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da Silva J 《Genetics》2012,190(3):1087-1099
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) undergoes a severe population bottleneck during sexual transmission and yet adapts extremely rapidly to the earliest immune responses. The bottleneck has been inferred to typically consist of a single genome, and typically eight amino acid mutations in viral proteins spread to fixation by the end of the early chronic phase of infection in response to selection by CD8(+) T cells. Stochastic simulation was used to examine the effects of the transmission bottleneck and of potential interference among spreading immune-escape mutations on the adaptive dynamics of the virus in early infection. If major viral population genetic parameters are assigned realistic values that permit rapid adaptive evolution, then a bottleneck of a single genome is not inconsistent with the observed pattern of adaptive fixations. One requirement is strong selection by CD8(+) T cells that decreases over time. Such selection may reduce effective population sizes at linked loci through genetic hitchhiking. However, this effect is predicted to be minor in early infection because the transmission bottleneck reduces the effective population size to such an extent that the resulting strong selection and weak mutation cause beneficial mutations to fix sequentially and thus avoid interference.  相似文献   

Encouraging results in the treatment of HIV-1 infection have been achieved in the last few years, after introduction of the triple therapy approach. The initial hope that the immune system might control the infection after highly active antiviral therapy (HAART) has however not been fulfilled, as the reappearance of virus has been observed after discontinuation of HAART. The early phase of the infection determines the ultimate outcome, as it is this period when immune cells that are able to control the infection start to proliferate. Unfortunately, HIV-1 replicates more efficiently in proliferating CD4 T cells, resulting in the self-elimination of the immune cells capable of dealing with the virus within the first months of infection.  相似文献   

The 14-kDa HIV-1 accessory gene vpr has been reported to have effects on host cell biology. These activities include inhibition of cell proliferation, inhibition of NF-kappaB activation, inhibition of CD4 T-cell proliferation, and induction of apoptosis in tissue culture. This collection of activities could, in theory, impact host cell immune responses. We tested the activity of recombinant Vpr protein to inhibit T-cell activation in vitro. Here, we present data illustrating that the Vpr protein can significantly suppress T-cell activation-related cytokine elaboration and proliferation. In vivo, we observed that covaccination with plasmids expressing the vpr gene product profoundly reduces antigen-specific CD8-mediated cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity. This supports that vpr might compromise T-cell immunity in vivo during infection. To study this aspect of Vpr biology, we developed an Adenoviral Vpr expression vector for delivery of Vpr to immune cells and to study Vpr function in the absence of other lentiviral gene products. This vector delivers a functional Vpr protein to immune cells including antigen-presenting cells (APCs). We observe that the Adeno-Vpr vector suppresses human CD4 T-cell proliferation driven by immune activation in vitro. Further study of the biology of Vpr will likely have importance for a clearer understanding of host pathogenesis as well as have important implications for HIV vaccine development.  相似文献   

HIV-1 can be considered an infection of the immune system, resulting in progressive and ultimately profound immune suppression. The availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has resulted in dramatic changes in the disease course in persons fortunate enough to have access to these medications, but long-term therapy is limited by the development of resistance as well as toxicities of the potent medication regimens. Emerging data indicate that individuals who have non-progressive clinical course control HIV-1 immunologically. This has bolstered hope that the immune response might be effectively augmented in persons with HIV infection. Recent data indicating that immediate treatment of acute infection leads to augmentation of antiviral immune responses have provided evidence that the immune system might be enhanced in certain situations. Therefore, investigation in the reconstitution of anti-HIV immune response in patients under HAART should provide encouragement for continuing to explore methods to obtain meaningful and durable immune enhancement as an adjunct to HAART in HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Specific cellular immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were assessed in mononuclear leukocyte cultures from homosexual men with documented, early phase HIV-1 infection. Cell cultures from men with a mean duration of 1.3 yr (range, 0.3 to 2.2 yr) of HIV-1 infection were treated with UV-inactivated, whole, purified HIV-1 Ag together with various concentrations of rIL-2. Cell supernatants were harvested after 5-day incubation and assayed for IFN activity against encephalomyocarditis virus in human WISH cells. IFN subtypes were characterized by neutralization of antiviral activity with antiserum specific for human IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha. Results showed that cultures from 68% (17 of 25) of the HIV-1-seropositive subjects produced "immune" IFN-gamma in response to whole HIV-1 Ag plus rIL-2. IFN-gamma was induced in only 20% (5 of 25) of cultures treated with HIV-1 Ag alone. Enhancement of HIV-1-specific IFN-gamma production by rIL-2 was synergistic rather than additive in that titers induced by the mixture were consistently higher than the sum of IFN titers induced by HIV-1 or rIL-2 alone. This effect was not demonstrable in cultures from 18 HIV-1-seronegative men. Similarly, HIV-1-immune specific augmentation of IFN-gamma production by rIL-2 was noted for PENV9, a recombinant HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41 and gp120 fragment. Production of IFN-gamma may be an important, HIV-1-immune specific parameter in the host response to this retrovirus.  相似文献   

