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The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has a sophisticated visual system and exhibits complex visual behaviors. Visual responses, vision processing and higher cognitive processes in Drosophila have been studied extensively. However, little is known about whether the retinal location of visual stimuli can affect fruit fly performance in various visual tasks. We tested the response of wild-type Berlin flies to visual stimuli at several vertical locations. Three paradigms were used in our study: visual operant conditioning, visual object fixation and optomotor response. We observed an acute zone for visual feature memorization in the upper visual field when visual patterns were presented with a black background. However, when a white background was used, the acute zone was in the lower visual field. Similar to visual feature memorization, the best locations for visual object fixation and optomotor response to a single moving stripe were in the lower visual field with a white background and the upper visual field with a black background. The preferred location for the optomotor response to moving gratings was around the equator of the visual field. Our results suggest that different visual processing pathways are involved in different visual tasks and that there is a certain degree of overlap between the pathways for visual feature memorization, visual object fixation and optomotor response.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that attentional resolution is greater in the lower than in the upper visual field. As there is no corresponding asymmetry between the areas in the primary visual cortex where the input from upper and lower visual fields is processed, an 'attentional filter' has been proposed to act in one or more higher visual cortical areas in order to constrict the availability of visual information to the level of awareness. To investigate this, a visual search array was presented to the entire visual field and reaction times from upper and lower visual fields compared. In a second experiment, subjects were trained in detecting targets in different visual fields. There was no significant difference between reaction times for targets presented in either upper or lower visual fields when the array was presented to the entire visual field. However, when the array was restricted to either the upper or lower visual fields, reaction times were significantly slower for detection in the upper visual field.  相似文献   

A steady increase in reading speed is the hallmark of normal reading acquisition. However, little is known of the influence of visual attention capacity on children''s reading speed. The number of distinct visual elements that can be simultaneously processed at a glance (dubbed the visual attention span), predicts single-word reading speed in both normal reading and dyslexic children. However, the exact processes that account for the relationship between the visual attention span and reading speed remain to be specified. We used the Theory of Visual Attention to estimate visual processing speed and visual short-term memory capacity from a multiple letter report task in eight and nine year old children. The visual attention span and text reading speed were also assessed. Results showed that visual processing speed and visual short term memory capacity predicted the visual attention span. Furthermore, visual processing speed predicted reading speed, but visual short term memory capacity did not. Finally, the visual attention span mediated the effect of visual processing speed on reading speed. These results suggest that visual attention capacity could constrain reading speed in elementary school children.  相似文献   

目的:人类视觉皮层的组织方式是视网膜皮层映射组织,先前研究已经证实视觉皮层在中心视采用这种组织方式,本文主要研究宽周边视的视觉皮层组织方式.方法:本文采用一种可以在核磁共振室中使用的光纤设备,设计了30度、40度、50度、60度的类圆环block刺激,使用1.5T的功能性核磁共振仪器,T1高分辨率图像分辨率为1*1*5.5mm,T2加权图像分辨率为4*4*5.5mm,TR反应时间为60,矩阵大小为64*64.核磁共振数据分析使用了SPM2和Brain voyager软件.结果:通过对试验者的数据处理分析,周边视的刺激的反应区域在枕叶上,主要分布在枕叶的前部,刺激反应区域随着偏心率的增大而沿着距状沟从距状沟的后部向前部移动.结论:周边视的视网膜皮层映射组织特性和中心视的特性非常相似.  相似文献   

Amedi A  Malach R  Pascual-Leone A 《Neuron》2005,48(5):859-872
Recent studies emphasize the overlap between the neural substrates of visual perception and visual imagery. However, the subjective experiences of imagining and seeing are clearly different. Here we demonstrate that deactivation of auditory cortex (and to some extent of somatosensory and subcortical visual structures) as measured by BOLD functional magnetic resonance imaging unequivocally differentiates visual imagery from visual perception. During visual imagery, auditory cortex deactivation negatively correlates with activation in visual cortex and with the score in the subjective vividness of visual imagery questionnaire (VVIQ). Perception of the world requires the merging of multisensory information so that, during seeing, information from other sensory systems modifies visual cortical activity and shapes experience. We suggest that pure visual imagery corresponds to the isolated activation of visual cortical areas with concurrent deactivation of "irrelevant" sensory processing that could disrupt the image created by our "mind's eye."  相似文献   

