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Analysis of afferent activity in unmyelinated fibers of a cutaneous nerve was carried out by the colliding impulses method in cats. The effect of antidromic excitation of the nerve and mechanical stimulation of the receptors on subsequent orthodromic activity during stretching of the skin was investigated. Both these factors were shown to reduce subsequent orthodromic activity evoked by testing stimulation. The reduction in activity was greatest 10–15 sec after stimulation. The duration of the inhibitory effect was greater after mechanical than after antidromic stimulation. Combined mechanical stimulation and antidromic excitation resulted in a greater decrease of afferent activity and an increase in the time of its recovery. An increase in the frequency of antidromic excitation potentiated the inhibitory effect of preliminary stimulation on orthodromic activity in C fibers.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii Gor'kii State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 307–312, May–June, 1977.  相似文献   

A possibility of efferent innervation of gustatory and mechanosensitive afferent fiber endings was studied in frog fungiform papillae with a suction electrode. The amplitude of antidromic impulses in a papillary afferent fiber induced by antidromically stimulating an afferent fiber of glossopharyngeal nerve (GPN) with low voltage pulses was inhibited for 40 s after the parasympathetic efferent fibers of GPN were stimulated orthodromically with high voltage pulses at 30 Hz for 10 s. This implies that electrical positivity of the outer surface of papillary afferent membrane was reduced by the efferent fiber-induced excitatory postsynaptic potential. The inhibition of afferent responses in the papillae was blocked by substance P receptor blocker, L-703,606, indicating that substance P is probably released from the efferent fiber terminals. Slow negative synaptic potential, which corresponded to a slow depolarizing synaptic potential, was extracellularly induced in papillary afferent terminals for 45 s by stimulating the parasympathetic efferent fibers of GPN with high voltage pulses at 30 Hz for 10 s. This synaptic potential was also blocked by L-703,606. These data indicate that papillary afferent fiber endings are innervated by parasympathetic efferent fibers.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials of 93 motoneurons of the masseter muscle evoked by stimulation of different branches of the trigeminal nerve were studied. Stimulation of the most excitable afferent fibers of the motor nerve of the masseter muscle evoked monosynaptic EPSPs with a latent period of 1.2–2.0 msec, changing into action potentials when the strength of stimulation was increased. A further increase in the strength of stimulation produced an antidromic action potential in the motoneurons with a latent period of 0.9 msec. In some motoneurons polysynaptic EPSPs and action potentials developed following stimulation of the motor nerve to the masseter muscle. The ascending phase of synaptic and antidromic action potentials was subdivided into IS and SD components, while the descending phase ended with definite depolarization and hyperpolarization after-potentials. Stimulation of cutaneous branches of the trigeminal nerve, and also of the motor nerve of the antagonist muscle (digastric) evoked IPSPs with a latent period of 2.7–3.5 msec in motoneurons of the masseter muscle. These results indicate the existence of functional connections between motoneurons of the masseter muscle and its proprioceptive afferent fibers, and also with proprioceptive afferent fibers of the antagonist muscle and cutaneous afferent fibers.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 262–268, November–December, 1969.  相似文献   

The effect of a steady current passed through the spinal cord on antidromic discharges in primary afferent groups of Agb cutaneous nerves of the hind limb, evoked by single and paired stimulation of the terminals of these fibers, was investigated by Wall's technique in acute experiments on spinal and anesthetized cats. A current of up to 50–100 µA, flowing in the dorso-ventral direction, led to an increase in amplitude of antidromic dischanges evoked by single stimulation of afferent terminals; if the current flowed in the opposite direction, the opposite effect was observed. The relative degree of facilitation of antidromic discharges caused by conditioning stimulation of these same fibers was reduced by a polarizing current in either direction. It is suggested that the effects of the action of a steady current flowing through the spinal cord observed in these experiments are due mainly to shifts of membrane potential in primary afferent terminals.Dnepropetrovskii State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 386–391, July–August, 1982.  相似文献   

