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Lymphocyte recirculation through the isolated pig spleen was studied by means of a perfusion system which kept the organ alive for a prolonged period of time. By changing the perfusate to a leucocyte-enriched or cell-free perfusate and taking serial arterial and venous samples, the numbers of lymphocytes which homed to or were released from the spleen were measured. In all experiments more lymphocytes homed than were released per minute. There was no apparent difference when autologous or allogeneic cells were used. The number of lymphocytes released depended on the number of lymphocytes homed previously. During the phase of constant release up to 3-3 × 106 lymphocytes were released per gram spleen per minute. From these values it can be extrapolated that up to 270 × 109 lymphocytes recirculate through the isolated pig spleen per day. Based on kinetic data from other species it is estimated that in the entire pig a total number of 300–400 × 109 lymphocytes recirculate per day. Thus, it can be concluded that the spleen is the most important organ for lymphocyte recirculation in the pig.  相似文献   

The migration of lymphocytes from the blood into the splenic pulp and the release of lymphocytes from the spleen into the blood was studied by isolating the rat spleen and perfusing it with 15 ml of recirculating, oxygenated blood. When thoracic duct lymphocytes labelled with tritiated uridine were added to the initial perfusate the concentration of these cells fell exponentially for 2–3 hr and then rose to a flat secondary peak. From this pattern it was inferred that small lymphocytes entered the spleen at a rate proportional to their instantaneous concentration in the perfusate, traversed the splenic pulp and re-entered the perfusate with a minimum transit time of 2–3 hr. The rate of release of small lymphocytes from the spleen was not influenced by the prevailing concentration of small lymphocytes in the perfusate but probably reflected the rate of migration into the spleen over a period earlier than 2 hr before. The rate of exchange of small lymphocytes between the blood and the intact spleen in vivo was estimated to be about 84 × 106 cells/hr. The size of the intrasplenic pool of recirculating small lymphocytes was probably 400–500 × 106 cells. The rate of migration of small lymphocytes into the spleen was not affected by prior irradiation of the spleen donor. When either of two antigenic materials were added to the perfusate no inhibition of lymphocyte migration into the spleen was noted although the release of lymphocytes from the spleen was diminished by the addition of a large dose of sheep erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Radioactively labelled thoracic duct lymphocytes were obtained either by incubation in vitro with 3H-uridine or 14C-uridine or by giving potential donors repeated injections of 3H-thymidine finishing 17 days before thoracic duct cannulation. These labelled TDL were injected i.v. into syngeneic recipients which had been subjected to splenectomy and thoracic duct cannulation on the previous day. The tempo of lymphocyte recirculation from blood to lymph was reflected by the time at which radioactivity was recovered in the thoracic duct lymphocyte output of the recipient. This was measured by scintillation counting of 2-hourly fractional collections for 36 hr after the injection. Two lines of evidence showed that the majority of small lymphocytes which label intensely with radioactive uridine in vitro were uniform in their 'migration potential'with a modal blood to lymph transit time of 14–18 hr. By contrast the cells which were labelled in vivo with 3H-thymidine included a slower population with a modal transit time of 24–28 hr. These conclusions can be more fully interpreted in the light of recent evidence on thymic-independent ('B') lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The respective role of the spleen or of the bone marrow in the regeneration of the haemopoietic progenitor compartment of heavily-irradiated mice has been investigated. Splenectomy was used to this end in animals injected with exogenous isogenic cells or regenerating from endogenous spleen or marrow cells. Analysis of the data as a function of time shows that the presence of the spleen affects marrow CFU repopulation only at the early post-irradiation stages. The expansion of the marrow progenitor pool proceeds, however, rather independently of the spleen and marrow CFU remain eventually as the main source of haemopoietic cells in the surviving mice. Thus the reaction of the spleen may be envisaged as a fast, important but transient contribution to the overall haemopoietic function of heavily-irradiated animals.  相似文献   

