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In this study, we sought to determine whether there was any evidence for the idea that cardiac ATP-sensitive K+ (K(ATP)) channels play a role in the training-induced increase in the resistance of the heart to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. To do so, the effects of training and an K(ATP) channel blocker, glibenclamide (Glib), on the recovery of left ventricular (LV) contractile function after 45 min of ischemia and 45 min of reperfusion were examined. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were sedentary (Sed; n = 18) or were trained (Tr; n = 17) for >20 wk by treadmill running, and the hearts from these animals used in a Langendorff-perfused isovolumic LV preparation to assess contractile function. A significant increase in the amount of 72-kDa class of heat shock protein was observed in hearts isolated from Tr rats. The I/R protocol elicited significant and substantial decrements in LV developed pressure (LVDP), minimum pressure (MP), rate of pressure development, and rate of pressure decline and elevations in myocardial Ca(2+) content in both Sed and Tr hearts. In addition, I/R elicited a significant increase in LV diastolic stiffness in Sed, but not Tr, hearts. When administered in the perfusate, Glib (1 microM) elicited a normalization of all indexes of LV contractile function and reductions in myocardial Ca(2+) content in both Sed and Tr hearts. Training increased the functional sensitivity of the heart to Glib because LVDP and MP values normalized more quickly with Glib treatment in the Tr than the Sed group. The increased sensitivity of Tr hearts to Glib is a novel finding that may implicate a role for cardiac K(ATP) channels in the training-induced protection of the heart from I/R injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study plasma, adipose tissue, and liver fatty acids percentages of Wistar rats that drank water supplemented with several levels of sodium selenite for 1, 3, and 6 mo. In a general way, percentages of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids of supplemented groups were not different from those obtained with nontreated animals in the analyzed tissues. However, in rats supplemented with 0.5 ppm Se, mainly in adipose tissue, a polyunsaturated fatty acids increase (p<0.005) was observed for all times of treatment. This could suggest that 0.5 ppm Se supplement probably exercises a protective role on polyunsaturated fatty acids in that tissue. Supplements of 6.0, 15.0, and 54.0 ppm Se did not change unsaturation levels of fatty acids in the analyzed tissues.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal ABC transporters encoded by the ABCD genes are thought to participate in the import of specific fatty acids in the peroxisomal matrix. ABCD1 deficiency is associated with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), the most frequent peroxisomal disorder which is characterized by the accumulation of saturated very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA). ABCD2 (the closest homolog of ABCD1) and ABCD3 have been shown to have partial functional redundancy with ABCD1; only when overexpressed, they can compensate for VLCFA accumulation. Other lipids, for instance polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), should be possible candidate substrates for the ABCD2 and ABCD3 gene products, ALDRP and PMP70 respectively. Moreover, PUFA, which are known regulators of gene expression, could therefore represent potent inducers of the ABCD genes. To test this hypothesis, littermates of n-3-deficient rats were subjected to an n-3-deficient diet or equilibrated diets containing ALA (alpha-linolenic acid, 18:3n-3) as unique source of n-3 fatty acids or ALA plus DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3) at two different doses. We analyzed the expression of peroxisomal ABC transporters and of the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase gene 1 (Acox1) in adrenals, brain and liver. Whatever the diet, we did not observe any difference in gene expression in adrenals and brain. However, the hepatic expression level of Abcd2 and Abcd3 genes was found to be significantly higher in the n-3-deficient rats than in the rats fed the ALA diet or the DHA supplemented diets. This was accompanied by important changes in hepatic fatty acid composition. In summary, the hepatic expression of Abcd2 and Abcd3 but not of Abcd1 and Abcd4 appears to be highly sensitive towards dietary PUFA. This difference could be linked to the substrate specificity of the peroxisomal ABC transporters and a specific involvement of Abcd2 and Abcd3 in PUFA metabolism.  相似文献   

The pre-spawning condition of adult bivalves is influenced by quantity and quality of available food. For bivalves, the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 20:5(n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 22:6(n-3) are presumed to determine the nutritional value of algae. Macoma balthica kept on a broodstock diet supplemented with PUFAs spawned a larger number of eggs (average 22220) per female and larger sized eggs (106.7 μm) compared to adults kept on a diet without PUFA supplementation (962.5 eggs with average size 99.8 μm).Larvae of M. balthica from the same parental pool however did not profit from a diet where a part was replaced with PUFA spheres. Instead, larvae reared on Isochrysis sp. showed lower mortality and higher growth rates than larvae fed on the same algae supplemented with lipid spheres. Crassostrea gigas larvae showed no clear response to a PUFA supplemented diet.  相似文献   

