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了解杜鹃对其宿主的选择和寄生情况,能为两者间的协同进化研究提供重要的基础资料。2012和2013年每年的4~8月,在贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区对不同生境类型中的鸟巢进行搜索监测,记录到4例中杜鹃(Cuculus saturatus)寄生繁殖现象,其宿主分别是暗绿绣眼鸟(Zosterops japonicus)、棕腹柳莺(Phylloscopus subaffinis)和黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans),其中棕腹柳莺和暗绿绣眼鸟是首次记录到被中杜鹃寄生。中杜鹃卵重(2.39±0.14)g(n=3),体积(2.24±0.18)cm3(n=3),通过T检验方法发现中杜鹃卵极显著大于暗绿绣眼鸟和棕腹柳莺卵(P0.001),同时在形状上也与两者极不相似,中杜鹃卵呈明显的长椭圆形,与黄喉鹀的卵在大小上无显著差异(P=0.1)。反射光谱的分析结果发现,寄生于不同宿主巢的中杜鹃卵在背景色和斑点上都具有一定差异,这表明中杜鹃的卵可能存在基因族群的分化。  相似文献   

In this article we present tentative support for predictionsderived from a spatial habitat structure hypothesis arguingthat common cuckoos Cuculus canorus, the most common obligatebrood parasite in Europe, only breed in areas where they haveaccess to vantage points in trees. Thus, species in which somepopulations breed near trees while other populations breed farther from trees have a different cuckoo—host population dynamicthan species in which all populations always breed in the vicinityof trees. Parasitism rate, mimicry of brood parasite eggs withthose of the hosts, and rejection behavior of hosts varieswith the host breeding habitat. Cuckoos are best adapted toexploit species in which some populations breed near trees while other populations breed in open areas because such hosts arenot always accessible to cuckoos, and thus gene flow amongunparasitized and parasitized populations delays the evolutionof host adaptations. Adaptive behavior in cuckoos as well asin their hosts can be predicted from the spatial habitat structurehypothesis.  相似文献   

Blatrix R  Herbers JM 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2809-2816
We explored the impact of a slave-making ant, Protomognathus americanus, on two of its hosts, Leptothorax longispinosus and L. ambiguus. We showed that, on average, slave-maker colonies conduct raids on 2.7 L. longispinosus and 1.4 L. ambiguus nests in a single year. The more common host, L. longispinosus, survives raiding and colony-founding events in a third of the cases, but the less common host rarely survives attacks from the slave-makers. We compare our results, collected in Vermont, to a study conducted in New York where the slave-maker pressure is much stronger. Our results suggest that in Vermont the slave-maker has a sparing strategy when raiding L. longispinosus, but not when raiding L. ambiguus. Thus coevolution between slave-making ants and their hosts shows host specificity and geographical variation.  相似文献   

Although parasites and their hosts often coexist in a set of environmentally differentiated populations connected by gene flow, few empirical studies have considered a role of environmental variation in shaping correlations between traits of hosts and parasites. Here, we studied for the first time the association between the frequency of adaptive parasitic common cuckoo Cuculus canorus phenotypes in terms of egg matching and level of defences exhibited by its reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus hosts across seven geographically distant populations in Europe. We also explored the influence of spring climatic conditions experienced by cuckoos and hosts on cuckoo-host egg matching. We found that between-population differences in host defences against cuckoos (i.e. rejection rate) covaried with between-population differences in degree of matching. Between-population differences in host egg phenotype were associated with between-population differences in parasitism rate and spring climatic conditions, but not with host level of defences. Between-population differences in cuckoo egg phenotype covaried with between-population differences in host defences and spring climatic conditions. However, differences in host defences still explained differences in mimicry once differences in climatic conditions were controlled, suggesting that selection exerted by host defences must be strong relative to selection imposed by climatic factors on egg phenotypes.  相似文献   