Summary Antidromic electrical stimulation of the lingual branch of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve of the frog was carried out while recording intracellular potentials of taste disc cells.Antidromic activation of sensory fibers resulted in depolarization of cells of the upper layer of the disc and most commonly in hyperpolarization of the cells in the lower layer. These changes in potential exhibited latencies greater than 1 s (Fig. 3), and thus cannot be due to electrotonic effects of action potentials in terminals of IX nerve fibers, which have much shorter conduction times. These cell potentials also showed summation, adaptation and post-stimulus rebound (Figs. 3, 4).Depending upon the chemical stimulus used, antidromic activity produced either depression or enhancement of gustatory fiber discharge in response to taste stimuli (Fig. 5).Alteration of the resting membrane potential by current injection did not significantly modify the antidromically evoked potentials (Fig. 8), whereas chemical stimulation of the tongue did (Fig. 7), indicating that these potential changes are not the result of passive electrical processes.These experimental results indicate that the membrane potential of taste disc cells can be modified by antidromic activity in their afferent nerves. This mechanism may be responsible for peripheral interactions among gustatory units of the frog tongue.The research was supported in part by NIH grant NS-09168.  相似文献   

The oculogyric nerves contain afferent fibers originating from the ophthalmic territory, the somata of which are located in the ipsilateral semilunar ganglion. These primary sensory neurons project to the Subnucleus Gelatinosus of the Nucleus Caudalis Trigemini, where they make presynaptic contact with the central endings of the primary trigeminal afferents running in the fifth cranial nerve. After complete section of the trigeminal root, the antidromic volleys elicited in the trunk of the third cranial nerve by stimulating SG of NCT consisted of two waves belonging to the A delta and C groups. The area of both components of the antidromic volleys decreased both after bradykinin and hystamine injection into the corresponding cutaneous region and after thermic stimulation of the ipsilateral trigeminal ophthalmic territory. The reduction of such potentials can be explained in terms of collision between the antidromic volleys and those elicited orthodromically by chemical and thermic stimulation. Also, capsaicin applied on the nerve induced an immediate increase, followed by a long lasting decrease, of orthodromic evoked response area. These findings bring further support to the nociceptive nature of the afferent fibers running into the oculomotor nerve.  相似文献   

Conditioning stimuli were applied to the common peroneal or superficial peroneal nerve in acute experiments on anesthetized cats. Changes in the N1-component of the dorsal cord potential evoked by stimulation of one of these nerves or of other nerves (tibial, deep peroneal) and changes in the amplitude of antidromic action potentials in the afferent fibers of these nerves were investigated. The degree of reinforcement of antidromic action potentials, reflecting the degree of depolarization of the afferent terminals, was found to be greater for the passive nerve than for the active to which the conditioning stimulus was applied. Inhibition of the N1-component of the dorsal cord potential was deeper when a pair of stimuli was applied to two different nerves (under these conditions only the mechanism of presynaptic inhibition was activated) than when they were applied to the same nerve. It is concluded that presynaptic inhibition, by selectively controlling afferent volleys, can evidently play a coordinating role.  相似文献   

In Wistar albino rats with experimental hyperthyroidism (HTh) and control animals, we measured parameters of the responses evoked in peripheral segments of the ventral and dorsal roots (VR and DR, respectively) by stimulation of the sciatic nerve. We found that the chronaxia of the afferent fibers of the sciatic nerve in HTh animals is shorter, while the duration of the mass action potential (AP) in the DR is somewhat longer than in the control. Under conditions of HTh, the excitation threshold of the efferent fibers became higher, the chronaxia decreased, and the second high-amplitude component could appear in the AP recorded from the VR. Possible mechanisms of changes in the excitability of afferent and efferent fibers of the sciatic nerve and specific features of the AP recorded from the VR under HTh conditions are discussed. In particular, we consider the possibility of ephaptic spreading of excitation in VR fibers under HTh conditions.  相似文献   

