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Benzoyl-CoA reductase catalyzes the two-electron transfer from a reduced ferredoxin to the aromatic ring of benzoyl-CoA; this reaction is coupled to stoichiometrical ATP hydrolysis. A very low reduction potential (less than -1 V) is required for the first electron transfer to the aromatic ring. In this work the nature of the redox centers of purified benzoyl-CoA reductase from Thauera aromatica was studied by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The results obtained indicated the presence of three [4Fe-4S] clusters. Redox titration studies revealed that the reduction potentials of all three clusters were below -500 mV. The previously reported S = 7/2 state of the enzyme during benzoyl-CoA-independent ATPase activity (Boll, M., Albracht, S. J. P., and Fuchs, G. (1997) Eur. J. Biochem. 244, 840-851) was confirmed by M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Inactivation by oxygen was associated with the irreversible conversion of part of the [4Fe-4S] clusters to [3Fe-4S] clusters. Acetylene stimulated the benzoyl-CoA-independent ATPase activity and induced novel EPR signals with g(av) >2. The presence of simple cubane clusters in benzoyl-CoA reductase as the sole redox-active metal centers demonstrates novel aspects of [4Fe-4S] clusters since they adopt the role of elemental sodium or lithium which are used as electron donors in the analogous chemical Birch reduction of aromatic rings.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer and EPR studies of a highly active hydroxylase component of methane monooxygenase isolated from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b are reported. The M?ssbauer spectra of the oxidized (as isolated) hydroxylase show iron in a diamagnetic cluster containing an even number of Fe3+ sites. The parameters are consistent with an antiferromagnetically coupled binuclear cluster similar to those of hemerythrin and purple acid phosphatases. Upon partial reduction of the hydroxylase, an S = 1/2 EPR spectrum with g values at 1.94, 1.86, and 1.75 (gav = 1.85) is observed. Such spectra are characteristic of oxo-bridged iron dimers in the mixed valent Fe(II).Fe(III) state. Further reduction leads to the appearance of a novel EPR resonance at g = 15. Comparison with an inorganic model compound for mu-oxo-bridged binuclear iron suggests that the g = 15 signal is characteristic of the doubly reduced state of the cluster in the protein. In this state, the M?ssbauer spectra exhibit two quadrupole doublets typical of high spin Fe2+, consistent with the Fe(II).Fe(II) form of the cluster. The spectral features of the iron center of the hydroxylase in three oxidation states are all similar to those reported for mu-oxo (or mu-hydroxo)-bridged binuclear iron clusters. Since no known monooxygenase contains such a cluster, a new oxygenase mechanism is suggested. Three different preparative methods yielded hydroxylases spanning a 9-fold range in specific activity, yet the same cluster concentration and spectral characteristics were observed. Thus, other parameters than those measured here have a major influence on the activity.  相似文献   

Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (EC from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been investigated by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Low temperature M?ssbauer data on the native enzyme (Fe3+, S = 5/2) yields a hyperfine field Hsat=-525 kG at the nucleus. This observation is inconsistent with earlier suggestions, based on EPR data of a rubredoxin-like ligand environment around the iron, i.e. a tetrahedral sulfur coordination. Likewise, the dithionite-reduced enzyme has M?ssbauer parameters unlike those of reduced rubredoxin. We conclude that the iron atoms are in a previously unrecognized environment. The ternary complex of the enzyme with 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpropionate and O2 yields EPR signals at g = 6.7 and g = 5.3; these signals result from an excited state Kramers doublet. The kinetics of the disappearance of these signals parallels product formation and the decay of the ternary complex as observed in the optical spectrum. The M?ssbauer and EPR data on the ternary complex establish the iron atoms to be a high-spin ferric state characterized by a large and negative zero-field splitting, D = approximately -2 cm-1.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra obtained from the terminal dioxygenase protein of the benzene dioxygenase system from Pseudomonas putida show that it contains [2Fe--2S] centres similar to those of the two-iron plant-type ferredoxins. In the oxidized form the two iron atoms within the centre are high-spin ferric but with considerable inequivalence. In the reduced form the centre contains one extra electron, and this is localized on one of the iron atoms, which becomes high-spin ferrous.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopies were used to study the electronic structure of the A-cluster from recombinant acetyl-CoA synthase (the alpha subunit of the alpha2beta2 acetyl-CoA synthase/CO dehydrogenase). Once activated with Ni, these subunits have properties mimicking those associated with the alpha2beta2 tetramer, including structural heterogeneities. The Fe4S4 portion of the A-cluster in oxidized, methylated, and acetylated states was in the 2+ core oxidation state. Upon reduction with dithionite or Ti3+ citrate, samples of Ni-activated alpha developed the ability to accept a methyl group. Corresponding M?ssbauer spectra exhibited two populations of A-clusters; roughly, 70% contained [Fe4S4]1+ cubanes, while approximately 30% contained [Fe4S4]2+ cubanes, suggesting an extremely low [Fe4S4](1+/2+) reduction potential for the 30% portion (perhaps <-800 mV vs NHE). The same population ratio was observed when Ni-free unactivated alpha was used. The 70% fraction exhibited paramagnetic hyperfine structure in the absence of an applied magnetic field, excluding the possibility that it represents an [Fe4S4]1+ cluster coupled to a (proximal) Ni(p)1+. EPR spectra of dithionite-reduced, Ni-activated alpha exhibited features at g = 5.8 and g(ave) approximately 1.93, consistent with a physical mixture of {S = 3/2; S = 1/2} spin-states for A-clusters containing [Fe4S4]1+ clusters. Incubation of Ni-activated alpha with dithionite and CO converted 25% of alpha subunits into the S = 1/2 A(red)-CO state. Previous correlation of this state to functional A-clusters suggests that only the 30% fraction not reduced by dithionite or Ti3+ citrate represents functional A-clusters. Comparison of spin states in oxidized and methylated states suggests that two electrons are required for reductive activation, starting from the oxidized state containing Ni(p)2+. Refitting published activity-vs-potential data supports an n = 2 reductive activation. Enzyme starting in the methylated state exhibited catalytic activity in the absence of an external reductant, suggesting that the two electrons used in reductive activation are retained by the enzyme after each catalytic cycle and that the enzyme does not have to pass through the A(red)-CO state during catalysis. Taken together, our results suggest that a Ni(p)0 state may form upon reductive activation and reform after each catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

We have recently shown (Lindahl, P. A., Day, E. P., Kent, T. A., Orme-Johnson, W. H., and Münck, E. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 11160-11173) that the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster of the native Fe protein can exist in two forms characterized by different cluster spin: an S = 1/2 state exhibiting a g = 1.94 type EPR signal and an S = 3/2 state yielding signals at g approximately 5.8 and 5.1. We have now extended our study of the Fe protein to include the MgATP- and MgADP-bound forms. The [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster of the nucleotide-bound Fe protein exists in a similar S = 1/2, S = 3/2 spin mixture. The S = 3/2 cluster exhibits a broad EPR signal at g approximately 4.8. In spectra of the MgATP-bound protein, we have also observed a g = 4.3 signal from an S = 5/2 state (D = 1 - 3 cm-1, E/D approximately 0.32). Various experiments strongly suggest that this signal does not originate from adventitiously bound Fe3+. The g = 4.3 signal may arise from approximately 2% of the [4Fe-4S]1+ clusters when MgATP is protein-bound. We have also discovered substoichiometric amounts of what appears to be ADP in some nominally nucleotide-free Fe protein samples. MgATP binds to Fe protein in the presence of perturbing solvents, resulting in EPR spectra similar to those of MgATP-bound samples in aqueous solutions; MgADP binding, on the other hand, results in signals more typical of the solvent state. Spectra of samples frozen during turnover of the nitrogenase system exhibit a mixture of spin states. Characterization of the Fe protein EPR signature described here should aid future mechanistic and nucleotide-binding studies.  相似文献   