Broadly neutralizing antibodies to the CD4 binding site (CD4bs) of gp120 are generated by some HIV-1-infected individuals, but little is known about the prevalence and evolution of this antibody response during the course of HIV-1 infection. We analyzed the sera of 113 HIV-1 seroconverters from three cohorts for binding to a panel of gp120 core proteins and their corresponding CD4bs knockout mutants. Among sera collected between 99 and 258 weeks post-HIV-1 infection, 88% contained antibodies to the CD4bs and 47% contained antibodies to resurfaced stabilized core (RSC) probes that react preferentially with broadly neutralizing CD4bs antibodies (BNCD4), such as monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) VRC01 and VRC-CH31. Analysis of longitudinal serum samples from a subset of 18 subjects revealed that CD4bs antibodies to gp120 arose within the first 4 to 16 weeks of infection, while the development of RSC-reactive antibodies was more varied, occurring between 10 and 152 weeks post-HIV-1 infection. Despite the presence of these antibodies, serum neutralization mediated by RSC-reactive antibodies was detected in sera from only a few donors infected for more than 3 years. Thus, CD4bs antibodies that bind a VRC01-like epitope are often induced during HIV-1 infection, but the level and potency required to mediate serum neutralization may take years to develop. An improved understanding of the immunological factors associated with the development and maturation of neutralizing CD4bs antibodies during HIV-1 infection may provide insights into the requirements for eliciting this response by vaccination.  相似文献   

Nef-mediated down-regulation of MHC class I (MHC-I) molecules on HIV-1-infected cells has been proposed to enhance viral persistence through evasion of host CTLs. This conclusion is based largely on demonstrations that Nef from laboratory HIV-1 strains reduces the susceptibility of infected cells to CTL killing in vitro. However, the function and role of Nef-mediated MHC-I down-regulation in vivo have not been well described. To approach this issue, nef quasispecies from chronically HIV-1-infected individuals were cloned into recombinant reporter viruses and tested for their ability to down-regulate MHC-I molecules from the surface of infected cells. The level of function varied widely between individuals, and although comparison to the immunologic parameters of blood CD4(+) T lymphocyte count and breadth of the HIV-1-specific CTL response showed positive correlations, no significant correlation was found in comparison to plasma viremia. The ability of in vivo-derived Nef to down-regulate MHC-I predicted the resistance of HIV-1 to suppression by CTL. Taken together, these data demonstrate the functionality of Nef to down-regulate MHC-I in vivo during stable chronic infection, and suggest that this function is maintained by the need of HIV-1 to cope with the antiviral CTL response.  相似文献   

Recent advances in HIV-1 pathogenesis, and in defining virological and immunological responses to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), along with the identification of the numerous drawbacks of HAART, have clearly demonstrated that the eradication of the virus is not a feasible therapeutic goal, and that there is an urgent need to develop other approaches to fight HIV-1 infection. Novel therapeutic approaches of immune modulation have recently been evaluated in pilot clinical trials. First, treating primary HIV-1 infection with cyclosporin A (CsA) coupled with HAART to target massive immune activation extends the benefits achieved with HAART during primary HIV-1 infection and might contribute to the establishment of a more favourable immunological set-point affecting the ultimate pattern and rate of disease progression. Second, treating chronic HIV-1 infection in patients with long-term suppression of virus replication induced by HAART, with the addition of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) reduces the pool of activated CD4+ T lymphocytes able to support productive HIV-1 infection, and might have an indirect impact on the pool of resting, latently infected CD4+ T cells, contributing to its depletion in vivo. The important question is clearly whether these results will have an impact on the clinical management of patients with HIV-1 infection, determining the precise therapeutic function of drugs like CsA and MMF, thus investigating the effects of these drugs on residual viral replication and the decay of the latent reservoir, on long-term immunological benefit, and, ultimately, on clinical benefit.  相似文献   

Primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is characterized by an initial exponential increase of viral load in peripheral blood reaching a peak, followed by a rapid decline to the viral setpoint. Although the target-cell-limited model can account for part of the viral kinetics observed early in infection [Phillips, 1996. Reduction of HIV concentration during acute infection: independence from a specific immune response. Science 271 (5248), 497-499], it frequently predicts highly oscillatory kinetics after peak viremia, which is not typically observed in clinical data. Furthermore, the target-cell-limited model is unable to predict long-term viral kinetics, unless a delayed immune effect is assumed [Stafford et al., 2000. Modeling plasma virus concentration during primary HIV infection. J. Theor. Biol. 203 (3), 285-301]. We show here that extending the target-cell-limited model, by implementing a saturation term for HIV-infected cell loss dependent upon infected cell levels, is able to reproduce the diverse observed viral kinetic patterns without the assumption of a delayed immune response. Our results suggest that the immune response may have significant effect on the control of the virus during primary infection and may support experimental observations that an anti-HIV immune response is already functional during peak viremia.  相似文献   

Li D  Xu XN 《Cell research》2008,18(8):817-822
Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a unique T cell population that have important immunoregulatory functions and have been shown to be involved in host immunity against a range of microorganisms. It also emerges that they might play a role in HIV-1 infection, and therefore be selectively depleted during the early stages of infection. Recent studies are reviewed regarding the dynamics of NKT depletion during HIV-1 infection and their recovery under highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). Possible mechanisms for these changes are proposed based on the recent developments in HIV pathogenesis. Further discussions are focused on HIV's disruption of NKT activation by downregulating CDld expression on antigen presentation cells (APC). HIV-1 protein Nefis found to play the major role by interrupting the intracellular trafficking of nascent and recycling CDld molecules.  相似文献   

A human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-preventive vaccine will likely need to induce broad immunity that can recognize antigens expressed within circulating strains. To understand the potentially relevant responses that T-cell based vaccines should elicit, we examined the ability of T cells from early infected persons to recognize a broad spectrum of potential T-cell epitopes (PTE) expressed by the products encoded by the HIV type 1 (HIV-1) nef gene, which is commonly included in candidate vaccines. T cells were evaluated for gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) secretion using two peptide panels: subtype B consensus (CON) peptides and a novel peptide panel providing 70% coverage of PTE in subtype B HIV-1 Nef. Eighteen of 23 subjects' T cells recognized HIV-1 Nef. In one subject, Nef-specific T cells were detected with the PTE but not with the CON peptides. The greatest frequency of responses spanned Nef amino acids 65 to 103 and 113 to 147, with multiple epitope variants being recognized. Detection of both the epitope domain number and the response magnitude was enhanced using the PTE peptides. On average, we detected 2.7 epitope domains with the PTE peptides versus 1.7 domains with the CON peptides (P = 0.0034). The average response magnitude was 2,169 spot-forming cells (SFC)/10(6) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with the PTE peptides versus 1,010 SFC/10(6) PBMC with CON peptides (P = 0.0046). During early HIV-1 infection, Nef-specific T cells capable of recognizing multiple variants are commonly induced, and these responses are readily detected with the PTE peptide panel. Our findings suggest that Nef responses induced by a given vaccine strain before HIV-1 exposure may be sufficiently broad to recognize most variants within subtype B HIV-1.  相似文献   



The occurrence of a genetic bottleneck in HIV sexual or mother-to-infant transmission has been well documented. This results in a majority of new infections being homogeneous, i.e., initiated by a single genetic strain. Early after infection, prior to the onset of the host immune response, the viral population grows exponentially. In this simple setting, an approach for estimating evolutionary and demographic parameters based on comparison of diversity measures is a feasible alternative to the existing Bayesian methods (e.g., BEAST), which are instead based on the simulation of genealogies.  相似文献   

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