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M2 proton channel of H1N1 influenza A virus is the target protein of anti-flu drugs amantadine and rimantadine. However, the two once powerful adamantane-based drugs lost their 90% bioactivity because of mutations of virus in recent twenty years. The NMR structure of the M2 channel protein determined by Schnell and Chou (Nature, 2008, 451, 591–595) may help people to solve the drug-resistant problem and develop more powerful new drugs against H1N1 influenza virus.


Docking calculation is performed to build the complex structure between receptor M2 proton channel and ligands, including existing drugs amantadine and rimantadine, and two newly designed inhibitors. The computer-aided drug design methods are used to calculate the binding free energies, with the computational biology techniques to analyze the interactions between M2 proton channel and adamantine-based inhibitors.


1) The NMR structure of M2 proton channel provides a reliable structural basis for rational drug design against influenza virus. 2) The channel gating mechanism and the inhibiting mechanism of M2 proton channel, revealed by the NMR structure of M2 proton channel, provides the new ideas for channel inhibitor design. 3) The newly designed adamantane-based inhibitors based on the modeled structure of H1N1-M2 proton channel have two pharmacophore groups, which act like a “barrel hoop”, holding two adjacent helices of the H1N1-M2 tetramer through the two pharmacophore groups outside the channel. 4) The inhibitors with such binding mechanism may overcome the drug resistance problem of influenza A virus to the adamantane-based drugs.  相似文献   

Copper(II) is known to bind in the influenza virus His37 cluster in the homotetrameric M2 proton channel and block the proton current needed for uncoating. Copper complexes based on iminodiacetate also block the M2 proton channel and show reduced cytotoxicity and zebrafish-embryo toxicity. In voltage-clamp oocyte studies using the ubiquitous amantadine-insensitive M2 S31N variant, the current block showed fast and slow phases, in contrast to the single phase found for amantadine block of wild-type M2. Here, we evaluate the mechanism of block by copper adamantyl iminodiacitate and copper cyclooctyl iminodiacitate complexes and address whether the complexes can coordinate with one or more of the His37 imidazoles. The current traces were fitted to parametrized master equations. The energetics of binding and the rate constants suggest that the first step is copper complex binding within the channel, and the slow step in the current block is the formation of a Cu-histidine coordination complex. Solution-phase isothermal titration calorimetry and density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that imidazole binds to the copper complexes. Structural optimization using DFT reveals that the complexes fit inside the channel and project the Cu(II) toward the His37 cluster, allowing one imidazole to form a coordination complex with Cu(II). Electrophysiology and DFT studies also show that the complexes block the G34E amantadine-resistant mutant despite some crowding in the binding site by the glutamates.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics trajectories 2 μs in length have been generated for the pH-activated, tetrameric M2 proton channel of the influenza A virus in all protonation states of the pH sensor located at the His37 tetrad. All simulated structures are in very good agreement with high-resolution structures. Changes in the channel caused by progressive protonation of His37 provide insight into the mechanism of proton transport. The channel is closed at both His37 and Trp41 sites in the singly and doubly protonated states, but it opens at Trp41 upon further protonation. Anions access the charged His37 and by doing so stabilize the protonated states of the channel. The narrow opening at the His37 site, further blocked by anions, is inconsistent with the water-wire mechanism of proton transport. Instead, conformational interconversions of His37 correlated with hydrogen bonding to water molecules indicate that these residues shuttle protons in high-protonation states. Hydrogen bonds between charged and uncharged histidines are rare. The valve at Val27 remains on average quite narrow in all protonation states but fluctuates sufficiently to support water and proton transport. A proton transport mechanism in which the channel, depending on pH, opens at either the histidine or valine gate is only partially supported by the simulations.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics trajectories 2 μs in length have been generated for the pH-activated, tetrameric M2 proton channel of the influenza A virus in all protonation states of the pH sensor located at the His37 tetrad. All simulated structures are in very good agreement with high-resolution structures. Changes in the channel caused by progressive protonation of His37 provide insight into the mechanism of proton transport. The channel is closed at both His37 and Trp41 sites in the singly and doubly protonated states, but it opens at Trp41 upon further protonation. Anions access the charged His37 and by doing so stabilize the protonated states of the channel. The narrow opening at the His37 site, further blocked by anions, is inconsistent with the water-wire mechanism of proton transport. Instead, conformational interconversions of His37 correlated with hydrogen bonding to water molecules indicate that these residues shuttle protons in high-protonation states. Hydrogen bonds between charged and uncharged histidines are rare. The valve at Val27 remains on average quite narrow in all protonation states but fluctuates sufficiently to support water and proton transport. A proton transport mechanism in which the channel, depending on pH, opens at either the histidine or valine gate is only partially supported by the simulations.  相似文献   

