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Sialyl Lewis x (sLex) plays an important role in cancer metastasis. But, the mechanism for its production in metastatic cancers remains unclear. The objective of current study was to examine the effects of a proinflammatory cytokine on the expression of glycosyltransferase and sulfotransferase genes involved in the synthesis of selectin ligands in a prostate cancer cell line. Androgen-independent human lymph node-derived metastatic prostate cancer cells (C-81 LNCaP), which express functional androgen receptor and mimic the castration-resistant advanced prostate cancer, were used. TNFα treatment of these cells increased their binding to P-, E- and L-selectins, anti-sLex antibody, and anti-6-sulfo-sialyl Lewis x antibody by 12%, 240%, 43%, 248% and 21%, respectively. Also, the expression of C2GnT-1, B4GalT1, GlcNAc6ST3, and ST3Gal3 genes was significantly upregulated. Further treatment of TNFα-treated cells with either anti-sLex antibody or E-selectin significantly suppressed their in vitro migration (81% and 52%, respectively) and invasion (45% and 56%, respectively). Our data indicate that TNFα treatment enhances the motility and invasion properties of LNCaP C-81 cells by increasing the formation of selectin ligands through stimulation of the expression of selective glycosyl- and sulfotransferase genes. These results support the hypothesis that inflammation contributes to cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), a pan-retinoic acid receptor (RAR) agonist, is, along with other retinoids, a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of a variety of solid tumors. On the one hand, preclinical studies have shown promising anticancer effects of ATRA in breast cancer; on the other hand, resistances occurred. Autophagy is a cellular recycling process that allows the degradation of bulk cellular contents. Tumor cells may take advantage of autophagy to cope with stress caused by anticancer drugs. We therefore wondered if autophagy is activated by ATRA in mammary tumor cells and if modulation of autophagy might be a potential novel treatment strategy. Indeed, ATRA induces autophagic flux in ATRA-sensitive but not in ATRA-resistant human breast cancer cells. Moreover, using different RAR agonists as well as RARα-knockdown breast cancer cells, we demonstrate that autophagy is dependent on RARα activation. Interestingly, inhibition of autophagy in breast cancer cells by either genetic or pharmacological approaches resulted in significantly increased apoptosis under ATRA treatment and attenuated epithelial differentiation. In summary, our findings demonstrate that ATRA-induced autophagy is mediated by RARα in breast cancer cells. Furthermore, inhibition of autophagy results in enhanced apoptosis. This points to a potential novel treatment strategy for a selected group of breast cancer patients where ATRA and autophagy inhibitors are applied simultaneously.Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is a conserved mechanism characterized by the formation of double-membrane structures. These so-called autophagosomes deliver cytoplasmic material to the lysosome for subsequent degradation.1 Basal autophagy requires tight regulation as alterations in autophagy have been associated with many pathological conditions, including cancer.2 In addition, autophagy has been linked to fundamental processes such as development and cellular differentiation. In these processes, autophagy contributes to cell remodeling as observed during erythrocyte, lymphocyte or adipocyte differentiation.3 In the context of cancer and cancer therapy, autophagy is a double-edged sword. Owing to its homeostatic role in the removal of potentially harmful damaged organelles and protein aggregates, it is suggested to be tumor suppressive under normal conditions.4 In cancer cells, however, autophagy can be oncogenic, enabling survival under stressful conditions.5 Hence, the role of autophagy in tumorigenesis is clearly dependent on the cellular context and the tumor stage. In some cases, therapeutic agents induce an autophagic response that can promote resistance to treatment. In other cases, autophagy contributes to the action of antitumor agents.6 Therefore, knowledge about the action exerted by autophagy in response to anticancer treatments is a prerequisite for the identification of patients benefiting from therapeutic strategies based on autophagy modulators.All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), the active metabolite of vitamin A, exerts diverse functions in almost every cell and organ system. ATRA controls cell proliferation, differentiation as well as immune, and neuronal functions primarily via regulation of gene expression.7 Endogenous retinoid levels are altered in different diseases of the lung, kidney and central nervous system, and contribute to their pathophysiology.8 ATRA is successfully used in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), where it induces granulocytic differentiation of the blast and subsequent cell death of the differentiated leukemic cells. Importantly, ATRA-induced differentiation of the APL cell line, NB4, involves induction of macroautophagy.9, 10, 11, 12 In addition to its cytodifferentiating capacity in APL, ATRA has been proposed as an antitumorigenic agent for other types of cancer. The antiproliferative, cytodifferentiating and proapoptotic effects of retinoids are predominantly mediated by the nuclear hormone retinoid acid receptors RARα, RARβ and RARγ.13, 14 In breast cancer, preclinical studies have shown that retinoids are promising therapeutic agents. However, the clinical trials conducted so far were somewhat disappointing, possibly as a consequence of the study designs.15 Breast cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease represented as a collection of diseases with distinct histopathological and molecular features. The most important clinical classification of this tumor is based on the determination of ER (estrogen receptor), PR (progesterone receptor) and HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor-2) receptors. ER-positive breast cancer patients are eligible for hormonal therapies, whereas HER2 oncogenic activity can be blocked using targeted therapies.16 Approximately 15–20% of breast carcinomas overexpress HER2, which is associated with poor prognosis.17 Owing to the development of resistance to current HER2-targeted treatments such as trastuzumab and lapatinib alternative therapeutic strategies are required.18, 19 ATRA was recently shown to exert strong antitumor activity in cell lines representing a subgroup of HER2-positive breast tumors characterized by coamplification of the ERBB2 and RARα genes.20 This antitumor activity is remarkably stimulated by simultaneous HER2 inhibition with lapatinib. In addition, autophagy is induced upon ATRA treatment of the APL-derived cell line NB49, 10, 11 and retinoids have clinical relevance in breast cancer. Thus, we investigated whether and how autophagy is induced in breast cancer cells. In addition, we evaluated whether autophagy modulation represents a potential therapeutic strategy for potentiating ATRA cytotoxicity in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

