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The relationship between human craniofacial morphology and the biomechanical efficiency of bite force generation in widely varying muscular and skeletal types is unknown. To address this problem, we selected 22 subjects with different facial morphologies and used magnetic resonance imaging, cephalometric radiography, and data from dental casts to reconstruct their craniofacial tissues in three dimensions. Conventional cephalometric analyses were carried out, and the cross-sectional sizes of the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles were measured from reconstituted sections. The potential abilities of the muscles to generate bite forces at the molar teeth and mandibular condyles were calculated according to static equilibrium theory using muscle, first molar, and condylar moment arms. On average, the masseter muscle was about 66% larger in cross section than the medial pterygoid and was inclined more anteriorly relative to the functional occlusal plane. There was a significant positive correlation (P less than 0.01) between the cross-sectional areas of the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles (r = 0.75) and between the bizygomatic arch width and masseter cross-sectional area (r = 0.56) and medial pterygoid cross-sectional area (r = 0.69). The masseter muscle was always a more efficient producer of vertically oriented bite force than the medial pterygoid. Putative bite force from the medial pterygoid muscle alone correlated positively with mandibular length and inversely with upper face height. When muscle and tooth moment arms were considered together, a system efficient at producing force on the first molar was statistically associated with a face having a large intergonial width, small intercondylar width, narrow dental arch, forward maxilla, and forward mandible. There was no significant correlation between muscle cross-sectional areas and their respective putative bite forces. This suggests that there is no simple relationship between the tension-generating capacity of the muscles and their mechanical efficiency as described by their spatial arrangement. The study shows that in a modern human population so many combinations of biomechanically relevant variables are possible that subjects cannot easily be placed into ideal or nonideal categories for producing molar force. Our findings also confirm the impression that similar bite-force efficiencies can be found in subjects with disparate facial features.  相似文献   

Between weaning and adulthood, the length and height of the facial skull of the New Zealand rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) double, whereas much less growth occurs in the width of the face and in the neurocranium. There is a five-fold increase in mass of the masticatory muscles, caused mainly by growth in cross-sectional area. The share of the superficial masseter in the total mass increases at the cost of the jaw openers. There are changes in the direction of the working lines of a few muscles. A 3-dimensional mechanical model was used to predict bite forces at different mandibular positions. It shows that young rabbits are able to generate large bite forces at a wider range of mandibular positions than adults and that the forces are directed more vertically. In young and adult animals, the masticatory muscles differ from each other with respect to the degree of gape at which optimum sarcomere length is reached. Consequently, bite force can be maintained over a range of gapes, larger than predicted on basis of individual length-tension curves. Despite the considerable changes in skull shape and concurrent changes in the jaw muscles, the direction of the resultant force of the closing muscles and its mechanical advantage remain stable during growth. Observed phenomena suggest that during development the possibilities for generation of large bite forces are increased at the cost of a restriction of the range of jaw excursion.  相似文献   

Physiological cross-section of the human jaw muscles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cross-sectional areas of the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid muscles were determined by means of computer tomography in 16 male subjects with healthy dentitions. The physiological cross-section (PCS) of these muscles was predicted from the previously determined relationship between PCS and scan cross-sections. In our subjects, mean total PCS of the jaw muscles was twice as high as in cadavers with few natural teeth. The average distribution of total PCS over the four muscles was the same in the two groups. There was considerable individual variation. Strong correlations in cross-sectional area were only found between the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles. Variation in PCS of these two muscles determines 80% of the variation in combined cross-sectional area.  相似文献   

