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Molecular Genetics and Genomics - IS2 has been marked genetically by the in vitro insertion into its HindIII site of a 3.3 Kb HindIII fragment of Tn5 conferring resistance to kanamycin. The...  相似文献   

Summary We describe a 4.5 kilobase transposon. Tn4001, which mediates resistance to gentamicin, tobramycin and kanamycin in Staphylococcus aureus. Originally detected in plasmid pSK1, Tn4001 was shown to undergo rec-independent transposition to the chromosome from this plasmid and from an inserted derivative of the plasmid pII147. Heteroduplexes between plasmids with and without Tn4001 demonstrated a characteristic stem and loop structure with inverted repeats of approx. 1.3 kilobases.  相似文献   

Summary Vibrio cholerae strains of the 01 serotype have been classified into three subclasses, Ogawa, Inaba and Hikojima, which are associated with the O-antigen of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The DNA encoding the biosynthesis of the O-antigen, the rfb locus, has been cloned and analysed (Manning et al. 1986; Ward et al. 1987). Transposon mutagenesis of the Inaba and Ogawa strains of V. cholerae, using Tn5 or Tn2680 allowed the isolation of a series of independent mutants in each of these serotypes. Some of the insertions were mapped to the rfb region by Southern hybridization using the cloned rfb DNA as a probe, confirming this location to be responsible for both O-antigen production and serotype specificity. The other insertions allowed a second region to be identified which is involved in V. cholerae LPS biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Transposon insertion mutagenesis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO chromosome with Tn1 and Tn501 was carried out using a mutant plasmid of R68::Tn501 temperature-sensitive for replication and maintenance. This method consists of three steps. Firstly, the temperature-independent, drug-resistant clones were selected from the strain carrying this plasmid. In the temperature-indepent clones, the plasmid was integrated into the chromosome by Tn1- or Tn501-mediated cointegrate formation. Secondly, such clones were cultivated at a permissive temperature to provoke the excision of the integrated plasmid from the chromosome. Excision occurred by the reciprocal recombination between the two copies of Tn1 or Tn501 flanking the integrated plasmid, leaving one Tn1 or Tn501 insertion on the chromosome. Thirdly, the excised plasmid was cured by cultivating these isolates at a non-permissive temperature without selection for the drug resistance. Using this method, we isolated 1 Tn1-induced and 43 Tn501-induced auxotropic mutations in this organism. Genetic mapping allowed us to identify two new genes, pur-8001 and met-8003. The Tn501-induced auxotrophic mutations were distributed non-randomly among auxotrophic genes, and the reversion of the mutations by precise excision of the Tn501 insertion occurred very rarely.  相似文献   

Summary Tn17221K, a derivative of transposon Tn1721 lacking one terminal inverted repeat (IR) and conferring kanamycin resistance, promotes transposition of the resistance marker to a target replicon at about 100-fold lower frequency than the wild-type element. A study involving restriction analysis of 16 independent Tn17221K-mediated events led to the following results: (i) Tn17221K mediates fusions of the donor (pRU506) and target (RSF1010) replicons; the fused entities are non-permuted. (ii) Tn17221K promotes insertions of donor DNA at many different sites in the target replicon. (iii) The analyzed fusion plasmids contain the entire target and various lengths of donor DNA. Eleven products contain the entire donor plasmid plus a duplication of the IR (class A), whereas five products contain only portions adjacent to the single IR (class B). (iv) In each case the two replicons are joined at (or very close to) the single IR. The second junction is located shortly beyond the duplicated IR in class A and at different sites within the donor plasmid in class B. These results are interpreted in terms of asymmetric replicative transposition.  相似文献   

Summary Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris was tested for its ability to maintain various plasmids after they had been transferred by conjugation from Escherichia coli donors. Broad host-range plasmids belonging to incompatibility groups P and Q could be maintained but X. campestris was unable to support replication of narrow host-range ColE1, pACYC184 and pBR325 replicons. Delivery systems based on E. coli donors of suicide plasmids and on X. campestris Hfrs were used to introduce Tn7 and Tn5 into X. campestris. Tn7 insertions were recovered at high frequency while Tn5 transposed at low frequency. Three auxotrophic Tn5 insertions were isolated but transposition of Tn7 into the X. campestris genome did not generate any auxotrophs. DNA hybridization analysis showed that Tn7 had inserted into the same hot spot(s) in all cases tested.  相似文献   

Summary Site-directed Tn5 mutagenesis by gene replacement method, via homologous recombination, was used to identify symbiotically essential regions in the genome of cowpea Rhizobium spp. IRc78. Transposon insertions with-in the nifK hybridizing region or in the regions spanning 10 kb downstream of the nifK have revealed the presence of functional genes required for nitrogen fixation. Six single Tn5 insertions resulted in nod+ fix phenotypes and one in nod+ but reduced fix+ phenotype. All seven Tn5 insertions were stable before, during and after plant passage. However, IRc78 transconjugants containing duplicated nif copies, (a normal and a Tn5 inserted copy separated by vector sequences) were unstable. In five IRc78::Tn5 strains, the mutant phenotypes were corrected by an extrachromosomally stable vector containing wild type nif alleles. Our experiments suggest that the correction to nod+ fix+ phenotype is by complementation although correction by recombination cannot be completely excluded.  相似文献   

