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NICOLAS MATHEVON 《Ibis》1997,139(3):513-517
Acoustic communication has great importance in social relationships and especially in individual recognition in the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber. However, it is constrained by the noisy environment of the colony. I performed an analysis of both the temporal and frequency patterns of contact calls and showed that the use of both is essential for discrimination between individuals. I made a search for the acoustic parameters which are used by the flamingos. It appears that the call duration, the slow amplitude modulation, the spectrum bandwidth and the repartition of energy among harmonics exhibit individuality. Recognition between the birds must be based on a multiparametric analysis, taking into account both spectral and temporal features of the calls. Indeed, no single parameter was sufficient to discriminate between individual birds used in my research. In the noisy environment of the colony, the transmission of individuality in a message is improved by this multiparametric coding, which can be considered as an adaptation to these extreme acoustic conditions. Moreover, the study revealed numerous acoustic convergences with another colonial bird species, the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri , and both species seemed to use the same method to encode individuality in their vocalizations.  相似文献   

The food call of broody domestic hens was used to measure maternal response to four frequency components found in chick distress calls (2,3,4 and 5 kHz) and to variations in distress call intensity (0—86 dB). Foodcalling increased significantly with frequency of the pure-tone test pulse; response to a taped distress call occurred between 40 dB and 86 dB intensity with a maximum at 60–65 dB. The results suggest that the mother uses the higher frequency components in recognizing the distress call, but responds maximally within a specific intensity range. The selective advantage of such behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus; blackbird) and European starling (Sturnus vulgaris; starling) nestlings were dosed with either 2.0 mg/kg body mass chlorpyrifos, 50.0 mg/kg body mass dimethoate, or a propylene glycol carrier in situ. Four growth measurements (body mass, culmen, tarsus, wing) were recorded from nestlings to determine if these organophosphorus compounds caused perturbations in development at sublethal concentrations. Blackbird nestlings were more sensitive to chlorpyrifos than starling nestlings were more sensitive to dimethoate than blackbird nestlings. This was in contrast to reported adult LD50 values where the reverse was true. Blackbird nestlings were more tolerant of a substantially higher concentration of dimethoate than the adult LD50. The sensitivity of starling nestlings to dimethoate was similar to adults. In contrast, juveniles of both species were more sensitive to chlorpyrifos than adults. After the initial 24 hr, surviving nestlings dosed with either chemical recovered and continued their development. Exposure to dimethoate caused significant depression in starling body mass during the initial 24 hr period. Survivors obtain body mass equal to controls within 48 hr post dosing. The research presented here demonstrates that the simple supposition that passerine nestlings are typically more sensitive to toxins than adults does not always hold true. It also indicates that sensitivity relationships among adults do not necessarily apply to their nestlings.  相似文献   


Distress calls are signals effective over a long distance. They are well known to evoke interspecific reactions. We suggest that the interspecificity phenomenon results from the use of similar laws of decoding by the species concerned. These laws must take into account the transmission channel which always has a great influence on long-range communication. We tested our hypothesis by broadcasting simplified synthetic calls to two species of birds: the herring gull and the starling. The various calls differed in terms of frequency modulation (FM). Two main conclusions emerged from this series of tests:

1. The parameters used for recognition are not sophisticated: a simple slope applied to a carrier frequency that corresponds to the acoustic shape of a distress call is sufficient to confer a distress meaning to the signal. The basic rules are the same for the gull and the starling, with differences only in the acceptance level of the species.

2. The system of recognition is based upon parameters not altered by the environment: the birds make use of the slow frequency modulations (FMI). In contrast, the fast frequency sweeps (FMII) which are modified during propagation do not seem to be utilised. The use of these characteristics of distress calls for recognition allows interspecificity and maximum efficiency for propagation over long distances.

