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Heterologous expression of HIV-1 Gag in a variety of host cells results in its packaging into virus-like particles (VLPs) that are subsequently released into the extracellular milieu. This phenomenon represents a useful tool for probing cellular factors required for viral budding and has contributed to the discovery of roles for ubiquitin ligases and the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRTs) in viral budding. These factors are highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and have been studied extensively in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a model eukaryote previously utilized as a host for the production of VLPs. We used heterologous expression of HIV Gag in yeast spheroplasts to examine the role of ESCRTs and associated factors (Rsp5, a HECT ubiquitin ligase of the Nedd4 family; Bro1, a homolog of Alix; and Vps4, the AAA-ATPase required for ESCRT function in all contexts/organisms investigated) in the generation of VLPs. Our data reveal: 1) characterized Gag-ESCRT interaction motifs (late domains) are not required for VLP budding, 2) loss of function alleles of the essential HECT ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 do not display defects in VLP formation, and 3) ESCRT function is not required for VLP formation from spheroplasts. These results suggest that the egress of HIV Gag from yeast cells is distinct from the most commonly described mode of exit from mammalian cells, instead mimicking ESCRT-independent VLP formation observed in a subset of mammalian cells. As such, budding of Gag from yeast cells appears to represent ESCRT-independent budding relevant to viral replication in at least some situations. Thus the myriad of genetic and biochemical tools available in the yeast system may be of utility in the study of this aspect of viral budding.  相似文献   

Osmotically shocked spheroplasts from Saccharomyces cerevisiae incorporated deoxynucleoside triphosphates specifically into double-stranded nuclear and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Results with this in vitro system for cells with and without mitochondrial DNA were compared. Strains lacking mitochondrial DNA were used to study nuclear DNA replication. With a temperature-sensitive mutant defective in DNA replication in vivo, DNA synthesis in vitro was temperature sensitive as well. The product of synthesis with all strains after very short labeling times consisted principally of short fragments that sedimented at approximately 4S in alkali; with longer pulse times or a chase with unlabeled nucleotides, they grew to a more heterogenous size, with an average of 6 to 8S and a maximum of 15S. There was little, if any, integration of these DNA fragments into the high-molecular-weight nuclear DNA. Analysis by CsCl density gradient centrifugation after incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine triphosphate showed that most of the product consisted of chains containing both preexisting and newly synthesized material, but there was also a small fraction (ca. 20%) in which the strands were fully synthesized in vitro. (32)P-label transfer ("nearest-neighbor") experiments demonstrated that at least a part of the material synthesized in vitro contained ribonucleic acid-DNA junctions. DNA pulse-labeled in vivo in a mutant capable of taking up thymidine 5'-monophosphate, sedimented in alkali at 4S, as in the case of the in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts were prepared from cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC 366, grown at 30 or 15 C, by incubating cells with snail-gut juice after pretreatment with 2-mercaptoethanol. Walls of cells grown batchwise or in continuous culture at 15 C were more resistant to digestion with snail juice than walls on cells grown under the same conditions as 30 C. Spheroplasts lysed when suspended in hypotonic solutions of mannitol. The resistance of spheroplasts to osmotic lysis tended to increase when the test temperature was lowered below 30 C. The increased resistance was greater with spheroplasts from cells grown at 15 C. Cations, especially Ca2+, protected spheroplasts against osmotic lysis. In general, the protective effects, measured at 30 C, were smaller with spheroplasts from cells grown at 15 C compared with 30 C. Citrate and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) decreased the resistance of spheroplasts to osmotic lysis. On the whole, the decrease was greater with spheroplasts from cells grown at 30 C rather than 15 C. In the presence of EDTA, spheroplasts from cells grown at 30 C were less resistant to osmotic lysis at 5 C than at 30 C; when spheroplasts from cells grown at 15 C were similarly examined, they were more resistant to lysis at 5 C than at 30 C. Spheroplast membranes from cells grown at 15 C had slightly but significantly greater contents of Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, and Na+ compared with spheroplast membranes from cells grown at 15 C. Mg2+ and Ca2+ were more easily extracted with EDTA from membranes of 30 C-grown cells than from 15 C-grown cells.  相似文献   