Recoil-free measurements were carried out on a 2 Fe-ferredoxin, which was isolated and purified from an extreme halophile, Halobacterium of the Dead Sea. The spectrum of this ferredoxin in the oxidized state at 82 K is a superposition of two quadrupole doublets, representing two non-equivalent Fe3+ sites of equal intensity. The spectrum of the reduced ferredoxin is consistent with the presence of two pure classes of iron atoms, ferric (lower isomer shift) and ferrous (higher isomer shift). Interpretations of the recoil-free spectra are discussed. Mössbauer measurements were also carried out on frozen whole bacterial cells and the resulting spectrum was found to be quite different from that observed in the isolated ferredoxin. Tentative conclusions are reached concerning the localization of this ferredoxin in the cytosol of the Halobacteria.The EPR spectrum of the reduced ferredoxin obtained at 24 K exhibits rhombic symmetry with the following g values: 1.894, 1.984 and 2.07. These values are similar to those obtained with 2 Fe-ferredoxins of the plant type, except that the g y and g z values are somewhat higher. Both from the EPR and Mössbauer data, it is deduced that the spin relaxation times in reduced halophilic ferredoxins are faster than in the reduced plant ferredoxins.  相似文献   

Rubredoxins contain a mononuclear iron tetrahedrally coordinated by four cysteinyl sulfurs. We have studied the wild-type protein from Clostridium pasteurianum and two mutated forms, C9S and C42S, in the oxidized and reduced states, with Mössbauer, integer-spin EPR, and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopies. The Mössbauer spectra of the ferric C42S and C9S mutant forms yielded zero-field splittings, D=1.2?cm?1, that are about 40% smaller than the D-value of the wild-type protein. The 57Fe hyperfine coupling constants were found to be ca. 8% larger than those of the wild-type proteins. The present study also revealed that the ferric wild-type protein has δ=0.24±0.01?mm/s at 4.2?K rather than δ=0.32?mm/s as reported in the literature. The Mössbauer spectra of both dithionite-reduced mutant proteins revealed the presence of two ferrous forms, A and B. These forms have isomer shifts δ=0.79?mm/s at 4.2?K, consistent with tetrahedral Fe2+(Cys)3(O-R) coordination. The zero-field splittings of the two forms differ substantially; we found D=?7±1?cm?1, E/D=0.09 for form A and D=+6.2±1.3?cm?1, E/D=0.15 for form B. Form A exhibits a well-defined integer-spin EPR signal; from studies at X- and Q-band we obtained g z =2.08±0.01, which is the first measured g-value for any ferrous rubredoxin. It is known from X-ray crystallographic studies that ferric C42S rubredoxin is coordinated by a serine oxygen. We achieved 75% reduction of C42S rubredoxin by irradiating an oxidized sample at 77?K with synchrotron X-rays; the radiolytic reduction produced exclusively form A, suggesting that this form represents a serine-bound Fe2+ site. Studies in different buffers in the pH?6–9 range showed that the A:B ratios, but not the spectral parameters of A and B, are buffer dependent, but no systematic variation of the ratio of the two forms with pH was observed. The presence of glycerol (30–50% v/v) was found to favor the B form. Previous absorption and circular dichroism studies of reduced wild-type rubredoxin have suggested d-d bands at 7400, 6000, and 3700?cm?1. Our low-temperature MCD measurements place the two high-energy transitions at ca. 5900 and 6300?cm?1; a third d-d transition, if present, must occur with energy lower than 3300?cm?1. The mutant proteins have d-d transitions at slightly lower energy, namely 5730, 6100?cm?1 in form A and 5350, 6380?cm?1 in form B.  相似文献   

Conclusive evidence is presented for an S = 1/2 spincoupled pair of high spin ferric and ferrous ions in the major reaction product of sulfide with the met form of the non-heme iron oxygen-carrying protein hemerythrin. Evidence for an analogous selenide derivative is also reported. M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy establish (a) the charge and spin states of the individual iron atoms in sulfidehemerythrin as Fe(III), S = 5/2, and Fe(II), S = 2, and (b) the existence of an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction that couples the two spins to a resultant spin S = 1/2. The combined M?ssbauer and EPR data confirm the correctness of the formulation first proposed for semi-methemerythrin by Harrington, P.C., de Waal, D.J.A., and Wilkins, R.G. ((1978) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 191, 444-451) and furthermore show that a majority of the iron centers in the protein can be stabilized at this oxidation level. The results also demonstrate a new route to semi-methemerythrin. A titration of methemerythrin with selenide indicates that this derivative forms by a two step process consisting of first, reduction to the semi-met oxidation level by selenide and second, binding of selenide to either one or both irons.  相似文献   

