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Scrotal circumference (SC) and plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured in 19 Finnish Landrace (Finn) and 29 Rambouillet crossbred ram lambs raised in confinement and in 21 Finn and 19 Dorset crossbred ram lambs raised on pasture. SC was larger (P<0.05) for Finn crossbreds than for Rambouillet crossbreds only at 70 and 100 days of age. Finn crossbreds had more (P<0.05) plasma LH and FSH than did Rambouillet crossbreds at 20 and 44 days but not at 70 days. SC was larger for Dorset crossbreds than for Finn crossbreds at the same age, but SC was larger (P<0.05) for Finn crossbreds than for Dorset crossbreds at the same weight. Finn and Dorset crossbreds differed (P<0.10) in plasma LH and FSH concentration at 77 days only (Finn>Dorset).  相似文献   

Androgen receptor was immunolocalized in the epididymal epithelium of rams and in isolated cells using an antibody against a synthetic polypeptide representing a portion of the androgen receptor. Immunostaining was predominant in the epithelium in tissue sections. Concentrations of androgen receptor were determined in cells from the central caput, distal caput, and central corpus epididymidis enzymically dissociated and elutriated to provide two fractions. On the average (n = 18), Fraction I contained 8% principal cells while Fraction II contained 71% principal cells; the stromal cells in each fraction were primarily smooth muscle and fibroblasts. For each sample, the number of DHT receptors (fmol) per 10(6) total cells was greater in Fraction II than in Fraction I. Few cells in Fraction I were immunostained for androgen receptor, whereas most cells in Fraction II were intensely stained. The numbers of DHT receptors per cell, or per principal cell, were similar for the central caput and distal caput, but lower in the central corpus epididymidis. The results support our hypothesis that most epididymal DHT receptors are localized in principal cells and confirm that the region between the central caput and proximal corpus of the ram epididymis is most dependent on androgen stimulation.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to compare various mathematical models to describe scrotal circumference (SC) and paired testis volume development in Blackbelly ram lambs. The study was conducted in the state of Querétaro, México (20° 43' N, 100° 15' W). Spring-born Blackbelly ram lambs (n = 41) were housed outdoors and fed alfalfa hay and concentrate. Body weight, SC, and testis length, diameter, and volume were recorded every 2 wk from 24 to 172 d of age (June 18 to November 3). The following mathematical functions were used to model SC-age and testis volume-age relationship: Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, and Richards. The suitability of the models was evaluated based on parameter values and standard errors, residual mean square, the coefficient of determination (R2), and the average prediction error (APE). All models, except for Brody's, had good fit to SC (R2 > 0.98) and testis volume (R2 > 0.95), and produced similar growth curves in the range of ages studied. The logistic model predicted SC at maturity quite well, 33.6 ± 0.6 cm as compared with 33.9 ± 0.5 cm observed in adult animals; all models had APE's smaller than ±7% between 56 and 168 d of age. The Bertalanffy model predicted testis volume at maturity quite well, 513 ± 22 cm3 as compared with 488 ± 20 cm3 calculated for adult animals. The logistic model had a good fit to testis volume during the period of study, but underestimated the volume at maturity by 28%. All models, except for Brody's, had APE's smaller than ±14% between 98 and 168 d of age. The logistic and Bertalanffy models predicted the inflection point for SC at 83 and 59 d of age, and testis volume at 116 and 109 d of age, respectively. In conclusion, all models, except for Brody's, had good fit to actual SC and testis volume data in the range of age evaluated, whereas the logistic and Bertalanffy's models made the best predictions for adult SC and testis volume, respectively.  相似文献   

1. The objectives of this study were to determine whether compensation of androgen secretion occurred acutely, chronically or after hCG-stimulation in unilaterally orchidectomized (ULO) rams. 2. Testosterone (T) concentrations were not significantly different (P greater than 0.10) between ULO and sham-operated ram lambs during the period immediately following ULO. 3. Chronically, testosterone concentrations were not significantly different (P greater than 0.10) between ULO and sham-operated ram lambs. 4. After hCG injection, the testosterone response of chronic ULO ram lambs was approx. half the response of the sham-operated ram lambs. 5. These data indicate that a rapid and sustained compensatory response of basal secretion of testosterone but not hCG-inducible testosterone secretion occurred in the ULO'd ram lambs.  相似文献   