Cranial base and jaw relationship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The lateral skull radiographs of 124 boys aged approximately 10 years divided equally between the four angle classes were digitized in an effort to establish the relationship between cranial base size and shape and jaw relationship. Comparison of the means for occlusal groups showed a trend from class II to class III as cranial base dimensions and angle decreased. The condyle was also more distally positioned with respect to nasion, point A and the Pterygomaxillary vertical in the class II groups. Cranial base length correlated strongly with maxillary length but weakly with mandibular length. Nevertheless, the size of the maxilla did not influence its prognathism. The cranial base angle was strongly correlated (-0.7) with angle sella-nasion-point B. It is concluded that cranial base size and shape influence mandibular prognathism by determining the anteroposterior position of the condyle relative to the facial profile.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dental changes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the evolution of primates there has been a tendency towards reduction in jaw length and prognathism, mandibular canine size and first molar cusp number, and third molar presence. These oral structures were contrasted, and compared with cranial size, body height and weight, and finger length in 118 males and 102 females of the Burlington Growth Centre. Body weight was significantly related to canine width and to jaw length and prognathism. These relationships were stronger in the males than in the females. The evolutionary reduction in these dental dimensions may result from an evolutionary reduction in genetically determined body size. In the males the number of molar cusps was related to finger length and cranial height. Agenesis of third molars was related to the length of the maxilla in both sexes. In the females, canine width was related to the number of cusps of the first molars, agenesis of third molars, and length of a finger. Simultaneous reductions in dental structures were more frequent in the females.  相似文献   

Adult static intraspecific allometry of jaw size and tooth area was evaluated in a sample of 100 Cercopithecus aethiops crania (50 male, 50 female). Tooth areas were calculated from mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements of all the teeth in both arcades and were scaled to four viscero-cranial measurements: bimaxillary breadth, maxillo-alveolar length, mandibular length and bigonial width. Allometric coefficients calculated for jaw dimensions alone indicate tighter viscerocranial integration in females than in males. A finding of note was that half of the variation in maxillo-alveolar length may be accounted for by variation in mandibular length: females are isometric, males negatively allometric.
A similar degree of allometric mosaicism was found when maxillary incisor size was scaled to maxillary length and width. In females, the relationship was negatively allometric, whilst incisor size in males was found to be unrelated to either. Negative allometry characterized the relationship of canine base area to jaw length in both sexes, with males additionally being positively allometric to mandibular width.
The scaling of postcanine tooth areas to jaw length was characterized by a dichotomous pattern: males showed significant mandibular integration whilst females showed only significant maxillary integration. Compensatory tooth size interaction between maxillary canine base area and the summed incisor and postcanine areas was suggested by the significant negative allometric relation between them.  相似文献   

Beavers are well-known for their ability to fell large trees through gnawing. Yet, despite this impressive behavior, little information exists on their masticatory musculature or the biomechanics of their jaw movements. It was hypothesized that beavers would have a highly efficient arrangement of the masticatory apparatus, and that gnawing efficiency would be maintained at large gape. The head of an American beaver, Castor canadensis, was dissected to reveal the masticatory musculature. Muscle origins and insertions were noted, the muscles were weighed and fiber lengths measured. Physiological cross-sectional areas were determined, and along with the muscle vectors, were used to calculate the length of the muscle moment arms, the maximum incisor bite force, and the proportion of the bite force projected along the long axis of the lower incisor, at occlusion and 30° gape. Compared to other sciuromorph rodents, the American beaver was found to have large superficial masseter and temporalis muscles, but a relatively smaller anterior deep masseter. The incisor bite force calculated for the beaver (550–740 N) was much higher than would be predicted from body mass or incisor dimensions. This is not a result of the mechanical advantage of the muscles, which is lower than most other sciuromorphs, but is likely related to the very high percentage (>96 %) of bite force directed along the lower incisor long axis. The morphology of the skull, mandible and jaw-closing muscles enable the beaver to produce a very effective and efficient bite, which has permitted beavers to become highly successful ecosystem engineers.  相似文献   

Differential growth of the craniofacial complex implies variation in ontogenetic patterns of development. This investigation quantifies the relative maturity—as defined by percent adult status—of nine cephalometric dimensions and stature. Analysis is based on 663 lateral cephalograms from a mixed longitudinal sample of 26 males and 25 females between 4 and 16 years of age. Graphic comparison of maturity status across the age range shows that variation is intergraded between the neural and somatic growth maturity patterns, as described by head height and stature, respectively. The maturity gradient moves from head height through anterior cranial base, posterior cranial base and maxillary length, upper facial height, corpus length, and ramus height to stature. After 9 years of age ramus height is less mature than stature. Anterior maxillary and mandibular heights diminish during transitional dentition and thereafter exhibit maturity patterns that compare to corpus length. Although females are consistently more mature than males, the gradient of variation between dimensions is sex independent.  相似文献   