Une particularité des cris de détresse est leur action interspécifique. Nous suggérons que cette interspécificité résulte de l'emploi d'une loi de décodage qui est commune à plusieures espèces. Cette loi doit tenir compte des propriétés du canal car ce dernier a toujours une grande influence sur les signaux de longue portée acoustique, tels que les cris de détresse.

Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons fait appel à deux espèces: le Goéland argenté (Larus argentatus) et l'Etourneau (Sturnus vulgaris). Les signaux que nous avons diffusés étaient obtenus par synthèse. Ils étaient plus simples que les signaux naturels et différaient par la modulation de fréquence (FM).

Deux résultats principaux émergent de ces séries d'expériences:

1. Le procédé de décodage n'est pas sophistiqué: une simple pente appliquée à la porteuse est nécessaire et il suffit de mimer, meme approximativement, la pente rencontrée dans les signaux naturels, Cette règle fondamentale est commune au Goéland et à l'Etourneau. Les petites différences que l'on peut néanmoins observer sont relatives aux seuils de décodage.

2. Le décodage repose sur des paramètres qui ne sont pas altérés par le canal: l'oiseau utilise la modulation lente de fréquence. Par contre les excursions rapides de fréquence semblent n'étre d'aucune utilité lors du décodage.

En conclusion, l'universalité des paramètres impliqués et de la loi de décodage est responsable de l'interspécificité des signaux de détresse. Les simplifications liées à cette universalité résultent des contraintes imposées par le canal.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication of American Crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) is relatively understudied. Our overall aim was to determine the acoustic structure of wild American Crocodile distress calls, distinguish call differences among size classes (hatchling, juvenile, sub‐adult, and adult), and investigate call production on a gradient of human disturbance. American Crocodile distress calls have strong frequency modulation and are comprised of multiple harmonics in a downsweeping pattern. Measured parameters (total duration, first quartile duration, maximal frequency, first quartile frequency, end frequency, slope of first quartile, slope of last quartiles) differed significantly among size classes (p < .05). Hatchling distress calls are higher in frequency and strongly modulated, whereas calls produced by sub‐adults and adults showed little modulation, are lower in frequency, and have greater overall duration. Proportion of crocodiles that produced distress calls during capture differed by size class and sampling location, particularly adult distress calls which are reported here to be produced with undocumented frequency. We determined that American Crocodiles of all size classes produce distress calls at varying rates among study sites. Our results demonstrate that American crocodiles produce distress call more frequently at sites with higher anthropogenic activity. Measured call parameters of juveniles and hatchling American crocodiles also varied among sites in relation to human disturbance. Calls recorded at sites of high anthropogenic impact have increased duration and less modulation which may adversely affect response to emitted distress calls. Proportional and call parameter variances suggest anthropogenic activity as a driver for increased call production and alteration of call parameters at high human‐impacted sites.  相似文献   

Long-range spatial correlations in the turbulent plasma of the L-2M stellarator were revealed experimentally, and their relation to the geometry of magnetic surfaces was analyzed (Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 045001 (2008)). The operation modes of the facility in which fast transport transitions in plasma are possible were studied. Upon these transitions, the turbulence level is found to decrease substantially. It is shown that long-range spatial correlations are typical of relatively narrow frequency ranges. In particular, before a transport transition, such frequency ranges are f ~ 30–40 kHz and f ~ 1–3 kHz. After the transition, long-range spatial correlations in the frequency range of f ~ 30–40 kHz disappear due to a significant decrease in the turbulence level in this frequency range. At the same time, correlations in the low frequency range are retained and new correlations at frequencies of f ~ 6-12 kHz occur. It is found that global electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of f ~ 1–3 kHz are related to the m/n = 0/0 perturbation and its toroidal satellites (here, m and n are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively). It is also shown that, after the transport transition, a three-dimensional localized electromagnetic mode at the frequency of the geodesic acoustic mode governed by the average magnetic field curvature is excited. At higher frequencies typical of a geodesic acoustic mode related to the three-dimensional curvature of the magnetic field, no long-range spatial correlations were observed both before and after the transport transition.  相似文献   