A procedure for testicular biopsy was developed and tested in rams at 14, 18 and 22 wk of age. The biopsy procedure produced a tissue sample with minimal cell-to-cell disruption and caused no detectable detriment to testicular development in rams. At least three biopsies from the same testis were obtained at 4-wk intervals without influencing the developmental patterns of either the biopsied or nonbiopsied testicle. Data obtained by biopsy indicated that the testes of Suffolk rams reached a comparable stage of development (22 wk of age) approximately 4 wk later than the testes of Finnsheep rams (18 wk of age). These results demonstrate that repetitive testicular biopsy can be performed successfully in the ram during pubertal development. The biopsy procedure allows repeated sampling of the same animal and offers a reasonable alternative to castration.  相似文献   

Stimulation by naloxone, an opioid antagonist, of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion was examined in spring-born crossbred ram lambs raised under natural photoperiod. Vehicle (n = 6) or 1 mg naloxone/kg vehicle (n = 6) was injected (i.m.) 3 times at 2-h intervals at 5, 10 and 15 weeks of age and 4 times at 2-h intervals at 20, 25, 30 and 35 weeks of age. Blood samples were taken every 12 min for 6 h at 5, 10 and 15 weeks of age and for 8 h at 20, 25, 30 and 35 weeks of age. Naloxone had no effect on age at sexual maturity (controls 239 +/- 23 days; naloxone 232 +/- 33 days). The only significant (P less than 0.05) effect of naloxone on FSH was a greater pulse amplitude in 10-week-old treated lambs than in control lambs. Naloxone treatment resulted in greater LH pulse amplitude at 5 and 10 weeks of age (P less than 0.05), lower basal serum concentration of LH at 10 weeks of age (P less than 0.05), greater LH pulse frequency at 25 weeks of age (P less than 0.05), and greater mean serum concentrations of LH, basal LH and LH pulse amplitude at 35 weeks of age (P less than 0.01) than in the controls. In both groups of lambs, mean and basal FSH, and LH and FSH pulse amplitude were highest at 5 weeks of age and fell with age. LH pulse amplitude was lowest at 35 weeks of age (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is essential for sperm maturation within the epididymis, but the roles of estradiol-17 beta (E2) and progesterone (P) in epididymal function are unknown. To identify sites of potential action of these hormones, and any effect of season on their concentrations, specific binding of steroids to receptors in extracts of ram epididymal tissue was quantified in two studies. Tissue was taken from three broad regions of the epididymis (caput, corpus, and cauda; Study 1) or from seven discrete regions of the epididymis (Study 2) in February to May (nonbreeding season; NBS) or late August to October (breeding season; BS). Specific binding of P was not detected. Saturable high-affinity binding sites specific for DHT (Ka = 2.6 x 10(8).M-1) and E2 (Ka = 5.4 x 10(8).M-1) were detected. Binding was not to androgen-binding protein, testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin, or sperm nuclei. There was no regional or seasonal difference in affinity of DHT or E2 binding. In both studies, concentration of DHT-binding sites (fmol/mg protein for low- plus high-salt extracts) was higher (p less than 0.05) in the BS than NBS. In Study 1, mean concentration of DHT-binding sites was higher (p less than 0.05) in the caput than in the corpus and cauda. The more definitive localization possible in Study 2 revealed that concentration of DHT-binding sites was highest in the distal caput, lowest in the proximal cauda (p less than 0.05), and intermediate in other regions. For E2, however, concentration of binding sites was higher (p less than 0.05) in the BS than NBS only in Study 1, and was higher (p less than 0.05) in the cauda or corpus than in the caput epididymidis. In Study 2, the season by region interaction was significant (p less than 0.05); concentration of E2-binding sites was higher in the distal cauda during the NBS. These data support the concept that the central caput through proximal corpus epididymidis are most dependent on androgenic stimulation, whereas distal regions may respond to estrogenic stimulation.  相似文献   

