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The Desulfurococcus amylolyticus RadA protein (RadA(Da)) promotes recombination at temperatures approaching the DNA melting point. Here, analyzing ATPase of the RadA(Da) presynaptic complex, we described other distinguishing characteristics of RadA(Da). These include sensitivity to NaCl, preference for lengthy single-stranded DNA as a cofactor, protein activity at temperatures of over 100 degrees C, and bimodal ATPase activity. These characteristics suggest that RadA(Da) is a founding member of a new class of archaeal recombinases.  相似文献   

A topoisomerase capable of introducing positive supercoils into closed-circular DNA has been isolated from the extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaebacterium Desulfurococcus amylolyticus. This polypeptide has an Mr of 135,000, as determined by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. The enzyme is active in the temperature range from 65 degrees C to 100 degrees C and catalyzes positive supercoiling both in negatively supercoiled DNA and in relaxed DNA. These reactions require the presence of ATP. The enzyme's action on a single topoisomer has shown the linking number to increase by an integral number upon the relaxation of negative supercoils and the introduction of positive ones. This means that the reverse gyrase from D. amylolyticus is a type I topoisomerase. The presence of an extended AT sequence within the closed-circular DNA enhances the activity of the Desulfurococcus topoisomerase. Even though the enzyme is isolated from a strictly anaerobic bacterium, it is fully active in the presence of oxygen.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a universal phenomenon experienced by organisms in all domains of life. Proteins like those in the ferritin-like di-iron carboxylate superfamily have evolved to manage this stress. Here we describe the cloning, isolation, and characterization of a Dps-like protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (PfDps-like). Phylogenetic analysis, primary structure alignments and higher order structural predictions all suggest that the P. furiosus protein is related to proteins within the broad superfamily of ferritin-like di-iron carboxylate proteins. The recombinant PfDps protein self-assembles into a 12 subunit quaternary structure with an outer shell diameter of approximately 10nm and an interior diameter of approximately 5 nm. Dps proteins functionally manage the toxicity of oxidative stress by sequestering intracellular ferrous iron and using it to reduce H(2)O(2) in a two electron process to form water. The iron is converted to a benign form as Fe(III) within the protein cage. This Dps-mediated reduction of hydrogen peroxide, coupled with the protein's capacity to sequester iron, contributes to its service as a multifunctional antioxidant.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase (PpsA) was purified from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate and ATP to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), AMP, and phosphate and is thought to function in gluconeogenesis. PpsA has a subunit molecular mass of 92 kDa and contains one calcium and one phosphorus atom per subunit. The active form has a molecular mass of 690 ± 20 kDa and is assumed to be octomeric, while approximately 30% of the protein is purified as a large (~1.6 MDa) complex that is not active. The apparent Km values and catalytic efficiencies for the substrates pyruvate and ATP (at 80°C, pH 8.4) were 0.11 mM and 1.43 × 104 mM−1 · s−1 and 0.39 mM and 3.40 × 103 mM−1 · s−1, respectively. Maximal activity was measured at pH 9.0 (at 80°C) and at 90°C (at pH 8.4). The enzyme also catalyzed the reverse reaction, but the catalytic efficiency with PEP was very low [kcat/Km = 32 (mM · s)−1]. In contrast to several other nucleotide-dependent enzymes from P. furiosus, PpsA has an absolute specificity for ATP as the phosphate-donating substrate. This is the first PpsA from a nonmethanogenic archaeon to be biochemically characterized. Its kinetic properties are consistent with a role in gluconeogenesis, although its relatively high cellular concentration (~5% of the cytoplasmic protein) suggests an additional function possibly related to energy spilling. It is not known whether interconversion between the smaller, active and larger, inactive forms of the enzyme has any functional role.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is a major pathway for the repair of double-strand DNA breaks, a highly deleterious form of DNA damage. The main catalytic protein in HR is the essential RecA-family recombinase, which is conserved across all three domains of life. Eukaryotes and archaea encode varying numbers of proteins paralogous to their main recombinase. Although there is increasing evidence for the functions of some of these paralog proteins, overall their mechanism of action remains largely unclear. Here we present the first biochemical characterization of one of the paralog proteins, SsoRal3, from the crenarchaeaon Sulfolobus solfataricus. The SsoRal3 protein is a ssDNA-dependent ATPase that can catalyze strand invasion at both saturating and subsaturating concentrations. It can bind both ssDNA and dsDNA, but its binding preference is altered by the presence or absence of ATP. Addition of SsoRal3 to SsoRadA nucleoprotein filaments reduces total ATPase activity. Subsaturating concentrations of SsoRal3 increase the ssDNA binding activity of SsoRadA approximately 9-fold and also increase the persistence of SsoRadA catalyzed strand invasion products. Overall, these results suggest that SsoRal3 functions to stabilize the SsoRadA presynaptic filament.  相似文献   