Small songbirds have a difficult analysis problem: their head is small compared to the wavelengths of sounds used for communication providing only small interaural time and level differences. Klump and Larsen (1992) measured the physical binaural cues in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) that allow the comparison of acoustical cues and perception. We determined the starling’s minimum audible angle (MAA) in an operant Go/NoGo procedure for different spectral and temporal stimulus conditions. The MAA for broadband noise with closed-loop localization reached 17°, while the starling’s MAA for open-loop localization of broadband noise reached 29°. No substantial difference between open-loop and closed-loop localization was found in 2 kHz pure tones. The closed-loop MAA improved from 26° to 19° with an increase in pure tone frequency from 1 to 4 kHz. This finding is in line with the physical cues available. While the starlings can only make use of interaural time difference cues at lower frequencies (e.g., 1 and 2 kHz), additional interaural level difference cues become available at higher frequencies (e.g., 4 kHz or higher, Klump and Larsen 1992). An improvement of the starling’s MAA with an increasing number of standard stimulus presentations prior to the test stimulus has important implications for determining relative (MAA) localization thresholds.  相似文献   

The dominant frequency (Fd) of the cricket calling song commonly ranges from 2 to 8 kHz because of physical constraints due to small size and stridulum functioning. However some Eneopterinae crickets are known to call with Fds of 10–15 kHz, and one species ( Eneoptera guyanensis ) produces a modulated call with both a low and a high Fd. We studied Fd evolution with respect to phylogeny in the whole Eneopterinae subfamily to reconstruct its pattern of transformation. The phylogenetic pattern resulting from the analysis showed that Fd is relatively stable through the whole clade: the Fd ancestral state (3–7.9 kHz) has been modified only once, with the occurrence of a high Fd in the clade [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )]: high Fd replaced low Fd, resulting in high-frequency calling songs. In E. guyanensis , the pattern of frequency change is different: a high Fd component has been added to the low ancestral Fd, resulting in frequency modulation. Investigation of cladogenesis rate indicated that the onset of high Fd in [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )] was accompanied by a high cladogenesis rate, supporting a hypothesis of adaptive radiation for high-frequency calling (phylogeny criterion of adaptation). High frequencies are particularly problematic for long-range communication, especially for forest-living species, because of the increase of excess attenuation with frequency. The effectiveness of high-frequency calling is discussed in the clade [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )] in relation to the behavioural ecology of the species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 577–584.  相似文献   

ANNA MOTIS 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(2):119-141

This paper describes the whistled songs of two allopatric populations of the European starling and spotless starling in NE Spain. The results show that European starlings in NE Spain sing the same whistled themes found earlier in other European populations and confirm the universal character of these themes. There are some differences between European starlings from NE Spain and other populations: rising phases appear for Inflection theme high-form, Inflection theme and Simple theme, and also differences of rate of emission appear for others (Rhythmic theme). Harmonic theme has not been found. Likewise, the first analysis of the spotless starling's whistled song shows that it shares the same general whistled song structure with the European starling; whistles have similar structural parameters (modulation, duration, frequency) and can be classified in the same categories or themes; a new theme appears, the Trilled theme, which has not been found to date in the European starling. Dialectal areas have been found in both species for the same themes (Inflection theme, Simple theme). The males of both studied populations have larger repertoires in comparison to other studied populations of the European starling.  相似文献   