When the glossopharyngeal (GP) nerve of the frog was stimulated electrically, electropositive slow potentials were recorded from the tongue surface and depolarizing slow potentials from taste cells in the fungiform papillae. The amplitude of the slow potentials was stimulus strength- and the frequency-dependent. Generation of the slow potentials was not related to antidromic activity of myelinated afferent fibers in the GP nerve, but to orthodromic activity of autonomic post-ganglionic C fibers in the GP nerve. Intravenous injection of atropine abolished the positive and depolarizing slow potentials evoked by GP nerve stimulation, suggesting that the slow potentials were induced by the activity of parasympathetic post-ganglionic fibers. The amplitude and polarity of the slow potentials depended on the concentration of adapting NaCl solutions applied to the tongue surface. These results suggest that the slow potentials recorded from the tongue surface and taste cells are due to the liquid junction potential generated between saliva secreted from the lingual glands by GP nerve stimulation and the adapting solution on the tongue surface.  相似文献   

Integral evoked potentials and intracellular potentials of single units were recorded from the frog olfactory bulb in response to afferent stimulation by two methods: electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve and natural stimulation with odorous substances. At least four components can be distinguished in the response of the olfactory bulb to single electrical stimulation: an integral action potential of the olfactory nerve fibers, a synaptic glomerular potential, and two polysynaptic components. Responses of mitral and superficial (interglomerular) bulb cells to orthodromic electrical stimulation and antidromic stimulation of the olfactory tract are described. A functional similarity between the mitral cells of frogs and the analogous cells of rabbits is noted. Responses of the bulb to stimulation of olfactory receptors by odorous substances are characterized by regular waves of potentials. Corresponding waves of postsynaptic potentials are observed in the interglomerular cells of the bulb. These latter must, therefore, participate in generation of the rhythmic response. During stimulation by odorous substances, prolonged PSPs, producing excitation or inhibition of the spike discharge, arise in various cells of the bulb. The results of component analysis of the integral response and the functional properties of single bulb units are discussed.Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow; Institute of Biology of Internal Waters, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Borok, Yaroslavl'Region. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 269–277, November–December, 1969.  相似文献   

The contribution of antidromic excitation of motoneurons to cord dorsum potentials (CDP) was studied in the spinal cord of anesthetized cats. It was shown that stimulation of ventral roots (VR) or peripheral nerves following deafferentiation of a number of segments by crosscutting of dorsal roots on the dorsal surface evokes appreciable positive-negative CDP (VR-CDP). Under intact conditions, VR effects of antidromic stimulation of efferent fibers brings appreciable input to the initial "fast" CDP component (the "afferent" peak); input values for the main mixed nerves of the hindlimb are presented. After conditioning stimulation of a mixed nerve, VR-CDP undergo inhibition with two maximums, associated with blocking of the effects of antidromic excitation of efferents by orthodromic mono- and polysynaptic reflex discharges of motoneurons. The hypothesis that intactness of efferents in nerves under stimulation can be determined from an analysis of initial CDP components is stated.Scientific-Research Institute of Biology, Dnepropetrovsk State University, Dnepropetrovsk. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 655–661, November–December, 1991.  相似文献   

This series of three papers presents data on a system of neurons, the large supramedullary cells (SMC) of the puffer, Spheroides maculatus, in terms of the physiological properties of the individual cells, of their afferent and efferent connections, and of their interconnections. Some of these findings are verified by available anatomical data, but others suggest structures that must be sought for in the light of the demonstration that these cells are not sensory neurons. Analysis on so broad a scale was made possible by the accessibility of the cells in a compact cluster on the dorsal surface of the spinal cord. Simultaneous recordings were made intracellularly and extracellularly from individual cells or from several, frequently with registration of the afferent or efferent activity as well. The passive and active electrical properties of the SMC are essentially similar to those of other neurons, but various response characteristics have been observed which are related to different excitabilities of different parts of the neuron, and to specific anatomical features. The SMC produce spikes to direct stimuli by intracellular depolarization, or by indirect synaptic excitation from many afferent paths, including tactile stimulation of the skin. Responses that were evoked by intracellular stimulation of a single cell cause an efferent discharge bilaterally in many dorsal roots, but not in the ventral. Sometimes several distinct spikes occurred in the same root, and behaved independently. Thus, a number of axons are efferent from each neuron. They are large unmyelinated fibers which give rise to the elevation of slowest conduction in the compound action potential of the dorsal root. A similar component is absent in the ventral root action potential. Antidromic stimulation of the axons causes small potentials in the cell body, indicating that the antidromic spikes are blocked distantly to the soma, probably in the axon branches. The failure of antidromic invasion is correlated with differences in excitability of the axons and the neurite from which they arise. As recorded in the cell body, the postsynaptic potentials associated with stimulation of afferent fibers in the dorsal roots or cranial nerves are too small to discharge the soma spike. The indirect spike has two components, the first of which is due to the synaptically initiated activity of the neurite and which invades the cell body. The second component is then produced when the soma is fired. The neurite impulse arises at some distance from the cell body and propagates centrifugally as well as centripetally. An indirect stimulus frequently produces repetitive spikes which are observed to occur synchronously in all the cells examined at one time. Each discharge gives rise to a large efferent volley in each of the dorsal roots and cranial nerves examined. The synchronized responses of all the SMC to indirect stimulation occur with slightly different latencies. They are due to a combination of excitation by synaptic bombardment from the afferent pathways and by excitatory interconnections among the SMC. Direct stimulation of a cell may also excite all the others. This spread of activity is facilitated by repetitive direct excitation of the cell as well as by indirect stimulation.  相似文献   