The jaw‐closing muscles are responsible for generating many of the forces and movements associated with feeding. Muscle physiologic cross‐sectional area (PCSA) and fiber length are two architectural parameters that heavily influence muscle function. While there have been numerous comparative studies of hominoid and hominin craniodental and mandibular morphology, little is known about hominoid jaw‐muscle fiber architecture. We present novel data on masseter and temporalis internal muscle architecture for small‐ and large‐bodied hominoids. Hominoid scaling patterns are evaluated and compared with representative New‐ (Cebus) and Old‐World (Macaca) monkeys. Variation in hominoid jaw‐muscle fiber architecture is related to both absolute size and allometry. PCSAs scale close to isometry relative to jaw length in anthropoids, but likely with positive allometry in hominoids. Thus, large‐bodied apes may be capable of generating both absolutely and relatively greater muscle forces compared with smaller‐bodied apes and monkeys. Compared with extant apes, modern humans exhibit a reduction in masseter PCSA relative to condyle‐M1 length but retain relatively long fibers, suggesting humans may have sacrificed relative masseter muscle force during chewing without appreciably altering muscle excursion/contraction velocity. Lastly, craniometric estimates of PCSAs underestimate hominoid masseter and temporalis PCSAs by more than 50% in gorillas, and overestimate masseter PCSA by as much as 30% in humans. These findings underscore the difficulty of accurately estimating jaw‐muscle fiber architecture from craniometric measures and suggest models of fossil hominin and hominoid bite forces will be improved by incorporating architectural data in estimating jaw‐muscle forces. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:120–134, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Primates with diets that require greater occlusal forces to process exhibit anteroposteriorly shorter, vertically deeper faces, more anteriorly placed masseter attachment areas, and broader, taller mandibular corpora compared to closely related species/populations. Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)eat different, perhaps mechanically tougher to process, foods than other macaques do. Accordingly, they should exhibit structural features of the skull related to dissipating great occlusal loads. To test this hypothesis I compared cranial variables amongst wild-caught, adult female skulls (n = 85) of M. fuscataand three other macaque species (M. mulatta, M. fascicularis,and M. nemestrina)and applied least-squares and reduced-major-axis regression analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) to 17 cranial variables reflecting facial, vault, and mandibular dimensions. When scaled for size, the Japanese macaque has a vertically deeper and anteroposteriorly shorter face,a broader but not taller mandibular corpus, and a more anteriorly placed masseter muscle than the other three macaques do. The first PCA axis isolates variation due to a suite of characters related to mechanical efficiency in dissipating occlusal loads (vertically deep face and broad corpus) and differentiates the Japanese macaques from the other species. This, coupled with reported dietary differences among species, suggests that Japanese macaques are selected for dissipating greater occlusal loads than other macaques are. The presence of a narrow mandible relative to cranial breadth and a hyperrobust mandibular corpus width suggests that axial torsion is a significant influence in the masticatory regime of M. fuscata.The lack of an increase in corpus height indicates that parasagittal bending is not as significant an influence. Geographic and climatic influences cannot account for the patterns of variation between M. fuscataand the other macaques.  相似文献   

Craniofacial morphology and cultural cranial deformation were analyzed by the computer morphometric system in 79 adult Hawaiian skulls from Mokapu, Oahu. The average Hawaiian male was large, but similar in shape to the female. Both were larger than the present Caucasian, showed a greater dental protrusion, and possessed a larger ANB angle, flatter cranial base, and larger facial heights. Correlations in Hawaiian craniofacial structure were found between an increasing mandibular plane angle and (1) shorter posterior facial height, (2) larger gonial angle, (3) larger cranial base angle, and (4) smaller SNA and SNB angles. Of the 79 skulls studied, 8. 9% were found to have severe head molding or intentional cranial deformation. Significant statistical differences between the molded group and the nonmolded group are, in decreasing significance: (1) larger upper face height, (2) smaller glabella to occiput distance, and (3) increased lower face height with deformation. The morphometric differences were readily seen by graphic comparison between groups. It is postulated that external forces to the neurocranium result in redirection of the growth vectors in the neurocranial functional matrix, including the cranial base, and secondarily, to the orofacial functional matrix. There is a possibility that the cranial deformation is a retention of the normal birth molding changes. The Polynesian “rocker jaw” was found in 81% to 95% of this populace. This mandibular form occurs only with attainment of adult stature and craniofacial form. This data agrees with the hypothesis that mandibular form is modified by the physical forces present and their direction in the orofacial functional matrix.  相似文献   