In recent years many risk factors for the development of breast cancer that are linked to estrogens have been identified, and roscovitine (ROSC), a selective cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, has been shown to be an efficient inhibitor of the proliferation of human breast cancer cells. Therefore, we have examined the possibility that interference with estrogen signaling pathways, using tamoxifen (TAM), a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), could modulate the efficacy of treatment with ROSC. In conjunction with TAM, ROSC exhibited enhanced anti-proliferative activity and CDK inhibition, particularly in estrogen-dependent MCF-7 cells. The interaction between both drugs was synergistic. However, in ER-α-negative cells the interaction was antagonistic. Exposure of MCF-7 cells to ROSC abolished the activating phosphorylation of CDK2 and CDK7 at Ser(164/170). This in turn prevented the phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal repeat domain of RNA Polymerase II and ER-α at Ser(118), resulting in the down-regulation of the latter. Concomitantly, wt p53 was strongly activated by phosphorylation at Ser(46). Our results demonstrate that ROSC negatively affects the functional status of ER-α, making it potentially useful in the treatment of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells.  相似文献   



In human pancreatic cancer progression, the α6β1-integrin is expressed on cancer cell surface during invasion and metastasis formation. In this study, we investigated whether interleukin (IL)-1α induces the alterations of integrin subunits and urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPA/uPAR) expression in pancreatic cancer cells. We hypothesize that the alterations of integrin subunits and uPA/uPAR expression make an important role in signaling pathways responsible for biological behavior of pancreatic cancer cells.  相似文献   

