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Rheb, a small GTPase, has emerged as a key molecular switch that directly regulates the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Similar to other members of the Ras superfamily, Rheb has a C-terminal CaaX box that is subject to farnesylation. This study reports that farnesylation is a key determinant of Rheb's subcellular localization and directs its association with the endomembrane. Timed imaging of live cells expressing EGFP-Rheb reveals that following brief association with the ER, Rheb localizes to highly ordered, distinct structures within the cytoplasm that display characteristics of Golgi membranes. Failure of Rheb to localize to the endomembrane impairs its ability to interact with mTOR and activate downstream targets. Consistent with the notion that the endomembrane may serve as a platform for the assembly of a functional Rheb/mTOR complex, treatment of cells with brefeldin A interferes with transmission of Rheb signals to p70S6K.  相似文献   

In polarized epithelial cells and hepatocytes, apical and basolateral plasma membrane surfaces are maintained, each displaying a distinct molecular composition. In recent years, it has become apparent that a subapical compartment, referred to as SAC, plays a prominent if not crucial role in the domain-specific sorting and targeting of proteins and lipids that are in dynamic transit between these plasma membrane domains. Although the molecular identity of the traffic-regulating devices is still obscure, the organization of SAC in distinct subcompartments and/or subdomains may well be instrumental to such functions. In this review, we will focus on the potential subcompartmentalization of the SAC in terms of regulation of membrane traffic, on how SAC relates to the endosomal system, and on how this compartment may operate in the context of other intracellular sorting organelles such as the Golgi complex, in generating and maintaining cell polarity.  相似文献   

Akt signaling and its role in postnatal neovascularization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Postnatal neovascularization has been known to be involved in not only angiogenesis but also vasculogenesis. Several lines of evidence suggest a link between neovascularization and Akt, a family member of serine/threonine protein kinases. Akt phosphorylates endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and thereby enhances endothelial NO synthesis and influences postnatal vessel growth. Akt signaling is activated by a variety of stimuli in endothelial cells and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Activation of the Akt kinase orchestrates a number of signaling pathways potentially involved in angiogenesis. Dominant negative Akt overexpression leads to functional blocking of EPC bioactivity. Because neovascularization is implicated in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases and is becoming an important therapeutic strategy for those diseases, further dissection of the Akt pathway and elucidation of the downstream effector molecules will lead to a better understanding of postnatal neovascularization and may provide avenues for the development of novel therapeutic interventions. In this review, molecular mechanisms of Akt signal pathway will be discussed with special emphasis on its role in neovascularization.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxins (Prdxs) are a family of small (22-27kDa) non-seleno peroxidases currently known to possess six mammalian isoforms. Although their individual roles in cellular redox regulation and antioxidant protection are quite distinct, they all catalyze peroxide reduction of H2O2, organic hydroperoxides and peroxynitrite. They are found to be expressed ubiquitously and in high levels, suggesting that they are both an ancient and important enzyme family. Prdxs can be divided into three major subclasses: typical 2-cysteine (2-Cys) Prdxs (Prdx1-4), atypical 2-Cys Prdx (Prdx 5) and 1-Cys Prdx (Prdx 6). Recent evidence suggests that 2-Cys peroxiredoxins are more than “just simple peroxidases”. This hypothesis has been discussed elegantly in recent review articles, considering “over”-oxidation of the protonated thiolate peroxidatic cysteine and post-translational modification of Prdxs as processes initiating a mechanistic switch from peroxidase to chaperon function. The process of over-oxidation of the peroxidatic cysteine (CP) occurs during catalysis in the presence of thioredoxin (Trx), thus rendering the sulfenic moiety to sulfinic acid , which can be reduced by sulfiredoxin (Srx). However, further oxidation to sulfonic acid is believed to promote Prdx degradation or, as recently shown, the formation of oligomeric peroxidase-inactive chaperones10 with questionable H2O2-scavenging capacity. In the light of this and given that Prdx1 has recently been shown by us and by others to interact directly with signaling molecules, we will explore the possibility that H2O2 regulates signaling in the cell in a temporal and spatial fashion via oxidizing Prdx1. Therefore, this review will focus on H2O2 modulating cell signaling via Prdxs by discussing: a) the activity of Prdxs towards H2O2; b) sub cellular localization and availability of other peroxidases, such as catalase or glutathione peroxidases; c) the availability of Prdxs reducing systems such as thioredoxin and sulfiredoxin and lastly, d) Prdx1 interacting signaling molecules.  相似文献   

