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We compared the efficacy of four plant essential oils to repel onion thrips, Thrips tabaci (Lindeman) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in the presence of an attractive odour, ethyl iso‐nicotinate in a pasture field. Four horizontal white sticky plates were placed adjacent to (directions: N, S, E, W) a central horizontal white plate (C). After 24 h, in the treatment combination where the four plates were sprayed with essential oil surrounding a central sticky plate sprayed with ethyl iso‐nicotinate, fewer onion thrips were found on the plates treated with sweet marjoram [Origanum majorana L. (Labiatae)] or clove basil [Ocimum gratissimum L. (Labiatae)] (87 and 71% less, respectively) compared to the control treatment of four water‐sprayed plates surrounding a central plate with ethyl iso‐nicotinate. We also compared the distribution of onion thrips on the plates. Relative thrips numbers on each plate were compared with similar (N, S, E, W, and C) plates in the control treatment. There were relatively lower thrips numbers on the south (23% reduction) and west (26% reduction) O. majorana‐treated plates and higher numbers (37% increase) on the central attractant‐treated plate indicating a short‐distance push–pull effect. When four plates were sprayed with the thrips attractant surrounding a central sticky plate sprayed with an essential oil or water (control), only O. majorana reduced the number of thrips on the attractant‐sprayed plates (62% reduction). The distribution of thrips on the different plates within this treatment combination did not change substantially when compared to the distribution in the water‐control treatment. Other essential oils tested (wormwood [Artemisia arborescens L. (Compositae)]) and tea tree [Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden. & Betche.) Cheel. (Myrtaceae)]) were not effective in any of the treatments. It appears that O. majorana is a promising thrips repellent which could be used for further testing in a push–pull system with the attractant ethyl iso‐nicotinate. The field setup used also proved to be a valuable tool for evaluating the potential of repellents to control onion thrips.  相似文献   

We evaluated eight Napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum Schumach (Poaceae)] varieties, used in various parts of eastern Africa as fodder, for their potential role as trap plants in the management of the African stemborer, Busseola fusca Füller (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) through a push–pull strategy. Oviposition preference, larval orientation, settling, arrest and dispersal, feeding, mortality and survival, and development were determined for each of these varieties under laboratory and screen house conditions. Two‐choice tests showed that only two of the varieties tested (cv. Bana and cv. Uganda Hairless) were preferentially chosen by gravid female moths for oviposition over a susceptible maize variety, cv. Western Hybrid 502. Larval preference was, however, highly variable. Larval feeding by first instars on the maize leaves was more intense and significantly more than on leaves of all the Napier grass varieties evaluated. Food consumed and amounts assimilated by the third instars over a 24‐h period were not different among larvae fed on stems of maize and those fed on stems of the various Napier grass varieties. Larval survival was significantly lower on all the Napier grass varieties (below 3%) than on maize (about 44%). Similarly, larval development was about 2–3 weeks longer on majority of the Napier grass varieties. It was concluded that cv. Bana had potential for use as a trap plant in the management of B. fusca because it was more preferred by the moths for oviposition, equally preferred as maize by the larvae for orientation, settling, and arrest, and allowed minimal survival of the larvae. It can thus be used with such ‘push’ plants as Desmodium spp. (Fabaceae) in a ‘push–pull’ strategy, but the effectiveness of such a strategy would strictly depend on proper establishment and management of these companion plants.  相似文献   

Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is an A1 class quarantine pest, native to China, Japan, and North Korea. The A. chinensis outbreak in China has severely affected the local environment and economic development. This study investigates potential areas in China with suitable climate for Achinensis using historical climate data (1971–2000) and future climate‐warming estimates generated by CLIMEX1.1. These future estimates are based on simulated climate data (2010–2039) provided by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (TYN SC 2.0). The results suggest that a wide area of China will have a climate suitable for Achinensis, and every province may contain some suitable areas for this pest. The predicted areas are distributed primarily in central and southern China, with an estimated distribution range of 18.2–49.5°N and 81.3–135.0°E. Using a global‐warming scenario and predictions based on historical climate data, the areas in China with a climate generally suitable for A. chinensis are predicted to decline, whereas the areas that are highly suitable for A. chinensis are predicted to expand particularly to the northeast and northwest. The estimated distribution range covered 18.2–49.1°N and 73.6–135.0°E. Anoplophora chinensis hosts grow in much of China; therefore, the pest could possibly establish this entire predicted area. These results support enhanced quarantine and control measures combined with stronger monitoring systems to prevent the spread and export of A. chinensis.  相似文献   

The hen's egg test for micronucleus induction (HET-MN) combines the use of the commonly accepted genetic endpoint “formation of micronuclei” with the well-characterized and complex model of the incubated hen's egg, which enables metabolic activation, elimination and excretion of xenobiotics—including those that are mutagens or promutagens. This assay procedure is in line with demands for animal protection. In three previous publications we presented the scientific rationale and methodological aspects for this assay as well as results for some well-characterized mutagens and promutagens. Here we present the results of new experiments involving further genotoxic and non-genotoxic model substances. Making a comparison with published data we have to date not found any false negatives or false positives in the experiments presented here and in trials published before, thus demonstrating a promising predictivity of genotoxic effects with this assay.We could confirm relevant genotoxicity for the following substances in the HET-MN: acetylamino-fluorene (2-AAF), acrylamide (ACM), cytarabine (AraC), methotrexate (MTX), cadmium chloride (CD), dipotassium monochromate (DPC), and epirubicine (EPI). Negative results were obtained for azorubin (E122), orange G (OG) and starch (STRC).The micronucleus frequencies (MNE II) of the concurrent negative controls were in agreement with the values of the historical negative control (0.87‰ ± 0.87; average ± s.d.). This value is based upon the scoring of 556,500 erythrocytes from 445 eggs. In historical positive controls the administration of 0.05 mg cyclophosphamide/egg at d8 resulted in an MNE II-frequency of 12.4‰ ± 6.8 (average ± s.d.) at d 10.5. This value is based upon the scoring of 249,250 erythrocytes from 223 eggs.  相似文献   

The parasitoid complex associated with Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier), vector of the pine wood nematode, is discussed. Four species of the family Braconidae and one Ichneumonidae were found associated with Monochamus galloprovincialis in Portugal, namely Atanycolus denigrator (Linnaeus), Atanycolus ivanowi (Kokujev), Cyanopterus flavator (Fabricius), Doryctes striatellus (Nees) (Braconidae), and Xorides depressus (Holmgren) (Ichneumonidae). Atanycolus ivanowi, Atanycolus denigrator, Doryctes striatellus and Xorides depressus are new species for Portugal fauna, and Monochamus galloprovincialis is recorded as a new host of Xorides depressus. A key for determination of the ichneumonoid parasitoids of the pine sawyer is provided for the Palaearctic fauna.  相似文献   

I have constructed a simulation model applicable to both mass trapping and mating disruption for lepidopteran insect pests. The basic structure of the model is based on mass trapping model proposed by Knipling and McGuire (Agric Info Bull 308:1–20 1966), but this was modified to include mechanistic competition among females and lures. Several new implications are derived from the model. (1) Long-living pests are hard to control. (2) Protandry does not improve control efficiency for pests with low survival rates. (3) Sexual communication across large distances is more difficult to control than that across a short range. (4) There is an upper limit to improvement which can be achieved by increasing the number of pheromone traps. (5) Improving the catching efficiency of traps does not improve mating suppression although improvement of lure efficiency does substantially. The last implication, in particular, has practical importance. If an efficient lure attracts males or inhibits their ability to locate females and mate, mating disruption works as well as mass trapping with the same number of lures. In such circumstances mating disruption should be preferred to mass trapping because the former does not incur the cost of the trapping devices. Mass trapping should, however, be considered in preference to mating disruption if the lure is not efficient enough and no other methods are available. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