Insulin therapy using insulin detemir (d-INS) has demonstrated weight-sparing effects compared with other insulin formulations. Mechanisms underlying these effects, however, remain largely unknown. Here we postulate that the intestinal tissues' selective preference allows d-INS to exert enhanced action on proglucagon (Gcg) expression and the production of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1, an incretin hormone possessing both glycemia-lowering and weight loss effects. To test this hypothesis, we used obese type 2 diabetic db/db mice and conducted a 14-day intervention with daily injection of a therapeutic dose of d-INS or human insulin (h-INS) in these mice. The body weight of the mice after 14-day daily injection of d-INS (5 IU/kg) was decreased significantly compared with those injected with the same dose of h-INS or saline. The weight-sparing effect of d-INS was associated with significantly elevated circulating levels of total GLP-1 and reduced food intake. Histochemistry analysis demonstrated that d-INS induced rapid phosphorylation of protein kinase B (Akt) in the gut L cells of normal mice. Western blotting showed that d-INS stimulated Akt activation in a more rapid and enhanced fashion in the mouse distal ileum compared with those by h-INS. In vitro investigation in primary fetal rat intestinal cell (FRIC) cultures showed that d-INS increased Gcg mRNA expression as determined by Northern blotting and real-time RT-PCR. Consistent with these in vivo investigations, d-INS significantly increased GLP-1 secretion in FRIC cultures. Consistently, d-INS was also shown to induce rapid phosphorylation of Akt in the clonal gut cell line GLUTag. Furthermore, d-INS increased β-catenin phosphorylation, its nuclear translocation, and enhanced cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and/or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-sensitive manner. We suggest that the weight-sparing benefit of d-INS in mice is related to its intestinal tissues preference that leads to profound stimulation of Gcg expression and enhanced GLP-1 secretion in intestinal L cells, potentially involving the activation of insulin/β-catenin/CREB signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Chondrosarcoma is a type of highly malignant tumor with a potent capacity to invade locally and cause distant metastasis. Chondrosarcoma shows a predilection for metastasis to the lungs. Integrins are the major adhesive molecules in mammalian cells and have been associated with metastasis of cancer cells. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF)-I plays an important role in regulating cell growth, proliferation, survival, and metabolism. However, the effects of IGF-I in migration and integrin expression in chondrosarcoma cells are largely unknown. In this study, we found that IGF-I increased the migration and the expression of α5β1 integrin in human chondrosarcoma cells. Pretreatment of cells with IGF-I receptor antibody reduced IGF-I-induced cell migration and integrin expression. Activations of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), Akt, and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) pathways after IGF-I treatment were demonstrated, and IGF-I-induced expression of integrin and migration activity was inhibited by the specific inhibitor and mutant of PI3K, Akt, and NF-κB cascades. Taken together, our results indicated that IGF-I enhances the migration of chondrosarcoma cells by increasing α5β1 integrin expression through the IGF-I receptor/PI3K/Akt/NF-κB signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The cytokine interferon-α (IFNα) belongs to the group of type I interferons already used in cancer therapy. This drug possesses radio- and chemo-sensitizing, and shows anti-angiogenic properties. Cancer stem cells (CSC) are a unique population of tumor cells that initiate secondary tumors, and are responsible for metastasis formation. Patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have an especially poor prognosis, with 5-year survival rates of only ~1% and median survival of 4–6 months. PDAC is characterized by the presence of CSC. In this work we demonstrate for the first time that IFNα up-regulates the expression of the CSC markers CD24, CD44 and CD133 in in vitro and in vivo models of PDAC. We showed the IFNα effects on the migration and invasion of PDAC cells, which is associated with the level of the CSC marker expression. In vivo, this drug inhibits tumor growth but promotes metastasis formation in the early stage of tumor growth. We propose that IFNα may enhance the enrichment of CSC in PDAC tumors. Additionally we also suggest that in combination therapy of solid tumors with IFNα, this drug should be given to patients prior to chemotherapy to achieve the CSC activation.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid at concentrations of 10−8–10−6M increases the initiation of DNA synthesis stimulated by prostaglandin F (PGF), alone or with insulin, in confluent resting Swiss mouse 3T3 cells. Analogues of retinoic acid had a similar effect. Adding retinoic acid, alone or with insulin, did not stimulate DNA synthesis. The synergistic effect of PGE1 or PGE2 with PGF and insulin was not further enhanced by retinoic acid. Neither the synergistic effect of retinoic acid nor that of PGE1 or PGE2 with PGF was affected by indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis. The results suggest that the synergy of retinoic acid with PGF is not mediated through an increase of prostaglandin synthesis and that retinoic acid stimulates event(s) in common with those of PGE1 and PGE2 leading to an increase in the initiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Cancer stem-like cell (CSC; also known as tumor initiating cell) is defined as a small subpopulation of cancer cells within a tumor and isolated from various primary tumors and cancer cell lines. CSCs are highly tumorigenic and resistant to anticancer treatments. In this study, we found that prolonged exposure to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), a major proinflammatory cytokine, enhances CSC phenotype of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells, such as an increase in tumor sphere-forming ability, stem cell-associated genes expression, chemo-radioresistance, and tumorigenicity. Moreover, activation of Notch1 signaling was detected in the TNFα-exposed cells, and suppression of Notch1 signaling inhibited CSC phenotype. Furthermore, we demonstrated that inhibition of a Notch downstream target, Hes1, led to suppression of CSC phenotype in the TNFα-exposed cells. We also found that Hes1 expression is commonly upregulated in OSCC lesions compared to precancerous dysplastic lesions, suggesting the possible involvement of Hes1 in OSCC progression and CSC in vivo. In conclusion, inflammatory cytokine exposure may enhance CSC phenotype of OSCC, in part by activating the Notch-Hes1 pathway.  相似文献   