Rats were trained with two running protocols previously demonstrated to result in enhanced cardiac performance. Control groups included free-eating sedentary animals and food-restricted animals in which the body weights were the same as the runners. Calcium binding by isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was slightly but significantly increased in SR from runners at low but not high calcium concentrations at 15 s and 1 min. Calcium uptake in the presence of 1 mM oxalate was increased in SR from runners. Actomyosin ATPase activity was increased by 10% (P less than 0.001) with one running protocol but not with the other. Myosin Ca2+ ATPase activity and actin-activated ATPase activity were also slightly increased in hearts of runners. In food-restricted cardiac actomyosin ATPase was significantly decreased. Actomyosin ATPase activity was found to be normal in hearts of sedentary animals subjected to water immersion without exercise. Therefore, physical training of rats by running, which produces a cardiac mechanical advantage similar to training by swimming, is not accompanied by cardiac biochemical changes of the same magnitude as in the hearts of swimmers.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether changes in cardiac metabolism in Type 2 diabetes are associated with contractile dysfunction or impaired response to ischemia. Hearts from Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) and lean control rats were isolated and perfused with glucose, lactate, pyruvate, and palmitate. The rates of glucose, lactate, pyruvate, and palmitate oxidation rates and glycolysis were determined during baseline perfusion and low-flow ischemia (LFI; 0.3 ml/min for 30 min) and after LFI and reperfusion. Under all conditions, ATP synthesis from palmitate was increased and synthesis from lactate was decreased in the ZDF group, whereas the contribution from glucose was unchanged. During baseline perfusion, the rate of glycolysis was lower in the ZDF group; however, during LFI and reperfusion, there were no differences between groups. Despite these metabolic shifts, there were no differences in oxygen consumption or ATP production rates between the groups under any perfusion conditions. Cardiac function was slightly depressed before LFI in the ZDF group, but during reperfusion, function was improved relative to the control group despite the increased dependence on fatty acids for energy production. These data suggest that in this model of diabetes, the shift from carbohydrates to fatty acids for oxidative energy production did not increase myocardial oxygen consumption and was not associated with impaired response to ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   

The biochemistry of piezophilic bacteria is unique in that piezophiles produce polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). A pertinent question is if piezophilic bacteria synthesize PUFA de novo, through dietary uptake, or both. This study was undertaken to examine the biosynthesis and cellular uptake of PUFAs by piezophilic bacteria. A moderately piezophilic (Shewanella violacea DSS12) and two hyperpiezophilic bacteria (S. benthica DB21MT-2 and Moritella yayanosii DB21MT-5) were grown under 50 MPa (megapascal) and 100 MPa, respectively, in media containing marine broth 2216 supplemented with arachidonic acid (AA, sodium salt) and/or antibiotic cerulenin. There was active uptake and cellular incorporation of AA in the hyperpiezophilic bacteria DB21MT-2 (14.7% of total fatty acids) and DB21MT-5 (1.4%), but no uptake was observed in DSS12. When cells were treated with cerulenin, all three strains incorporated AA into cell membranes (13–19%). The biosynthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids was significantly inhibited (10–37%) by the addition of cerulenin, whereas the concentrations of PUFAs increased by 2–4 times. These results suggest that piezophilic bacteria biosynthesize and/or incorporate dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for their growth and piezoadaptation. The significance of these findings is also discussed in the context of phenotypic classification of piezophiles.  相似文献   