High‐throughput systems and processes have typically been targeted for process development and optimization in the bioprocessing industry. For process characterization, bench scale bioreactors have been the system of choice. Due to the need for performing different process conditions for multiple process parameters, the process characterization studies typically span several months and are considered time and resource intensive. In this study, we have shown the application of a high‐throughput mini‐bioreactor system viz. the Advanced Microscale Bioreactor (ambr15TM), to perform process characterization in less than a month and develop an input control strategy. As a pre‐requisite to process characterization, a scale‐down model was first developed in the ambr system (15 mL) using statistical multivariate analysis techniques that showed comparability with both manufacturing scale (15,000 L) and bench scale (5 L). Volumetric sparge rates were matched between ambr and manufacturing scale, and the ambr process matched the pCO2 profiles as well as several other process and product quality parameters. The scale‐down model was used to perform the process characterization DoE study and product quality results were generated. Upon comparison with DoE data from the bench scale bioreactors, similar effects of process parameters on process yield and product quality were identified between the two systems. We used the ambr data for setting action limits for the critical controlled parameters (CCPs), which were comparable to those from bench scale bioreactor data. In other words, the current work shows that the ambr15TM system is capable of replacing the bench scale bioreactor system for routine process development and process characterization. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1623–1632, 2015  相似文献   

The curvilinear relationship between species richness and habitat area (species–area relationship (SAR)) is a fundamental ecological pattern. The relationship is often viewed from a long‐term perspective across relatively large spatial scales, reflecting a balance between immigration and extinction dynamics. We explored whether predictions of SAR also manifest over short time periods (days) in benthic habitat patches of a dynamic floodplain river where littoral faunal assemblages are continuously assembled and disassembled with changing water levels. We examined the relationship of patch size with faunal abundance (i.e. fish and aquatic invertebrates), taxonomic richness, trophic group richness and overall assemblage composition. Strong taxa–area relationships emerged despite the relatively short experimental time period (21 days); larger patches had more taxa and trophic groups. For the smallest patches, taxonomic richness was especially sensitive to abundance of individuals; abundance of individuals was a less important predictor of taxonomic and trophic group richness for the largest patches. Despite the relatively short time frame for study within this temporally dynamic ecosystem, our findings indicate a strong SAR for fishes and macroinvertebrates inhabiting patchy habitats in the littoral zone of this tropical river.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric homeostasis of heterotrophs is a common, but not always well‐examined premise in ecological stoichiometry. We experimentally evaluated the relationship between substrate (plant litter) and consumer (microorganisms) stoichiometry for a tropical terrestrial decomposer system. Variation in microbial C : P and N : P ratios tracked that of the soluble litter fraction, but not that of bulk leaf litter material. Microbial N and P were not isometrically related, suggesting higher rates of P than N sequestration in microbial biomass. Shifts in microbial stoichiometry were related to changes in microbial community structure. Our results indicate that P in dissolved form is a major driver of terrestrial microbial stoichiometry, similar to aquatic environments. The demonstrated relative plasticity in microbial C : P and N : P and the critical role of P have important implications for theoretical modelling and contribute to a process‐based understanding of stoichiometric relationships and the flow of elements across trophic levels in decomposer systems.  相似文献   

Wei G  Li Y  Du G  Chen J 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(11):887-890
In batch culture for glutathione production with Candida utilis, a higher temperature (30 °C) was required to hasten cell growth while a lower temperature (26 °C) was needed to increase the production of glutathione. A two-stage temperature control strategy was used to enhance both the yield and the productivity of glutathione. As a result, glutathione production was increased by 5% and 23% of that at 26 °C and 30 °C, respectively, and the intracellular glutathione content reached 2.5% (w/w).  相似文献   