Studies of notch signaling in immune cells have uncovered critical roles for this pathway both during the differentiation and effector function phases of immune responses. Cells of the myeloid lineage, including macrophages and dendritic cells, function as key components of innate immune defense against infection and, by acting as antigen presenting cells, can instruct cells of the adaptive immune response, specifically CD4 and CD8 T cells. Tight regulation of this functional interaction is needed to ensure a well-balanced immune response and its dysregulation may indirectly or directly cause the tissue damage characteristic of autoimmune diseases. In this review, the focus will be placed on those recent findings which support a role for notch signaling in inflammatory responses mediated by macrophages and other myeloid lineage cells, as well as peripheral T cells, and their relevance to inflammatory and autoimmne diseases.  相似文献   

Polarization vision and its role in biological signaling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Visual pigments, the molecules in photoreceptors that initiatethe process of vision, are inherently dichroic, differentiallyabsorbing light according to its axis of polarization. Manyanimals have taken advantage of this property to build receptorsystems capable of analyzing the polarization of incoming light,as polarized light is abundant in natural scenes (commonly beingproduced by scattering or reflection). Such polarization sensitivityhas long been associated with behavioral tasks like orientationor navigation. However, only recently have we become aware thatit can be incorporated into a high-level visual perception akinto color vision, permitting segmentation of a viewed scene intoregions that differ in their polarization. By analogy to colorvision, we call this capacity polarization vision. It is apparentlyused for tasks like those that color vision specializes in:contrast enhancement, camouflage breaking, object recognition,and signal detection and discrimination. While color is veryuseful in terrestrial or shallow-water environments, it is anunreliable cue deeper in water due to the spectral modificationof light as it travels through water of various depths or ofvarying optical quality. Here, polarization vision has specialutility and consequently has evolved in numerous marine species,as well as at least one terrestrial animal. In this review,we consider recent findings concerning polarization vision andits significance in biological signaling.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) is the most abundant antioxidant and a major detoxification agent in cells. It is synthesized through two-enzyme reaction catalyzed by glutamate cysteine ligase and glutathione synthetase, and its level is well regulated in response to redox change. Accumulating evidence suggests that GSH may play important roles in cell signaling. This review will focus on the biosynthesis of GSH, the reaction of S-glutathionylation (the conjugation of GSH with thiol residue on proteins), GSNO, and their roles in redox signaling.  相似文献   