A hypothesis is put forward that one of the reasons for disturbances in visual perception during microsleep could be a spontaneous generation of Ponto-Geniculo-Occipital (PGO) waves. If the PGO waves are generated in microsleep, they could propagate into different thalamic nuclei conveying visual infomation. Consequently, a propagation of visual infonnation from the retina (if the eyes are opened) to visual neocortical areas and to input basal ganglia nucleus, striatum could be impaired. According to previously proposed mechanism of visual processing, which includes visual attention, in absence of striatum activation by a visual stimulus, a disinhibition through the basal ganglia of superior colliculus that transfer visual information to dopaminergic structures becomes impossible. Due to absence of dopamine release in response to visual stimulus, the attention to this stimulus cannot start, and therefore its processing worsens in all visual cortical areas. The suggested hypothesis could be verified in experiments with artificially evoked microsleep using non-invasive methods for searching for the correlates of the PGO activity presence in the brain.  相似文献   

During the course of information processing, a visual system extracts characteristic information of the visual image and integrates the spatial and temporal visual information simultaneously. In this study, we investigate the integration effect of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1 area) under the grating stimulation. First, an information integration model was established based on the receptive field properties of the extracted features of the visual images features, the interaction between neurons and the nonlinear integration of those neurons. Then the neuropsychological experiments were designed both to provide parameters for the model and to verify its effect. The experimental results with factual visual image were largely consistent with the model’s forecast output. This demonstrates that our model can truly reflect the integration effect of the primary visual system when being subjected to grating stimulations with different orientations. Our results indicate the primary visual system integrates the visual information in the following manner: it first extracts visual information through different types of receptive field, and then its neurons interact with each other in a non-linear manner, finally the neurons fire spikes recorded as responses to the visual stimulus.  相似文献   

Haynes JD  Driver J  Rees G 《Neuron》2005,46(5):811-821
Identifying the neural basis of visibility is central to understanding conscious visual perception. Visibility of basic features such as brightness is often thought to reflect activity in just early visual cortex. But here we show under metacontrast masking that fMRI activity in stimulus-driven areas of early visual cortex did not reflect parametric changes in the visibility of a brightness stimulus. The psychometric visibility function was instead correlated with activity in later visual regions plus parieto-frontal areas, and surprisingly, in representations of the unstimulated stimulus surround for primary visual cortex. Critically, decreased stimulus visibility was associated with a regionally-specific decoupling between early visual cortex and higher visual areas. This provides evidence that dynamic changes in effective connectivity can closely reflect visual perception.  相似文献   

Visual experience plays an important role in the development of the visual cortex; however, recent functional imaging studies have shown that the functional organization is preserved in several higher-tier visual areas in congenitally blind subjects, indicating that maturation of visual areas depend unequally on visual experience. In this study, we aim to validate this hypothesis using a multimodality MRI approach. We found increased cortical thickness in the congenitally blind was present in the early visual areas and absent in the higher-tier ones, suggesting that the structural development of the visual cortex depends hierarchically on visual experience. In congenitally blind subjects, the decreased resting-state functional connectivity with the primary somatosensory cortex was more prominent in the early visual areas than in the higher-tier ones and were more pronounced in the ventral stream than in the dorsal one, suggesting that the development of functional organization of the visual cortex also depends differently on visual experience. Moreover, congenitally blind subjects showed normal or increased functional connectivity between ipsilateral higher-tier and early visual areas, suggesting an indirect corticocortical pathway through which somatosenroy information can reach the early visual areas. These findings support our hypothesis that the development of visual areas depends differently on visual experience.  相似文献   

Recent studies in humans and monkeys have reported that acoustic stimulation influences visual responses in the primary visual cortex (V1). Such influences can be generated in V1, either by direct auditory projections or by feedback projections from extrastriate cortices. To test these hypotheses, cortical activities were recorded using optical imaging at a high spatiotemporal resolution from multiple areas of the guinea pig visual cortex, to visual and/or acoustic stimulations. Visuo-auditory interactions were evaluated according to differences between responses evoked by combined auditory and visual stimulation, and the sum of responses evoked by separate visual and auditory stimulations. Simultaneous presentation of visual and acoustic stimulations resulted in significant interactions in V1, which occurred earlier than in other visual areas. When acoustic stimulation preceded visual stimulation, significant visuo-auditory interactions were detected only in V1. These results suggest that V1 is a cortical origin of visuo-auditory interaction.  相似文献   