There is a critical need to understand patterns and causes of intraspecific variation in physiological performance in order to predict the distribution and dynamics of wild populations under natural and human‐induced environmental change. However, the usual explanation for trait differences, local adaptation, fails to account for the small‐scale phenotypic and genetic divergence observed in fishes and other species with dispersive early life stages. We tested the hypothesis that local‐scale variation in the strength of selective mortality in early life mediates the trait composition in later life stages. Through in situ experiments, we manipulated exposure to predators in the coral reef damselfish Dascyllus aruanus and examined consequences for subsequent growth performance under common garden conditions. Groups of 20 recently settled D. aruanus were outplanted to experimental coral colonies in Moorea lagoon and either exposed to natural predation mortality (52% mortality in three days) or protected from predators with cages for three days. After postsettlement mortality, predator‐exposed groups were shorter than predator‐protected ones, while groups with lower survival were in better condition, suggesting that predators removed the longer, thinner individuals. Growth of both treatment groups was subsequently compared under common conditions. We did not detect consequences of predator exposure for subsequent growth performance: Growth over the following 37 days was not affected by the prior predator treatment or survival. Genotyping at 10 microsatellite loci did indicate, however, that predator exposure significantly influenced the genetic composition of groups. We conclude that postsettlement mortality did not have carryover effects on the subsequent growth performance of cohorts in this instance, despite evidence for directional selection during the initial mortality phase.  相似文献   

  1. Research on how plant ecological strategies (competitive, stress‐tolerant, or ruderal) vary within species may improve our understanding of plant and community responses to climate warming and also successional changes. With increasing temperature, the importance of ruderal (R) and stress tolerance (S) components is hypothesized to decrease, while the strength of the competitive (C) component should increase. Offshoots and younger plants are predicted to have greater R and smaller S components.
  2. Leaf area, leaf dry matter content, and specific leaf area were measured for 1,344 forest plants belonging to 134 species in Liangshui and Fenglin Nature Reserves in Northeastern China, and C, R, and S scores calculated for each. Linear mixed effect models were used to assess how these indicators differed among study sites (n = 2), regeneration types, ontogenetic stages, and plant life forms. The two study sites have an average annual temperature difference of 0.675°C, simulating a temperature increase of 0.630°C due to climate warming.
  3. Higher temperatures reduce low‐temperature stress and frost damage, which may explain the observed decrease in R and S scores; at the same time, plant competitive ability increased, as manifested by higher C scores. This effect was most pronounced for herbaceous plants, but nearly negligible as compared to the effect of regeneration type for trees and of ontogeny for woody species. Resprouting trees and younger woody plants had higher R scores and lower S scores, a sign of adaptation to high disturbance.
  4. In this study, a small increase in mean annual temperature led to shifts in CSR strategy components for herbaceous species, without altering the vegetation type or community composition. Offshoots and younger plants had higher R and lower S scores, shedding light on similar changes in the ecological strategies of tree communities during secondary succession, such as the transition of Quercus mongolica coppices to forest and age‐related changes in Populus davidianaBetula platyphylla forests.

We determined the feasibility of using the BG‐Sentinel? mosquito trap (BGS) as the pull component in a push‐pull strategy to reduce indoor biting by Aedes aegypti. This included evaluating varying numbers of traps (1–4) and mosquito release numbers (10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250) on recapture rates under screen house conditions. Based on these variations in trap and mosquito numbers, release intervals were rotated through a completely randomized design with environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity) and monitored throughout each experiment. Data from four sampling time points (05:30, 09:30, 13:30, and 17:30) indicate a recapture range among treatments of 66–98%. Furthermore, 2–3 traps were as effective in recapturing mosquitoes as 4 traps for all mosquito release numbers. Time trends indicate Day 1 (the day the mosquitoes were released) as the “impact period” for recapture with peak numbers of marked mosquitoes collected at 09:30 or 4 h post‐release. Information from this study will be used to guide the configuration of the BGS trap component of a push‐pull vector control strategy currently in the proof‐of‐concept stage of development in Thailand and Peru.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of nematophagous fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson in control of the most destructive greenhouse pests such as: greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, glasshouse red spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii and western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis was examined in laboratory and pot experiments. The fungus showed the greatest efficacy in controlling winged and wingless forms of the cotton aphid. The cotton aphid’s population was almost totally eliminated. In controlling the greenhouse whitefly, P. lilacinus was most successful when applied against nymphal growth stages (L3-L4). Control of the western flower thrips was most efficient against prepupal and pupal stages when the fungus was applied as a water spore suspension to the soil. When the fungus was applied at temperatures below 10 °C, it was able to reduce a glasshouse red spider mite population by 60%.  相似文献   