The Flp recombinase of Saccharomyces cerevisae can mediate strand transfer within a half-site, between two half-sites and between a half-site and a full-site. The ability of "step-arrest" mutants of Flp to partake in half-site reactions has been examined. Arg308 variants of Flp, which show little or no strand cleavage in reactions with normal full-sites, execute significant levels of strand transfer in half-site reactions. On the other hand, His305 variants of Flp, which normally accumulate the strand cleavage product from full-sites but do not complete strand transfer, yield only minute amounts of strand transfer products from half-sites. As would be predicted, the step-arrest mutants are unable to produce "normal" or "reverse" recombinants between a half-site and a full-site. The Flp protein is able to form higher-order complexes in association with a half-site. The step-arrest mutants of Flp show specific defects in forming these complexes.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase III from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso topo III) is optimally active in DNA relaxation at 75 degrees C. We report here that Sso topo III-catalysed DNA cleavage and religation differed significantly in temperature dependence: the enzyme was most active in cleaving ssDNA containing a cleavage site at 25-50 degrees C, but was efficient in rejoining the cleaved DNA strand only at higher temperatures (e.g. > or = 45 degrees C). The failure of Sso topo III to rejoin the cleaved DNA strand efficiently appeared to be responsible for the inability of the enzyme to relax negatively supercoiled DNA at low temperature (e.g. 25 degrees C). Intriguingly, Sso topo III facilitated DNA annealing although it showed higher affinity for ssDNA than for dsDNA. Religation of the DNA strand cleaved by Sso topo III was drastically enhanced when the DNA was allowed to anneal to a complementary non-cleaved oligonucleotide, presumably as a result of destabilization of the interaction between the enzyme and the cleaved strand through the formation of duplex DNA. A region in the non-cleaved strand corresponding to a sequence containing six bases on the 5' side and two bases on the 3' side of the cleavage site in the cleaved strand was crucial to the annealing-promoted religation. However, the annealing-promoted religation was relatively insensitive to mismatches in this region and the region conserved for oligonucleotide cleavage, except for that at the 5' end of the broken strand. These results suggest that Sso topo III is well suited for a role in DNA rewinding, whether it leads to homoduplex or heteroduplex formation.  相似文献   

Archaeal RadA/Rad51 are close homologues of eukaryal Rad51/DMC1. Such recombinases, as well as their bacterial RecA orthologues, form helical nucleoprotein filaments in which a hallmark strand exchange reaction occurs between homologous DNA substrates. Our recent ATPase and structure studies on RadA recombinase from Methanococcus voltae have suggested that not only magnesium but also potassium ions are absorbed at the ATPase center. Potassium, but not sodium, stimulates the ATP hydrolysis reaction with an apparent dissociation constant of approximately 40 mM. The minimal inhibitory effect by 40 mM NaCl further suggests that the protein does not have adequate affinity for sodium. The wild-type protein's strand exchange activity is also stimulated by potassium with an apparent dissociation constant of approximately 35 mM. We made site-directed mutations at the potassium-contacting residues Glu151 and Asp302. The mutant proteins are expectedly defective in promoting ATP hydrolysis. Similar potassium preference in strand exchange is observed for the E151D and E151K proteins. The D302K protein, however, shows comparable strand exchange efficiencies in the presence of either potassium or sodium. Crystallized E151D filaments reveal a potassium-dependent conformational change similar to what has previously been observed with the wild-type protein. We interpret these data as suggesting that both ATP hydrolysis and DNA strand exchange requires accessibility to an "active" conformation similar to the crystallized ATPase-active form in the presence of ATP, Mg2+ and K+.  相似文献   