During pregnancy asthma may remain stable, improve or worsen. The factors underlying the deleterious effect of pregnancy on asthma remain unknown. Oxytocin is a neurohypophyseal protein that regulates a number of central and peripheral responses such as uterine contractions and milk ejection. Additional evidence suggests that oxytocin regulates inflammatory processes in other tissues given the ubiquitous expression of the oxytocin receptor. The purpose of this study was to define the role of oxytocin in modulating human airway smooth muscle (HASMCs) function in the presence and absence of IL-13 and TNFα, cytokines known to be important in asthma.


Expression of oxytocin receptor in cultured HASMCs was performed by real time PCR and flow cytomery assays. Responses to oxytocin was assessed by fluorimetry to detect calcium signals while isolated tracheal rings and precision cut lung slices (PCLS) were used to measure contractile responses. Finally, ELISA was used to compare oxytocin levels in the bronchoalveloar lavage (BAL) samples from healthy subjects and those with asthma.


PCR analysis demonstrates that OXTR is expressed in HASMCs under basal conditions and that both interleukin (IL)-13 and tumor necrosis factor (TNFα) stimulate a time-dependent increase in OXTR expression at 6 and 18 hr. Additionally, oxytocin increases cytosolic calcium levels in fura-2-loaded HASMCs that were enhanced in cells treated for 24 hr with IL-13. Interestingly, TNFα had little effect on oxytocin-induced calcium response despite increasing receptor expression. Using isolated murine tracheal rings and PCLS, oxytocin also promoted force generation and airway narrowing. Further, oxytocin levels are detectable in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid derived from healthy subjects as well as from those with asthma.


Taken together, we show that cytokines modulate the expression of functional oxytocin receptors in HASMCs suggesting a potential role for inflammation-induced changes in oxytocin receptor signaling in the regulation of airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma.  相似文献   

Panosialins A and B were isolated as inhibitors of an 1,3-fucosyltransferase, Fuc-TVII, which is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of selectin ligands, from culture broth of Streptomyces sp. Panosialins A and B inhibited the Fuc-TVII activity with IC50 values of 4.8 and 5.3 g/ml, respectively. Panosialin A suppressed expression of selectin ligands on U937 cells, and inhibited the cell adhesion to immobilized E-selectin-immunoglobulin. Panosialins are the first reported Fuc-TVII inhibitors which can suppress the biosynthesis of selectin ligands and then inhibit selectin-mediated cell adhesion.  相似文献   