Two-section enclosures were designed for the investigation of the effect of various physicochemical and biological factors on vertical distribution of zooplankton in situ. The framework of the enclosure was a cylindrical polyethylene column without any partitions inside, in which the isolation of animals in different sections after in situ exposure was achieved by pinching the flexible central part of the column. Enclosures were tested at the brackish stratified meromictic Lake Shira (Russia, Khakasia). The absence of fish and carnivorous zooplankton in the lake suggests that the vertical distribution of zooplankton is mainly determined by physicochemical gradients in the water column. Experiments and field observations demonstrated that all age and size groups of Arctodiaptomus salinus and Brachionus plicatilis strongly avoided surface layers during the daylight. The escape of zooplankton from the anoxic hypolimnion was less active. Statistically significant avoidance was observed only for copepodites C4–C5 and females of A. salinus. The relatively simple construction of the columns and easy handling during the experiment were the factors that favoured the use of this device to perform in situ basic tests of the effect of different factors on the vertical distribution of zooplankton.  相似文献   

A theoretical model explaining the average DNA content in cells of in vitro cultures as a function of concentration of auxin 2,4-D in medium is provided. The model assumes influence of auxin on the functioning of the main G1/S and G2/M control points of the cell cycle. Theoretical results are compared to experimental data obtained from the callus cultures of Allium sativum and Allium cepa conducted during 18 months. Adaptation of the model to explanation of the shape of the dose–response curves is suggested and successfully verified for the example of Nicotiana tabacum cultures.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing greatly enhances the diversity of proteins encoded by eukaryotic genomes, and is also important in gene expression control. In contrast to the great depth of knowledge as to molecular mechanisms in the splicing pathway itself, relatively little is known about the regulatory events behind this process. The 5′-UTR and 3′-UTR in pre-mRNAs play a variety of roles in controlling eukaryotic gene expression, including translational modulation, and nearly 4000 of the roughly 14,000 protein coding genes in Drosophila contain introns of unknown functional significance in their 5′-UTR. Here we report the results of an RNA electrophoretic mobility shift analysis of Drosophila rnp-4f 5′-UTR intron 0 splicing regulatory proteins. The pre-mRNA potential regulatory element consists of an evolutionarily-conserved 177-nt stem-loop arising from pairing of intron 0 with part of adjacent exon 2. Incubation of in vitro transcribed probe with embryo protein extract is shown to result in two shifted RNA–protein bands, and protein extract from a dADAR null mutant fly line results in only one shifted band. A mutated stem-loop in which the conserved exon 2 primary sequence is changed but secondary structure maintained by introducing compensatory base changes results in diminished band shifts. To test the hypothesis that dADAR plays a role in intron splicing regulation in vivo, levels of unspliced rnp-4f mRNA in dADAR mutant were compared to wild-type via real-time qRT-PCR. The results show that during embryogenesis unspliced rnp-4f mRNA levels fall by up to 85% in the mutant, in support of the hypothesis. Taken together, these results demonstrate a novel role for dADAR protein in rnp-4f 5′-UTR alternative intron splicing regulation which is consistent with a previously proposed model.  相似文献   

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