The extreme coloniality in emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) demands that (1) individual recognition by the mutual display call must be supremely adapted to the total absence of nest sites — landmarks that would facilitate partner reunion, and (2) birds must transmit a precise message through an obstructed and noisy environment. A computerized sound analysis and subsequent data were submitted to univariate and multivariate statistics to determine individual-specific cues of the call. Temporal patterning of syllables, variables of the power spectrum (frequency and timbre features) and variables of a beat generated by two acoustic sources were analyzed (58 calls from 7 animals). Number and duration of syllables, fundamental frequencies and period of the beat were highly individual, with inter- significantly greater then intra-individual variation, enabling correct classification of the 58 calls. The respective relevance of temporal and spectral cues for individual recognition is discussed. In the acoustically hostile and noisy environment, beat was peculiarly emphasized, as it allowed great precision in the production of an amplitude modulation that was unlikely to be degraded by the environment.  相似文献   

Subantarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis, come ashore to breed in dense colonies and lactating females have to alternate foraging trips at sea with periods ashore during which they suckle their pups. The effectiveness of vocal recognition between mothers and pups, has been shown experimentally. To see whether the recognition abilities of females differ from those of their offspring, we investigated how pups recognize their mother's calls. We used artificially modified signals in playback experiments to determine which acoustic parameters support the recognition process. Pups used both the energy spectrum and the ascending frequency modulation occurring at the beginning of each call. However, they seemed to rely mainly on spectral analyses. The vocal identification process at a perceptual level is therefore asymmetrical, as mothers mainly use temporal structures to recognize their pup's calls. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Three experiments examined the response of mallard ducklings to conspecific distress calls. In experiment 1, a synthetic call was constructed from a single distress note, by recording it on a digital disc and then using a software routine to regularly repeat this stored note with the average period (267 ms) of the original call. Ducklings were then tested for their tendency to inhibit their own distress vocalizations in response to either this synthetic call, the original call, or a constant-frequency tone mimic; they showed a significantly stronger inhibitory response to the synthetic call than to the tone mimic, but an even stronger response to the original call. The former result indicated that the synthetic call was an effective stimulus, and suggested that some aspect of the frequency modulation found in distress notes is required to evoke the normal duckling inhibitory response. The latter result further suggested that the acoustic variability found in the original call, but not the synthetic call, may be of importance for controlling duckling behaviour. Experiment 2 demonstrated that several other minor differences between the synthetic call and original call (number of notes per call and the digital recording of the synthetic call) could not account for the difference in duckling response to these two calls. Finally, in experiment 3, two additional synthetic stimuli were constructed from the digitized note, by first excising either the initial (front-chop) or terminal (rear-chop) frequency modulation found in each distress note, then creating amplitude envelopes for these new notes similar to that of the unaltered note, and finally repeating these notes to form calls with the same note period as the original call. The ducklings tested with the synthetic normal-note call and synthetic front-chop call showed a significantly stronger inhibitory response than the ducklings tested with the synthetic rear-chop call and the tone mimic. These results indicate that the terminal descending frequency sweep is an important feature of distress notes for triggering the response of ducklings to conspecific distress calls.  相似文献   

We examined a recent notion that differences in echolocation call frequency amongst geographic groups of constant frequency (CF)-emitting bats is the result of a trade-off between maximising prey detection range at lower frequencies and enhancing small-prey resolution at higher frequencies in different atmospheric (relative humidity; RH) environments. Isolated populations of the endemic Australian orange leaf-nosed bat Rhinonicteris aurantia were used as an example since geographic isolation in different environments has been a precursor to differences in their characteristic echolocation call frequencies (mean difference c. 6 kHz; means of 114.64 and 120.99 kHz). The influence of both atmospheric temperature and RH on maximum prey detection range was explored through mathematical modelling. This revealed that temperature was of similar importance to relative humidity and that under certain circumstances, each could reduce the effect of the other on ultrasound attenuation rates. The newly developed models contain significant conceptual improvements in method compared to other recent approaches, and can be applied to the situation of any other species of bat. For a given set of atmospheric conditions, the prey detection range of R. aurantia was reduced slightly when call frequency increased by 6 kHz, but an increase in RH, temperature or both reduced detection range significantly. A similar trend was also evident in prey detection volume ratios calculated for the same conditions. Spatial volume ratios were applied to assess the impact of changed atmospheric conditions and prey size on foraging ecology. Reductions in detection range associated with increases in RH and/or temperature also varied in relation to the size (cross sectional area) of insect prey. Modelling demonstrated that small (6 kHz) movements in call frequency could not compensate for the changes in prey detection range and spatial detection volumes that result from significant changes in atmospheric temperature or RH. The notion that differences in RH are the primary cause leading to adaptive evolution and speciation in CF-emitting bats by precipitating intraspecific differences in the mean call frequency of geographically isolated bat populations was not supported by the results of this case study.  相似文献   