Summary The mini IS elements IS6 and IS7 have been detected in constitutive gal + revertants of galOP-308::IS2 (I), in which the expression of the gal operon is turned off by IS2 in orientation I. Both, IS6 and IS7, are integrated into IS2 proximal to the gal structural genes. IS6 is 115 base pairs long and causes 50% constitutive expression of the gal genes. IS7 is only 65 base pairs long and the gal operon is expressed 20% constitutively compared to the gal + wild type operon. Both IS6 and IS7 are excised frequently, in the absence of selective pressure. These findings are discussed with respect to the evolution of gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmids have been constructed by insertion of DNA fromRhizobium leguminosarum orProteus mirabilis into RP4 (an R factor of group P). Such recombinant plasmids retain the wide host range of the parental plasmid, being as efficiently transmissible as the unmodified RP4 and are stably maintained in rapidly growing cultures.The recombinant plasmids, even though each contained a DNA sequence absolutely identical with that of the host strain, are no more efficient at mobilizing the transfer of chromosomal genetic information from that host strain than was unmodified RP4. We therefore conclude that an unknown factor must be essential in the process of chromosome mobilization and rate limiting for that process.  相似文献   

The ability of the bacterial transposon Tn5 to undergo sequence inversion in Rec+ Escherichia coli cells as a result of recombination between its duplicated IS50 elements was examined using specially designed plasmid constructs. Surprisingly, recombination events in the IS50 elements that led to crossover and therefore Tn5 inversion could be detected at a frequency of only 10–5. This was approximately an order of magnitude lower than the frequency of IS50 recombination that led to conversion events (i.e. non-reciprocal recombination) without crossover, and at least two orders of magnitude lower than the frequency of intermolecular recombination between IS50 elements on two different plasmids. These rare conversion and inversion events in Tn5 appeared to be due to intramolecular recombination and not simply to multiple rounds of reciprocal crossing over, since the heterodimeric intermediates that would be generated during the latter process could be readily isolated but were shown to yield a completely different set of plasmid products upon resolution.  相似文献   

Summary A study has been made of the insertional properties of transposon Tn7, a 14 kilobase transposable element encoding resistances to trimethoprim, streptomycin and specitinomycin. It has previously been shown that Tn7 transposes at a low frequency and with low specificity into multiple sites in large transmissible plasmids. However, Tn7 transposes with extrame specificity and at high efficiency into the E. coli chromosome. In all cases we have studied, insertion of Tn7 into the chromosome has occurred at a unique site and with a unique orientation. A combination of genetic and biochemical techniques have been used to precisely locate this site on the E. coli chromosome to minute 82 on the linkage map between markers glmS and uncA.To investigate the nature of this highly specific transpositional event, a small region of the E. coli chromosome that includes the unique site, was cloned into the plasmid vector pBR322. Subsequently a lkb restriction fragment, including the Tn7 insertion site, was sub-cloned from this plasmid into the plasmid pACYC184. We show that Tn7 transposes into both these plasmid recombinants with the frequency and specificity characteristie of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Tn163 is a transposable element identified in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae by its high insertion rate into positive selection vectors. The 4.6 kb element was found in only one further R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strain out of 70 strains investigated. Both unrelated R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strains contained one copy of the transposable element, which was localized in plasmids native to these strains. DNA sequence analysis revealed three large open reading frames (ORFs) and 38 bp terminal inverted repeats. ORF1 encodes a putative protein of 990 amino acids displaying strong homologies to transposases of class 11 transposons. ORF2, transcribed in the opposite direction, codes for a protein of 213 amino acids which is highly homologous to DNA invertases and resolvases of class II transposons. Homology of ORF1 and ORF2 and the genetic structure of the element indicate that Tn163 can be classified as a class II transposon. It is the first example of a native transposon in the genus Rhizobium. ORF3, which was found not to be involved in the transposition process, encodes a putative protein (256 amino acids) of unknown function. During transposition Tn163 produced direct repeats of 5 bp, which is typical for transposons of the Tn3 family. However, one out of the ten insertion sites sequenced showed a 6 by duplication of the target DNA; all duplicated sequences were A/T rich. Insertion of Tn163 into the sacB gene revealed two hot spots. Chromosomes of different R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strains were found to be highly refractory to the insertion of Tn163.  相似文献   

