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We have previously described a method for the solubilization and reconstitution of the cGMP-gated cation channel from the membranes of bovine rod outer segments (Cook, N. J., Zeilinger, C., Koch, K.-W., and Kaupp, U. B. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 17033-17039). Here we report that not only cGMP but also sodium is capable of releasing entrapped calcium from liposomes reconstituted with total rod outer segment membrane proteins. Other alkali cations tested were unable to induce calcium efflux; therefore, we concluded that the sodium-induced calcium efflux was due to the sodium-calcium exchanger. Sodium was found to activate calcium efflux from these liposomes with an EC50 of approximately equal to 35 mM, comparable to values reported for the sodium-calcium exchanger in native rod outer segment membranes. We found that reconstitution of the sodium-calcium exchanger is quantitative and used this method to assay the exchange protein during purification using conventional protein chromatographic techniques. In this way, we were able to purify and identify as the rod outer segment sodium-calcium exchanger a glycoprotein of apparent Mr = 220,000 to greater than 90% homogeneity. The specific activity of the purified protein at room temperature was 8.2 mumol of Ca2+ exchanged min-1 mg-1 of protein at 50 mM Na+, corresponding to a turnover number of approximately equal to 30 Ca2+ (or 90 Na+) s-1 exchanger-1. The Mr = 220,000 protein reported here appears to be distinct from another protein ("rim protein") with an identical Mr known to exist in these membranes.  相似文献   

Two clones (p17 and p13), each containing the complete coding sequence for the bovine cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, were obtained from a lambda gt10 cDNA library by screening with cDNA probes from the canine exchanger. The coding sequence of clone p17 was 92 and 98% identical to the canine cDNA at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively. Nine of the 21 amino acid differences between the two exchangers were found within the 32-amino acid signal sequence. The sequenced portions of the 3' untranslated regions of the cow and dog clones were 88% identical. Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with cRNA from clone p17, and in COS cells transfected with expression vectors containing p17. Immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled proteins from transfected cells with an antibody against the N-terminal portion of the bovine exchanger showed the presence of a 120-kDa protein corresponding to the intact cardiac exchanger. The second bovine clone (p13) did not express exchange activity in either of the above expression systems, presumably because it contained a 300-bp insert with multiple stop codons which interrupted the coding sequence. Comparison of the 5' untranslated regions of p13 and p17 revealed a 156-bp segment in p17 that was apparently spliced out of p13. This segment contained a short open reading frame. A chimera encoding the 5' untranslated region of p13 and the coding sequence of p17 exhibited only a modest (74%) increase in expressed exchange activity in transfected cells compared to p17, suggesting that the presence of the upstream open reading frame in p17 did not greatly reduce translation efficiency. The results suggest that alternate splicing mechanisms may be involved in processing mRNA for the bovine cardiac exchanger.  相似文献   

After neuraminidase treatment the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger of bovine rod outer segments was found to specifically bind Ricinus communis agglutinin. SDS gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of ricin-binding proteins purified from rod outer segment membranes by lectin affinity chromatography revealed the existence of two major polypeptides of Mr 215K and 103K, the former of which was found to specifically react with PMe 1B3, a monoclonal antibody specific for the 230-kDa non-neuraminidase-treated Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Reconstitution of the ricin affinity-purified exchanger into calcium-containing liposomes revealed that neuraminidase treatment had no significant effect on the kinetics of Na+/Ca2+ exchange activation by sodium. We further investigated the density of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in disk and plasma membrane preparations using Western blotting, radioimmunoassays, immunoelectron microscopy, and reconstitution procedures. The results indicate that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger is localized in the rod photoreceptor plasma membrane and is absent or present in extremely low concentrations in disk membranes, as we have previously shown to be the case for the cGMP-gated cation channel. Previous reports describing the existence of Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity in rod outer segment disk membrane preparations may be due to the fusion of plasma membrane components and/or the presence of contaminating plasma membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