Midwife toads present one of the simplest calls in anurans, with the whole energy concentrated in a single band without frequency modulation. The tuning curves of the Iberian midwife toads Alytes cisternasii show the typical bimodal pattern in anurans, with two best excitatory frequencies at 0.412 kHz (corresponding to the amphibian papilla) and at 1.358 kHz (corresponding to the basilar papilla and matching the male call frequency). In this study, the hypothesis that complex calls arose in anurans because they were inherently more attractive to females, since they provided greater acoustic stimulation, was tested. However, our results indicate that splitting the call energy to stimulate both inner ear organs simultaneously, the male call is not more attractive to female midwife toads, but sometimes renders it unattractive. The biological role of the amphibian papilla is discussed in ecological and evolutionary terms.  相似文献   

Like most otariids species, the Subantarctic fur seal breeds on land in large, dense colonies. Pups are confronted by the long and repetitive absences of their mother throughout lactation. At each mother's return, pups have to find her among several hundreds of congeners. This recognition process mainly relies on acoustic signals. We performed an acoustic analysis on 125 calls from 20 females recorded during the 1999–2000 breeding season on Amsterdam Island (Indian Ocean). Ten variables were measured in both temporal and frequency domains. To find the acoustic parameters supporting individual signature, we assessed the differences between individuals using Kruskall-Wallis univariate analysis of variance. For each variable, we also calculated the potential of individuality coding (PIC) as the ratio between the between-individual coefficient of variation and the mean value of the within-individual coefficients of variation. We found that the frequency spectrum, the characteristics of the frequency modulation of the initial and middle part of the call and the call duration exhibit an important individual stereotypy (PIC values ranging between 1.5 and 3), whereas features relative to amplitude and the frequency modulation of the final part of the call are weakly individualized (PIC values between 1 and 1.2).  相似文献   

Hearing in the FM-bat Phyllostomus discolor: a behavioral audiogram   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Absolute auditory thresholds of six adult lesser spear-nosed bats Phyllostomus discolor (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) were determined in a two-alternative forced-choice procedure. Behavioral responses to pure tone stimuli could be elicited throughout the tested frequency range of 5–142 kHz. The shape of the average audiogram is characterized by two sensitivity peaks and a pronounced increase of thresholds around 55 kHz, and towards the limits of the tested frequency range. The spectral extent of both sensitivity peaks shows a close relation to the bandwidth of two types of species-specific vocalizations. The first low threshold area (> 10 and < 55 kHz) of the audiogram seems perfectly adapted to the directive call used for intraspecific communication, whereas the second sensitivity peak, centered around 85 kHz, covers most of the bandwidth of the species' echolocation calls.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation - l left - r right - SPL Sound pressure level  相似文献   