Summary Selection was made for the transposition of the kanamycin resistance transposon Tn5 from a location on the chromosome of R. leguminosarum into a transmissible, bacteriocinogenic plasmid that also carries genes required for the induction of nitrogen-fixing nodules on peas.One hundred and sixty independent insertions into transmissible plasmids were isolated. When these plasmids were transferred by conjugation into a non-nodulating strain, which carries a deletion in one of its resident plasmids, of the 160 isolates tested 14 yielded transconjugants that formed nodules that did not fix nitrogen (Fix-) and in a further 15 cases the transconjugants were unable to form nodules (were Nod-). When transferred to a symbiotically proficient strain (i.e. Nod+ Fix+) none of the transconjugants was symbiotically defective; thus the mutations were not dominant.When kan was transduced from the clones that generated Fix- transconjugants into a Fix+ recipient the majority of transductants inherited Fix- indicating that the insertion of Tn5 had induced the symbiotic mutations. Transduction of kan, from the clones that failed to donate Nod+ by conjugation to strain 6015, occurred at barely detectable frequencies and it was not possible to demonstrate transduction of Nod-. kan was co-transduced with Nod+ from some of the clones and some of these transductants also inherited the ability to produce medium bacteriocin and to transfer at high frequency by conjugation. Thus the genes for all these characters are closely linked.  相似文献   

Summary Three plasmids containing the transposon Tn5, i.e. pSUP201::Tn5, pACYC184::Tn5 and pJB4JI were transferred from Escherichia coli to Rhodopseudomonas capsulata in order to mutagenize the genome. Mutants defective in bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis and mutants unable to form the photochemical reaction center or one of the light-harvesting complexes were isolated. Of special interest were mutants that could not form the light-harvesting complex B800-850. Two of these mutants synthesized only two of the three polypeptides of this complex whereas the corresponding near infrared absorbance bands were not observed. Complementation analysis with the Rprime plasmid pRPS404, which contains a 50 kb region of the genome of R. capsulata carrying most genes responsible for expression of photosynthetic apparatus, revealed that some genes of the B800-850 light-harvesting complex lie outside this photosynthetic gene cluster.Abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - Cm chloramphenicol - Km kanamycin - Tc tetracycline - Ap ampicillin - Gm gentamicin - Spc spectinomycin  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a dimer derivative of the extensively studiedEscherichia coli insertion sequence IS2. The dimer structure — called (IS2)2 — consists of two IS2 elements arranged as a direct repeat, separated by 1 bp. The junction between the (IS2)2 dimer and target sequences is located at various positions in independent isolates; however, one position was preferred. The transposition of (IS2)2 into a target plasmid resulted in cointegrate-type structures. The transposition frequency of the (IS2)2 dimer itself was significantly higher than that of the isogenic monomer IS2 insertion. The poor stability and high activity of (IS2)2 indicates that this is an active transposition intermediate. The mode of transposition of (IS2)2 is analogous to the joined dimer model described in the case of (IS21)2 and (IS30)2.  相似文献   

Plasmids carrying two IS30 elements in the same orientation, as in the composite transposon Tn2706, are structurally unstable in Escherichia coli. A primary segregation product is formed by site-specific deletion of the sequences carried between the two IS30 elements. The resulting covalently closed replicon carries the two IS30 elements as tandem repeats separated by only 2 bp. This (IS30)2 structure is extremely unstable, but it can nevertheless be isolated on its vector plasmid and, after purification, can be reintroduced into host cells by transformation. Among the descendants of transformants of recA bacteria, replicated copies of the introduced (IS30)2 structure are still present, together with various kinds of segregation products which provide evidence for the efficient generation of DNA rearrangements. Most abundant is the product of another site-specific recombination between two identical ends of the IS30 elements involved, which results in the presence of just one intact IS30 on the plasmid. Apart from this, and depending on the presence of appropriate targets for IS30 transposition, various transposition products of (IS30)2 are also seen. Intramolecular reactions lead to DNA inversions and deletions with breakpoints other than IS30 ends. In intermolecular reactions inverse transposition occurs at high frequency and one also obtains simple transposition and cointegration. A mutational study revealed the requirement in cis of one intact IS30 transposase gene and of both proximal ends of the two IS30 elements concerned not only for the formation of (IS30)2, but also for its further rearrangement reactions, including the efficient formation of site-specific deletions. A model is proposed, which postulates that (IS30)2 intermediates play a key role in IS30 transposition pathways in which the formation of (IS30)2 may be rate-limiting. Once this structure is formed, it gives rise to a burst of transpositional rearrangements in the subclone carrying (IS30)2. Evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The target junction sequences of six independent Tn5 insertions into a 36-bp tandemly repeated DNA segment have been determined. In all instances Tn5 preferentially inserts near one end of the tandem repeat, but in four out of six cases the insertion is between different nucleotides. The target sequence shares some similarity (8 out of 11 bp) with the ends of Tn5. All six insertions are accompanied by duplication of 9 bp of target DNA. The data imply that, even though Tn5 appears to insert randomly on a macro scale, at the nucleotide sequence level insertion into target DNA, which has limited similarity to the Tn5 end reactive sequences, may be a preferred event.  相似文献   

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