In the dark, rod photoreceptors sustain a continuous influx of Na and Ca ions through the cGMP-gated channels of the rod outer segments (ROS). Whereas Na ions are extruded in the inner segment by the Na-pump, Ca ions are extruded already in the ROS by Na/Ca-K exchange. Our previous findings indicate that in the ROS plasma membrane, exchanger and channel form a complex of two exchangers associated per channel. Here, we report evidence of a novel regulatory mechanism of the dimerized exchanger, based on the following findings: (1), thiol-specific cross-linking with dimaleimides resulted in an increase of the Na/Ca-K exchange activity which correlated with the size of the cross-linking reagent, i.e., with increasing separation of the monomers in a dimerized exchanger; (2), partial proteolysis of the exchanger also increased the exchange rate by about a factor of two; (3), disintegration of the channel-exchanger complex by solubilization of the ROS membranes and preparation of proteoliposomes resulted in a twofold enhancement of the exchange rate; however (4), partial proteolysis of proteoliposomes, in which the exchanger molecules exist as monomers, did not result in any enhancement of the exchange rate. These findings suggest an inhibitory protein domain at the contact site of the dimerized exchanger. The physiological implication of this inference will be discussed in terms of a potential allosteric regulation of the exchanger in the channel-exchanger complex.  相似文献   

The site density of the Na2+-Ca2+ exchanger in bovine cardiac sarcolemma was estimated from measurements of the fraction of reconstituted proteoliposomes exhibiting exchange activity. Sarcolemmal vesicles were solubilized with 1% Triton X-100 in the presence of either 100 mM NaCl or 100 mM KCl; after a 20-40-min incubation period on ice, sufficient KCl, NaCl, CaCl2, and soybean phospholipids were added to each extract to give final concentrations of 40 mM NaCl, 120 mM KCl, 0.1 mM CaCl2, and 10 mg/ml phospholipid. These mixtures were then reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and the rate of 45Ca2+ isotopic exchange was measured under equilibrium conditions. Control studies showed that Na+-Ca2+ exchange activity was completely lost if Na+ was not present during solubilization. The difference in 45Ca2+ uptake between vesicles initially solubilized in the presence or absence of NaCl therefore reflected exchange activity and corresponded to 3.1 +/- 0.3% of the total 45Ca2+ uptake by the entire population of vesicles, as measured in the presence of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Assuming that each vesicle with exchange activity contained 1 molecule of the Na+-Ca2+ exchange carrier, a site density of 10-20 pmol/mg of protein for the exchanger was calculated. The Vmax for Na+-Ca2+ exchange activity in the proteoliposomes was approximately 20 nmol/mg of protein.s which indicates that the turnover number of the exchange carrier is 1000 s-1 or more. Thus, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger is a low density, high turnover transport system.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-dependence of alkaliphily in Bacillus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Na(+) cycle plays a central role in the remarkable capacity of aerobic, extremely alkaliphilic Bacillus species for pH homeostasis. The capacity for pH homeostasis, in turn, appears to set the upper pH limit for growth. One limb of the alkaliphile Na(+) cycle consists of Na(+)/H(+) antiporters that achieve net H(+) accumulation that is coupled to Na(+) efflux. The major antiporter on which pH homeostasis depends is thought to be the Mrp(Sha)-encoded antiporter, first identified from a partial clone in Bacillus halodurans C-125. Mrp(Sha) may function as a complex. While this antiporter is capable of secondary antiport energized by an imposed or respiration-generated protonmotive force, the possibility of a primary mode has not been excluded. In Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4, at least two additional antiporters, including NhaC, have supporting roles in pH homeostasis. Some of these additional antiporters may be especially important for antiport at low [Na(+)] or at near-neutral pH. The second limb of the Na(+) cycle facilitates Na(+) re-entry via Na(+)/solute symporters and, perhaps, the ion channel associated with the Na(+)-dependent flagellar motor. The process of pH homeostasis is also enhanced, perhaps especially during transitions to high pH, by different arrays of secondary cell wall polymers in the two alkaliphilic Bacillus species studied most intensively. The mechanisms whereby alkaliphiles handle the challenge of Na(+) stress at very elevated [Na(+)] are just beginning to be identified, and a hypothesis has been advanced to explain the finding that B. pseudofirmus OF4 requires a higher [Na(+)] for growth at near-neutral pH than at very alkaline pH values.  相似文献   

The intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in rod outer segments of vertebrate photoreceptors is controlled by Ca(2+) influx through cGMP-gated channels and by Ca(2+) efflux driven by Na/Ca-K exchangers. Previously, we suggested that channel and exchanger are associated (Bauer, P. J., and Drechsler, M. (1992) J. Physiol. (Lond. ) 451, 109-131). This suggestion has been thoroughly examined using a variety of biochemical approaches. First, we took advantage of the fact that cGMP-gated channels bind calmodulin (CaM). Using CaM affinity chromatographic purification of the channel in 10 mm CHAPS, a significant fraction of exchanger was co-eluted with the channel indicating a binding affinity between channel and exchanger. Binding of channel and exchanger was examined more directly by cross-linking of proteins in the rod outer segment membranes. Activation of the channel with cyclic 8-bromo-GMP lead to exposure of a cysteine, which allowed cross-linking of the channel to the exchanger with the thiol-specific reagent dl-1,4-bismaleimido-2,3-butanediol. Cleavage of the cross-links and electrophoretic analysis indicated that a cross-link between the alpha-subunit of the channel and the exchanger formed. Furthermore, a cross-link between two adjacent alpha-subunits of the channel was found, suggesting that the alpha-subunits of the native channel are dimerized. Further support for an interaction between alpha-subunit and exchanger was obtained by in vitro experiments. Specific binding of the exchanger to the alpha-subunit but not to the beta-subunit of the channel was observed in Western blots of purified channel incubated with purified exchanger. This study suggests that two exchanger molecules bind to one cGMP-gated channel and, more specifically, that binding of exchanger molecules occurs at the alpha-subunits, which in the native channel are dimerized. The implications of these findings regarding the possibility of local Ca(2+) signaling in vertebrate photoreceptors will be discussed.  相似文献   

