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The effect of extracellular cation concentration and membrane voltage on the current carried by outward-rectifying K+ channels was examined in stomatal guard cells of Vicia faba L. Intact guard cells were impaled with double-barrelled microelectrodes and the K+ current was monitored under voltage clamp in 0.1–30 mm K+ and in equivalent concentrations of Rb+, Cs+ and Na+. From a conditioning voltage of −200 mV, clamp steps to voltages between −150 and +50 mV in 0.1 mm K+ activated current through outward-rectifying K+ channels (I K, out) at the plasma membrane in a voltage-dependent fashion. Increasing [K+] o shifted the voltage-sensitivity of I K, out in parallel with the equilibrium potential for K+ across the membrane. A similar effect of [K+] o was evident in the kinetics of I K, out activation and deactivation, as well as the steady-state conductance- (g K ) voltage relations. Linear conductances, determined as a function of the conditioning voltage from instantaneous I-V curves, yielded voltages for half-maximal conductance near −130 mV in 0.1 mm K+, −80 mV in 1.0 mm K+, and −20 mV in 10 mm K+. Similar data were obtained with Rb+ and Cs+, but not with Na+, consistent with the relative efficacy of cation binding under equilibrium conditions (K+≥ Rb+ > Cs+ > > Na+). Changing Ca2+ or Mg2+ concentrations outside between 0.1 and 10 mm was without effect on the voltage-dependence of g K or on I K, out activation kinetics, although 10 mm [Ca2+] o accelerated current deactivation at voltages negative of −75 mV. At any one voltage, increasing [K+] o suppressed g K completely, an action that showed significant cooperativity with a Hill coefficient of 2. The apparent affinity for K+ was sensitive to voltage, varying from 0.5 to 20 mm with clamp voltages near −100 to 0 mV, respectively. These, and additional data indicate that extracellular K+ acts as a ligand and alters the voltage-dependence of I K, out gating; the results implicate K+-binding sites accessible from the external surface of the membrane, deep within the electrical field, but distinct from the channel pore; and they are consistent with a serial 4-state reaction-kinetic model for channel gating in which binding of two K+ ions outside affects the distribution between closed states of the channel. Received: 27 November 1996/Revised: 4 March 1997  相似文献   

ABA stimulation of outward K+ current (I K,out) in Vicia faba guard cells has been correlated with a rise in cytosolic pH (pH i ). However, the underlying mechanism by which I K,out is affected by pH i has remained unknown. Here, we demonstrate that pH i regulates outward K+ current in isolated membrane patches from Vicia faba guard cells. The stimulatory effect of alkalinizing pH i was voltage insensitive and independent of the two free calcium levels tested, 50 nm and 1 μm. The single-channel conductance was only slightly affected by pH i . Based on single-channel measurements, the kinetics of time-activated whole-cell current, and the analysis of current noise in whole-cell recordings, we conclude that alkaline pH i enhances the magnitude of I K,out by increasing the number of channels available for activation. The fact that the pH i effect is seen in excised patches indicates that signal transduction pathways involved in the regulation of I K,out by pH i , and by implication, components of hormonal signal transduction pathways that are downstream of pH i , are membrane-delimited. Received: 5 June 1996/Revised: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