To determine whether a prior chronic swimming program would alter the heart's response to chronic hypertension, female rats were made to swim for 10 wk, and then the left renal artery was stenosed. Heart perfusions were performed 10 wk later. The five groups studied were: control (C), normotensive swimmers (Sw), sedentary hypertensives (H), swimming rats made hypertensive and then allowed to be sedentary (Sw-H-Sd); and swimming animals made hypertensive and continued in a swimming program (Sw-H-Sw). Total heart and left ventricular weights were increased in increasing degrees in the sequence Sw, H, Sw-H-Sd, and Sw-H-Sw. Right ventricular weight was only increased in Sw and Sw-H-Sw. Swimming before the onset of hypertension enhanced total cardiac output and stroke work. Ejection fractions and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening (Vcf) were increased in Sw-H-Sd or Sw-H-Sw vs. controls. Myocardial O2 extraction was increased and coronary flow and myocardial O2 consumption were diminished in all hypertensive groups. However, lactate production was similar in all groups. Myosin adenosinetriphosphatase activity was increased in Sw but decreased in the three H groups. The percent of V1 myosin isozyme was greater and the percent of V3 less in Sw than in C; V1 was diminished and V3 increased in H and Sw-H-Sd; isozymes were normal in Sw-H-Sw.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the present study, we changed the fatty acid profile in blood and platelet membranes by dietary manipulation, and examined the effect on platelet aggregation in rats. Fifty-five rats were divided into five groups and fed for 56 days with 1% cholesterol and different types of fatty acid-rich diets: basal, lard, lard + fish oil, soybean oil, and soybean oil + fish oil. a decrease in serum arachidonic acid (20:4, omega-6, AA) and an increase in serum eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5, omega-3, EPA) were found in all experimental dietary groups fed with refined fish oil. Similar changes in the polyunsaturated fatty acids were also found in the platelet membrane phospholipids. Platelet aggregation, quantitated by the slope and height of the aggregation curve induced by different concentrations of ADP in a platelet aggregometer, was inhibited in all groups fed with refined fish oil. This inhibition of platelet aggregation may be related to an increase in the ratio of EPA and AA in the platelet membrane phospholipids after dietary manipulation. The differences in the platelet aggregation and thromboxane B2 (TXB2) concentration between the lard and the lard + fish oil groups were more profound than that between the soybean oil and the soybean oil + fish oil group. However, the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration revealed no significant differences between the five groups.  相似文献   

The uptake and integrated intracellular metabolism of (n - 6) and (n - 3) polyunsaturated fatty acids was studied in isolated rat cardiac myocytes and in the perfused heart. Labeled linolenic acid (18:3(n - 3)) uptake and its subsequent metabolism into carbon dioxide as well as acylation into lipids was nonsaturable over a substrate range of 0.02 to 0.4 mM. [1-14C]Linoleic acid (18:2(n - 6)), dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (20:3(n - 6)) and arachidonic acid (20:4(n - 6)) were transported into myocytes at rates similar to those for linolenic acid. Conversely both [1-14C]-gamma-linolenic acid (18:3(n - 6)) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n - 3)) were taken up at a slower rate. Oxidation of 18:3(n - 6) was 4-5-fold greater when compared with C18-C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids. When myocytes were incubated with labeled 18:2(n - 6), 18:3(n - 6), 18:3(n - 3), 20:4(n - 6) or 20:5(n - 3), it was not possible to detect any desaturation or chain-elongation products. Identical results were obtained when hearts were perfused with 1-14C-labeled linoleic acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increased dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is known to be associated with a decrease in the incidence of peptic ulcer disease possibly due to increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins. But, it is also likely that conversion of PUFAs to PGs may not always be required for gastric mucosal protection. Present study was designed to study the role of PUFAs in pathobiology of steroid induce gastric damage in rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were treated with 5 mg/kg bodyweight of dexamethasone to induce gastric mucosal ulcers. Effects of PUFAs was studied by supplementation of Fish oil (rich in n-3 EPA and DHA) and AA rich oil. Famotidine was used as a positive control. Generation of lipid peroxides, nitric oxide and the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes were also studied. RESULTS: Dexamethasone induced ulceration was associated with changes in the phospholipid fatty acid profile, levels of lipid peroxidation products, nitric oxide and activity of anti-oxidant enzymes. The fatty acid profile showed an increase in LA and a decrease in other PUFAs like GLA, AA, EPA and DHA. When PUFAs were supplemented in the form of Fish oil and AA rich oil or when the animals were treated with H2-blocker, famotidine, there was a decrease in the incidence of ulceration in the animals associated with near normalization of changes in the phospholipid fatty acid profile. The levels of lipid peroxides, nitric oxide, and anti-oxidant activity also reverted to control values. CONCLUSIONS: Dexamethasone induced gastric ulceration was prevented by PUFAs. This is supported by the results of our earlier study where in it was noted that in patients with DU plasma lipid peroxides, nitric oxide and phospholipid fatty acid pattern and red cell antioxidant activity were altered similar to those seen in dexamethasone treated group of the present study. These abnormalities, similar to the PUFA treated groups of the present study, reverted to normalcy following treatment of the patients with lansoprazole, a proton pump inhibitor. Further, PUFAs are known to inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori in vitro. Hence, it is concluded that PUFAs, free radicals, nitric oxide and anti-oxidants play a significant role in the pathobiology of peptic ulcer.  相似文献   

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