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Several autoimmune and neurological diseases exhibit a sex bias, but discerning the causes and mechanisms of these biases has been challenging. Sex differences begin to manifest themselves in early embryonic development, and gonadal differentiation further bifurcates the male and female phenotypes. Even at this early stage, however, there is evidence that males and females respond to environmental stimuli differently, and the divergent phenotypic responses may have consequences later in life. The effect of prenatal nutrient restriction illustrates this point, as adult women exposed to prenatal restrictions exhibited increased risk factors of cardiovascular disease, while men exposed to the same condition did not. Recent research has examined the roles of sex-specific genes, hormones, chromosomes, and the interactions among them in mediating sex-biased phenotypes. Such research has identified testosterone, for example, as a possible protective agent against autoimmune disorders and an XX chromosome complement as a susceptibility factor in murine models of lupus and multiple sclerosis. Sex-biased chromatin is an additional and likely important component. Research suggesting a role for X and Y chromosome heterochromatin in regulating epigenetic states of autosomes has highlighted unorthodox mechanisms of gene regulation. The crosstalk between the Y chromosomes and autosomes may be further mediated by the mitochondria. The organelles have solely maternal transmission and exert differential effects on males and females. Altogether, research supports the notion that the interaction between sex-biased elements might exert novel regulatory functions in the genome and contribute to sex-specific susceptibilities to autoimmune and neurological diseases.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to DNase I of the meiotic sex chromosomes of the male mouse was determined by in situ nick translation. At pachytene and diakinesis-metaphase I, six segments, four at the ends of the X and Y chromosomes and two at internal sites on the X chromosome, were found to be more sensitive than the other parts of these chromosomes. The sensitive segments presumably reflect an active or potentially active chromatin conformation which is maintained in the sex chromosomes despite the earlier reported, almost complete cessation of uridine incorporation. The distribution of regions which are sensitive to DNase I corresponds to that of early DNA replication bands. Active conformation patterns like those figured here, probably exist in the sex chromosomes of other mammals as well.  相似文献   

Plant sex determination and sex chromosomes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Charlesworth D 《Heredity》2002,88(2):94-101
Sex determination systems in plants have evolved many times from hermaphroditic ancestors (including monoecious plants with separate male and female flowers on the same individual), and sex chromosome systems have arisen several times in flowering plant evolution. Consistent with theoretical models for the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism to monoecy, multiple sex determining genes are involved, including male-sterility and female-sterility factors. The requirement that recombination should be rare between these different loci is probably the chief reason for the genetic degeneration of Y chromosomes. Theories for Y chromosome degeneration are reviewed in the light of recent results from genes on plant sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

The dynamic organization of eukaryotic genomes in cell nuclei recently came into the focus of research interest. The kinetics of genome dynamics can be addressed only by approaches involving live cell microscopy. Different methods are available to visualize chromatin, specific chromatin fractions, or individual chromosome territories within nuclei of living mammalian cells. Appropriate labeling procedures as well as cell chamber systems and important controls for live cell microscopy are described.  相似文献   

The greater glider, currently but incorrectly known as Schoinobates volans, is widely distributed in forested regions in eastern Australia. All animals studied from six different localities had 20 autosomes but there were four chromosomally distinct populations. At Royal National Park, N.S.W., all female greater gliders studied had 22 chromosomes including two large submetacentric X chromosomes with subterminal secondary constrictions in their longer arms. This form of X chromosome occurred also at Bondo State Forest, Myall Lakes and Coff's Harbour, N.S.W., and at Eidsvold, Qld. At Coomooboolaroo, Qld, the X chromosome was also a large submetacentric but a secondary constriction occurred in the shorter arm. Two chromosomally distinct types apparently occur in Royal National Park, one with XY males as in all other populations, and one with XY1Y2 males. Y or Y1, but not Y2, chromosomes were eliminated from the bone marrow in all populations but were present in spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and cultured fibroblasts. Animals from Bondo State Forest had three or more acrocentric or metacentric supernumerary chromosomes.  相似文献   