With over 60 members, the Sterile 20 family of kinases has been implicated in numerous biological processes, including growth, survival, apoptosis and cell migration. Recently, we have shown that, in addition to cell death, the Ste20-like kinase SLK is required for efficient cell migration in fibroblasts. We have observed that SLK is involved in cell motility through its effect on actin reorganization and microtubule-induced focal adhesion turnover. Scratch wounding of confluent monolayers results in SLK activation. The induction of SLK kinase activity requires the scaffold FAK and a MAPK-dependent pathway. However, its recruitment to the leading edge of migrating fibroblasts requires the activity of the Src family kinases. Since SLK is microtubule-associated, it may represent one of the signals delivered to focal contacts that induces adhesions turnover. A speculative model is proposed to illustrate the mechanism of SLK activation and recruitment at the leading edge of migrating cells.Key words: cell migration, cell adhesion, SLK, microtubules, adhesion turnoverCell migration is involved in multiple biological processes such as development, tissue regeneration, immune surveillance and tumor metastasis. Numerous studies reported a multitude of cellular and molecular players that take part in the signaling networks that regulate cell migration.1,2 Recently, we reported the participation of a new member, the Ste20 serine/threonine kinase SLK, in the regulation of cell migration. We have shown that SLK is a novel adhesion disassembly signal that is activated and recruited downstream of the FAK/Src complex following scratch wound-induced migration.3 Furthermore, SLK-dependent signals are required to mediate microtubule-dependent focal adhesion tunrnover.3 These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of cell migration and adhesion dynamics.Since sterile 20 protein (Ste20p) acts as a MAP4K in yeast, it was suggested that mammalian homologues of Ste20p also function as MAP4K.4 Several members of the Ste20 family of kinases have been identified in mammals and implicated in various biological processes such as stress responses, cell death and cytoskeletal reorganization.5 We and others previously identified a novel Ste20-related kinase termed SLK, which is a part of a signaling pathway mediating c-Jun terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) activation and apoptosis in cultured fibroblasts.68 In addition, recent reports showed that SLK is involved in C2C12 myoblast differentiation and plays a role in cell cycle progression.9,10 SLK is ubiquitously expressed, but during embryogenesis it is highly enriched in muscle and neuronal tissues.11 It has been shown that SLK is associated with the microtubule cytoskeleton and we have demonstrated that SLK-induced disassembly of actin stress fibers can be inhibited by dominant negative Rac1.1214Recently, SLK was identified as a member of a new signaling pathway that induce vasodilatation in response to angiotensin II type 2 receptor activation.15 It was reported that SLK negatively regulates RhoA-dependent functions by phosphorylation of RhoA at Ser188.15 These findings suggest that SLK represents a novel relaxation signal involved in cytoskeletal remodeling and cell migration.We have observed that SLK is recruited to the leading edge of migrating fibroblasts by a mechanism involving c-Src signaling.3 The molecular mechanism regulating SLK recruitment is still unclear but is likely to implicate the association of SLK with another protein. The translocation of SLK could involve a microtubule-dependent mechanism leading to its redistribution to peripheral adhesions, using actin stress fibers as tracks. The Rho GTPases have been shown to be important in the targeting of signaling components, such as c-Src, to specific adhesion sites.16,17 Whether SLK recruitment to the leading edge requires the Rho GTPases remains to be investigated. The Rho-mDia pathway regulates polarization and adhesion turnover by aligning microtubules and actin filaments and is responsible for delivering APC/Cdc42 and c-Src to their respective sites of action.18 One attractive possibility