王晓云  张健  李健  段相林 《动物学报》2003,49(4):481-487
应用免疫细胞化学及图像分析等方法,对出生到生后25月龄各发育阶段SD大鼠睾丸内雄激素受体(AR)的表达变化进行了系统的研究。发现(1)睾丸间质细胞:从出生到生后3周龄,AR阳性表达强度较弱;到生后1月龄,AR阳性表达强度显著增强,并达到峰值;在生后2月龄,AR阳性表达强度显著减弱,此后AR阳性表达又呈增强趋势。(2)肌样细胞:从出生到生后2周龄,AR阳性表达强度较弱;到生后3周龄,AR阳性表达强度显著增强,并一直维持到生后2月龄;从生后3月龄,AR阳性表达强度呈减弱趋势,到生后25月龄达到最低水平。(3)血管内皮细胞:从生后3周龄到生后2月龄AR阳性表达较强;生后3月龄,AR阳性表达强度明显减弱;生后25月龄,AR阳性表达强度与生后3月龄相比变化不明显。(4)支持细胞:在生后1月龄出现AR阳性表达,到性成熟后,支持细胞AR阳性表达随生精周期变化而变化,在生后25月龄未见AR阳性表达的支持细胞。(5)生精细胞:出生组,前精原细胞内有AR阳性表达;生后2周龄,精子细胞开始出现AR阳性表达;生后1月龄,精原细胞开始出现AR阳性表达;生后2月龄出现阳性表达的精子,生后25月龄未见阳性表达的生精细胞。  相似文献   

In the testis, androgen receptors are known to mediate autocrine and paracrine effects of androgens on Leydig cell function and spermatogenesis. The pig presents some unusual features with regard to the synthesis of testosterone and estrogens in the male gonads. In testes from prepubertal males, testosterone level was lower than in testes from adult boars, while estrogen secretion was relatively high and comparable to that of mature porcine gonad. Immunolocalization of androgen receptors and intensity of immunohistochemical staining was age-dependent. In testis sections from adult boars, androgen receptors were found in nuclei of all somatic cells such as Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, and peritubular-myoid cells, whereas in sections from immature pigs only in the Leydig cell cytoplasm showed positive immunoreaction for androgen receptors. In control tissue sections incubated with omission of the primary antibody, no positive staining was observed. Detection of the androgen receptors in testicular cells of the pig is important for understanding of their central role in mediating androgen action.  相似文献   

Sixteen pinealectomized and 19 unoperated ewes were exposed to constant light for about 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after lambing. Six ram lambs born to unoperated ewes were implanted s.c. with melatonin sachets while 8 ram lambs were implanted with empty sachets. The 8 ram lambs born to pinealectomized dams also received empty implants. Ewes and lambs were then returned to the field. Analysis of weekly blood samples indicated that prolactin secretion was significantly decreased in the ram lambs with empty implants between 44-51 weeks of age whereas lambs treated with melatonin failed to show a significant change during development. All 3 groups of rams had elevated LH levels between 7 and 17 weeks of age, and a second period of high LH between 27 and 40 weeks. There were no significant differences between groups in the patterns of FSH secretion; FSH was highest between 7 and 17 weeks of age, and again between 27 and 40 weeks of age. Plasma testosterone levels in all groups increased gradually between 4 and 35 weeks. Between 38 and 48 weeks of age testosterone concentrations were markedly elevated in all groups. Growth was not affected by melatonin treatment. These results indicate that neonatal melatonin treatment has subtle endocrine effects; whether these effects are sufficient to compromise fertility in the ram, however, remains to be established.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference as an index of testes size, along with body weight, wither height, heart girth and body condition score were measured fortnightly for 114 Menz ram lambs from weaning (91+/-7 SD days) until puberty, which was defined as age at first collection of an ejaculate with 50 x 10(6) spermatozoa and 10% motility. The animals were maintained on poor (n=28), low (n=29), medium (n=29) or high (n=28) levels of nutrition through grazing and supplementation. Further, half the lambs in each group were drenched for endoparasites. Daily gains in live weight, wither height, heart girth and scrotal circumference were 48.5+/-1.6 g, 0.05+/-0.01 cm, 0.07+/-0.01 cm and 0.07+/-0.03 cm, respectively for the period from weaning to puberty and varied with level of nutrition (P<0.05 to 0.001) but not with drenching or its interaction with nutrition level (P>0.10). Scrotal circumference increased linearly and was strongly correlated with age, body weight, wither height, and heart girth (r = 0.83 to 0.85, P<0.001), and lamb weight could be predicted by the equation: 6.35 + 0.53 scrotal circumference (R(2) = 0.73). Mean age, body weight and condition score at puberty were 288+/-6 days, 19.3+/-0.4 kg and 2.6+/-0.06, respectively, and varied due to season of birth, level of nutrition and weaning weight (P<0.01 to 0.001). The nutrition level also influenced (P<0.001) scrotal circumference at puberty, averaging 21.5+/-0.3 cm. It was concluded that postweaning nutrition management had a strong influence on lamb weight gain, which in turn was related to testicular growth and puberty onset in Menz ram lambs. The suitability of scrotal size measurement as a criterion for early selection of tropical ram lambs is emphasised.  相似文献   