Afferent activity in thin myelinated and unmyelinated cutaneous nerve fibers was analyzed by an impulse collision method and by methods improving the signal-to-noise ratio in the record of the antidromic action potential. The following groups were distinguished among the thin myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers on the basis of the results of investigation of conduction velocities, thresholds of electrical excitation, and response to mechanical stimulation: A 1 (conduction velocity 30-14 m/sec) — a relatively larger number of these fibers conducts excitation in response to weak mechanical stimulation; A 2 (14–4.0 m/sec) — the receptors of these fibers are more easily excited by a strong stimulus; a group of "mixed" fibers, containing myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers (4–2 m/sec), conducting excitation in response to both types of mechanical stimulation; C1 (2.0–1.0 m/sec) — a fairly large number of these unmyelinated fibers conducts impulses in response to weak mechanical stimulation; C2 (1.0–0.15 m/sec) the majority of fibers of this group is connected with receptors requiring strong mechanical stimulation for their excitation.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii State University, Gor'kii. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 67–75, January–February, 1976.  相似文献   

A correlation between the spike activity and ferrous deposits in the Ranvier nodes of afferent fibers has been revealed in the frog bladder. The degenerated fibers reveal neither deposits, nor spike activity. The native fibers reveal deposits in the presence of spike activity. When the spike activity is suppressed by procainamide the node affinity to ferrous ions is retained. It is suggested that positive cytochemical reactions in the nodes demonstrate the retention of the initial morpho-functional structure of afferent fibers.  相似文献   

The actions of serotonin on frog primary afferent terminals and cell bodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The actions of serotonin (5-HT) were studied in the isolated frog spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion preparations. In the spinal cord, 5-HT increased the spontaneous activity recorded from dorsal roots, facilitated evoked spinal reflexes and produced fast and slow primary afferent depolarization (PAD). A direct action of 5-HT on primary afferent terminals is likely since 5-HT induced PAD remained in the presence of 1 microM tetrodotoxin and 2 mM Mn2+. The direct action of 5-HT on primary afferent terminals was blocked by methysergide and attenuated by concentrations of Mn2+ in excess of that required to block transmitter release. Cell bodies of the dorsal root ganglion were also depolarized by 5-HT. A slow hyperpolarization occasionally followed the initial depolarization. The depolarizing action of 5-HT in the dorsal root ganglion was also attenuated by treatment with Mn2+. It is concluded that 5-HT acts directly on frog primary afferents and that this influence may involve a calcium sensitive process. The dorsal root ganglion response to 5-HT appears to be a suitable model of the afferent terminal response.  相似文献   

There are two possible mechanisms of effects of large electric fields on animals, one caused by the electric field at the body surface and the other caused by the electric current induced inside the body. The purpose of the present experiments was to investigate the former possibility by recording action potentials from afferent fibers innervating various sensory receptors in the cat's hindlimb. Cat hairs were attracted to the upper electrode when exposed to DC electric fields of 180 kV/m or greater, and action potentials were evoked in the afferent fibers innervating G1, G2, and down hair receptors. No action potentials were evoked in afferent fibers innervating type I, type II, field receptors, muscle spindles, or joint receptors. These results indicate that a strong DC electric field induced movement of the hairs, eventually evoked excitation of the hair receptors, but that other receptors located under the skin were not influenced by electric field exposure.  相似文献   