One of the main effects of abscisic acid (ABA) is to induce net loss of potassium salts from guard cells enabling the stomata to close. K+ is released from the vacuole into the cytosol and then to the extracellular space. The effects of increasing cytosolic K+ on the voltage- and time-dependence of the outwardly rectifying K+-current (I K,out) in guard cell protoplasts (GCP) was examined in the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The same quantitative analysis was performed in the presence of ABA at different internal K+ concentrations ([K+] i ). Varying [K+] i in the patch pipette from 100 to 270 mm increased the magnitude of I K,out in a nonlinear manner and caused a negative shift in the midpoint (V 0.5) of its steady-state activation curve. External addition of ABA (10–20 μm) also increased the magnitude of I K,out at all [K+] i , but caused a shift in V 0.5 of the steady-state activation curve only in those GCP loaded with 150 mm internal K+ or less. Indeed, V 0.5 did not shift upon addition of ABA when the [K+] i was above 150 mm and up to 270 mm, i.e., the shift in V 0.5 caused by ABA depended on the [K+] i . Both increase in [K+] i and external addition of ABA, decreased (by ≈ 20%) the activation time constant (τ n ) of I K,out. The small decrease in τ n , in both cases, was found to be independent of the membrane voltage. The results indicate that ABA mimics the effect of increasing cytoplasmic K+, and suggest that ABA may increase I K,out and alter V 0.5 of its steady-state activation curve via an enhancement in cytosolic K+. This report describes for the first time the effects of [K+] i on the voltage- and time-dependence of I K,out in guard cells. It also provides an explanation for the quantitative (total membrane current) and qualitative (current kinetics) differences found between intact guard cells and their protoplasts. Received: 1 December 1995/Revised: 8 May 1996  相似文献   

The current through TOK1 (YKC1), the outward-rectifying K+ channel in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was amplified by expressing TOK1 from a plasmid driven by a strong constitutive promoter. TOK1 so hyper-expressed could overcome the K+ auxotrophy of a mutant missing the two K+ transporters, TRK1 and TRK2. This trk1Δtrk2Δ double mutant hyperexpressing the TOK1 transgene had a higher internal K+ content than one expressing the empty plasmid. We examined protoplasts of these TOK1-hyperexpressing cells under a patch clamp. Besides the expected K+ outward current activating at membrane potential (V m ) above the K+ equilibrium potential (E K+ ), a small inward current was consistently observed when the V m was slightly below E K+ . The inward and the outward currents are similar in their activation rates, deactivation rates, ion specificities and Ba2+ inhibition, indicating that they flow through the same channel. Thus, the yeast outwardly rectifying K+ channel can take up K+ into yeast cells, at least under certain conditions. Received: 1 October 1998/Revised: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

Plant growth requires a continuous supply of intracellular solutes in order to drive cell elongation. Ion fluxes through the plasma membrane provide a substantial portion of the required solutes. Here, patch clamp techniques have been used to investigate the electrical properties of the plasma membrane in protoplasts from the rapid growing tip of maize coleoptiles. Inward currents have been measured in the whole cell configuration from protoplasts of the outer epidermis and from the cortex. These currents are essentially mediated by K+ channels with a unitary conductance of about 12 pS. The activity of these channels was stimulated by negative membrane voltage and inhibited by extracellular Ca2+ and/or tetraethylammonium-CI (TEA). The kinetics of voltage- and Ca2+-gating of these channels have been determined experimentally in some detail (steady-state and relaxation kinetics). Various models have been tested for their ability to describe these experimental data in straightforward terms of mass action. As a first approach, the most appropriate model turned out to consist of an active state which can equilibrate with two inactive states via independent first order reactions: a fast inactivation/activation by Ca2+-binding and -release, respectively (rate constants >>103 sec−1) and a slower inactivation/activation by positive/negative voltage, respectively (voltage-dependent rate constants in the range of 103 sec−1). With 10 mm K+ and 1 mm Ca2+ in the external solution, intact coleoptile cells have a membrane voltage (V) of −105 ± 7 mV. At this V, the density and open probability of the inward-rectifying channels is sufficient to mediate K+ uptake required for cell elongation. Extracellular TEA or Ca2+, which inhibit the K+ inward conductance, also inhibit elongation of auxin-depleted coleoptile segments in acidic solution. The comparable effects of Ca2+ and TEA on both processes and the similar Ca2+ concentration required for half maximal inhibition of growth (4.3 mm Ca2+) and for conductance (1.2 mm Ca2+) suggest that K+ uptake through the inward rectifier provides essential amounts of solute for osmotic driven elongation of maize coleoptiles. Received: 6 June 1995/Revised: 12 September 1995  相似文献   