The M2 protein is a small proton channel found in the influenza A virus that is necessary for viral replication. The M2 channel is the target of a class of drugs called the adamantanes, which block the channel pore and prevent the virus from replicating. In recent decades mutations have arisen in M2 that prevent the adamantanes from binding to the channel pore, with the most prevalent of these mutations being S31N. Here we report the first crystal structure of the S31N mutant crystallized using lipidic cubic phase crystallization techniques and solved to 1.59 Å resolution. The Asn31 residues point directly into the center of the channel pore and form a hydrogen‐bonded network that disrupts the drug‐binding site. Ordered waters in the channel pore form a continuous hydrogen bonding network from Gly34 to His37.  相似文献   

JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - The thiolate ligands of [NiFe]-H2ase enzymes have been implicated as proton-binding sites for the reduction/oxidation of H+/H2. This study examines...  相似文献   

Centrosomes are the key-regulating element of cell cycle progression. Aberrations in their functional mechanism lead to several cancer-related disorders. Aurora A protein is a centrosome-associated protein that regulates the centriole duplication and its abberations are associated with multiple cases of aneuploidy and cancer-related disorders. S155R mutation in Aurora A is reported to induce cancer like phenotype and disrupt its binding with TPX2 protein. In this study, we have demonstrated the structural consequences of Aurora A S155R mutation and the atomic changes that influenced the loss of TPX2-binding affinity. Docking and molecular dynamics simulation results suggested significant loss in atomic contacts between mutant Aurora A and TPX2 protein. Further, we observed a notable changes in conformation of mutant Aurora A–TPX2 docked complex as compared to the native. Loss of binding affinity rendered the TPX2 domain free which then induced unfolding in its coiled region and enabled the overall expansion of mutant complex as compared to the native. The significant outcomes obtained from this study will facilitate in future cancer researches and in developing the potent drug therapies.  相似文献   

Structures of truncated versions of the influenza A virus M2 proton channel have been determined recently by x-ray crystallography in the open conformation of the channel, and by NMR in the closed state. The structures differ in the position of the bound inhibitors. The x-ray structure shows a single amantadine molecule in the middle of the channel, whereas in the NMR structure four drug molecules bind at the channel's outer surface. To study this controversy we applied computational solvent mapping, a technique developed for the identification of the most druggable binding hot spots of proteins. The method moves molecular probes—small organic molecules containing various functional groups—around the protein surface, finds favorable positions using empirical free energy functions, clusters the conformations, and ranks the clusters on the basis of the average free energy. The results of the mapping show that in both structures the primary hot spot is an internal cavity overlapping the amantadine binding site seen in the x-ray structure. However, both structures also have weaker hot spots at the exterior locations that bind rimantadine in the NMR structure, although these sites are partially due to the favorable interactions with the interfacial region of the lipid bilayer. As confirmed by docking calculations, the open channel binds amantadine at the more favorable internal site, in good agreement with the x-ray structure. In contrast, the NMR structure is based on a peptide/micelle construct that is able to accommodate the small molecular probes used for the mapping, but has a too narrow pore for the rimantadine to access the internal hot spot, and hence the drug can bind only at the exterior sites.  相似文献   