Obligate avian brood parasitism typically involves one of 2strategies: parasite chicks are either 1) virulent and evictall other eggs and nest mates to be raised alone or 2) moretolerant and share foster parental care with host chicks forsome or the entirety of the nestling period. We studied theconsequences of experimentally forced mixed broods of age-matchedone common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) and 2 great reed warbler(Acrocephalus arundinaceus) chicks. In these broods, both cuckooand host chicks grew slower than did either individual cuckoosor great reed warblers in broods of 1 parasite or 3 host chicks,respectively. Video records showed that in mixed broods, cuckoochicks received feedings less frequently than the 33% predictedby chance at 4 days of age but parental food allocations increasedto chance levels at 8 days of age. The consistent patterns oflower growth rates arose even though chicks in broods of 1 parasiteand 2 hosts received the largest prey items per feeding. Inaddition, several other measures of parental provisioning alsodid not predict species and brood-specific differences in nestlinggrowth rates across the different treatments. However, variationin begging displays and its specific costs on host and parasitechicks in the different nest treatments were not quantifiedin this study. We conclude that young of nest mate–evictorcommon cuckoos benefit from the sole occupancy of host nestsin part owing to an initial competitive disadvantage for parentalcare in broods with age-matched great reed warbler chicks.  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between host and parasite drives species evolution. However, most of the studies only focus on parasitism adaptation and do not explore the coevolution mechanisms from the perspective of both host and parasite. Here, through the de novo sequencing and assembly of the genomes of giant panda roundworm, red panda roundworm, and lion roundworm parasitic on tiger, we investigated the genomic mechanisms of coevolution between nonmodel mammals and their parasitic roundworms and those of roundworm parasitism in general. The genome-wide phylogeny revealed that these parasitic roundworms have not phylogenetically coevolved with their hosts. The CTSZ and prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta (P4HB) immunoregulatory proteins played a central role in protein interaction between mammals and parasitic roundworms. The gene tree comparison identified that seven pairs of interactive proteins had consistent phylogenetic topology, suggesting their coevolution during host–parasite interaction. These coevolutionary proteins were particularly relevant to immune response. In addition, we found that the roundworms of both pandas exhibited higher proportions of metallopeptidase genes, and some positively selected genes were highly related to their larvae’s fast development. Our findings provide novel insights into the genetic mechanisms of coevolution between nonmodel mammals and parasites and offer the valuable genomic resources for scientific ascariasis prevention in both pandas.  相似文献   

Many host species interact with a specific parasite within only a fraction of their geographical range. Where host and parasite overlap geographically, selection may be reciprocal constituting a coevolutionary hot spot. Host evolution, however, may be driven primarily by selection imposed by alternative biotic or abiotic factors that occur outside such hot spots. To evaluate the importance of coevolutionary hot spots for host and parasite evolution, we analyse a spatially explicit genetic model for a host that overlaps with a parasite in only part of its geographical range. Our results show that there is a critical amount of overlap beyond which reciprocal selection leads to a coevolutionary response in the host. This critical amount of overlap depends upon the explicit spatial configuration of hot spots. When the amount of overlap exceeds this first critical level, host-parasite coevolution commonly generates stable allele frequency clines rather than oscillations. It is within this region that one of the primary predictions of the geographic mosaic theory is realized, and local maladaptation is prevalent in both species. Past a further threshold of overlap between the species oscillations do evolve, but allele frequencies in both species are spatially synchronous and local maladaptation is absent in both species. A consequence of such transitions between coevolutionary dynamics is that parasite adaptation is inversely proportional to the fraction of its host's range that it occupies. Hence, as the geographical range of a parasite increases, it becomes increasingly maladapted to the host. This suggests a novel mechanism through which the geographical range of parasites may be limited.  相似文献   

Social parasites exploit societies, rather than organisms, and rear their brood in social insect colonies at the expense of their hosts, triggering a coevolutionary process that may affect host social structure. The resulting coevolutionary trajectories may be further altered by selection imposed by predators, which exploit the abundant resources concentrated in these nests. Here, we show that geographic differences in selection imposed by predators affects the structure of selection on coevolving hosts and their social parasites. In a multiyear study, we monitored the fate of the annual breeding attempts of the solitary nesting foundresses of Polistes biglumis wasps in four geographically distinct populations that varied in levels of attack by the congeneric social parasite, P. atrimandibularis. Foundress fitness depended mostly on whether, during the long founding phase, a colony was invaded by social parasites or attacked by predators. Foundresses from each population differed in morphological traits and reproductive tactics that were consistent with selection imposed by their natural enemies and in ways that may affect host sociality. In turn, parasite traits were consistent with selection imposed locally by hosts, implying a geographic mosaic of coevolution in this brood parasitic interaction.  相似文献   