ST0838 (designed stRad55B) is one of the four RadA paralogs (or Rad55 homologues) in the genome of the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. The gene is induced by UV irradiation, suggesting that it is involved in DNA recombinational repair in this organism. However, this protein could not be expressed normally in vitro. In this study, thermostable and soluble stRad55B was obtained by co-expression with S. tokodaii RadA (stRadA) in E. coli, and the enzymatic properties were examined. It was found that stRad55B bound ssDNA preferentially and had a very weak ATPase activity that was not stimulated by DNA. The recombinant protein inhibited the strand exchange activity promoted by stRadA, indicating that stRad55B might be an inhibitor to the homologous recombination in this archaeon. The results will be helpful for further functional and interaction analysis of RadA paralogs and for the understanding of the mechanism of recombinational repair in archaea. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2004CB719604) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 30470386 and 30700011)  相似文献   

ST0838 (designed stRad55B) is one of the four RadA paralogs (or Rad55 homologues) in the genome of the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. The gene is induced by UV irradiation, suggesting that it is involved in DNA recombinational repair in this organism. However, this protein could not be expressed normally in vitro. In this study, thermostable and soluble stRad55B was obtained by co-expression with S. tokodaii RadA (stRadA) in E. coli, and the enzymatic properties were examined. It was found that stRad55B bound ssDNA preferentially and had a very weak ATPase activity that was not stimulated by DNA. The recombinant protein inhibited the strand exchange activity promoted by stRadA, indicating that stRad55B might be an inhibitor to the homologous recombination in this archaeon. The results will be helpful for further functional and interaction analysis of RadA paralogs and for the understanding of the mechanism of recombinational repair in archaea.  相似文献   

Four genes that encode the homologues of plant geranylgeranyl reductase were isolated from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which produces menaquinone with a fully saturated heptaprenyl side chain, menaquinone-7(14H). The recombinant expression of one of the homologues in Escherichia coli led to a distinct change in the quinone profile of the host cells, although the homologue is the most distantly related to the geranylgeranyl reductase. The new compounds found in the profile had successively longer elution times than those of ordinary quinones from E. coli, i.e., menaquinone-8 and ubiquinone-8, in high-performance liquid chromatography on a reversed-phase column. Structural analyses of the new compounds by electron impact-mass spectrometry indicated that their molecular masses progressively increase relative to the ordinary quinones at a rate of 2 U but that they still contain quinone head structures, strongly suggesting that the compounds are quinones with partially saturated prenyl side chains. In vitro assays with dithionite as the reducing agent showed that the prenyl reductase is highly specific for menaquinone-7, rather than ubiquinone-8 and prenyl diphosphates. This novel enzyme noncovalently binds flavin adenine dinucleotide, similar to geranylgeranyl reductase, but was not able to utilize NAD(P)H as the electron donor, unlike the plant homologue.  相似文献   

The purification and characterization of thermostable chaperonin of the thermosome family from hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus profunds are described. The purified thermosome is a homooligomeric complex and an ATPase with maximal activity at 80 degrees C. The electron micrographs obtained from negatively stained as well as frozen-hydrated specimen showed an eight-fold symmetry of chaperonin. They were about 15 nm height and 16 nm in diameter with a central cavity of 5 nm. In order to understand the ATPase cycling of thermosome, we analyzed the oligomeric structure of thermosome treated with several nucleotides.  相似文献   