The M2 proton channel of the influenza A virus is the target of the anti-influenza drugs amantadine and rimantadine. The effectiveness of these drugs has been dramatically limited by the rapid spread of drug resistant mutations, mainly at sites S31N, V27A and L26F in the pore of the channel. Despite progress in designing inhibitors of V27A and L26F M2, there are currently no drugs targeting these mutated channels in clinical trials. Progress in developing new drugs has been hampered by the lack of a robust assay with sufficient throughput for discovery of new active chemotypes among chemical libraries and sufficient sensitivity to provide the SAR data essential for their improvement and development as drugs. In this study we adapted a yeast growth restoration assay, in which expression of the M2 channel inhibits yeast growth and exposure to an M2 channel inhibitor restores growth, into a robust and sensitive high-throughput screen for M2 channel inhibitors. A screen of over 250,000 pure chemicals and semi-purified fractions from natural extracts identified 21 active compounds comprising amantadine, rimantadine, 13 related adamantanes and 6 non-adamantanes. Of the non-adamantanes, hexamethylene amiloride and a triazine derivative represented new M2 inhibitory chemotypes that also showed antiviral activity in a plaque reduction assay. Of particular interest is the fact that the triazine derivative was not sufficiently potent for detection as an inhibitor in the traditional two electrode voltage clamp assay for M2 channel activity, but its discovery in the yeast assay led to testing of analogues of which one was as potent as amantadine.  相似文献   

High CO(2) Requiring Mutant of Anacystis nidulans R(2)   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Some physiological characteristics of a mutant (E1) of Anacystis nidulans R2, incapable of growing at air level of CO2, are described. E1 is capable of accumulating inorganic carbon (Ci) internally as efficiently as the wild type (R2). The apparent photosynthetic affinity for Ci in E1, however, is some 1000 times lower than that of R2. The kinetic parameters of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from E1 are similar to those observed in R2. The mutant appears to be defective in its ability to utilize the intracellular Ci pool for photosynthesis and depends on extracellular supply of Ci in the form of CO2. The very high apparent photosynthetic Km (CO2) of the mutant indicate a large diffusion resistance for CO2. Data obtained here are used to calculate the permeability coefficient for CO2 between the bulk medium and the carboxylation site of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   


N2-(p-n-Octylphenyl)-2′-deoxyguanosine 5′-triphosphate (OctPdGTP)has been synthesized chemically. OctPdGTP inhibited DNA polymerases (pol) α, δ and ε from calf thymus, with moderate selectivity for pol α. Mechanistic studies on pol α and bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase revealed competitive and mixed kinetics of OctPdGTP with respect to the substrate dGTP when the enzymes were assayed on activated DNA and oligo dT:poly dA, respectively.


The facile preparation of MoO2(C8H7N2S)2 is given and its complex behaviour in dimethylformamide, as revealed by 95Mo NMR spectroscopy, discussed. The X-ray crystal structure of one of the products obtained from this dimethylformamide solution is briefly described. This structure indicates that the Mo(VI) has been reduced to Mo(V) and is based on the [Mo2O4]2+ core.  相似文献   

Salmonella isolates resistant or with reduced susceptibility to quinolones increased in recent years. The mutant prevention concentration (MPC) is a new alternative that can prevent the selection and multiplication of resistant Salmonella spp. strains. The MPC of ciprofloxacin (CipMPC) was evaluated for 312 Salmonella enterica strains of epidemic and poultry origin susceptible and resistant to nalidixic acid (NAL). The CipMPC for NAL-susceptible strains were in the range from 0.002 to 4???g/ml and for NAL-resistant strains, it ranged from 0.004 to 16???g/ml. The average MPC/MIC ratio for NAL-resistant strains was higher than NAL susceptible. S. Enteritidis showed the highest CipMPC and the highest MPC/MIC ratio also for NAL-resistant strains and with mutations in gyrA. Serovar Corvallis, a NAL-resistant strain without mutations, and of poultry origin showed the highest CipMPC value. The lowest value was observed for epidemic NAL-susceptible strains serovars Typhimurium and London. The average MPC/MIC ratio for strains with mutations in Aspartate 87 was higher than that mutated in Serine 83. The results show the importance of MPC in determining the correct dosage of Cip for treatment of Salmonella spp.  相似文献   