K+ channels, membrane voltage, and intracellular free Ca2+ are involved in regulating proliferation in a human melanoma cell line (SK MEL 28). Using patch-clamp techniques, we found an inwardly rectifying K+ channel and a calcium-activated K+ channel. The inwardly rectifying K+ channel was calcium independent, insensitive to charybdotoxin, and carried the major part of the whole-cell current. The K+ channel blockers quinidine, tetraethylammonium chloride and Ba2+ and elevated extracellular K+ caused a dose-dependent membrane depolarization. This depolarization was correlated to an inhibition of cell proliferation. Charybdotoxin affected neither membrane voltage nor proliferation. Basic fibroblast growth factor and fetal calf serum induced a transient peak in intracellular Ca2+ followed by a long-lasting Ca2+ influx. Depolarization by voltage clamp decreased and hyperpolarization increased intracellular Ca2+, illustrating a transmembrane flux of Ca2+ following its electrochemical gradient. We conclude that K+ channel blockers inhibit cell-cycle progression by membrane depolarization. This in turn reduces the driving force for the influx of Ca2+, a messenger in the mitogenic signal cascade of human melanoma cells. Received: 9 May 1995/Revised: 30 January 1996  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between changes in intracellular pH (pH i ), intracellular Ca2+([Ca2+] i ) and charybdotoxin sensitive (CTX) maxi-K+ channels occurring after modest `physiological' swelling in guinea pig jejunal villus enterocytes. Villus cell volume was assessed by electronic cell sizing, and pH i and [Ca2+] i by fluorescence spectroscopy with 2,7, biscarboxyethyl-5-6-carboxyfluorescein and Indo-1, respectively. In a slightly (0.93 × isotonic) hypotonic medium, villus cells swelled to the same size they would reach during d-glucose or l-alanine absorption; the subsequent Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD) was prevented by CTX. After the large volume increase in a more hypotonic (0.80 × isotonic) medium, RVD was unaffected by CTX. After modest swelling associated with 0.93 × isotonic dilution, the pH i alkalinized but N-5-methyl-isobutyl amiloride (MIA) prevented this ΔpH i and the subsequent RVD. Even in the presence of MIA, alkalinization with added NH4Cl permitted complete RVD which could be inhibited by CTX. The rate of 86Rb efflux which also increased after this 0.93 × isotonic dilution was inhibited an equivalent amount by CTX, MIA or Na+-free medium. Modest swelling transiently increased [Ca2+] i and Ca2+-free medium or blocking alkalinization by MIA or Na+-free medium diminished this transient increase an equivalent amount. RVD after modest swelling was prevented in Ca2+-free medium but alkalinization still occurred. After large volume increases, alkalinization of cells increased [Ca2+] i and volume changes became sensitive to CTX. We conclude that both alkalinization of pH i and increased [Ca2+] i observed with `physiological' volume increase are essential for the activation of CTX-sensitive maxi-K+ channels required for RVD. Received: 30 March 1999/Revised: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

The properties of one ATP-inhibited and one Ca2+-dependent K+ channel were investigated by the patch-clamp technique in the soma membrane of leech Retzius neurons in primary culture. Both channels rectify at negative potentials. The ATP-inhibited K+ channel with a mean conductance of 112 pS is reversibly blocked by ATP (K i = 100 m), TEA (K i =0.8 mm) and 10 mm Ba2+ and irreversibly blocked by 10 nm glibenclamide and 10 m tolbutamide. It is Ca2+ and voltage independent. Its open state probability (P o) decreases significantly when the pH at the cytoplasmic face of inside-out patches is altered from physiological to acid pH values. The Ca2+-dependent K+ channel with a mean conductance of 114 pS shows a bell-shaped Ca2+ dependence of P o with a maximum at pCa 7–8 at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The P o is voltage independent at the physiologically relevant V range. Ba2+ (10 mm) reduces the single channel amplitude by around 25% (ATP, TEA, glibenclamide, tolbutamide, and Ba2+ were applied to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane).We conclude that the ATP-dependent K+ channel may play a role in maintaining the membrane potential constant—independently from the energy state of the cell. The Ca2+-dependent K+ channel may play a role in generating the resting membrane potential of leech Retzius neurons as it shows maximum activity at the physiological intracellular Ca2+ concentration.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (W.-R. Schlue) and by a fellowship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (G. Frey). We thank Dr. Draeger (Hoechst AG) for the gift of glibenclamide. The data are part of a future Ph.D. thesis of G. Frey.  相似文献   