Determining the extent and causes of barriers to gene flow is essential for understanding sympatric speciation, but the practical difficulties of quantifying reproductive isolation remain an obstacle to analysing this process. Social parasites are common in eusocial insects and tend to be close phylogenetic relatives of their hosts (= Emery's rule). Sympatric speciation caused by reproductive isolation between host and parasite is a possible evolutionary pathway. Socially parasitic workers of the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis, produce female clonal offspring parthenogenetically and invade colonies of the neighbouring subspecies A. m. scutellata. In the host colony, socially parasitic workers can become pseudoqueens, an intermediate caste with queenlike pheromone secretion. Here, we show that over an area of approximately 275.000 km2, all parasitic workers bear the genetic signature of a clone founded by a single ancestral worker genotype. Any gene flow from the host to the parasite is impossible because honeybee workers cannot mate. Gene flow from the parasite to the host is possible, as parasitic larvae can develop into queens. However, we show that despite sympatric coexistence for more than a decade, gene flow between host and social parasite (F(st) = 0.32) and hybridizations (0.71%) are rare, resulting in reproductive isolation. Our data suggest a new barrier to gene flow in sympatry, which is not based on assortative matings but on thelytoky and reproductive division of labour in eusocial insects, thereby suggesting a new potential pathway to Emery's rule.  相似文献   

Aim To address the relative role of adjacent land use, distance to forest edge, forest size and their interactions on understorey plant species richness and composition in perimetropolitan forests. Location The metropolitan area of Barcelona, north‐eastern Spain. Methods Twenty sampling sites were distributed in two forest size‐categories: small forest patches (8–90 ha) and large forest areas (> 18,000 ha). For each forest‐size category, five sites were placed adjacent to crops and five sites adjacent to urban areas. Vascular plant species were recorded and human frequentation was scored visually in 210 10 × 10 m plots placed at 10, 50 and 100 m from the forest edge, and additionally at 500 m in large forest areas. Plant species were grouped according to their ecology and rarity categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination was carried out to detect patterns of variation in species assemblage, and to explore the relationships between these patterns and the richness of the species groups and the studied factors. Factorial anovas were used to test the significance of the studied factors on the richness of species groups. Relationships between human frequentation and the studied variables were assessed through contingency tables. Results Forest‐size category was the main factor affecting synanthropic species (i.e. those thriving in man‐made or man‐disturbed habitats). Synanthropic species richness decreased with increasing distance from the forest edge and, when forests were adjacent to crops, it was higher in small forest patches than in large forest areas. Richness of rare forest species was lower in small forest patches than in large forest areas when forests were adjacent to urban areas. Richness of common forest species and of all forest species together were higher close to the forest edge than far from it when forests were adjacent to urban areas. Forests adjacent to urban areas were more likely to experience high human frequentation, particularly in those plots nearest to the forest edge. Main conclusions Forest‐size category and adjacent land use were the most important factors determining species richness and composition. The preservation of large forests adjacent to crops in peri‐urban areas is recommended, because they are less frequented by humans, are better buffered against the percolation of nonforest species and could favour the persistence of rare forest species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Thirteen-year cicadas of brood XIX from northern Arkansas, Missouri, and southern Illinois (lineage A) are known to be genetically different at two marker loci (mitochondrial DNA and abdominal color) from 13-year cicadas to the south (lineage B) that emerge in the same year. Because 17-year cicadas from all broods (year classes) are indistinguishable from lineage A at these two marker loci, previous workers suggested that the lineage A cicadas of 13-year brood XIX were derived from 17-year cicadas by life-cycle switching (allochrony). Data presented here show that, over the same northern geographic range, lineage A is also present in 13-year cicadas belonging to brood XXIII (which always emerges four years later than brood XIX). Detailed sampling along the putative life-cycle-switching boundary in 13-year brood XXIII revealed a previously unsuspected broad zone of overlap where populations contained individuals of both lineages A and B. Despite this sympatry, and previous reports of a lack of behavioral barriers to interbreeding, a strong correlation between mitochondrial haplotype and abdominal color suggests that assortative mating has taken place. Lineage A 13-year cicadas from both broods XIX and XXIII are only found within a gap in the spatial distribution of 17-year cicadas. This, in combination with the lack of differentiation between lineage A 13- and 17-year cicadas at the marker loci and new behavioral data for 13-year brood XIX, suggests a recent derivation of all northern 13-year cicadas from the 17-year cicadas via life-cycle switching. We discuss the implications of these allochronic shifts for speciation.  相似文献   