Although there have been several reports pertaining to the existence of the cGMP-gated channel in the disk membrane of rod photoreceptors, its density there relative to that of the photoreceptor plasma membrane is unknown. Using immunoblotting, immunohistochemical, and reconstitution techniques on purified disk and plasma membrane preparations, we found that the density of channels in the plasma membrane was at least 50-fold higher than that of the disk membrane. Purification of membrane fractions without prior digestion of cytoskeletal components by mild trypsinization was found to increase the amount of channel protein present in disk membrane preparations. We propose that the presence of the channel protein in rod disk membrane preparations is an artifact arising from fusion of plasma membrane components during permeabilization of the photoreceptor cell.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the lectin-binding properties of the photoreceptor cGMP-gated channel, solubilized and purified channel protein was incubated with immobilized lectins followed by reconstitution of unbound proteins. Of the lectins tested, only concanavalin A (ConA) was able to specifically sediment channel activity. A 240-kDa protein, which copurifies with the 63-kDa channel protein but does not bind ConA, was also found to be sedimented by the ConA-affinity matrix, thereby implicating that it is associated with the channel complex. Treatment of the purified channel protein with the enzyme glycopeptidase F in the presence of the denaturing detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate resulted in a rapid reduction of the apparent molecular mass by 1.90 kDa, and the abolition of ConA-binding. No intermediate molecular weight species were observed, suggesting that the channel protein is N-glycosylated at one site only. Under nondenaturing conditions, the kinetics of deglycosylation were distinctly two-phased: 50-60% deglycosylation was achieved rapidly; however, prolonged incubation was required to arrive at complete deglycosylation. Reconstitution experiments showed that deglycosylation had no significant effect on the kinetics of channel protein activation by cGMP.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) links transmembrane movements of Ca(2+) ions to the reciprocal movement of Na(+) ions. It normally functions primarily as a Ca(2+) efflux mechanism in excitable tissues such as the heart, but it can also mediate Ca(2+) influx under certain conditions. Na(+) and Ca(2+) ions exert complex regulatory effects on NCX activity. Ca(2+) binds to two regulatory sites in the exchanger's central hydrophilic domain, and this interaction is normally essential for activation of exchange activity. High cytosolic Na(+) concentrations, however, can induce a constitutive activity that by-passes the need for allosteric Ca(2+) activation. Constitutive NCX activity can also be induced by high levels of phopshotidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP?) and by mutations affecting the regulatory calcium binding domains. In addition to promoting constitutive activity, high cytosolic Na(+) concentrations also induce an inactivated state of the exchanger (Na(+)-dependent inactivation) that becomes dominant when cytosolic pH and PIP? levels fall. Na(+)-dependent inactivation may provide a means of protecting cells from Ca(2+) overload due to NCX-mediated Ca(2+) influx during ischemia.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange carrier was purified from bovine cardiac tissue by a new procedure which relies principally upon anion-exchange chromatography. The purified protein exhibited two major bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, at 120 and 160 kDa. The relative intensities of the two bands could be altered by variations in the procedures used for preparing the samples for electrophoresis, suggesting that they represent two different conformational states of the same protein. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequences of the 120- and 160-kDa bands were identical and agreed closely with a region of the deduced amino acid sequence of the recently cloned canine cardiac exchanger. The NH2-terminal sequence was preceded in the deduced sequence by a 32-residue segment that exhibited the characteristics of a signal sequence; the initial amino acid in the NH2-terminal sequence followed immediately after the predicted cleavage site for the signal sequence. The Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger appears to be unique among membrane transport carriers in encoding a cleaved signal sequence. The characteristics of the sequences flanking the first putative transmembrane segment of the mature exchanger suggest that the signal sequence is necessary to ensure the correct topological orientation of the exchanger in the membrane.  相似文献   

The Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) links transmembrane movements of Ca2+ ions to the reciprocal movement of Na+ ions. It normally functions primarily as a Ca2+ efflux mechanism in excitable tissues such as the heart, but it can also mediate Ca2+ influx under certain conditions. Na+ and Ca2+ ions exert complex regulatory effects on NCX activity. Ca2+ binds to two regulatory sites in the exchanger's central hydrophilic domain, and this interaction is normally essential for activation of exchange activity. High cytosolic Na+ concentrations, however, can induce a constitutive activity that by-passes the need for allosteric Ca2+ activation. Constitutive NCX activity can also be induced by high levels of phopshotidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and by mutations affecting the regulatory calcium binding domains. In addition to promoting constitutive activity, high cytosolic Na+ concentrations also induce an inactivated state of the exchanger (Na+-dependent inactivation) that becomes dominant when cytosolic pH and PIP2 levels fall. Na+-dependent inactivation may provide a means of protecting cells from Ca2+ overload due to NCX-mediated Ca2+ influx during ischemia.  相似文献   