The role of experience in the development of the central visual pathways has been explored in the past through examination of the consequences of imposed periods of continuously abnormal or biased visual input. The massive changes in the visual cortex (area 17) induced by selected early visual experience, especially monocular deprivation (MD) or experience (ME) where patterned visual input is provided to just one eye, are accompanied by profound and long-standing visual deficits. Although the use of exclusively abnormal experience permits identification of those aspects of the visual cortex and of visual function that can be influenced by visual experience during development, this approach may provide a distorted view of the nature of the role of visual experience because of the absence of any normal visual input. In this study a different approach was used whereby animals were provided daily with separate periods of normal (i.e., binocular exposure) and abnormal (monocular exposure) visual experience. We show that 2 hr of daily normal concordant binocular experience (BE) can outweigh or protect against much longer periods of monocular deprivation (MD) and permit the development of normal visual acuities in the two eyes. This result is not what would be expected if all visual input had equal influence on visual development.  相似文献   

Feedback contributions to visual awareness in human occipital cortex   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It has traditionally been assumed that processing within the visual system proceeds in a bottom-up, feedforward manner from retina to higher cortical areas. In addition to feedforward processing, it is now clear that there are also important contributions to sensory encoding that rely upon top-down, feedback (reentrant) projections from higher visual areas to lower ones. By utilizing transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in a metacontrast masking paradigm, we addressed whether feedback processes in early visual cortex play a role in visual awareness. We show that TMS of visual cortex, when timed to produce visual suppression of an annulus serving as a metacontrast mask, induces recovery of an otherwise imperceptible disk. In addition to producing disk recovery, TMS suppression of an annulus was greater when a disk preceded it than when an annulus was presented alone. This latter result suggests that there are effects of the disk on the perceptibility of the subsequent mask that are additive and are revealed with TMS of the visual cortex. These results demonstrate spatial and temporal interactions of conscious vision in visual cortex and suggest that a prior visual stimulus can influence subsequent perception at early stages of visual encoding via feedback projections.  相似文献   

The visual brain consists of many different visual areas, which are functionally specialized to process and perceive different attributes of the visual scene. However, the time taken to process different attributes varies; consequently, we see some attributes before others. It follows that there is a perceptual asynchrony and hierarchy in visual perception. Because perceiving an attribute is tantamount to becoming conscious of it, it follows that we become conscious of different attributes at different times. Visual consciousness is therefore distributed in time. Given that we become conscious of different visual attributes because of activity at different, functionally specialized, areas of the visual brain, it follows that visual consciousness is also distributed in space. Therefore, visual consciousness is not a single unified entity, but consists of many microconsciousnesses.  相似文献   

When subjects direct attention to a particular location in a visual scene, responses in the visual cortex to stimuli presented at that location are enhanced, and the suppressive influences of nearby distractors are reduced. What is the top-down signal that modulates the response to an attended versus an unattended stimulus? Here, we demonstrate increased activity related to attention in the absence of visual stimulation in extrastriate cortex when subjects covertly directed attention to a peripheral location expecting the onset of visual stimuli. Frontal and parietal areas showed a stronger signal increase during this expectation than did visual areas. The increased activity in visual cortex in the absence of visual stimulation may reflect a top-down bias of neural signals in favor of the attended location, which derives from a fronto-parietal network.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Meng JJ  Wang K  Liu RL  Xi MM  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):218-224
心理物理学研究提示,初级视区毁损后的视觉残留可能是通过外纹状皮层的神经网络重组介导的,但缺少支持这一假说的电生理实验证据。采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术,该研究分别检测了初级视区(主要包括17和18区)急性毁损猫和正常对照猫的高级视区(包括19、20和21区)神经元对不同视觉刺激的反应性。结果显示,与对照相比,急性毁损初级视区使99.3%的高级视区神经元丧失对运动光栅刺激的诱发反应,93%的神经元丧失对闪光刺激的反应。该结果表明,急性毁损成年猫的初级视皮层可能会导致其绝大部分视觉能力丧失。在幼年期实施初级视皮层毁损后,成年猫出现的残留视觉可能主要是由于手术后皮层下神经核团与外纹状皮层之间的通路重组引起的。  相似文献   