Tanyang is one of the most important sheep breeds in the northwest of China. However, there is no detailed data on sexual development and timing of puberty/sexual maturity of this breed. This experiment was designed to study the relationships between growth rate and sexual development by measuring body weight, testis diameter, and plasma testosterone concentrations, and observing sexual behavior through puberty from 3 to 8 months old of entire Tanyang ram lambs. At same time, to assess the potential efficacy and welfare benefits of non-surgical castration, the effect of active immunization against gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on sexual development and growth rate on ram lambs was evaluated, and compared with surgically castrated and entire lambs. The results showed that body weight increased at a constant rate from 3 to 8 months old of age. Testis diameter increased rapidly between 3 and 5 months, followed by a period of slow growth. Plasma testosterone concentrations increased sharply from 3 to 6 months of age (P<0.05), after which there were no significant changes from 6 to 8 months of age. Sexual behavior started from 5 months of age. After ram lambs were immunized against GnRH at 3 months of age, there was no increase in testis diameter in the first 4 months after immunization. Plasma testosterone concentrations remained at similar levels to surgically castrated lambs until 6 months of age, and the onset of sexual behavior was delayed, compared with entire ram lambs. GnRH immunization and surgical castration had no significant effect on the body weight by the end of this experiment. These results suggest that 4-5 months of age is a critical period for pubertal changes and testosterone plays an important role in the initiation of puberty and sexual maturity of Tanyang ram lambs in China. In addition, a single shot GnRH immunization at 3 months, acting as an alternative to surgical castration, is a practical method for Chinese Tanyang ram lambs, and provides animal welfare benefits.  相似文献   

This study illustrated the immunohistochemical distribution of androgen and vitamin D receptors of epididymis in 20 sexually mature ram (Rahmani breed) with average age ranged from (2_4) years and average weight ranged from (50_65kg). Androgen receptor was localized in the cytoplasm of both ciliated and non ciliated cells of efferent ductules, besides the principal cells via the entire epididymal duct. The principal cells of both corpus and proximal cauda epididymis showed the highest immunoreactivity to androgen receptors. Furthermore, vitamin D receptor was localized in the cytoplasm of all epithelium of the efferent ductules besides principal cells of all epididymal regions, however the immunoreaction was significantly higher in the efferent ductules, distal caput and distal cauda epididymis. In conclusion, these results suggest that the function of ram epididymis is regulated by both androgen and Vitamin D.  相似文献   

Mice with mosaic mutation could be one of the models of human Menkes disease, which is associated with abnormal cooper metabolism. The aim of the present study was to localize androgen receptors (ARs) in the testes by means of immunohistochemistry. AR expression was observed in the nuclei of all somatic cells such as Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, and peritubular cells in sections from testes of control and mosaic mutant males. In the latter, very strong immunoreactivity for AR as well as higher levels of steroid hormones in homogenates were noticed in comparison to control mice. No positive immunoreaction for ARs was seen in control sections incubated without the primary antibody.  相似文献   

Determination of the cellular distribution of the androgen receptors within the testis is of great importance for an understanding of their essential role in mediating of androgen action in the male gonad. In bank voles, which are seasonally breeding rodents, photoperiod is one of the most important factors inducing profound changes in the morphology and hormonal activity of the testes. Immunolocalization of androgen receptors was found in all somatic cells such as Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and peritubular-myoid cells, however, distribution of the androgen receptors in various cell types depended on age of animals. Intensity of immunoreactivity was noticed as age and photoperiod-dependent. Males reared under different light regimes showed a significant correlation between the length of light and sexual maturation. Therefore, morphology of the testis from young and adult bank voles was also presented.  相似文献   

Changes in testicular androgen receptor numbers were studied in lambs from 25 to 100 days of age. During this period, cytoplasmic receptors increased from 5 to 80 pmol/testis and nuclear receptors from 1 to 12 pmol/testis, while the total volume of Leydig cells increased 7-fold. The total number of Sertoli cells doubled between 25 and 40 days of age. From 40 days onward their number remained constant while their cellular and nuclear sizes increased by a factor of 3 and 1.5 respectively. Cytoplasmic receptor concentration was positively correlated with the number of Sertoli cells per section of seminiferous tubule, and negatively correlated with the number of germinal cells per cross section. One explanation for these results could be that Sertoli cells are the main androgen target cells in lamb seminiferous tubules.  相似文献   

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