The properties of the Na-Ca exchanger in the plasma membrane of rod outer segments isolated from bovine retinas (ROS) were studied. Unidirectional Ca2+, Na+, and K+ fluxes were measured with radioisotopes and atomic absorption spectroscopy. We measured K+ fluxes associated with the Ca-Ca self-exchange mode of the Na-Ca exchanger to corroborate our previous conclusion that the ROS Na-Ca exchanger differs from Na-Ca exchangers in other tissues by its ability to transport K+ (Schnetkamp, P. P. M., Basu, D. K. & Szerencsei, R. T. (1989) Am. J. Physiol. 257, C153-C157). The Na-Ca-K exchanger was the only functional cation transporter in the plasma membrane of bovine ROS with an upper limit of a flux of 10(5) cations/ROS/s or a current of 0.01 pA contributed by other cation channels, pumps, or carriers; cation fluxes via the Na-Ca-K exchanger amounted to 5 x 10(6) cations/ROS/s or a current of 1 pA. Ca2+ efflux via the forward mode of the Na-Ca-K exchanger did not operate with a fixed single stoichiometry. 1) The Na/Ca coupling ratio was increased from three to four when ionophores were added that could provide electrical compensation for the inward Na-Ca exchange current. 2) The K/Ca coupling ratio could vary by at least 2-fold as a function of the external Na+ and K+ concentration. The results are interpreted in terms of a model that can account for the variable Ca/K coupling ratio: we conclude that the Ca2+ site of the exchanger can translocate independent of translocation of the K+ site, whereas translocation of the K+ site requires occupation of the Ca2+ site, but not its translocation. The results are discussed with respect to the physiological role of Na-Ca-K exchange in rod photoreceptors.  相似文献   

A Barzilai  H Rahamimoff 《Biochemistry》1987,26(19):6113-6118
The stoichiometry of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger from synaptic plasma membranes was studied in both native and reconstituted preparations. In kinetic experiments performed with the native preparation, initial rates of Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ influx were compared to Ca2+-dependent Na+ efflux. These experiments showed that 4.82 Na+ ions are exchanged for each Ca2+ ion. A thermodynamic approach in which equilibrium measurements were made with the reconstituted preparation resulted in a similar (4.76) stoichiometry. The effects of membrane potential generated by valinomycin-induced K+ fluxes could be demonstrated in the reconstituted preparation. In addition, the direct contribution of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger to the membrane potential across the reconstituted vesicle membrane could be demonstrated by using the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium.  相似文献   

Calcium accumulation by rod disks was studied in excised bullfrog retinas with 45Ca tracer-exchange methods. Ca uptake by disks is a necessary requirement if light-induced Ca releases from disks mediate photoreceptor excitation. In an hour-long incubation, disks exchanged less than or equal to 0.01 mole of Ca per mole of rhodopsin, or less than or equal to 10% of their total Ca. This corresponds to a unidirectional flux of less than or equal to 0.01 fmol/cm2 S, or less than or equal to 5 ions/disk-second across the disk membrane. Neither incubation in 10 mM Ca (which increases cytoplasmic activity 10--100- fold) nor photostimulation (which photoactivated up to 50% rhodopsin/h) had measurable effect on exchange rate, though an increase of several orders of magnitude would have been expected according to the hypothesis. The observed exchange could not be explained by: (a) 45Ca losses from disks before measurement (neither the net efflux nor the Ca- Ca exchange property of disks adequately explains such losses), (b) a limited pool of exchangeables Ca from strongly binding intradiskal sites, or (c) rate-limiting flux across the plasma membrane during incubation. For the study of the Ca efflux properties of disks, separate experiments were performed with 45Ca-loaded disks. Intradiskal activity could be estimated from the disks' hyperosmotically sensitive 45Ca pool and from their intradiskal volume (indirectly assayed by density). Ca-Ca exchange was undetectable (less than or equal to 0.1 fmol/cm2 S) in disks whose intradiskal activity was at least 0.3 mM. Net efflux was 0.2 fmol/cm2 S for an intradiskal activity of approximately 1 mM and is comparable to published fluxes for phospholipid vesicles. These results seem to exclude the internal space of disks as the source of Ca for photoreceptor excitation.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase, a strictly membrane-bound flavoenzyme, has been purified using a modified procedure recently developed. Probably similarly to other preparations known from the literature, the enzyme solubilizes to a clear suspension, which represents large clusters ranging in size from 5 to 50 nm containing appreciable amounts of residual lipids. The purified and reconstituted enzymes are inhibited differently by deoxycholate. In contrast to deoxycholate, Triton X-100 does not inhibit the purified enzyme, but rather disintegrates the lipid-enzyme clusters to the smallest active units. However, removal of the detergent leads to reconglomeration to larger lipid-enzyme aggregates. Using the irreversible destruction of the enzyme by deoxycholate as assay, reconstitution of the enzyme with exogeneous lipids has been studied. All basic enzyme properties, such as stability, maximal activity (V), Michaelis constant (Km), pH- and temperature-dependence of the purified and reconstituted systems, are significantly different.  相似文献   