Many mutations that shift the voltage dependence of activation in Shaker channels cause a parallel shift of inactivation. The I2 mutation (L382I in the Shaker B sequence) is an exception, causing a 45 mV activation shift with only a 9 mV shift of inactivation midpoint relative to the wildtype (WT) channel. We compare the behavior of WT and I2 Shaker 29-4 channels in macropatch recordings from Xenopus oocytes. The behavior of WT channels can be described by both simple and detailed kinetic models which assume that inactivation proceeds only from the open state. The behavior of I2 channels requires that they inactivate from closed states as well, a property characteristic of voltage-gated sodium channels. A detailed ``multiple-state inactivation' model is presented that describes both activation and inactivation of I2 channels. The results are consistent with the view that residue L382 is associated with the receptor for the inactivation particles in Shaker channels. Received: 16 December 1996/Revised: 5 February 1997  相似文献   

Ion homeostasis plays a central role in polarisation and polar growth. In several cell types ion channels are controlled by reactive oxygen species (ROS). One of the most important cells in the plant life cycle is the male gametophyte, which grows under the tight control of both ion fluxes and ROS balance. The precise relationship between these two factors in pollen tubes has not been completely elucidated, and in pollen grains it has never been studied to date. In the present study we used a simple model – protoplasts obtained from lily pollen grains at the early germination stage – to reveal the effect of H2O2 on cation fluxes crucial for pollen germination. Here we present direct evidence for two ROS‐sensitive currents on the pollen grain plasma membrane: the hyperpolarisation‐activated calcium current, which is strongly enhanced by H2O2, and the outward potassium current, which is modestly enhanced by H2O2. We used low concentrations of H2O2 that do not cause an intracellular oxidative burst and do not damage cells, as demonstrated with fluorescent staining.  相似文献   

cDNA encoding the full-length hKv1.3 lymphocyte channel and a C-terminal truncated (Δ459-523) form that lacks the putative PKA Ser468 phosphorylation site were stably transfected in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. Immunostaining of the transfected cells revealed a distribution at the plasma membrane that was uniform in the case of the full-length channel whereas clustering was observed in the case of the truncated channel. Some staining within the cell cytoplasm was found in both instances, suggesting an active process of biosynthesis. Analyses of the K+ current by the patch-clamp technique in the whole cell configuration showed that depolarizing steps to 40 mV from a holding potential (HP) of −80 mV elicited an outward current of 2 to 10 nA. The current threshold was positive to −40 mV and the current amplitude increased in a voltage-dependent manner. The parameters of activation were −5.7 and −9.9 mV (slope factor) and −35 mV (half activation, V 0.5) in the case of the full-length and truncated channels, respectively. The characteristics of the inactivation were 14.2 and 24.6 mV (slope factor) and −17.3 and −39.0 mV (V 0.5) for the full-length and truncated channels, respectively. The activation time constant of the full-length channel for potentials ranging from −30 to 40 mV decreased from 18 to 12 msec whereas the inactivation time constant decreased from 6600 msec at −30 mV to 1800 msec at 40 mV. The unit current amplitude measured in cells bathing in 140 mm KCl was 1.3 ± 0.1 pA at 40 mV, the unit conductance, 34.5 pS and the zero current voltage, 0 mV. Both forms of the channels were inhibited by TEA, 4-AP, Ni2+ and charybdotoxin. In contrast to the native (Jurkat) lymphocyte Kv1.3 channel that is fully inhibited by PKA and PKC, the addition of TPA resulted in 34.6 ± 7.3% and 38.7 ± 9.4% inhibition of the full-length and the truncated channels, respectively. 8-BrcAMP induced a 39.4 ± 5.4% inhibition of the full-length channel but had no effect (8.6 ± 8.3%) on the truncated channel. Cell dialysis with alkaline phosphatase had no effects, suggesting that the decreased sensitivity of the transfected channels to PKA and PKC was not due to an already phosphorylated channel. Patch extract experiments suggested that the hKv1.3 channel was partially sensitive to PKA and PKC. Cotransfecting the Kvβ1.2 subunit resulted in a decrease in the value of the time constant of inactivation of the full-length channel but did not modify its sensitivity to PKA and PKC. The cotransfected Kvβ2 subunit had no effects. Our results indicate that the hKv1.3 lymphocyte channel retains its electrophysiological characteristics when transfected in the Kvβ-negative HEK 293 cell line but its sensitivity to modulation by PKA and PKC is significantly reduced. Received: 18 June 1997/Revised: 7 October 1997  相似文献   