乙酰胆碱对培养T细胞功能的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邱一华  彭聿平 《生理学报》1995,47(3):275-280
本文研究不同浓度(10^-10-10^-4mol/L)乙酰胆碱(ACh)对离体培养的大鼠脾脏T淋巴细胞增殖的影响,并探讨其作用机制。实验结果表明:10^-9-10^-4mol/L可显著增强T细胞由刀豆素A(C-A)诱导的增殖反应,以10^-7-10^-6mol/L时最强。淋巴细胞先用ACh刺激1h或者刺激1h后洗弃ACh,再用ConA诱导6h的T细胞的增殖。10^-7-10-6mol/L阿托品可阻  相似文献   

无法氏囊仔鸡脾脏发育的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用手术摘除法氏囊,酶标技术和生物统计学等方法,研究无法氏囊后仔鸡脾脏B淋巴细胞的发育,证明鸟类脾脏B淋巴细胞主要来源于法氏囊,但同时也有其它的来源。  相似文献   

Gene duplication is important in evolution, because it provides new raw material for evolutionary adaptations. Several existing hypotheses about the causes of duplicate retention and diversification differ in their emphasis on gene dosage, subfunctionalization, and neofunctionalization. Little experimental data exist on the relative importance of gene expression changes and changes in coding regions for the evolution of duplicate genes. Furthermore, we do not know how strongly the environment could affect this importance. To address these questions, we performed evolution experiments with the TEM‐1 beta lactamase gene in Escherichia coli to study the initial stages of duplicate gene evolution in the laboratory. We mimicked tandem duplication by inserting two copies of the TEM‐1 gene on the same plasmid. We then subjected these copies to repeated cycles of mutagenesis and selection in various environments that contained antibiotics in different combinations and concentrations. Our experiments showed that gene dosage is the most important factor in the initial stages of duplicate gene evolution, and overshadows the importance of point mutations in the coding region.  相似文献   

转输免疫脾细胞对同系成年小鼠肾综合征出血热病毒致死性感染的保护作用卢文红,姚楚铮,刁保卫,张满新,唐家权,罗成旺,黄莉莉(中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所,北京102206)关键词肾综合征出血热,免疫脾细胞转输,细胞免疫免疫系统在病毒感染的恢...  相似文献   

On the fundamental question of how far a government should be involved in health services, the author believes these things can appropriately be said: The government should continue to assume complete control over public health measures, and public health officials could well be permitted to invade medical services insofar as is necessary to achieve public health ends.To assist in the production of medical personnel, it is also fitting for the government to provide for increased teaching facilities, higher salaries for teachers in the medical field and scholarships for worthy students.In the area of insurance and prepayment plans, a really intelligent supervision of such devices, with the exercise of no more arbitrary governmental power than is now used by the various other regulatory commissions, is a suitable governmental function. The government''s buying policies for its wards, rather than providing direct medical services for them, should be encouraged. This would give the private practice of medicine a boost and would improve the quality of medical care. Government should encourage the regionalization of medical services with as much of the actual controls exercised at the local level as can be achieved. Private means should be utilized for the provision of these services and public means should be used for their payment when this is an obligation of the government.The problem of mass education in health matters should be tackled by government. It would be a fine thing if the medical profession and governmental agencies could agree upon delineation of their respective roles in the health field.Because further experimentation is needed before the ideal solution is found, both government and organized medicine should encourage the exploration of new approaches.  相似文献   

在各种疾病中,有些是与人类和动物都有关系的,如鼠疫、布鲁氏菌病、马堡热、拉萨热等,称为人兽共患疾病(Anthropozoonoses)。这些疾病的病原体既能传染给人又能传染给动物,造成人或兽类的疾病流行。在医学上也叫动物性病。据Hubbert(1975)等的统计有162种;约占人类传染病的1/5左右(耿贯一,1980)动物性病,实质是自然界中一个生物学现象和生态学问题。是生物间在一定地理景观(Landscape)中通过“食物链”联系演化成相互依存、相互制约、相互适应,并借以维持其种系延续的生物群落(BiocenosisCommunity)的关系(1964)  相似文献   

Although intracellular inclusion bodies may occur in every cell over large areas of the epidermis, they have not been found in the guard cells of the stomata. No protoplasmic connexions could be shown to exist between the guard cells and the surrounding tissues. These findings suggest that, owing to the absence of plasmodesms, the virus is unable to reach the guard cells. Support is lent to the view that, when the virus moves in the ground tissue of the host, it is carried from cell to cell along the protoplasmic bridges.  相似文献   

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