Damage and loss of the postmitotic photoreceptors is a leading cause of blindness in many diseases of the eye. Although the mechanisms of photoreceptor death have been extensively studied, few studies have addressed mechanisms that help sustain these non-replicating neurons for the life of an organism. Autophagy is an intracellular pathway where cytoplasmic constituents are delivered to the lysosomal pathway for degradation. It is not only a major pathway activated in response to cellular stress, but is also important for cytoplasmic turnover and to supply the structural and energy needs of cells. We examined the importance of autophagy in photoreceptors by deleting the essential autophagy gene Atg5 specifically in rods. Loss of autophagy led to progressive degeneration of rod photoreceptors beginning at 8 weeks of age such that by 44 weeks few rods remained. Cone photoreceptor numbers were only slightly diminished following rod degeneration but their function was significantly decreased. Rod cell death was apoptotic but was not dependent on daily light exposure or accelerated by intense light. Although the light-regulated translocation of the phototransduction proteins arrestin and transducin were unaffected in rods lacking autophagy, Atg5-deficient rods accumulated transducin-α as they degenerated suggesting autophagy might regulate the level of this protein. This was confirmed when the light-induced decrease in transducin was abolished in Atg5-deficient rods and the inhibition of autophagy in retinal explants cultures prevented its degradation. These results demonstrate that basal autophagy is essential to the long-term health of rod photoreceptors and a critical process for maintaining optimal levels of the phototransduction protein transducin-α. As the lack of autophagy is associated with retinal degeneration and altered phototransduction protein degradation in the absence of harmful gene products, this process may be a viable therapeutic target where rod cell loss is the primary pathologic event.Autophagy is an intracellular pathway where cytoplasmic constituents are delivered to the lysosomes for degradation. Defective autophagy can contribute to the age-dependent accumulation of damaged proteins and organelles leading to altered cellular homeostasis and loss of function.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The metabolic roles of autophagy can be classified into two types, basal and induced. In nutrient-rich conditions, autophagy is suppressed but still occurs at low levels (basal autophagy); however, when cells are subjected to stress (starvation, injury, hypoxia), autophagy is activated immediately (induced autophagy).6 Induced autophagy maintains the amino acid pool inside cells to adapt to starvation while constitutive autophagy has been shown to function as a cell-repair mechanism that is important for long-lived postmitotic cells.7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Defects in autophagy have been associated with neurodegenerative diseases,12, 13, 14, 15 diabetes,16, 17 lysosomal storage disease18 and the loss of vision.19 In addition to macroautophagy, microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) have been described. Although little is known about microautophagy in mammalian cells, macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) is a major pathway for bulk degradation of cytoplasmic components. CMA is a more selective pathway for degradation of cytosolic proteins that can compensate for the loss of macroautophagy.2, 20, 21, 22Inherited retinal degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa or Leber''s congenital amaurosis are characterized by premature and progressive death of rod and cone photoreceptor cells.23 These diseases are characterized by the loss of night vision due to the death of rods followed by the loss of cones leading to diminished visual acuity and a reduction in the quality of life for patients. Disease is typically associated with the production of harmful gene products that promote pathology by inhibiting critical pathways resulting in cell death.24, 25, 26 Strategies to prevent photoreceptor death during retinal degenerative disease such as gene replacement therapies or inhibition of cell death pathways have been undertaken with some success;27, 28, 29 however, effective treatments for these blinding disorders are lacking.Another strategy that could be used in conjunction with other therapies might be to enhance survival by stimulating autophagy. Augmenting autophagy would increase the supply of nutrients to stressed cells and accelerate removal of damaged proteins thereby prolonging cell survival beyond what would be possible by only preventing cell death. Although canonical22, 30, 31, 32, 33 and noncanonical autophagic mechanisms34 have been detected in the eye, our knowledge of basic autophagy functions in this organ is still limited. In order to understand how autophagy maintains retinal homeostasis and function, we undertook studies to examine the consequences of deleting the essential autophagy gene Atg5 in rod photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin kinase was purified by sequential chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and blue-Sepharose. Kinase activity co-purified with a 62-kDa polypeptide, which bound light-dependently in the absence of ATP to purified vesicle-reconstituted rhodopsin. Purified rhodopsin kinase is free of any detectable arrestin or the retinal G-protein. Rhodopsin kinase is autophosphorylated on serine residues which is unaffected by the presence of bleached rhodopsin and results in a transition in molecular mass to 64 kDa. Autophosphorylation of the kinase did not appear to alter the overall rate of rhodopsin phosphorylation or the apparent KM (0.6 microM) for purified reconstituted rhodopsin. Peptides corresponding to sequences within opsin loops 3-4 and 5-6 and the COOH terminus inhibited kinase phosphorylation of bleached rhodopsin, suggesting at least three potential sites to account for the stable high affinity binding of rhodopsin kinase to the bleached photoreceptor molecule that are at least in part distinct from the substrate sites for phosphorylation. These sequences are similar to those proposed for receptor recognition of G-proteins and indicate that the domains involved in light-dependent binding of rhodopsin kinase and retinal G-protein are similar or overlapping.  相似文献   