纺锤体极体(spindle pole body,SPB)是酵母细胞的微管组织中心,它在细胞分裂及细胞遗传稳定性的维持过程中起着极其重要的作用,是细胞生物学领域热门的研究方向.Sfi1p是酿酒酵母SPB的必需蛋白并且横跨整个半桥,该蛋白与SPB的复制有关,它的缺失或突变会导致SPB复制失败,在哺乳动物的中心体也存在酵母Sfi1p的同源蛋白.本文系统的介绍了酵母Sfi1p及其在人类中心体中的同源蛋白hSfi1p的结构特征,并且阐明了Sfi1p在SPB复制与分离、核配及生孢等细胞周期过程中的作用.对Sfi1p的功能研究,将有助于解决SPB研究过程中重要的科学问题,同时为中心体中Sfi1p同源蛋白的功能研究提供良好的借鉴.  相似文献   

Autophagy can be divided into selective and non-selective modes. This process is considered selective when a precise cargo is specifically and exclusively incorporated into autophagosomes, the double-membrane vesicles that are the hallmark of autophagy. In contrast, during nonselective, bulk autophagy, cytoplasmic components are randomly enwrapped into autophagosomes. To date, approximately 30 autophagy-related genes called ATG have been identified. Sixteen of them compose the general basic machinery catalyzing the formation of double-membrane vesicles in all eukaryotic cells. The rest of them are often not conserved between species and cooperate with the basic Atg proteins during either selective or nonselective autophagy. Atg9 is the only integral membrane component of the conserved Atg machinery and appears to be a crucial organizational element.5 Recent studies in the S. cerevisiae have shown that Atg9 transport is differentially regulated depending on the autophagy mode. In this addendum, we will review and discuss what has recently been unveiled about yeast S. cerevisiae Atg9 trafficking, its modulators and its potential role in double-membrane vesicle biogenesis.

Addendum to:

Atg9 Sorting from Mitochondria is Impaired in Early Secretion and VFT Complex Mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

F. Reggiori and D.J. Klionsky

J Cell Sci 2006: 119:2903-11  相似文献   

Ascospore Formation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Sporulation of the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a response to nutrient depletion that allows a single diploid cell to give rise to four stress-resistant haploid spores. The formation of these spores requires a coordinated reorganization of cellular architecture. The construction of the spores can be broadly divided into two phases. The first is the generation of new membrane compartments within the cell cytoplasm that ultimately give rise to the spore plasma membranes. Proper assembly and growth of these membranes require modification of aspects of the constitutive secretory pathway and cytoskeleton by sporulation-specific functions. In the second phase, each immature spore becomes surrounded by a multilaminar spore wall that provides resistance to environmental stresses. This review focuses on our current understanding of the cellular rearrangements and the genes required in each of these phases to give rise to a wild-type spore.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins are small heat-stable proteins that act as glutathione-dependent disulfide oxidoreductases. Two genes, designated GRX1 and GRX2, which share 40–52% identity and 61–76% similarity with glutaredoxins from bacterial and mammalian species, were identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Strains deleted for both GRX1 and GRX2 were viable but lacked heat-stable oxidoreductase activity using β-hydroxyethylene disulfide as a substrate. Surprisingly, despite the high degree of homology between Grx1 and Grx2 (64% identity), the grx1 mutant was unaffected in oxidoreductase activity, whereas the grx2 mutant displayed only 20% of the wild-type activity, indicating that Grx2 accounted for the majority of this activity in vivo. Expression analysis indicated that this difference in activity did not arise as a result of differential expression of GRX1 and GRX2. In addition, a grx1 mutant was sensitive to oxidative stress induced by the superoxide anion, whereas a strain that lacked GRX2 was sensitive to hydrogen peroxide. Sensitivity to oxidative stress was not attributable to altered glutathione metabolism or cellular redox state, which did not vary between these strains. The expression of both genes was similarly elevated under various stress conditions, including oxidative, osmotic, heat, and stationary phase growth. Thus, Grx1 and Grx2 function differently in the cell, and we suggest that glutaredoxins may act as one of the primary defenses against mixed disulfides formed following oxidative damage to proteins.  相似文献   

在啤酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)中观察到存在一种新的ADHI:ADHIF,电泳迁移率明显快于文献报道的ADHI:ADHIS。这种ADHIF在10%葡萄糖的培养条件下,以及在呼吸缺陷型菌株进行无氧呼吸时都能够出现。ADHIF性状的遗传分析表明,它受1个与结构基因ADC-1S(编码ADHIS)等位的基因ADC-1F控制。  相似文献   