林冠截留与大气降水关系的数学模型   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
本文依据实测数据及有关资料,对林冠截留进行了深入细致的分析,并以物理化学中溶液吸附理论引伸出的上升-饱和函数关系曲线为类比,提出了一组关于林内雨量率、截留率、截留量与大气降水关系的新的数学模型。模型中的3个参数μm、P_o、k水文学意义明确,拟合效果较好,对深入研究林冠截留具有一定现实意义。 林内雨量率公式: 林冠截留率公式: 林冠截留量公式:  相似文献   

In recent years, the production of pellets derived from forestry biomass to replace coal for electricity generation has been increasing, with over 10 million tonnes traded internationally—primarily between United States and Europe but with an increasing trend to Asia. Critical to this trade is the classification of woody biomass as ‘renewable energy’ and thus eligible for public subsidies. However, much scientific study on the net effect of this trend suggests that it is having the opposite effect to that expected of renewable energy, by increasing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide for substantial periods of time. This review, based on recent work by Europe's Academies of Science, finds that current policies are failing to recognize that removing forest carbon stocks for bioenergy leads to an initial increase in emissions. Moreover, the periods during which atmospheric CO2 levels are raised before forest regrowth can reabsorb the excess emissions are incompatible with the urgency of reducing emissions to comply with the objectives enshrined in the Paris Agreement. We consider how current policy might be reformed to reduce negative impacts on climate and argue for a more realistic science‐based assessment of the potential of forest bioenergy in substituting for fossil fuels. The length of time atmospheric concentrations of CO2 increase is highly dependent on the feedstocks and we argue for regulations to explicitly require these to be sources with short payback periods. Furthermore, we describe the current United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change accounting rules which allow imported biomass to be treated as zero emissions at the point of combustion and urge their revision to remove the risk of these providing incentives to import biomass with negative climate impacts. Reforms such as these would allow the industry to evolve to methods and scales which are more compatible with the basic purpose for which it was designed.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of multiple environmental conditions on greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) fluxes, we transferred three soil monoliths from Masson pine forest (PF) or coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest (MF) at Jigongshan to corresponding forest type at Dinghushan. Greenhouse gas fluxes at the in situ (Jigongshan), transported and ambient (Dinghushan) soil monoliths were measured using static chambers. When the transported soil monoliths experienced the external environmental factors (temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition) at Dinghushan, its annual soil CO2 emissions were 54% in PF and 60% in MF higher than those from the respective in situ treatment. Annual soil N2O emissions were 45% in PF and 44% in MF higher than those from the respective in situ treatment. There were no significant differences in annual soil CO2 or N2O emissions between the transported and ambient treatments. However, annual CH4 uptake by the transported soil monoliths in PF or MF was not significantly different from that at the respective in situ treatment, and was significantly lower than that at the respective ambient treatment. Therefore, external environmental factors were the major drivers of soil CO2 and N2O emissions, while soil was the dominant controller of soil CH4 uptake. We further tested the results by developing simple empirical models using the observed fluxes of CO2 and N2O from the in situ treatment and found that the empirical models can explain about 90% for CO2 and 40% for N2O of the observed variations at the transported treatment. Results from this study suggest that the different responses of soil CO2, N2O, CH4 fluxes to changes in multiple environmental conditions need to be considered in global change study.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) enhancement (eCO2) and N addition (aN) have been shown to increase net primary production (NPP) and to affect water‐use efficiency (WUE) for many temperate ecosystems, but few studies have been made on subtropical tree species. This study compared the responses of NPP and WUE from a mesocosm composing five subtropical tree species to eCO2 (700 ppm), aN (10 g N m?2 yr?1) and eCO2 × aN using open‐top chambers. Our results showed that mean annual ecosystem NPP did not changed significantly under eCO2, increased by 56% under aN and 64% under eCO2 × aN. Ecosystem WUE increased by 14%, 55%, and 61% under eCO2, aN and eCO2 × aN, respectively. We found that the observed responses of ecosystem WUE were largely driven by the responses of ecosystem NPP. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant interactions between eCO2 and aN on ecosystem NPP (= 0.731) or WUE (= 0.442). Our results showed that increasing N deposition was likely to have much stronger effects on ecosystem NPP and WUE than increasing CO2 concentration for the subtropical forests. However, different tree species responded quite differently. aN significantly increased annual NPP of the fast‐growing species (Schima superba). Nitrogen‐fixing species (Ormosia pinnata) grew significantly faster only under eCO2 × aN. eCO2 had no effects on annual NPP of those two species but significantly increased annual NPP of other two species (Castanopsis hystrix and Acmena acuminatissima). Differential responses of the NPP among different tree species to eCO2 and aN will likely have significant implications on the species composition of subtropical forests under future global change.  相似文献   