Ovsepyan  S. V.  Vesselkin  N. P. 《Neurophysiology》2001,33(6):356-364
We studied, on isolated preparations of the frog spinal cord, the effects of serotonin in different concentrations on the amplitude-temporal parameters of action potentials (AP) in primary afferent fibers, on the potentials reflecting depolarization of primary afferents (DPA), and on the properties of the membrane of these fibers. It was demonstrated that in a part of the dorsal root afferent fibers serotonin caused a drop in the AP amplitude (by 15-20%) and an increase in the AP duration (by 8-13%). Serotonin also significantly (by 70-90%) decreased the amplitude of DPA induced by stimulation of a neighboring dorsal root and noticeably reduced the input membrane resistance of afferent fibers. Serotonin-induced modulation of the AP parameters in the afferents and suppression of DPA under the influence of this amine are postulated as possible factors involved in the central control of afferentation.  相似文献   

The overflow of calcitonin gene-related peptide like-immunoreactivity (CGRP-LI) in the nasal venous effluent upon antidromic stimulation of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve with 6.9 Hz for 3 min or upon capsaicin (0.3 mumol bolus injection) were analysed in the nasal mucosa of sympathectomized pentobarbital anaesthetized pigs. The overflow of CGRP-LI upon antidromic stimulation displayed a slower appearance in the venous effluent than the overflow upon bolus injection of capsaicin. The vascular effects as revealed by the arterial blood flow, the venous blood flow, the blood volume of the nasal mucosa, i.e., the filling of the capacitance vessels and the superficial mucosal blood flow as revealed by the laser-Doppler signal were also studied. Antidromic stimulation of the trigeminal nerve as well as capsaicin bolus injection induced a marked vasodilation which was parallel to the overflow of CGRP. However, capsaicin bolus injection also resulted in a marked increase in the mean arterial blood pressure which may be due to reflex activation of sympathetic fibers. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that chemical stimulation with capsaicin as well as antidromic stimulation of nasal sensory nerves in sympathectomized animals induces both vasodilation and overflow of CGRP-LI in vivo. This indicates that CGRP may contribute to the sensory regulation of the microcirculation in the nasal mucosa.  相似文献   

The possible interaction among different sensory units in the frog tongue was studied using several single papillae dually innervated by the medial and lateral branches of the glossopharyngeal (IXth) nerve. The afferent activity in one branch exposed to NaCl stimulation of the papilla revealed marked inhibition after antidromic electrical stimulation (100 Hz, 30 s, and 3 V) of the other branch. The degree of inhibition depended on the number of sensory responses observed in the electrically stimulated branch as well as the nature of the stimulated sensory units. Statistical analysis suggested that antidromic activation of gustatory units conducting the responses to NaCl and quinine and slowly adapting mechanosensitive units produced a large antidromic inhibition amounting to 19-25%, but that of gustatory units conducting the responses to acetic acid and rapidly adapting mechanosensitive units gave rise to only a slight inhibition. To examine the differential effects of these sensory units in antidromic inhibition, antidromic impulses were evoked by chemical stimulation of the adjacent papilla neuronally connected with the dually innervated papilla under study. Antidromic volleys of impulses elicited by NaCl or quinine stimulation produced a large inhibition of the afferent activity in the other branch, as induced by NaCl stimulation of the dually innervated papilla. Plausible mechanisms of synaptic interaction in peripheral gustatory systems are considered.  相似文献   

The dorsal cord and dorsal root potentials were recorded in immobilized thalamic cats during fictitious scratching evoked by mechanical stimulation of the ear. Depolarization of primary afferents was shown to be simulated by the central scratching generator. Antidromic spike discharges appeared at the peak of the primary afferent depolarization waves in certain afferent fibers. Similar discharges arise in the resting state in response to stimulation of limb mechanoreceptors. It is suggested that during real scratching primary afferent depolarization and antidromic spikes evoked by it may effectively modulate the level of the afferent flow to spinal neurons.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 173–176, March–April, 1978.  相似文献   

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