MAP Kinase Pathways in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
A cascade of three protein kinases known as a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is commonly found as part of the signaling pathways in eukaryotic cells. Almost two decades of genetic and biochemical experimentation plus the recently completed DNA sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome have revealed just five functionally distinct MAPK cascades in this yeast. Sexual conjugation, cell growth, and adaptation to stress, for example, all require MAPK-mediated cellular responses. A primary function of these cascades appears to be the regulation of gene expression in response to extracellular signals or as part of specific developmental processes. In addition, the MAPK cascades often appear to regulate the cell cycle and vice versa. Despite the success of the gene hunter era in revealing these pathways, there are still many significant gaps in our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms for activation of these cascades and how the cascades regulate cell function. For example, comparison of different yeast signaling pathways reveals a surprising variety of different types of upstream signaling proteins that function to activate a MAPK cascade, yet how the upstream proteins actually activate the cascade remains unclear. We also know that the yeast MAPK pathways regulate each other and interact with other signaling pathways to produce a coordinated pattern of gene expression, but the molecular mechanisms of this cross talk are poorly understood. This review is therefore an attempt to present the current knowledge of MAPK pathways in yeast and some directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sporulated in 0.1 Mpotassium acetate solution which contained 0.8 M sorbitol ormannitol as the osmotic stabilizer. The appearance of matureasci in both spheroplasts and intact cells was retarded by theaddition of the osmotic stabilizer. Sporulation was repressedmarkedly when 0.6 M KCl was used as the osmotic stabilizer inthe sporulation medium. The germination rate of the spores formedin spheroplasts was 97%. Tetrad analysis showed that meiosiswas normal during the sporulation of spheroplasts. (Received September 5, 1980; Accepted November 29, 1980)  相似文献   

As is the case for Saccharomyces boulardii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303 protects Fisher rats against cholera toxin (CT). The addition of glucose or dinitrophenol to cells of S. boulardii grown on a nonfermentable carbon source activated trehalase in a manner similar to that observed for S. cerevisiae. The addition of CT to the same cells also resulted in trehalase activation. Experiments performed separately on the A and B subunits of CT showed that both are necessary for activation. Similarly, the addition of CT but not of its separate subunits led to a cyclic AMP (cAMP) signal in both S. boulardii and S. cerevisiae. These data suggest that trehalase stimulation by CT probably occurred through the cAMP-mediated protein phosphorylation cascade. The requirement of CT subunit B for both the cAMP signal and trehalase activation indicates the presence of a specific receptor on the yeasts able to bind to the toxin, a situation similar to that observed for mammalian cells. This hypothesis was reinforced by experiments with 125I-labeled CT showing specific binding of the toxin to yeast cells. The adhesion of CT to a receptor on the yeast surface through the B subunit and internalization of the A subunit (necessary for the cAMP signal and trehalase activation) could be one more mechanism explaining protection against the toxin observed for rats treated with yeasts.  相似文献   

The genetic analyses of nine Far East Asian Saccharomyces isolates allowed us to identify three species (S. cerevisiae, S. paradoxus, and S. bayanus). The occurrence of the last species in Far East Asia was shown for the first time. A new methodology for the molecular genetic differentiation of Saccharomyces sensu stricto species is described. The ecogeographical distribution of Saccharomyces yeasts is discussed.  相似文献   

Yeast ribosomes contain two small molecular-weight species of ribonucleic acid (RNA), in addition to transiently associated transfer RNA. The 5S RNA species is part of the large ribosomal subunit and appears to be exactly the same size as 5S RNA from other organisms. There is another RNA molecule, approximately 5.8S or 150 nucleotides in size, which is noncovalently attached to the 25S ribosomal RNA and can be freed by gentle heating or urea treatment. Neither 5 nor 5.8S RNA are methylated. The 5.8S RNA is probably derived from a part of the 35S precursor RNA, whereas the 5S RNA is made de novo. These results substantiate the notion that ribosome biosynthesis in yeast is analogous to that of the higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

By monitoring the growth of several adenine auxotrophs of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on cytokinin-supplemented media, we have demonstrated that this organism can utilize some of these derivatives as a source of adenine. Growth of a mutant lacking adenylosuccinate synthetase suggests that the conversion of cytokinins to adenine does not involve a hypoxanthine intermediate and may be catalyzed by an enzyme analogous to cytokinin oxidase.  相似文献   