Changes in nuclear pore complex (NPC) densities, NPCs/nucleus and NPCs/μm3, are described using freeze-fractured Brassica napus microspores and pollen in vivo and in vitro. Early stages of microspore- and pollen-derived embryogenic cells were also analysed. The results of in vivo and in vitro pollen development indicate an increase in activity of the vegetative nucleus during maturation of the pollen. At the onset of microspore and pollen culture, NPC density decreased from 15 NPCs/μm2 at the stage of isolation to 9 NPCs/μm2, under both embryogenic and non-embryogenic conditions. This implies that the drop in NPC density might be a result of culturing the microspores and pollen rather than an indication for microspore and pollen embryogenesis in Brassica napus. However, after 1 day in culture under embryogenic conditions, the NPC density increased again and stabilised around 13 NPCs/μm2, whereas under non-embryogenic conditions the NPC density remained about 9 NPCs/μm2. This low density of 9 NPCs/μm2 was also found in the nuclei of sperm cells, in contrast to the 19 NPCs/μm2 found in the vegetative nucleus. It means that, although both the vegetative and sperm nuclei are believed to be metabolically rather inactive in mature pollen, the NPC density of vegetative nucleus is twice as high as the NPC density of the sperm nuclei. In a few cases, embryos formed suspensor-like structures with a NPC density of 9 NPCs/μm2, indicating a lower nucleocytoplasmic exchange of the nuclei of the suspensor cells than with the nuclei in the embryo proper. In addition, observations on NPCs and other organelles, obtained by high resolution cryo-scanning microscopy, are presented. Received: 29 December 1999 / Revision accepted: 3 March 2000  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a novel inwardly rectifying potassium (K+ in) channel, LKT1, was cloned from a root-hair-specific cDNA library of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The LKT1 mRNA was shown to be most strongly expressed in root hairs by Northern blot analysis. The LKT1 channel is a member of the AKT family of K+ in channels previously identified in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Moreover, LKT1 is closely related (97% identical amino acids) to potato SKT1. An electrophysiological comparison of the two channels should therefore assist the identification of possible molecular bases for functional differences. For this comparison, both channels were functionally expressed and electrophysiologically characterised within the same expression system, i.e. Xenopus laevis oocytes. Voltage-clamp measurements identified LKT1 as a K+-selective inward rectifier which activates with slow kinetics upon hyperpolarising voltage pulses to potentials more negative than −50 mV. The activation potential of LKT1 is shifted towards positive potentials with respect to SKT1 which might be due to single amino acid exchanges in the rim of the channel's pore region or in the S4 domain. Like SKT1, LKT1 reversibly activated upon shifting the external pH from 6.6 to 5.5, which indicates a physiological role for pH-dependent regulation of AKT-type K+ in channels. The pharmacological inhibitor Cs+, applied externally, inhibited K+ in currents mediated by LKT1 and SKT1 half-maximally with a concentration (IC50) of 21 μM and 17 μM, respectively. In conclusion, LKT1 may serve as a low-affinity influx pathway for K+ into root hair cells. Comparison of homologous K+ in rectifiers from different plant species expressed in the same heterologous system allows conclusions to be drawn in respect to structure-function relationships. Received: 3 August 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