is that mDia facilitates SLK-microtubule translocation in a c-Src dependent manner.Integrin molecules which link the extracellular matrix to the intracellular machinery are key players in initiating polarized cell migration into the wound. We investigated SLK activity in a scratch-induced migration model and have been able to decipher various signaling components regulating SLK activation.3 Using knockdown and dominant negative approaches, we showed that SLK is required for microtubule-dependent focal adhesion turnover and cell migration downstream of the FAK/Src complex.3The molecular mechanisms by which microtubules contribute to cell migration have been intensively studied. Geiger''s group provided the first demonstration that cytoskeletal modulation, such as microtubule disruption, triggers integrin-dependent signaling in the absence of external growth factor stimulation.19 The authors suggested that the involvement of microtubules in adhesion dependent signaling is related to microtubule interaction with the contractile actin-myosin system.19 By using a nocodazole washout system, it was shown that FAK and the GTPase dynamin are required for microtubule-induced focal adhesion disassembly.20Adhesion turnover involves a number of adapters and signaling molecules, most of which are engaged in FAK signaling pathways.21 FAK stimulates adhesion disassembly through a signaling pathway that includes extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and myosin light chain kinase (MLCK).22 Our data have shown that SLK is activated downstream of FAK/Src/MAPK signaling, suggesting that SLK may be a new target of this pathway that leads to adhesion disassembly. Furthermore, if RhoA is a bona fide substrate for SLK in fibroblasts, then by phosphorylating and inhibiting RhoA, SLK could tilt the Rho/Rac antagonistic interplay toward relaxation and adhesion disassembly. Downstream targets of FAK and Src kinase activity often regulate the recruitment of adapter and structural protein complexes to adhesions.22 The integration of molecules such as zyxin, α-actinin or paxillin into focal contacts can lead to their stabilization and maturation into focal adhesions.22 Interestingly, depending on their phosphorylation state, these components can promote adhesion destabilization and turnover. Therefore, it is tempting to speculate that activated SLK at the leading edge may phosphorylate key signaling components to induce adhesion turnover.A recent study has shown that the frequency of microtubule catastrophes is higher at focal adhesion sites and this event leads to a local release of microtubule regulatory proteins, such as GEF-H1 and APC.23 Signaling molecules that are released from the microtubules at adhesions could directly associate with molecular factors concentrated at the adhesion plaques, such as Src, PAK and Arp2/3. Furthermore, it was speculated that microtubule catastrophe could be associated with phosphorylated paxillin-dependent protein complexes.23 One possibility is that through the microtubule, SLK is delivered to focal contacts or adhesions where it serves as a scaffold for disassembling signals. Alternatively, SLK may be phsophorylating key signaling molecules, which ultimately leads to adhesion destabilization and turnover.Overall, our recent findings suggest that SLK is novel regulator of focal adhesion turnover and cell migration (Fig. 1). The molecular mechanisms regulating SLK activity and SLK-dependent adhesion turnover remain to be uncovered and await the identification of SLK substrates.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Model for SLK activation and recruitment at the leading edge. A proportion of SLK is microtubule-associated, likely through a microtubule-binding protein (X). Following activation of the FAK/c-Src complex, signaling through the MAPK pathway can activate and recruit the microtubule-SLK complex, inducing adhesion turnover by destabilization of the actin network or focal contacts/adhesions through an unknown mechanism. (C) denotes a cargo protein coupling the microtubule to polymerized actin. Nocodazole treatment fails to recruit SLK resulting in stable adhesions.  相似文献   