Computations in the early visual cortex.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews some of the recent neurophysiological studies that explore the variety of visual computations in the early visual cortex in relation to geometric inference, i.e. the inference of contours, surfaces and shapes. It attempts to draw connections between ideas from computational vision and findings from awake primate electrophysiology. In the classical feed-forward, modular view of visual processing, the early visual areas (LGN, V1 and V2) are modules that serve to extract local features, while higher extrastriate areas are responsible for shape inference and invariant object recognition. However, recent findings in primate early visual systems reveal that the computations in the early visual cortex are rather complex and dynamic, as well as interactive and plastic, subject to influence from global context, higher order perceptual inference, task requirement and behavioral experience. The evidence argues that the early visual cortex does not merely participate in the first stage of visual processing, but is involved in many levels of visual computation.  相似文献   

The subjects learned to recognize three figures presented in the left visual hemifield and three figures presented in the right visual hemifield. During presentation of a stimulus, the contralateral hemifield was overlapped by a mask. After the training, recognition of all six figures presented in the right and left visual hemifields, was compared. Each hemisphere recognizes figures which were learned in the corresponding visual hemifield, but the recognition of figures learned in the opposite visual hemifield was poor. Thus, the ability of the hemispheres to act separately in recognizing different sets of visual images, was established.  相似文献   

In understanding how visual scene is processed in visual cortex, it has been an intriguing problem for theoretical and experimental neuroscientists to examine the relationship between visual stimuli and the induced responses of visual cortex. In particular, it is less explored whether and how the collective responses of visual neurons are patterned to reflect the geometrical regularities. In this paper, through a computation model and statistical analysis, we show that the orientation preference maps induced from correlated visual stimuli exhibit geometrical regularities similar as observed in natural images.  相似文献   

Although rodents are the first-choice animal model in the life sciences, they are rarely used to study higher visual functions. It is unclear to what extent rodents follow complex visual strategies to solve visual object recognition and discrimination tasks [1-5]. We report the performance of rats in a visual discrimination task applying the multivariate "Bubbles" paradigm previously used in highly visual species such as humans, monkeys, and pigeons [6-8]. We demonstrate a relationship between accuracy and local occlusion of stimuli by bubbles, as such revealing the strategies or "templates" that underlie visual discrimination behavior. Performance was guided by relatively simple, screen-centered templates as well as more adaptive templates reflecting context dependency and tolerance for changes in stimulus position. These findings demonstrate the complexity of visual strategies followed by rats and reveal interesting similarities (e.g., potential for position tolerance) as well as differences (overall efficiency of visual processing) compared to primates. In conclusion, this study illustrates the feasibility of investigating visual cognition in rats with multivariate behavioral paradigms, with the ultimate aim to use a comparative approach to explore the anatomical and neurophysiological basis of vision, also for those visual abilities that are traditionally studied in humans and monkeys.  相似文献   

The proximity of visual landmarks impacts reaching performance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The control of goal-directed reaching movements is thought to rely upon egocentric visual information derived from the visuomotor networks of the dorsal visual pathway. However, recent research (Krigolson and Heath, 2004) suggests it is also possible to make allocentric comparisons between a visual background and a target object to facilitate reaching accuracy. Here we sought to determine if the effectiveness of these allocentric comparisons is reduced as distance between a visual background and a target object increases. To accomplish this, participants completed memory-guided reaching movements to targets presented in an otherwise empty visual background or positioned within a proximal, medial, or distal visual background. Our results indicated that the availability of a proximal or medial visual background reduced endpoint variability relative to reaches made without a visual background. Interestingly, we found that endpoint variability was not reduced when participants reached to targets framed within a distal visual background. Such findings suggest that allocentric visual information is used to facilitate reaching performance; however, the fidelity by which such cues are used appears linked to the proximity of veridical target location. Importantly, these data also suggest that information from both the dorsal and ventral visual streams can be integrated to facilitate the online control of reaching movements.  相似文献   

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