We investigated the properties of single K+ channels in the soma membrane of embryonic leech ganglion cells using the patch-clamp technique. We compared these K+ channels with the K+ channels found previously in Retzius neurons of the adult leech. In ganglion cells of 9- to 15-day-old embryos we characterized eight different types of K+ channels with mean conductances of 21, 55, 84, 111, 122, 132, 149 and 223 pS. The 55 pS and 84 pS channels showed flickering and were active for less than 2 min after excising the patch. The 111 pS channel was an outward rectifier, and the open state probability (p o ) decreased in the inside-out configuration when the Ca2+ concentration was raised from pCa 7 to pCa 3. The 122 pS channel also showed outward rectification. This type of channel was activated after changing from the cell-attached to the inside-out configuration and it did not inactivate during more than 30 min. The p o was Ca2+- and voltage-insensitive. One hundred μm glibenclamide reversibly reduced p o . The 132 pS channel was an outward rectifier and was Ca2+-insensitive. The 149 pS channel inactivated in the inside-out configuration. The 149- and the 223 pS channel showed inward rectification. The 111 pS channel had similar properties to the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel and the 122 pS channel resembled the ATP-inhibited K+ channel found previously in Retzius neurons of the adult leech. Received: 20 April 1995/Revised: 18 January 1996  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism and regulation of K+ resorption from the xylem by the cells that border the xylem vessels (the xylem parenchyma cells), K+ inward-rectifying channels (KIRCs) in the plasma membrane of xylem parenchyma cells from Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Apex were studied using the patch-clamp technique. In the inside-out configuration, three different types of K+ channel and a further K+ conductance could be identified. Two of these channels, named KIRC1 and KIRC2, were activated by guanosine 5′-[β,γ-imido]triphosphate (Gpp(NH)p; 150 μM), a non-hydrolyzable derivative of GTP, indicating that channel activity was up-regulated by G-proteins; modulation of channel activity occurred via a membrane-delimited pathway, since the effect could be demonstrated in cell-free patches. At 100 mM external K+, KIRC1 had a conductance of 8 pS. There was no effect of ATP on channel activity. Likewise, addition of 150 μM guanosine 5′-[β-thio]diphosphate (GDPβS) or adenosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate (ATPγS) failed to activate KIRC1, indicating nucleotide specificity of the effect. A second K+ channel, activated by Gpp(NH)p (KIRC2) with gating properties clearly different from the first one was less frequently observed. Four different substates could be identified; the main level had a conductance of about 2 pS. Gating below the Nernst potential of K+ (EK) was voltage-independent. The channel closed at potentials more positive than EK. A third, hyperpolarization-activated K+ channel, KIRC3, with a low open probability was encountered in inside-out patches. It had a conductance of 45 pS in 100 mM K+. Channel activity was not affected by the addition of G-protein modulators. Moreover, slowly activating inward currents carried by K+ were recorded in several patches that are ascribed to a `subpicosiemens conductance'. Neither GDPβS nor Gpp(NH)p appeared to have an effect on the currents. Whole-cell measurements with these G-protein modulators included in the pipette solution were in general agreement with the results obtained on cell-free patches. A statistical evaluation revealed that time-dependent inward currents were larger when the G-protein activator Gpp(NH)p was included in the pipette medium compared to measurements with the inhibitor GDPβS. With the GTP analogue, an additional instantaneous component was elicited that was ascribed to KIRC2 activity. Data are discussed with respect to the putative role of G-proteins in conveying hormonal signals. Regulation by G-protein may either serve to fine-tune K+ uptake by xylem parenchyma cells or to initiate depolarization, followed by salt-efflux through depolarization-activated cation and anion channels. Received 11 October 1996 / Accepted: 21 April 1997  相似文献   