Invasion by generalist tree species can cause biotic homogenization, and such community impoverishment is likely more important in rare forest types. We quantified changes in tree diversity within Carolinian (range in Central Hardwood Forest), central (range in Central Hardwood Forest and Northern Hardwood‐Conifer Forest), and northern species [range reached Northern‐Conifer‐Hardwood/closed Boreal (spruce‐Fir) Forest] in an old forest tract in southern Canada at points surveyed 24 years apart. We asked: How did mature tree and sapling composition and abundance change for the three species’ groups? Did those changes lead to biotic homogenization? Can species’ changes be explained by community traits? We tested for differences in temporal and spatial tree β‐diversity, as well as forest composition and structure, using univariate/multivariate analyses and a community trait‐based approach to identify drivers of change. Major increases occurred in abundance for mature Acer rubrum (northern), while other species decreased (Fraxinus americana, Populus grandidentata); declines were found in A. saccharinum (central) and Cornus florida (Carolinian). Species composition of saplings, but not mature trees, changed due to replacement; no evidence for biotic homogenization existed in either cohort. As a group, northern mature tree species increased significantly, while central species decreased; saplings of pooled Carolinian species also declined. Shade tolerance in mature trees increased, reflecting successional changes, while drought tolerance decreased, perhaps due to changing temperatures, altered precipitation or ground water levels. Saplings showed declines in all traits, probably because of compositional change. Our results demonstrated that saplings can more closely reflect change in forest dynamics than mature trees, especially over short time periods. Based on sapling trends, this remnant could ultimately transition to a mesophytic hardwood stand dominated by A. rubrum and other shade‐tolerant species, creating a more homogeneous forest. While encouraging regeneration for Carolinian and central tree species could ensure high levels of diversity are conserved in the future, it is important to balance this with the primary management goal of maintaining the forest''s old‐growth characteristics.  相似文献   

Panja S  Jana B  Aich P  Basu T 《Biopolymers》2008,89(7):606-613
With increasing addition of Escherichia coli LPS to calf thymus DNA, both dissolved in CaCl2, absorption maxima of DNA at 260 nm decreased gradually with the appearance of isosbastic points at both ends of spectra, which implied some binding between DNA and LPS. Hill plot of absorbance data showed that the binding interaction was positive cooperative in nature. For any fixed concentration of DNA and LPS, extent of interaction increased as concentration of CaCl2 was raised from 1.0 to 100 mM, signifying the electrostatic nature of the interaction, mediated through Ca2+ ion. Stepwise addition of EDTA, a chelating agent for divalent cations, to DNA-LPS bound complex gradually reversed the spectral shift with increase in absorbance at 260 nm, which implied opening up of the complex, that is, reversible nature of the interaction. Circular dichroism spectral changes of DNA by the addition of LPS indicated partial transition of DNA from B to A form. Isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) study showed that the DNA-LPS binding was an exothermic and enthalpy-driven phenomenon. Moreover, in the presence of 100 mM CaCl2, binding constant of the interaction was found to be 2.6 x 10(4) M(-1) and 3.1 x 10(4) M(-1) from the analysis of Hill plot and ITC result, respectively. DNA-melting study showed that the LPS binding had increased the melting temperature of DNA, indicating more stabilization of DNA double helix. The binding of LPS to DNA made the complex resistant to digestion with endonucleases EcoRI and DNase I.  相似文献   

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