IL-31 signals through the heterodimeric receptor IL-31RA and oncostatin M receptor (OSMR), and has been linked with the development of atopic dermatitis, a Th2 cytokine-associated disease in humans. However, recent studies of IL-31RA knockout (KO) mice have suggested that IL-31 signaling may be required to negatively regulate Th2 type responses rather than exacerbate them. Because those studies were performed on genetically modified mice, we examined whether neutralizing IL-31 with a specific mAb would give similar results to IL-31RA KO mice in two Th2 cytokine-associated immune models. We report no difference in lymphocyte Th2-type cytokine production after Ag immunization between IL-31RA KO mice, mice treated with the IL-31 mAb, or control animals. Second, we tested whether the absence of the IL-31RA subunit in IL-31RA KO mice may allow for increased pairing of the OSMR subunit with another cytokine receptor, gp130, resulting in overrepresentation of the heterodimeric receptor for OSM and increased responsiveness to OSM protein. We found that intranasal OSM challenge of IL-31RA KO mice resulted in increased IL-6 and vascular endothelial growth factor production in the lung compared with wild-type littermate control animals. Moreover, PBS-challenged IL-31RA KO mice already had increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor, which were further increased by OSM challenge. These data imply that IL-31RA-deficient mice produce increased levels of OSM-inducible cytokines during airway sensitization and challenge, which may be the driving force behind the apparent exacerbation of Th2-type inflammatory responses previously observed in these mice.  相似文献   

Mutant strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum that required higher levels of molybdate than the wild-type strain for growth on NO(3)-containing medium were obtained after transposon Tn5 mutagenesis of the wild-type strain. The mutant strains expressed more than fivefold-greater nitrate reductase activities in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 mM added molybdate compared with activities expressed upon incubation in non-Mo-supplemented medium, whereas the nitrate reductase activity of the wild-type strain (JH) was not markedly influenced by Mo supplementation. In free-living culture, mutant strains JH310 and JH359 expressed substantial nitrogenase activity, even in medium treated to remove molybdate, and nitrogenase activity was influenced little by Mo supplementation, whereas the wild-type strain required 100 nM added Mo for highest nitrogenase activity. Double-reciprocal plots of Mo uptake rates versus Mo concentration showed that both bacteroids and free-living cells of mutant strain JH359 had about the same affinity for Mo as did the parent strain. Bacteroids of both the mutants and the wild type also exhibited similar Mo accumulation rates over a 9-min period under very-low-Mo (4 nM) conditions. Nitrogenase activities for strain JH359 and for the wild-type strain in free-living culture were both strongly inhibited by tungsten; thus, the nitrogenase activities of both strains are probably the result of a "conventional" Mo-containing nitrogenase. Soybeans inoculated with strain JH359 and grown under either Mo-supplemented or Mo-deficient conditions had greater specific acetylene reduction rates and significantly greater plant fresh weight than those inoculated with the wild-type strain. Under Mo-deficient conditions, the acetylene reduction rates and plant fresh weights were up to 35 and 58% greater, respectively, for mutant-nodulated plants compared with wild-type-strain-nodulated plants.  相似文献   

Geijer P  Deák Z  Styring S 《Biochemistry》2000,39(23):6763-6772
We have studied the pH effect on the S(0) and S(2) multiline electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals from the water-oxidizing complex of photosystem II. Around pH 6, the maximum signal intensities were detected. On both the acidic and alkaline sides of pH 6, the intensities of the EPR signals decreased. Two pKs were determined for the S(0) multiline signal; pK(1) = 4.2 +/- 0.2 and pK(2) = 8.0 +/- 0.1, and for the S(2) multiline signal the pKs were pK(1) = 4.5 +/- 0.1 and pK(2) = 7.6 +/- 0.1. The intensity of the S(0)-state EPR signal was partly restored when the pH was changed from acidic or alkaline pH back to pH approximately 6. In the S(2) state we observed partial recovery of the multiline signal when going from alkaline pH back to pH approximately 6, whereas no significant recovery of the S(2) multiline signal was observed when the pH was changed from acidic pH back to pH approximately 6. Several possible explanations for the intensity changes as a function of pH are discussed. Some are ruled out, such as disintegration of the Mn cluster or decay of the S states and formal Cl(-) and Ca(2+) depletion. The altered EPR signal intensities probably reflect the protonation/deprotonation of ligands to the Mn cluster or the oxo bridges between the Mn ions. Also, the possibility of decreased multiline signal intensities at alkaline pH as an effect of changed redox potential of Y(Z) is put forward.  相似文献   

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