The retinal rod Na(+)/Ca(2+),K(+) exchanger (RodX) is a polytopic membrane protein found in photoreceptor outer segments where it is the principal extruder of Ca(2+) ions during light adaptation. We have examined the role of the N-terminal 65 amino acids in targeting, translocation, and integration of the RodX using an in vitro translation/translocation system. cDNAs encoding human RodX and bovine RodX through the first transmembrane domain were correctly targeted and integrated into microsomal membranes; deletion of the N-terminal 65 amino acids (aa) resulted in a translation product that was not targeted or integrated. Deletion of the first 65 aa had no effect on membrane targeting of full-length RodX, but the N-terminal hydrophilic domain no longer translocated. Chimeric constructs encoding the first 65 aa of bovine RodX fused to globin were translocated across microsomal membranes, demonstrating that the sequence could function heterologously. Studies of fresh bovine retinal extracts demonstrated that the first 65 aa are present in the native protein. These data demonstrate that the first 65 aa of RodX constitute an uncleaved signal sequence required for the efficient membrane targeting and proper membrane integration of RodX.  相似文献   

Budel S  Beny JL 《Life sciences》2000,67(5):549-557
Calcium ionophores, such as the A23187, cause endothelium-dependent relaxation of arterial strips with intact endothelium, whereas the effect of the ionophore should result from the combination of a relaxation caused by the endothelium-dependent factors and of a contraction of the smooth muscles. In addition, the application of a calcium ionophore to a strip of pig coronary arteries without endothelium does not change cytosolic free calcium concentration and force developed by the smooth muscle cells. To explain these paradoxes, the hypothesis that active calcium extrusion would match the entry of extracellular calcium caused by the ionophore was tested. We see that the sodium-calcium exchanger extrudes calcium that enters the smooth muscle cells in the absence of the ionophore. This exchanger is efficient enough to expel the increased influx of calcium created by the additional calcium carriers formed by the ionophore. This explains the inefficiency of calcium ionophores to increase cytosolic free calcium of smooth muscle cells and consequently, the fact that the ionophore does not cause a contraction of a strip without endothelium. This makes evident that a calcium ionophore fully relaxes, in an endothelium-dependent manner. an intact strip of porcine coronary artery.  相似文献   

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