With over 60 members, the Sterile 20 family of kinases has been implicated in numerous biological processes, including growth, survival, apoptosis and cell migration. Recently, we have shown that, in addition to cell death, the Ste20-like kinase SLK is required for efficient cell migration in fibroblasts. We have observed that SLK is involved in cell motility through its effect on actin reorganization and microtubule-induced focal adhesion turnover. Scratch wounding of confluent monolayers results in SLK activation. The induction of SLK kinase activity requires the scaffold function of FAK and a MAPK-dependent pathway. However, its recruitment to the leading edge of migrating fibroblasts requires the activity of the Src family kinases. Since SLK is microtubule-associated, it may represent one of the signals delivered to focal contacts that induces adhesions turnover. A speculative model is proposed to illustrate the mechanism of SLK activation and recruitment at the leading edge of migrating cells.  相似文献   

mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins are enriched in the vicinity of mitochondria, presumably to facilitate protein transport. A possible mechanism for enrichment may involve interaction of the translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane (TOM) complex with the precursor protein while it is translated, thereby leading to association of polysomal mRNAs with mitochondria. To test this hypothesis, we isolated mitochondrial fractions from yeast cells lacking the major import receptor, Tom20, and compared their mRNA repertoire to that of wild-type cells by DNA microarrays. Most mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins were less associated with mitochondria, yet the extent of decrease varied among genes. Analysis of several mRNAs revealed that optimal association of Tom20 target mRNAs requires both translating ribosomes and features within the encoded mitochondrial targeting signal. Recently, Puf3p was implicated in the association of mRNAs with mitochondria through interaction with untranslated regions. We therefore constructed a tom20Δ puf3Δ double-knockout strain, which demonstrated growth defects under conditions where fully functional mitochondria are required. Mislocalization effects for few tested mRNAs appeared stronger in the double knockout than in the tom20Δ strain. Taken together, our data reveal a large-scale mRNA association mode that involves interaction of Tom20p with the translated mitochondrial targeting sequence and may be assisted by Puf3p.mRNA localization to distinct cellular compartments is important for the efficiency and specificity of the translation process. Synthesis of proteins at their sites of action may decrease the likelihood of ectopic protein expression and facilitate assembly of large multiprotein complexes. Two general modes for mRNA localization are known. The first, which is common for endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated mRNAs, necessitates translation of a short region of the protein (the signal peptide). The signal is recognized by the signal recognition particle as it emerges from the ribosome exit tunnel, and the complex that includes the mRNA, ribosome, and signal recognition particle is targeted to the ER (18). As an outcome of this process, mRNAs that encode proteins destined for the ER and the secretory pathway are associated with this compartment (7). The second mode for mRNA localization occurs prior to translation and in many cases prevents initiation of protein synthesis. Sequences or structural elements of the mRNA are bound by RNA-binding proteins, and these interact with transport factors, which direct the mRNA to its destination (5, 35, 42). Genome-wide studies indicate that localization by either mode is a broad phenomenon that encompasses many mRNAs and various cellular destinations (6, 21, 32, 38). Interestingly, we along with others have recently shown that noncoding regions may also be involved in localization of ER-associated mRNAs (1, 26, 38), demonstrating that these two modes are not mutually exclusive.Most of the mitochondrial proteins are encoded in the nucleus and need to be imported into the organelle. Various in vitro and in vivo assays led to the widely accepted notion that import may occur posttranslationally, i.e., after the protein is fully synthesized in the cytosol (33). However, mounting evidence also supports a cotranslational import of proteins into the mitochondria. Specifically, polysomes were shown to be associated with the mitochondrial surface, and these translated a distinct set of proteins (12, 19, 20). Moreover, isolated mitochondria are associated with many different mRNAs that encode mitochondrial proteins (28, 46). Elements from both the coding region (the mitochondrial targeting signal [MTS]) and the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) were shown to be important for targeting of some of these mRNAs (4, 29). One model for localization suggests association of the nascent peptide chain (specifically, the N-terminal MTS) with receptors on the mitochondria, coupled to cotranslational insertion of the protein (24). As an outcome of this cotranslational mechanism, polysomal mRNAs become associated with the mitochondria, analogously to what is observed in the ER. However, experimental support for this hypothesis is currently lacking.Recently, Saint-Georges et al. (41) have shown a role for Puf3p in localization of many mRNAs to the mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Puf3p is associated with the mitochondria outer membrane (11), and its role is mediated through interaction with UTRs. This may suggest a translation-independent mode of action. Intriguingly, however, most Puf3 targets appeared to be mislocalized also after treatment with the translation inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX), suggesting that an active translation process is required for their asymmetric localization (41). Moreover, a large number of mRNAs that are not Puf3 targets appeared to be affected from treatments with the translation inhibitors puromycin and cycloheximide (41), further supporting the existence of an additional, translation-dependent mode of mRNA targeting to the mitochondria.The translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane (TOM complex) is a multiprotein machinery which mediates the import of the vast majority of proteins into the mitochondria (36, 39). Its core protein (Tom40) forms a β-barrel structure and serves as the main component of the import pore. Tom20 is a peripheral component of the TOM complex that functions as a primary receptor for mitochondrial precursor proteins (15). It was hypothesized that protein receptors interact with the incoming polypeptide while it is translated, and this leads to a local increase in mRNA concentration (24). An open question is whether the TOM complex, through Tom20, interacts with polypeptides while they are translated and thereby leads to higher local concentrations of mRNAs near the mitochondria. To address this issue, we analyzed the effects of TOM20 deletion on mRNA association with mitochondrial fractions and the role of the MTS on mRNA localization. We also tested the interactions between Tom20 and Puf3. We found that Tom20 is involved in mitochondrial association of many mRNAs by a process that requires the MTS. Tom20 deletion affects the localization of Puf3p, and a strain with deletions of both Tom20 and Puf3 exhibits a growth defect under conditions that require mitochondrial optimal function.  相似文献   

