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An electron-microscope study of beta-glucuronidase crystals.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
beta-Glucuronidase from rat preputial glands was crystallized as thin sheets having p6 symmetry in projection with a equal 20.2nm. A filtered image was produced by Fourier methods to a resolution of 2.2 nm by averaging information from six areas. This suggests an approximately triangular molecular outline in projection, and this is taken to indicate a probable tetrahedral arrangement of the four subunits of the beta-glucuronidase molecule.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II binding sites were demonstrated in human mononuclear leucocytes by use of [125I]angiotensin II. The binding of [125I]angiotensin II to mononuclear leucocytes was rapid and reversible. The abilities of unlabeled compounds to displace [125I]angiotensin II were proportional to their abilities to displace labeled hormone in adrenal and smooth muscle membrane preparations. The Scatchard plot revealed two apparent orders of binding sites. The affinity constants were comparable with those for binding sites in other main target tissues of angiotensin II.  相似文献   

The ability of partially purified human and guinea-pig haematogenous cell populations, when cultured in vitro, to metabolise arachidonic acid (AA) has been studied. Supernatants from 24 hour cell culture have been subjected to analysis for products of AA metabolism by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. The cell types studied were human peripheral blood monocytes (both glass adherent and non-adherent), neutrophils, eosinophils and leukemia leucocytes; thoracic duct lymphocytes and lung alveolar macrophages. From the guinea-pig, induced and non-induced macrophage or neutrophil enriched peritoneal exudate populations, lymph node cells, peritoneal eosinophils and peripheral blood platelets were examined. Supernatants were assayed for the presence of PGE2, PGD2, PGF2 alpha, TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. In all types studied PGE2 and TXB2 were the major products formed. The identification of PGE2 and TXB2 was confirmed by GC/MS with multiple ion monitoring. The results have been compared with other reports and their possible significance discussed in relation to the proposed role of prostaglandins as mediators and modulators in immunopathology.  相似文献   

In vitro maturation of human monocytes to macrophages was characterized by morphological criteria, cell size and lysosomal enzymes activity. Purified populations of monocytes were maintained in culture at either adherent or nonadherent conditions and their maturation to macrophages was observed in both cases. The addition of external factors such as hydrocortisone and vitamin D3 inhibited monocyte maturation. In the absence of external factors, nonadherent monocytes were inhibited in their maturation for up to 10 days when plated at crowded cell concentrations. In addition, the presence of human serum in the culture media had a higher inhibitory activity than similar concentrations of fetal calf serum. Supernates from crowded macrophages were also inhibitory for monocyte maturation. We suggest the possibility that cell crowding, as well as soluble factors found in the serum and probably secreted by macrophages, participate in the regulation of monocyte development by inhibiting their maturation. Once released from this inhibitory signal or environment, the monocytes mature to macrophages.  相似文献   

B B Ghosh  G Talukder  A Sharma 《Cytobios》1988,56(224):23-27
Single dose treatment with stannic chloride (4 micrograms/ml) on human lymphocytes in vitro revealed a significant increase of chromosomal aberrations. These showed a distinct relationship with the donor's age. Single and isochromatid breaks including gaps, premature chromosome condensation, irregular staining, stretching of the centromere and interchange, i.e. quadriradial exchange of chromosome arms, and also aneuploidy, were observed.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocytes from normal donors were isolated by elutriation and differentiated by culture in the presence or absence of various immunomodulators. Cells were harvested between 0 and 24 days and tested for their ability to kill schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni in vitro as a measure of activation. Freshly isolated monocytes showed no significant cytotoxic activity in the presence or absence of IFN-gamma or LPS. As the cells matured in vitro, there was a slight increase in their inherent toxicity against the parasite, which was greatly enhanced by pretreatment with either IFN-gamma or CSF-1. Optimal antibody-independent larvicidal activity occurred after stimulation with both IFN-gamma and CSF-1, using cells that had matured for at least 7 days in vitro. Under these conditions, killing of up to 70% of the larvae was observed. Although enhanced larvicidal activity was not found to strictly correlate with production of any of several proposed effector molecules examined, activated monocyte-derived macrophages were capable of producing significant amounts of H2O2 and TNF-alpha. These observations indicate that cytokine-activated human monocyte-derived macrophages are able to kill schistosome larvae by an antibody-independent mechanism, as has been observed using murine peritoneal macrophages. Stimulation with multiple differentiation and activation signals, as would occur in vivo, may be required for development of optimal larvicidal activity.  相似文献   

Effect of high-voltage pulses on the viability of human leucocytes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human leucocytes were exposed to high-voltage pulses (transient currents) produced by discharging a capacitor through a test chamber containing the cell suspension then tested for viability using trypan blue. With the pulse discharge times of 1 and 3 μs increases in the number of dyeloaded cells were seen for field strengths above 2.6 kV/cm in the sample. For 0.2-μs pulses the critical field strength was about 5 kV/cm.  相似文献   

The various states of condensation of the chromatin material contained inside the lacunar regions of the reforming nucleolus in Allium cepa, have been investigated by means of conventional electron-microscope techniques. The observations reveal that, in the emerging early to late telophase nucleoli, the intralacunar chromatin material in question appears both in an extended and a condensed condition; from late telophase th the mid G1 period of interphase, the intralacunar chromatin material of the rapidly growing and developing nucleoli is present in an extended state only. An attempt is made to interpret these morphological findings in the light of current knowledge concerning the structural relationship of the nucleolar organizing region of the nucleolar chromosome with the interphase nucleolus in plant cells. The relevant observational evidence would be consistent with the view that the chromatin-containing lacunar regions of the reforming nucleolus in Allium cepa correspond, in fact, to cross- or oblique sections of a meandering channel through which the nucleolar organizing segment of the nucleolar chromosome passes. Assuming the applicability to intranucleolar chromatin of the general concept of condensed-inactive versus extended-active chromatin, it is concluded that gradual uncoiling and subsequent decondensation of the chromatin of the nucleolar organizing region in the form of a convoluted loop structure are key morphological and functional events associated with the process of nucleologenesis in the species investigated.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the cortex of the teleost (Brachydanio rerio) egg before and during exocytosis of cortical granules by scanning, transmission, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In the unactivated egg, the P-face of the plasma membrane exhibits a random distribution of intramembranous particles, showing a density of 959/m2 and an average diameter of 8 nm. Particles over P- and E-faces of the membranes of cortical granules are substantially larger and display a significantly lower density. An anastomosing cortical endoplasmic reticulum forms close associations with both the plasma membrane of the egg and the membranes of cortical granules. Exocytosis begins with cortical granules pushing up beneath the plasma membrane to form domeshaped swellings, coupled with an apparent clearing of particles from the site of contact between the apposed membranes. A depression in the particle-free plasma membrane appears to mark sites of fusion and pore formation between cortical granules and plasma membranes. Profiles of exocytotic vesicles undergo a predictable sequence of morphological change, but maintain their identity in the egg surface during this transformation. Coated vesicles form at sites of cortical granule breakdown. Differences in particle density between cortical granules and egg plasma membranes persist during transformation of the exocytotic profiles. This suggests that constituents of the 2 membrane domains remain segregated and do not intermix rapidly, lending support to the view that the process of membrane retrieval is selective (i.e., cortical granule membrane is removed).  相似文献   

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