Both mammals and birds experience a performance trade-off between producing vocalizations with high bandwidths and at high repetition rate. Echolocating bats drastically increase repetition rate from 2–20 calls s−1 up to about 170 calls s−1 prior to intercepting airborne prey in order to accurately track prey movement. In turn, bandwidth drops to about 10–30 kHz for the calls of this ‘final buzz’. We have now discovered that Southeast Asian rainforest bats (in the vespertilionid subfamilies Kerivoulinae and Murininae) are able to maintain high call bandwidths at very high repetition rates throughout approach to prey. Five species of Kerivoula and Phoniscus produced call bandwidths of between 78 and 170 kHz at repetition rates of 140–200 calls s−1 and two of Murina at 80 calls s−1. The ‘typical’ and distinct drop in call frequency was present in none of the seven species. This stands in striking contrast to our present view of echolocation during approach to prey in insectivorous bats, which was established largely based on European and American members of the same bat family, the Vespertilionidae. Buzz calls of Kerivoula pellucida had mean bandwidths of 170 kHz and attained maximum starting frequencies of 250 kHz which makes them the most broadband and most highly pitched tonal animal vocalization known to date. We suggest that the extreme vocal performance of the Kerivoulinae and Murininae evolved as an adaptation to echolocating and tracking arthropods in the dense rainforest understorey.  相似文献   

In natural advertisement calls of the barking treefrog, Hyla gratiosa, a small amount of incoherent frequency modulation (FM) is present. Incoherency in the FM of a call creates inharmonicity and phase changes between its frequency components. In this study, the combined and separate effects of the harmonic structure, phase spectrum, and FM of an advertisement call on female choice were tested. The harmonic structure of a call can have a direct effect on female preference; females showed a significant preference for static-inharmonic calls over static-harmonic calls. Neither differences in phase or FM alone conferred a preference in two choice tests. However, when FM is present in both calls it does influence female preference for harmonic structure -namely harmonic calls become preferable to inharmonic calls. This reversal of female preference for inharmonicity in a call by the presence of FM suggests that call parameters may interact, and thereby effect mate choice.Abbreviations AP amphibian papilla - BP basilar papilla - FM frequency modulation - PM phase modulation - HS harmonic structure - GB Gaussian Band  相似文献   

Peking ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos) were found to alternate their distress calls with those of conspecifics. This alternation response consisted of two components: a strong tendency to suppress vocalizing during the conspecific's calls and a weaker tendency to increase vocalizing (above the level given by birds tested in auditory isolation) following those calls. Similar results were obtained whether pairs of ducklings were tested or whether individual ducklings were tested with tape-recorded calls. Further, visual contact with the conspecific, or a mirror image, although not necessary for eliciting an alternation response, did have a significant facilitative effect on this response. This latter effect may have been due to the general arousal-reducing properties of the visual stimulus. Finally, in contrast to the strong response of ducklings to conspecific distress calls, they displayed a much weaker tendency to alternate their calls with (a) clicking sounds and 7.0-kHz tones with the same temporal patterning and intensity as the taped distress calls, (b) 3.8-kHz tones that additionally matched the dominant frequency of the taped calls, and (c) synthetic distress calls that also approximated the frequency modulation of the taped calls. These results indicate that the distress call alternation response is not simply an artifact of a more general orienting response in which ducklings inhibit their own vocalizations whenever they hear any salient auditory stimulus. Rather, the response appears to be quite specifically triggered by the sound of the sibling calls. The present results stand in contrast to the common assertion that young birds largely ignore the distress calls of siblings. These results are, however, consistent with recent literature emphasizing the importance of sibling interactions in the analysis of mallard early social attachments.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1997,39(1):77-84
We investigated the response of the wren Troglodytes troglodytes to playback of a territorial song degraded by long-range propagation. It appears that the wren is sensitive to this degradation since the territorial reaction is less intense with the degraded song than with the undegraded one. However, the degraded song is still considered by the receiver as a specific territorial aggressive signal. This differential response suggests that the male wren can use the degradation characteristics of the signal to adapt its territorial reaction. Indeed, in response to this stimulus, the receiver wren chooses a higher song post. By so doing, the bird improves both the propagation distance of the emitted song and the receiver's ability to hear the opponent's song. This behavioural change may correspond to a communication strategy, counteracting the environmental constraints on sound propagation. Therefore, in response to sound degradation during long-range propagation, birds may have developed behavioural adaptations complementary to the various adaptations concerning song structure and coding-decoding processes.  相似文献   

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