A method for isolation of secretory vesicles from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on the disintegration of protoplasts by osmotic shock followed by separation of the vesicles by centrifugation in a density gradient of Urografin was developed in this study. Two populations of the secretory vesicles that differ in density and shape were separated. Acid phosphatases (EC were used as markers of the secretory vesicles. It was shown that the constitutive acid phosphatase (PHO3 gene product) is mainly transported to the cell surface by a lower density population of vesicles, while the repressible acid phosphatase (a heteromer encoded by PHO5, PHO10, and PHO11 genes) by a vesicle population of higher density. These data provide evidence that at least two pathways of transport of yeast secretory proteins from the place of their synthesis and maturation to the cell surface may exist. To reveal the probable reasons for transport of Pho3p and Pho5p/Pho10p/Pho11p enzymes by two different kinds of vesicles, we isolated vesicles from strains that synthesize the homomeric forms of the repressible acid phosphatase. It was demonstrated that glycoproteins encoded by the PHO10 and/or PHO11 genes could be responsible for the choice of one of the alternative transport pathways of the repressible acid phosphatase. A high correlation coefficient between bud formation and secretion of Pho5p phosphatase and the absence of correlation between bud formation and secretion of minor phosphatases Pho10p and Pho11p suggests different functional roles of the polypeptides that constitute the native repressible acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术,从酵母染色体中扩增得到酵母豆蔻酰-CoA:蛋白质N端转酰基酶(YSCNMT)基因,并克隆到pBluescriptKS+载体中。由DNA全序测定表明,获得了YSCNMT编码基因。进一步构建了T7Promoter控制下的含上述完整YSCNMT编码基因的表达质粒pMFT7-5-NMT,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),进行IPTG诱导表达研究。通过SDS-PAGE分析,观察到一与理论分子量一致的诱导条带(约53kD),占全菌蛋白的39%左右,且可溶性部分约占上清液中全部蛋白的34%。经一步P11磷酸纤维素阳离子交换柱层析,将其纯化到纯度达97%以上.纯化的表达产物经N端氨基酸序列分析,所测定的N端5个氨基酸的序列,与从克隆的YSCNMT基因推出的氨基酸序列完全一致(不含N端Met)。对所得的YSCNMT进行酶活力鉴定,观察到了明显的活力。  相似文献   

Killer toxin secretion was blocked at the restrictive temperature in Saccharomyces cerevisiae sec mutants with conditional defects in the S. cerevisiae secretory pathway leading to accumulation of endoplasmic reticulum (sec18), Golgi (sec7), or secretory vesicles (sec1). A 43,000-molecular-weight (43K) glycosylated protoxin was found by pulse-labeling in all sec mutants at the restrictive temperature. In sec18 the protoxin was stable after a chase; but in sec7 and sec1 the protoxin was unstable, and in sec1 11K toxin was detected in cell lysates. The chymotrypsin inhibitor tosyl-l-phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone (TPCK) blocked toxin secretion in vivo in wild-type cells by inhibiting protoxin cleavage. The unstable protoxin in wild-type and in sec7 and sec1 cells at the restrictive temperature was stabilized by TPCK, suggesting that the protoxin cleavage was post-sec18 and was mediated by a TPCK-inhibitable protease. Protoxin glycosylation was inhibited by tunicamycin, and a 36K protoxin was detected in inhibited cells. This 36K protoxin was processed, but toxin secretion was reduced 10-fold. We examined two kex mutants defective in toxin secretion; both synthesized a 43K protoxin, which was stable in kex1 but unstable in kex2. Protoxin stability in kex1 kex2 double mutants indicated the order kex1 --> kex2 in the protoxin processing pathway. TPCK did not block protoxin instability in kex2 mutants. This suggested that the KEX1- and KEX2-dependent steps preceded the sec7 Golgi block. We attempted to localize the protoxin in S. cerevisiae cells. Use of an in vitro rabbit reticulocyte-dog pancreas microsomal membrane system indicated that protoxin synthesized in vitro could be inserted into and glycosylated by the microsomal membranes. This membrane-associated protoxin was protected from trypsin proteolysis. Pulse-chased cells or spheroplasts, with or without TPCK, failed to secrete protoxin. The protoxin may not be secreted into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, but may remain membrane associated and may require endoproteolytic cleavage for toxin secretion.  相似文献   

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