In architecturally complex muscles with large attachment areas, it can be expected that during movement different muscle regions undergo different amounts of length excursions. As a consequence, the amount of passive force produced by the regions will differ. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that during movement the vector of the passive force of such a muscle, which defines the magnitude, position and orientation of the resultant force of the various regions, has no fixed position, between the muscle's center of origin and insertion. As a model for an architecturally complex muscle we used the masseter muscle. It was expected that during jaw opening anterior muscle regions are more stretched than posterior regions, leading to an anterior shift of the passive force vector. A three-component force transducer was used to measure both the position and magnitude of passive force in the masseter muscle of 9 rabbits. Forces were recorded during repeated cycles of stepwise opening and closure of the jaw. The muscle exhibited a clear hysteresis: passive force measured during jaw opening was larger than that during jaw closing. With an increase of the jaw gape there was an approximately exponential increase of the magnitude of the passive muscle force, while simultaneously the passive force vector shifted anteriorly. Moment arm length of passive force increased by about 100%. This anterior shift contributed substantially to the increase of the passive muscle moment generated during jaw opening. It can be concluded that in architecturally complex muscles the increase of the passive resistance moment which is associated with muscle lengthening might not only be due to an increase of the magnitude of passive muscle force but also to an increase of the moment arm of this force.  相似文献   

Size and shape of the mandibular condyle in primates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relationships between the size of the articular surface of the mandibular condyle and masticatory muscle size, tooth size, diet, and biomechanical variables associated with mastication were studied by taking 12 measurements on skulls of 253 adult female anthropoid primates, including three to ten specimens from each of 32 species. In regressions of condylar length, width, or area against body weight, logarithmic transformations substantially improve the fit of the equations compared with untransformed data. There is a strong relationship between condylar measurements and body weight, with all correlations being .94 or higher. The slopes of the allometric regressions of length, width, and area of the condylar head indicate slight positive allometry with body size. Folivorous primates have smaller condyles than frugivorous primates, and colobines have smaller condyles than cebids, cercopithecines, or hominoids. When colobines are eliminated, the differences between frugivores and folivores are not significant. However, the two species with the relatively largest condyles are Pongo pygmaeus and Cercocebus torquatus, suggesting that there may be a relationship between unusually large condylar dimensions and the ability to crack hard nuts between the teeth. Cranial features having strong positive correlations with condylar dimensions include facial prognathism, maxillary incisor size, maxillary postcanine area, mandibular ramus breadth, and temporal fossa area. These data are interpreted as indicating that relatively large condyles are associated with relatively large masticatory muscles, relatively inefficient mandibular biomechanics, and a large dentition. These relationships support the growing evidence that the temporomandibular joint is a stress-bearing joint in normal function.  相似文献   

The lower third of Asian faces is wider than that of Caucasians and it is determined by the size and width of the mandibular bone and the thickness of muscles and subcutaneous fat tissues surrounding it. Efforts to create an aesthetically slim and smooth facial contour line in nonobese people have led the authors to focus on two approaches: surgical resection of the masseteric muscle and modeling ostectomy of the square-angled mandibular bone. Because these procedures present some problems, the authors adopted a nonsurgical concept that chemically denervates muscles and reduces the bulk of the muscle. The authors have conducted a total of 1021 clinical cases from March of 2001 through September of 2002, in which patients were treated with botulinum toxin type A (Dysport; Ipsen Ltd, Slough, United Kingdom) for remodeling the lower facial contour line; 383 of those cases were followed up for at least 3 months after the initial injection. A database was made by measuring the change in the thickness of the injected muscle with an ultrasonogram. Eleven patients underwent resection of the mandibular angle before injection. The preinjection ostectomy group was involved in the study as a result of their dissatisfaction with the surgical results; they had a rather thick masseter muscle and not a bone problem. Some had both bone problems and a thick masseter muscle. Three months after the botulinum toxin injection, the thickness of the muscle was reduced by 31 percent on average. The atrophic effect of injection was observed after 2 to 4 weeks for most patients. Seventy percent of the 383 patients tracked were greatly satisfied with the result, with another 23 percent generally satisfied. No long-term side effects were reported. Masseteric hypertrophy is frequent in Asians because of racial characteristics and dietary habits. Botulinum toxin type A has made a new epoch in facial contouring for Asians. Considering that Asians have a prominent malar and a prominent mandible angle, the reduction in the thickness of the masseter can provoke relative prominence of the malar and mandible angle. Therefore, precise indication and anatomy of the facial muscle should be thoroughly understood, which will decrease the incidence of side effects and problems. Botulinum toxin type A (Dysport) injection is simple in technique, has few side effects, and promises a rapid return to daily life. The authors conclude that the injection of botulinum toxin type A can replace surgical masseter resection.  相似文献   

