experimental data and existing theoretical models, an analytic expression for the probability distribution function of the plasma density fluctuations is derived in a strongly nonlinear approximation. The expression is shown to agree well with experimental observations.  相似文献   

The experiments carried out at the FT-2 tokamak in which additional pulsed puffing of helium into the hydrogen plasma was used for diagnostic purposes are considered. To estimate the necessary content of helium ions in the experiments on studying short-scale plasma oscillations, the ionization-recombination balance was simulated numerically under the assumption of a toroidally homogeneous influx of the working gas onto the boundary of the plasma column. In these simulations, the effective density of the neutral gas incident on the plasma boundary was determined by the iteration method, which made it possible to provide agreement between the obtained solution and the experimental discharge conditions. In particular, the correspondence of the determined admixture content to both the plasma quasineutrality condition and the value of the effective charge Z eff, as well as agreement between the calculated and measured plasma density profiles, was ensured. The simulations were performed under the assumption of anomalous diffusion coefficients for all plasma components. The temporal variations of the ionization-recombination balance were checked by comparing them with the measured spectra of radiation in the HeI, HeII, and H?? lines. In the current drive experiments, variations in n e (r) at the discharge periphery were examined by the method based on the proportionality of the intensity ratio of the helium spectral lines, HeI(668 nm)/HeI(728 nm), to the plasma density. In these calculations, the factors relating the intensity ratio of these lines to the plasma density were taken from the literature on spectral diagnostics.  相似文献   

Results from T-10 experiments in regimes with nonmonotonic plasma current profiles are presented. The possibility of controlling the current profile j(r) by electron-cyclotron current drive is demonstrated experimentally. Nonmonotonic q profiles with the reversed shear are obtained in which the q min value varies in a wide range, q min=1–2.3. It is shown that the current profiles with q min~2 (in this case, there are two resonant magnetic surfaces q=2 in the plasma) can cause the onset of MHD instabilities. The possibility of the formation of an internal transport barrier in reversed-shear discharges in the T-10 tokamak is analyzed. In T-10, electron transport is governed by short-wavelength electron turbulence. As a result, there is no clear evidence of the formation of an inner transport barrier in these experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in the key parameter of short-wavelength turbulence—the ion-acoustic Larmor radius ρ s , which determines the position of the maximum of the drift instability growth rate over poloidal wavenumbers—was studied experimentally at the FT-2 tokamak. For this purpose, helium was injected to hydrogen plasma, which resulted in a change in the electron temperature at the plasma edge. The universality of the exponential shape of the turbulence spectra over radial wavenumbers q and a substantial excess of the characteristic turbulence scale L over the ion-acoustic Larmor radius was confirmed with the help of correlative diagnostics of enhanced scattering. This excess at the discharge periphery reaches a value of 3–5 at a low electron temperature, apparently, due to an increase in the dissipation of drift waves upon their cascade transfer toward short scale-lengths.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of the main results on the heating of plasma ions and behavior of fast ions in experiments on neutral beam injection (NBI) carried out in 2003–2010 on the Globus-M spherical tokamak. It is noticed that, along with significant success achieved in NBI plasma heating, there is experimental evidence indicating significant losses of the power injected into the plasma. Most probably, the power is lost due to so-called first-orbit losses, i.e., losses of fast ions that are produced in plasma after ionization of beam atoms and occur in unconfined trajectories. Until recently, the absence of appropriate diagnostic equipment did not allow one to verify this hypothesis. The use of the ACORD-M charge-exchange analyzer directed tangentially to the plasma column made it possible to measure the spectra of fast ions slowed down in plasma and confirm the assumption on the presence of substantial orbit losses of fast particles (~25–50% of the beam power). In addition to the review of the experimental results, the paper presents analysis of orbit losses on the basis of 3D simulations of fast-ion trajectories in plasma. The results of experiments on studying the influence of the magnitude of the tokamak magnetic field on the confinement of fast ions are also presented. Along with computer simulations, these experiments made it possible to formulate recommendations on the reduction of orbit losses in the Globus-M tokamak.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The effect of the isotope content of plasma (hydrogen/deuterium) on energy confinement time was studied at the FT-2 tokamak. A strong isotope effect is discovered, which is...  相似文献   

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