A putative perA gene from Archaeoglobus fulgidus was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), and the recombinant catalase-peroxidase was purified to homogeneity. The enzyme is a homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of 85 kDa. UV-visible spectroscopic analysis indicated the presence of protoheme IX as a prosthetic group (ferric heme), in a stoichiometry of 0.25 heme per subunit. Electron paramagnetic resonance analysis confirmed the presence of ferric heme and identified the proximal axial ligand as a histidine. The enzyme showed both catalase and peroxidase activity with pH optima of 6.0 and 4.5, respectively. Optimal temperatures of 70 degrees C and 80 degrees C were found for the catalase and peroxidase activity, respectively. The catalase activity strongly exceeded the peroxidase activity, with Vmax values of 9600 and 36 U mg(-1), respectively. Km values for H2O2 of 8.6 and 0.85 mM were found for catalase and peroxidase, respectively. Common heme inhibitors such as cyanide, azide, and hydroxylamine inhibited peroxidase activity. However, unlike all other catalase-peroxidases, the enzyme was also inhibited by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole. Although the enzyme exhibited a high thermostability, rapid inactivation occurred in the presence of H2O2, with half-life values of less than 1 min. This is the first catalase-peroxidase characterized from a hyperthermophilic microorganism.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase fibrillarin is the catalytic component of ribonucleoprotein complexes that direct site-specific methylation of precursor ribosomal RNA and are critical for ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes and archaea. Here we report the crystal structure of a fibrillarin ortholog from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus at 1.97A resolution. Comparisons of the X-ray structures of fibrillarin orthologs from Methanococcus jannashii and Archaeoglobus fulgidus reveal nearly identical backbone configurations for the catalytic C-terminal domain with the exception of a unique loop conformation at the S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) binding pocket in P. furiosus. In contrast, the N-terminal domains are divergent which may explain why some forms of fibrillarin apparently homodimerize (M. jannashii) while others are monomeric (P. furiosus and A. fulgidus). Three positively charged amino acids surround the AdoMet-binding site and sequence analysis indicates that this is a conserved feature of both eukaryotic and archaeal fibrillarins. We discuss the possibility that these basic residues of fibrillarin are important for RNA-guided rRNA methylation.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the highly thermostable l-aspartate oxidase (LAO) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii was determined at a 2.09 A resolution. The factors contributing to the thermostability of the enzyme were analyzed by comparing its structure to that of Escherichia coli LAO. Like E. coli LAO, the S. tokodaii enzyme consists of three domains: an FAD-binding domain, an alpha+beta capping domain, and a C-terminal three-helix bundle. However, the situation of the linker between the FAD-binding domain and C-terminal three-helix bundle in S. tokodaii LAO is completely different from that in E. coli LAO, where the linker is situated near the FAD-binding domain and has virtually no interaction with the rest of the protein. In S. tokodaii LAO, this linker is situated near the C-terminal three-helix bundle and contains a beta-strand that runs parallel to the C-terminal strand. This results in the formation of an additional beta-sheet, which appears to reduce the flexibility of the C-terminal region. Furthermore, the displacement of the linker enables formation of a 5-residue ion-pair network between the FAD-binding and C-terminal domains, which strengthens the interdomain interactions. These features might be the main factors contributing to the high thermostability of S. tokodaii LAO.  相似文献   

RecA/Rad51/RadA家族蛋白是细胞内重要的重组修复蛋白,在功能上非常保守.研究发现在细菌、真核生物、甲烷古菌和嗜盐古菌细胞内RecA/Rad51/RadA均可以受紫外线辐射诱导转录.而对极端嗜热古菌中的RadA辐射可诱导性仍存在争议.通过体外表达极端嗜热古菌Sulfolobus tokodaii的RadA蛋白,制备抗体,利用免疫学方法并结合RT-PCR分析,对嗜热古菌S.tokodaii中RadA的辐射诱导进行了研究.经过100J/m2和200J/m2 UV辐照处理,radA基因的转录分别上调了2倍和3倍,同时RadA蛋白的表达分别上升了1.5倍和1倍.实验结果表明S.tokodaii中RadA可以被紫外线辐射诱导表达,证实了极端嗜热古菌S.tokodaii细胞中存在DNA损伤诱导反应的观点.  相似文献   

The gene encoding putative aminoacylase (ORF: PH0722) in the genome sequence of a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii, was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant enzyme was determined to be thermostable aminoacylase (PhoACY), forming a homotetramer. Purified PhoACY showed the ability to release amino acid molecules from the substrates N-acetyl-L-Met, N-acetyl-L-Gln and N-acetyl-L-Leu, but had a lower hydrolytic activity towards N-acetyl-L-Phe. The kinetic parameters K(m) and k(cat) were determined to be 24.6 mm and 370 s(-1), respectively, for N-acetyl-l-Met at 90 degrees C. Purified PhoACY contained one zinc atom per subunit. EDTA treatment resulted in the loss of PhoACY activity. Enzyme activity was fully recovered by the addition of divalent metal ions (Zn(2+), Mn(2+) and Ni(2+)), and Mn(2+) addition caused an alteration in substrate specificity. Site-directed mutagenesis analysis and structural modeling of PhoACY, based on Arabidopsis thaliana indole-3-acetic acid amino acid hydrolase as a template, revealed that, amongst the amino acid residues conserved in PhoACY, His106, Glu139, Glu140 and His164 were related to the metal-binding sites critical for the expression of enzyme activity. Other residues, His198 and Arg260, were also found to be involved in the catalytic reaction, suggesting that PhoACY obeys a similar reaction mechanism to that proposed for mammalian aminoacylases.  相似文献   

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