Past investigations of the Eskimo have indicated that there are marked morphological differences in the craniofacial skeleton of this relatively isolated ethnic group compared to other ethnic and racial groups. This study, using cephalometric radiography, attempted to characterize the craniofacial phenotype of the Eskimo living in the northern Foxe Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada. Age changes were examined on a cross-sectional basis with comparisons being made with a Winnipeg Caucasian group. This investigation indicates that the Igloolik Eskimo has a phenotype, established early in life, and is distinct from the Winnipeg group. The overall size of the Eskimo craniofacial complex was significantly larger at three years of age and remained larger through the ages studied. Development of the craniofacial region, however, was fairly similar in rate and direction for both populations. The greatest differences between the Eskimo and Caucasian groups were found in the linear measurements assessing cranial width, facial width, mandibular length, facial height, protrusion of the incisors, chin point development, and nasal morphology. Differences between the two groups in the morphological relationships of the component structures include the angular relationships of the maxilla and nasal bones to the anterior cranial base, the gonial angle of the mandible, and the angle of facial convexity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: This study investigated the relationship between dental occlusion and arm strength; in particular, the imbalance in the jaw can cause loss in arm strength phenomenon. One of the goals of this study was to record the maximum forces that the subjects can resist against the pull-down force on their hands while biting a spacer of adjustable height on the right or left side of the jaw. Then EMG measurement was used to determine the EMG-Force relationship of the jaw, neck and arms muscles. This gave us useful insights on the arms strength loss due to the biomechanical effects of the imbalance in the jaw mechanism. METHODS: In this study to determine the effects of the imbalance in the jaw to the strength of the arms, we conducted experiments with a pool of 20 healthy subjects of both genders. The subjects were asked to resist a pull down force applied on the contralateral arm while biting on a firm spacer using one side of the jaw. Four different muscles -- masseter muscles, deltoid muscles, bicep muscles and trapezoid muscles -- were involved. Integrated EMG (iEMG) and Higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) were used to analyze the EMG signals. RESULTS: The results showed that (1) Imbalance in the jaw causes loss of arm strength contra-laterally; (2) The loss is approximately a linear function of the height of the spacers. Moreover, the iEMG showed the intensity of muscle activities decreased when the degrees of jaw imbalance increased (spacer thickness increased). In addition, the tendency of Higuchi fractal dimension decreased for all muscles. CONCLUSIONS: This finding indicates that muscle fatigue and the decrease in muscle contraction level leads to the loss of arm strength.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that decreased canine crown height in catarrhines is linked to (and arguably caused by) decreased jaw gape. Associations are characterized within and between variables such as upper and lower canine height beyond the occlusal plane (canine overlap), maximum jaw gape, and jaw length for 27 adult catarrhine species, including 539 living subjects and 316 museum specimens. The data demonstrate that most adult male catarrhines have relatively larger canine overlap dimensions and gapes than do conspecific females. For example, whereas male baboons open their jaws maximally more than 110% of jaw length, females open about 90%. Humans and hylobatids are the exceptions in that canine overlap is nearly the same in both the sexes and so is relative gape (ca. 65% for humans and 110% for hylobatids). A correlation analysis demonstrates that a large portion of relative gape (maximum gape/projected jaw length) is predicted by relative canine overlap (canine overlap/jaw length). Relative gape is mainly a function of jaw muscle position and/or jaw muscle‐fiber length. All things equal, more rostrally positioned jaw muscles and/or shorter muscle fibers decrease gape and increase bite force during the power stroke of mastication, and the net benefit is to increase the mechanical efficiency during chewing. Similarly, more caudally positioned muscles and/or longer muscle fibers increase the amount of gape and decrease bite force. Overall, the data support the hypothesis that canine reduction in early hominins is functionally linked to decreased gape and increased mechanical efficiency of the jaws. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A review is given of what is known about the functional significance of variation of the morphology of the human mandible and jaw muscles. First, the mandible is a lever transferring muscular forces to the teeth. The angle between corpus and ramus and the width of the ramus are particularly relevant in this respect as they determine the mechanical advantage of the lever system and the capacity for sagittal (open-close) movement. The stability of the mandible in asymmetric bites is especially affected by the ratio between the intermolar and intercondylar distances. The repertoire of bite forces that can be generated at any tooth and the loading pattern of the temporomandibular joint are strongly dependent on the relative size of the masseter, temporalis and medial pterygoid muscles. Second, executing its function as a lever, the mandible is subjected to shearing, bending and torsional forces. The bony parts harbouring the teeth, joints and muscle attachments serve to counter these forces; additional strength is needed in three areas i.e. in the symphysis, the condylar neck and in the transition area between corpus and ramus. In human populations there are clear-cut patterns of correlation between some facial skeletal traits, jaw joint morphology and strength and line of action of the jaw muscles. As a result, facial morphologies can be distinguished with marked differences in mechanical performance of their masticatory apparatus. It is suggested that they emerge as a result of diverging environmental influences during postnatal growth.  相似文献   