Vacuoles were isolated from fermenting yeast cells grown on minimal medium supplemented with 40 μM (57)Fe. Absolute concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ca, and P in isolated vacuoles were determined by ICP-MS. M?ssbauer spectra of isolated vacuoles were dominated by two spectral features: a mononuclear magnetically isolated high-spin (HS) Fe(III) species coordinated primarily by hard/ionic (mostly or exclusively oxygen) ligands and superparamagnetic Fe(III) oxyhydroxo nanoparticles. EPR spectra of isolated vacuoles exhibited a g(ave) ~ 4.3 signal typical of HS Fe(III) with E/D ~ 1/3. Chemical reduction of the HS Fe(III) species was possible, affording a M?ssbauer quadrupole doublet with parameters consistent with O/N ligation. Vacuolar spectral features were present in whole fermenting yeast cells; however, quantitative comparisons indicated that Fe leaches out of vacuoles during isolation. The in vivo vacuolar Fe concentration was estimated to be ~1.2 mM while the Fe concentration of isolated vacuoles was ~220 μM. M?ssbauer analysis of Fe(III) polyphosphate exhibited properties similar to those of vacuolar Fe. At the vacuolar pH of 5, Fe(III) polyphosphate was magnetically isolated, while at pH 7, it formed nanoparticles. This pH-dependent conversion was reversible. Fe(III) polyphosphate could also be reduced to the Fe(II) state, affording similar M?ssbauer parameters to that of reduced vacuolar Fe. These results are insufficient to identify the exact coordination environment of the Fe(III) species in vacuoles, but they suggest a complex closely related to Fe(III) polyphosphate. A model for Fe trafficking into/out of yeast vacuoles is proposed.  相似文献   

We have used optical, EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopies to study the formation of heme-NO complex upon the addition of nitrite to reduced cytochrome cd1 from Thiobacillus denitrificans. The reduced d1 heme binds NO under both alkaline and acidic conditions, but the binding of NO to the reduced c heme was strongly pH-dependent. The M?ssbauer data showed unambiguously that at pH 7.6 the c heme does not complex NO, whereas at pH 5.8 approximately half of the reduced c heme binds NO. This observation was confirmed by EPR studies, which showed that the spin concentration of the heme-NO EPR signal increased from 2 spins/molecule at pH 8.0 to approximately 3 spins/molecule at pH 5.8. Optical absorption study also showed strong pH dependence in the binding of NO to the reduced c heme. We have also analyzed the M?ssbauer spectra of the ferrous d1 heme-NO complex using a spin-Hamiltonian formalism. The magnetic hyperfine coupling tensor was found to be consistent with the unpaired electron residing on a sigma orbital.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,119(2):171-176
The acyl derivatives of 3,3′,4,4′-tetramethyldi- phosphaferrocene (TMDPF) have been examined in strong acids by 57Fe Mössbauer, 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy. As with ferrocenyl ketones, protonation was found to occur at the keto function, the diphosphaferrocenyl ketones having comparable or, in some cases, reduced basicities compared to ferrocenyl ketones. [p ]Trends in the 57Fe Mössbauer parameters are not as additive as in ferrocene systems due to steric crowding. The keto derivatives show some unusual deuteriation patterns and these have been compared with those of ferrocenyl ketones. The 13C spectra of several derivatives have been reported to illustrate the rather complex stereochemistry found in these derivatives.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the adsorption of cysteine on hematite, magnetite and ferrihydrite was studied using FT-IR, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. Cysteine was dissolved in artificial seawater (two different pHs) which contains the major constituents. There were two main findings described in this paper. First, after the cysteine adsorption, the FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry data showed the formation of cystine. Second, the Mössbauer spectroscopy did not show any increase in the amount of Fe2+ as expected due the oxidation of cysteine to cystine. An explanation could be that Fe2+ was oxidized by the oxygen present in the seawater or there occurred a reduction of cystine by Fe2+ generating cysteine and Fe3+. The specific surface area and pH at point of zero charge of the iron oxides were influenced by adsorption of cysteine. When compared to other iron oxides, ferrihydrite adsorbed significantly (p < 0.05) more cysteine. The pH has a significant (p < 0.05) effect only on cysteine adsorption on hematite. The FT-IR spectroscopy results showed that cystine remains adsorbed on the surface of the iron oxides even after being mixed with KCl and the amine and carboxylic groups are involved in this interaction. X-ray diffractometry showed no changes on iron oxides mineralogy and the following precipitated substances were found along with the iron oxides after drying the samples: cysteine, cystine and seawater salts. The EPR spectroscopy showed that cysteine interacts with iron oxides, changing the relative amounts of iron oxides and hydroxide.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy were used to characterize the heme prosthetic groups of the nitrite reductase isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774), which is a membrane-bound multiheme cytochrome capable of catalyzing the 6-electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia. At pH 7.6, the as-isolated enzyme exhibited a complex EPR spectrum consisting of a low-spin ferric heme signal at g = 2.96, 2.28, and 1.50 plus several broad resonances indicative of spin-spin interactions among the heme groups. EPR redox titration studies revealed yet another low-spin ferric heme signal at g = 3.2 and 2.14 (the third g value was undetected) and the presence of a high-spin ferric heme. M?ssbauer measurements demonstrated further that this enzyme contained six distinct heme groups: one high-spin (S = 5/2) and five low-spin (S = 1/2) ferric hemes. Characteristic hyperfine parameters for all six hemes were obtained through a detailed analysis of the M?ssbauer spectra. D. desulfuricans nitrite reductase can be reduced by chemical reductants, such as dithionite or reduced methyl viologen, or by hydrogenase under hydrogen atmosphere. Addition of nitrite to the fully reduced enzyme reoxidized all five low-spin hemes to their ferric states. The high-spin heme, however, was found to complex NO, suggesting that the high-spin heme could be the substrate binding site and that NO could be an intermediate present in an enzyme-bound form.  相似文献   