The linear array of nucleosomes that comprises the primary structure of chromatin is folded and condensed to varying degrees in nuclei and chromosomes forming 'higher order structures'. We discuss the recent findings from novel experimental approaches that have yielded significant new information on the different hierarchical levels of chromatin folding and their functional significance.  相似文献   

The enzymes that transcribe, recombine, package, and duplicate the eukaryotic genome all are highly processive and capable of generating large forces. Understanding chromosome function therefore will require analysis of mechanics as well as biochemistry. Here we review development of new biophysical-biochemical techniques for studying the mechanical properties of isolated chromatin fibers and chromosomes. We also discuss microscopy-based experiments on cells that visualize chromosome structure and dynamics. Experiments on chromatin tell us about its flexibility and fluctuation, as well as quantifying the forces generated during chromatin assembly. Experiments on whole chromosomes provide insight into the higher-order organization of chromatin; for example, recent experiments have shown that the mitotic chromosome is held together by isolated chromatin-chromatin links and not a large, mechanically contiguous non-DNA "scaffold".  相似文献   

In a previous work we observed multilayered plate-like structures surrounding partially denatured HeLa chromosomes at metaphase ionic conditions. This unexpected finding has led us to carry out an extensive investigation of these structures. Our results show that plates can also be found in metaphase chromosomes from chicken lymphocytes. We have used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to image and investigate the mechanical properties of plates in aqueous solution. Plates are thin (~6.5 nm each layer) but compact and resistant to penetration by the AFM tip: their Young’s modulus is ~0.2 GPa and the stress required for surface penetration is ~0.03 GPa in the presence of Mg2+ (5–20 mM). Low-ionic strength conditions produce emanation of chromatin fibers from the edges of uncrosslinked plates. These observations and AFM results obtained applying high forces indicate that the chromatin filament is tightly tethered inside the plates. Images of metal-shadowed plates and cryo-electron microscopy images of frozen-hydrated plates suggest that nucleosomes are tilted with respect to the plate surface to allow an interdigitation between the successive layers and a thickness reduction compatible with the observed plate height. The similarities between denatured plates from chicken chromosomes and aggregates of purified chromatin from chicken erythrocytes suggest that chromatin has intrinsic structural properties leading to plate formation. Scanning electron micrographs and images obtained with the 200-kV transmission microscope show that plates are the dominant component of compact chromatids. We propose that metaphase chromosomes are formed by many stacked plates perpendicular to the chromatid axis.  相似文献   

The two X chromosomes in tetraploid spermatogonial cells from Gryllotalpa fossor respond differentially to the production of chromatid aberrations by 3H-uridine (3H-U). As in diploid female somatic cells, only the euchromatic arm of one X shows such aberrations. The equivalent arm of the other X and the constitutive arms of both Xs are not affected. This differential response of the homologous arms of the two Xs appears to be due to a facultative heterochromatinization of one of them. It is suggested that an imprinting process, which has been assumed to occur during fertilization in other cases of X-inactivation, may not be necessary for the differential regulation of two X chromosomes in this case.  相似文献   

A presumptive mechanism of X inactivation has been investigated by using tritiated uridine-induced chromosome aberrations to distinguish active from inactive X chromosome arms in the insect Gryllotalpa fossor. Previous work on therian mammals has shown that constitutive and facultative heterochromatin are less susceptible to breakage by 3H-Urd than euchromatin (active). The present study indicates that, irrespective of the presence of two X chromosomes in females, only one of these is affected as in males and that the total number of aberrations induced by 3H-Urd in both male and female Gryllotalpa is the same. This suggests that in the female only one arm of one X chromosome is active and that a facultative heterochromatinization of the homologous arm of the other X is operative coupled with the presence of constitutive heterochromatin in the second arm of both X chromosomes.  相似文献   

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