The evolution of robust jaws, hypsodont teeth, and large chewing muscles among grazing ruminants is a quintessential example of putative morphological adaptation. However, the degree of correlated evolution (i.e., to what extent the grazer feeding apparatus represents an evolutionary module), especially of soft and hard tissues, remains poorly understood. Recent generation of large datasets and phylogenetic information has made testing hypotheses of correlated evolution possible. We, therefore, test for correlated evolution among various traits of the ruminant masticatory apparatus including tooth crown height, jaw robustness, chewing muscle size, and characters of the molar occlusal surfaces, using phylogenetic and nonphylogenetic comparative methods as well as phylogenetic evolutionary model selection. We find that the large masseter muscles of grazing ruminants evolved with the inclusion of grass in the diet, an increase in the proportion of occlusal enamel bands oriented parallel to the chewing stroke, and possibly hypsodonty. We suggest that the masseter evolved under two evolutionary regimes: i) selection for higher masticatory forces during chewing and ii) flattening of the tooth profile, which resulted in reduced tooth guidance and, thus, a requirement for more chewing muscle activity during each chewing stroke, in agreement with previous research. The linear jaw metrics (depth of the mandibular angle, mandibular angle width, and length of the superficial masseteric scar) all show correlated evolution with hypsodonty and the proportion of enamel bands oriented parallel to the chewing stroke. We suggest that changes in the shape of the mandible represent the combined effects of selection for a reorientation of the chewing stroke, so as to emphasize horizontal translation of the teeth, and accommodation of high‐crowned teeth. Our analyses show that the ruminant feeding apparatus is an evolutionary mosaic with its various components showing both correlated and independent evolution. J. Morphol. 275:1093–1102, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An appreciation of ontogenetic changes to the cranial base is important for understanding the evolution of modern human skull form. Using geometric morphometric techniques, this study explores midline shape variations of the basicranium and midface during human prenatal ontogeny. In particular, the analysis sets out to explore shape variations associated with endochondral ossification and to reassess shape variations previously observed on the basis of angular measures.Fifty-four formalin-preserved human fetuses were imaged using high-resolution MRI. Coordinates for 10 landmarks defining the midline basicranium and midface were acquired and areas of ossification in the midline basioccipital, basisphenoid, and presphenoid cartilages were measured as percentages of overall cranial base area. The results show shape variations with increasing fetal size that are consistent with cranial base retroflexion, anterior facial projection and dorsal facial rotation. These growth variations are centered on the midsphenoid area and are associated with disproportionate variations of sphenoid height and length. Small but significant correlations were observed between ossification of the presphenoid cartilage and components of shape that described, among other variations, sphenoid shortening. While ossification cannot be directly linked with the shape variations observed, it seems likely that bone formation plays a role in modulating the influence of other factors on the fetal cranial base.  相似文献   

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