The high-molecular-mass cytochromes c (Hmcs) from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio gigas and Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) were found to be strongly bound to the cytoplasmic membrane. After detergent solubilization they were shown to be water soluble and to be similar to those previously isolated from the soluble fractions in terms of N-terminal sequence, molecular mass, UV-visible and EPR spectroscopies. In D. gigas, higher amounts of Hmc can be obtained from the membranes than from the soluble fraction. This enabled further characterization of both cytochromes. The apparent heme reduction potentials of both Hmcs, determined at pH 7.5 through visible and EPR redox titrations, span a large range of redox potentials, approximately between 0 and –280?mV, and can be roughly divided into three groups: four to five hemes have E 0s of –30?mV to –100?mV, three to four hemes have E 0s around –170?mV, and seven to eight hemes have a lower E 0 of –250 to –280?mV. Several of these redox potentials are strongly pH dependent. Mössbauer studies of oxidized and reduced D. vulgaris Hmc show that this protein contains two high-spin hemes in both oxidation states. The rate of reduction of both Hmcs with the periplasmic hydrogenases from the corresponding organisms is extremely slow.  相似文献   

57Fe-enriched ribonucleotide reductase subunit B2 from Escherichia coli strain N6405/pSPS2 has been characterized by M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy in its native diferric state and in a new differous form. The native protein exhibits two M?ssbauer doublets in a 1:1 ratio with parameters that are in excellent agreement with those reported for the wild-type protein (Atkin, C. L., Thelander, L., Reichard, P., and Lang, G. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7464-7472); in addition, our studies show the absence of adventitiously bound iron. The iron content in the present samples approached 4 per B2 subunit, and the tyrosyl radical content exceeded 1 per B2 subunit. The higher values are attributed to the use of a new epsilon 280 for the protein and more efficient methods for iron extraction. We thus propose that subunit B2 has two binuclear iron clusters, each associated with its own tyrosyl radical, in contradistinction from the prevailing model. Reduction of the native protein with dithionite or reconstitution of the apoprotein with Fe(II) afforded a protein complex with M?ssbauer parameters, delta EQ = 3.13 mm/s and delta = 1.26 mm/s at 4.2 K, and a low field EPR signal associated with an integer spin system. These spectral properties resemble those of methane monooxygenase in its diferrous form. Upon exposure to O2, the reduced subunit B2 readily converts to the diferric state and yields active enzyme.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c' from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been investigated in the ferric form with M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy. In the pH range from 6 to 9.5, three species are observed which belong to two pH-dependent equilibria with pK values near 6 and 8.5. The pK = 6 transition is resolved only with high-field M?ssbauer spectroscopy. For the three species we have determined the zero-field splitting parameters and the hyperfine coupling constants. The data were fitted to a spin Hamiltonian which takes into account a weak mixing of excited S = 3/2 states into the sextet ground manifold. The low temperature spectra clearly show that the quadruple coupling constant deltaEQ is positive for ferricytochrome c' and thus in accord with all other high-spin ferric heme proteins.  相似文献   

