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No reliable connective tissue stains for GMA sections were available until recently. However, the use of toluidine blue in combination with basic fuchsin appeared to be a rapid and reliable connective tissue stain for glycol methacrylate (GMA) embedded tissue.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the histochemical demonstration of -glutamyl transpeptidase in tissue sections embedded in glycol methacrylate at low temperature. Enzyme activity was preserved by a short (3 h) fixation of tissue in 4% paraformaldehyde at 4° C prior to embedding at 4° C. Tissue embedded in glycol methacrylate combined good morphology with accurate enzyme localization. Blocks of the embedded tissue could be stored at room temperature for at least 3 months without loss of enzyme activity. The resin is non-fluorescent, allowing the use of the fluorescent coupling agent 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde to visualize the reaction product.  相似文献   

Synopsis The advantages of the water-soluble glycol methacrylate (GMA) embedding procedure make it highly applicable for use with fragile early embryonic material. Not only can one obtain tissue sections containing excellent histological detail, but numerous enzymes are retained for subsequent histochemical localization. For the purpose of establishing a methodology whereby concomitant histology and histochemistry could be obtainable, various fixatives and fixation times have been evaluated on GMA embedded chick embryonic mesonephros and gonad. It was found that fixing the tissues for 1 h in a solution of 95% ethanol, 5% acetic acid and 10% neutralbuffered formalin resulted in the retention of not only excellent histology but also alkaline and acid phosphatase. Thus, with this procedure, more specific investigations of early embryonic tissue can be performed.  相似文献   

Improved immunofluorescent techniques have been developed for the high resolution light microscopic localization of intracellular antigens in plant tissue. Thin sections of pea cotyledon tissue which had been fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in glycol methacrylate were reacted with mono-specific antibodies to the storage proteins legumin and vicilin. These antibodies were raised in sheep, purified by affinity chromatography and tested by immunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion. Using the indirect technique, rhodamine-labeled antibodies permitted specific fluorescent localization of the legumin and vicilin to small (ca. 1 micrometer) cytoplasmic organelles in near mature tissue. Subsequent histochemical staining verified the proteinaceous nature of these organelles. Parameters affecting staining specificity and background fluorescence are discussed.  相似文献   

The intestinal absorption of lipids was investigated in plastic sections from glycol methacrylate embedded intestine after fat administration. In the catfish, the lipids are absorbed by the enterocytes of the proximal intestinal segment, thus forming fat cytoplasmic inclusions that were demonstrated by Sudan black B staining. The histochemical characterization of lipids by the Nile blue sulphate test revealed the neutral or triglyceride nature of the cytoplasmic droplets, both after the corn oil and oleic acid feeding. There is lipid accumulation in the lamina propria and lymphatic vessels.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol embedded tissue sections for immunoelectronmicroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Several methods for tissue embedding in polyethylene glycol (PEG) were compared with regard to their applicability for pre-embedding immunoelectronmicroscopy. Existing embedding procedures gave unsatisfactory results and therefore a modified procedure was developed. This method, consisting of very brief tissue infiltration with PEG 1500, to which 3% water is added, allowed adequate tissue sectioning. Using these sections for preembedding immunoelectronmicroscopical localisation of glucagon in bovine pancreatic islets adequate ultrastructural morphology was obtained in combination with excellent preservation of peptide hormone immunoreactivity.Supported in part by grant no. PAL 52-77 of the Queen Qilhelmina Cancer Foundation  相似文献   

Acid-fast bacilli can be stained in tissue embedded in glycol methacrylate. Modification of the Ziehl-Neelsen technique, along with changes in the formula of the plastic embedding medium, allow production of 1 to 2 micron sections which retain their integrity throughout the procedure, and within which the bacilli are clearly visible.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte antigens in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the detection of 13 lymphocyte antigens in sheep. The results obtained from family studies are consistent with the hypothesis that at least 12 antigens are under the control of a single genetic system. The distribution of antigens in the population suggests that the system contains two loci. The 13 antigens were compared with those previously reported. Only one additional specificity was found.  相似文献   

The application of Miller's dilute elastic stain followed sequentially by Gill's III hematoxylin and a fast green counterstain produced a reliable and consistent method for differentially staining elastic fibers, nuclei, muscle and collagen in glycol methacrylate tissue sections. Evaluation of different methods of fixation and conditions of staining on animal tissue sections showed that elastic fibers in both perfusion and immersion fixed tissues can be intensely stained. The stability of Miller's elastic stain offers the potential of a commercially available histological stain reagent for coarse and fine elastic fibers in glycol methacrylate tissue sections.  相似文献   

Trypsin and protease V (pronase) were studied for their ability to enhance immunofluorescent labelling of papovavirus antigens in glycol methacrylate embedded sections of organs infected with murine K-papovavirus. Treatment of Bouin's fixed sections with 0.4% trypsin for 30 minutes resulted in specific immunofluorescent staining equal to that seen in frozen sections and produced little if any loss of histological detail. Treatment with protease V resulted in less brilliant fluorescence and less satisfactory tissue preservation. Studies were then conducted to determine the fluorescence and less satisfactory tissue preservation. Studies were then conducted to determine the fixative which would produce brightest specific fluorescent antibody staining of papovavirus-infected cells while providing clearest definition of intranuclear inclusions and best morphological detail in histologically stained adjacent sections. Brightest immunofluorescence staining was accomplished on material fixed in 96% ethanol/1% glacial acetic acid or Bouin's solution. These fixatives also gave clear definition of intranuclear inclusions with histological stains and provided excellent morphological detail. Phosphate buffered paraformaldehyde/picric acid and 3.7% formalin gave less satisfactory fluorescence and obscured intranuclear inclusions in histological preparations. Sections fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde/1% glutaraldehyde, and 0.5 M p-toluenesulfonic acid were negative for specific fluorescence. Glycol methacrylate, used with proper fixation and trypsin pretreatment of sections, provides a useful embedding medium for immunofluorescent identification of virus-infected cells, and the 1.0-2.0 micron sections routinely obtainable with GMA permit study of individual infected cells by fluorescent antibody and histological staining of adjacent sections.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic tracing using tritium labeled compounds or cells is a common laboratory technique for light and electron microscopy. This report describes a chemographic effect associated with certain cells in sections from tissues embedded in the new methacrylate plastic embedding compounds. When tissue sections from rats and rhesus monkeys that received no radioisotope were coated with nuclear track emulsion and subsequently developed, cells with morphologic characteristics of mast cells showed significant grain formation over the entire cell. Three different types of methacrylate plastics were tested using rat and monkey tissues and all three were found to promote grain formation over mast cells; however, this phenomenon was not seen in similar tissue sections from paraffin or epoxy embedded material. The properties of methacrylate plastics which promote positive chemography by mast cells may reflect the greater permeability of this class of plastics. Due to their wide tissue distribution, the presence of such chemographically active cells could cause false estimates of the distribution of either exogenous radiolabeled cells or radioisotopes within many tissues.  相似文献   

The antigenic activity of a labile protein postulated to the hormone ovine chorionic somatomammotropin (OcS) is preserved in tissue fixed in either glutaraldehyde or paraformaldehyde and low temperature-embedded in the water-soluble plastic glycol methacrylate. Immunofluorescence techniques used on 1--2 micrometer thick sections show that this protein is located in the cytoplasm of certain fetal chorionic cells in association with small spherical bodies, which may be lipid. The use of borohydrate reduction or treatment with Schiff's reagent to reduce glutaraldehyde-induced background fluorescence is described.  相似文献   

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