Gerhard Thiel  Ralf Weise 《Planta》1999,208(1):38-45
Potassium is taken up by maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile cells via a typical plant inward rectifier (K ir ). Sufficient conductance of this channel is essential in order to maintain auxin-stimulated cell elongation. It was therefore investigated whether the activity of this channel is subject to direct or indirect control by this growth hormone. Patch-clamp measurements of whole coleoptile protoplasts revealed no appreciable effect of externally applied 10 μM or 100 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) on the activity of K ir over test periods of ≥ 18 or ≥ 8 min, respectively. When, however, K ir was recorded in the cell-attached configiuration and 10 μM NAA administered to the bath medium, the conductance of K ir increased significantly in 13 out of 18 protoplasts over the control. This rise occurred at a fixed protoplast voltage after a lag period of less than 10 min and exhibited no voltage dependency. The absence of response to NAA of protoplasts in the whole-cell configuration indicates that auxin perception and channel control is linked via a soluble cytoplasmic factor and that this mediator is washed out or modified upon perfusion of the cytoplasm with pipette solution. To search for this expected diffusible factor the K ir current was recorded before and after elevation of Ca2+ and H+ in the cytoplasm. In the whole-cell configuration the increase in Ca2+ from a nanomolar value to >1 μM by means of Ca2+-release from the caged precursor Na2-DM-nitrophen left K ir unaffected. The whole-cell K ir conductance was also not affected upon addition of 10 mM Na+-acetate to the bath medium, an operation used to lower the cytoplasmic pH. This excludes a primary role for the known auxin-evoked rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and H+ in K ir activity. We postulate that another, as yet unknown, mechanism mediates the auxin-evoked stimulation of the number of active K ir channels in the plasma membrane. Received: 13 May 1998 / Accepted: 9 November 1998  相似文献   

We present three mechanisms by which Na+ inhibits the open channel currents of the predominant K+ channel in the tonoplast of Chara corallina: (i) Fast block, i.e., short (100 ns range) interruptions of the open channel current which are determined by open channel noise analysis, (ii): Oligo-subconductance mode, i.e., a gating mode which occurs preferentially in the presence of Na+; this mode comprises a discrete number (here 3) of open states with smaller conductances than normal, and (iii): Polysubconductance mode, i.e., a gating mode with a nondiscrete, large number (>30) of states with smaller conductances than the main open channel conductance. This novel mode has also been observed only in the presence of Na+. Received: 16 November 1999/Revised: 8 February 2000  相似文献   

Romano LA  Jacob T  Gilroy S  Assmann SM 《Planta》2000,211(2):209-217
 The inward K+ channels (IKin) of guard cells are inhibited upon application of abscisic acid (ABA). It has been postulated that IKin inhibition requires an elevation in cytosolic free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]c) because: (i) experimental increases in [Ca2+] c can mimic the ABA effect, and; (ii) ABA can trigger an elevation of [Ca2+]c in guard cells. However, not all guard cells respond to ABA with a [Ca2+]c increase, and the magnitude of the increases that do occur is variable. Therefore, an obligate role for Ca2+ in the regulation of downstream effectors of ABA response, such as the IKin channels, remains in question. In this study, we developed a methodology for simultaneous patch clamping and confocal ratiometric Ca2+ imaging of Vicia faba L. guard-cell protoplasts. This allowed us to directly assess the relationship between ABA-induced changes in [Ca2+]c and IKin inhibition. In the presence of extracellular Ca2+, the extent of [Ca2+]c elevation correlated with the extent of IKin inhibition. However, upon chelation of either extracellular Ca2+, [Ca2+]c, or both, extracellular Ca2+ and [Ca2+]c, [Ca2+]c elevation did not occur in response to ABA yet IKin currents were still strongly inhibited. These data illustrate that Ca2+-independent regulation is involved in ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening processes. Received: 17 September 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

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