Under anaerobic conditions the molybdenum-iron protein (MoFe protein) from Azotobacter vinelandii can be reversibly oxidized with thionine. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies reveal that the oxidation proceeds in two distinct phases: the MoFe protein can be oxidized by four electrons without loss of the EPR signal from the S = 3/2 cofactor centers. A second oxidation step, involving two electrons, leads to the disappearance of the cofactor EPR signal. In order to correlate the events during the thionine titration with redox reactions involving individual iron centers we have studied the MoFe proteins from A vinelandii and Clostridium pasteurianum with M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Spectra were taken in the temperature range from 1.5 K to 200 K in applied magnetic fields of up to 54 kG. Analysis of the M?ssbauer data allows us to draw three major conclusions: (1) the holoprotein contains 30 +/- 2 iron atoms. (2) Most probably, 12 iron atoms belong to two, apparently identical, iron clusters (labeled M) which we have shown previously to be structural components of the iron and molybdenum containing cofactor of nitrogenase. The M-centers can be stabilized in three distinct oxidation states, MOXe- in equilibrium MNe- in equilibrium MR. The diamagnetic (S = 0) state MOX is attained by oxidation of the native state MN with either thionine or oxygen. MR is observed under nitrogen fixing conditions. (3) The data strongly suggest that 16 iron atoms are associated with four iron centers which we propose to call P-clusters. Each P-cluster contains four spin-coupled iron atoms. In the native protein the P-clusters are in the diamagnetic state PN, yielding the M?ssbauer signature which we have labeled previously 'components D and Fe2+'. Three irons of the D-type and one iron of the Fe2+-type appear to comprise a P-cluster. A one-electron oxidation yields the paramagnetic state POX. Although the state POX is characterized by half-integral electronic spin a peculiar combination of zero-field splitting parameters and spin relaxation renders this state EPR-silent. Spectroscopically, the P-clusters are novel structures; there is, however, evidence that they are closely related to familiar 4Fe-4S centers.  相似文献   

Yah1p, an [Fe 2S 2]-containing ferredoxin located in the matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria, functions in the synthesis of Fe/S clusters and heme a prosthetic groups. EPR, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and electron microscopy were used to characterize the Fe that accumulates in Yah1p-depleted isolated intact mitochondria. Gal- YAH1 cells were grown in standard rich media (YPD and YPGal) under O 2 or argon atmospheres. Mitochondria were isolated anaerobically, then prepared in the as-isolated redox state, the dithionite-treated state, and the O 2-treated state. The absence of strong EPR signals from Fe/S clusters when Yah1p was depleted confirms that Yah1p is required in Fe/S cluster assembly. Yah1p-depleted mitochondria, grown with O 2 bubbling through the media, accumulated excess Fe (up to 10 mM) that was present as 2-4 nm diameter ferric nanoparticles, similar to those observed in mitochondria from yfh1Delta cells. These particles yielded a broad isotropic EPR signal centered around g = 2, characteristic of superparamagnetic relaxation. Treatment with dithionite caused Fe (3+) ions of the nanoparticles to become reduced and largely exported from the mitochondria. Fe did not accumulate in mitochondria isolated from cells grown under Ar; a significant portion of the Fe in these organelles was in the high-spin Fe (2+) state. This suggests that the O 2 used during growth of Gal- YAH1 cells is responsible, either directly or indirectly, for Fe accumulation and for oxidizing Fe (2+) --> Fe (3+) prior to aggregation. Models are proposed in which the accumulation of ferric nanoparticles is caused either by the absence of a ligand that prevents such precipitation in wild-type mitochondria or by a more oxidizing environment within the mitochondria of Yah1p-depleted cells exposed to O 2. The efficacy of reducing accumulated Fe along with chelating it should be considered as a strategy for its removal in diseases involving such accumulations.  相似文献   

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