Wang F  Deng XW 《Cell research》2011,21(9):1286-1294
The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) in plants, like in other eukaryotes, targets numerous intracellular regulators and thus modulates almost every aspect of growth and development. The well-known and best-characterized outcome of ubiquitination is mediating target protein degradation via the 26S proteasome, which represents the major selective protein degradation pathway conserved among eukaryotes. In this review, we will discuss the molecular composition, regulation and function of plant UPS, with a major focus on how DELLA protein degradation acts as a key in gibberellin signal transduction and its implication in the regulation of plant growth.  相似文献   

The bioactive sphingolipid metabolite sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is now recognized as a critical regulator of many physiological and pathophysiological processes, including cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes and osteoporosis. S1P is produced in cells by two sphingosine kinase isoenzymes, SphK1 and SphK2. Many cells secrete S1P, which can then act in an autocrine or paracrine manner. Most of the known actions of S1P are mediated by a family of five specific G protein-coupled receptors. More recently, it was shown that S1P also has important intracellular targets involved in inflammation, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. This suggests that S1P actions are much more complex than previously thought, with important ramifications for development of therapeutics. This review highlights recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of action of S1P and its roles in disease.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and subcellular distribution of a major lysosomal membrane glycoprotein of mouse embryo 3T3 cells, LAMP-1, have been examined by [35S]methionine pulse-labeling, sucrose density gradient fractionation, and oligosaccharide analysis. Mature LAMP-1, immunoprecipitated after labeling for 4 h, had a molecular mass of about 110,000 Da. It comigrated during sucrose density fractionation with lysosomal markers, consistent with previous electron microscopic evidence for its localization in lysosomal membranes. Precursor molecules, pulse-labeled for 5 min and extracted during the first 15 min of post-translational processing, were concentrated in the rough endoplasmic reticulum fraction as a species of 92,000 Da. Within 30 min after synthesis, LAMP-1 was found in fractions enriched in Golgi and lysosomal marker enzyme activities as the mature 110,000-Da glycoprotein. Oligosaccharide processing was complete by 1 h after synthesis, and the mature glycoprotein remained in a fraction bearing lysosomal markers. Treatment of the 92,000-Da precursor with endo-beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase H produced a core polypeptide of 43,000 Da. Pulse-labeling in the presence of tunicamycin yielded a 42,000-Da form of LAMP-1, which was converted within 30 min to a 43,000-Da molecule. Bio-Gel column chromatography and hexosamine/hexosaminitol analyses indicated that the mature 110,000-Da molecule contained both complex-type and high-mannose N-linked oligosaccharides.  相似文献   



The neurotrophin NGF receptors trkA and p75NTR are expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system as well as in non-neuronal tissues; originally described to localize to the plasma membrane, recent studies have suggested other intracellular localizations for both NGF receptors.

Scope of review

In order to determine whether NGF receptors localize to the mitochondrial compartment mitochondria isolated from human kidney, rat tissues and a human podocyte as cell line before and after differentiation were used.

Major conclusions

Our results demonstrate that NGF receptors are localized in the mitochondrial compartment of undifferentiated human podocytes and in all tissues analyzed including rat central nervous system. In mitochondria p75NTR, but not trkA, co-immunoprecipitates with the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) and the phosphodiesterase 4 isoform A5 (PDE4A5). Moreover, NGF, via trkA, protects isolated mitochondria of rat brain cortex from mitochondrial permeability transition induced by Ca2+.

General significance

Although NGF receptors have been described as mainly citoplasmatic so far, we proved evidence of their expression at the mitochondrial level and their interaction with specific proteins. Our results demonstrating the expression of NGF receptors in the mitochondria provide new insights into the role of NGF at subcellular level, in different areas of the organism, including CNS.  相似文献   

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