On the basis of increasing roles for HDM2 oncoprotein in cancer growth and progression, we speculated that HDM2 might play a major role in hypoxia-induced metastatic process. For verification of this hypothesis, wild-type LNCaP prostate cancer cells and HDM2 transfected LNCaP-MST (HDM2 stably transfected) cells were studied. The data obtained from our experiments revealed that the HDM2 transfected LNCaP-MST cells possessed an ability to multiply rapidly and show distinct morphological features compared to non-transfected LNCaP cells. During exposures to hypoxia HDM2 expression in the LNCaP and LNCaP-MST cells was significantly higher compared to the normoxic levels. The LNCaP-MST cells also expressed higher levels of HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) and p-STAT3 even under the normoxic conditions compared to the non-transfected cells. The HIF-1α and p-STAT3 expressions were increased several fold when the cells were subjected to hypoxic conditions. The HIF-1α and p-STAT3 protein expressions observed in HDM2 transfected LNCaP-MST cells were 20 and 15 folds higher, respectively, compared to the non-transfected wild-type LNCaP cells. These results demonstrate that HDM2 may have an important regulatory role in mediating the HIF-1α and p-STAT3 protein expression during both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Furthermore, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression that is typically regulated by HIF-1α and p-STAT3 was also increased significantly by 136% (P < 0.01) after HDM2 transfection. The overall results point towards a novel ability of HDM2 in regulating HIF-1α and p-STAT3 levels even in normoxic conditions that eventually lead to an up-regulation of VEGF expression.  相似文献   

Amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) is the principal component of plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and the most toxic form of Aβ may be as soluble oligomers. We report here the results of a microarray study of gene expression profiles in primary mouse cortical neurons in response to oligomeric Aβ(1-42). A major and unexpected finding was the down-regulation of genes involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and other steroids and lipids (such as Fdft1, Fdps, Idi1, Ldr, Mvd, Mvk, Nsdhl, Sc4mol), the expression of which was verified by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qPCR). The ATP-binding cassette gene Abca1, which has a major role in cholesterol transport in brain and other tissues and has been genetically linked to AD, was notably up-regulated. The possible involvement of cholesterol and other lipids in Aβ synthesis and action in Alzheimer's disease has been studied and debated extensively but remains unresolved. These new data suggest that Aβ may influence steroid and lipid metabolism in neurons via multiple gene-expression changes.  相似文献   

Following the degradative pathway, vesicles loaded with extracellular material, eventually, dock and fuse with lysosomes, acquiring specific membrane markers of these organelles and acid hydrolases responsible for digest their content. The lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2), the best characterized lysosomal membrane protein, is found in late stages of endosome maturation and may be used as a marker of lysosome-associated membranes. Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are described by the absence or deficiency in hydrolase activity leading to substrate accumulation within lysosomal components and to the onset of several diseases. It is known that lymphocytes infected by Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) are able to form cytoplasmic vacuoles, which work as a storage compartment for lysosomal acidic hydrolases. At the present study, we validate the EBV as a transforming agent of B lymphocytes in stability studies of long-term stored samples, since the methods used to keep samples in liquid nitrogen and thaw them have all proven to be efficient in samples frozen for up to 2 years. To confirm and investigate some of the most prevalent LSDs in the South of Brazil—Pompe, Fabry and Gaucher diseases—we first measured the enzymatic activity of α-glicosidase, α-galactosidase, and β-glicosidase in those cytoplasmic-formed vacuoles and then looked to LAMP-2 immunoreactivity by employing confocal microscopy techniques.  相似文献   

Su K  Tian Y  Wang J  Shi W  Luo D  Liu J  Tong Z  Wu J  Zhang J  Wei L 《DNA and cell biology》2012,31(6):1078-1087
Metastasis is the leading cause of death in breast cancer patients. Recent evidence suggests that inflammation-related cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is implicated in tumor invasion and metastasis, but the mechanism of its involvement remains elusive. In this study, we employed MCF-7 breast cancer cells as an experimental model to demonstrate that TNF-α inhibits breast cancer cell adhesion and cell proliferation through hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1α) mediated suppression of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP). We observed that TNF-α treatment attenuated the adhesion and proliferation of MCF-7 cells it also dramatically increased HIF-1α expression and decreased VASP expression. Through a variety of approaches, including promoter assay, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), we identified VASP as a direct target gene of HIF-1α. In addition, we confirmed that HIF-1α mediated the repression of VASP expression by TNF-α in MCF-7 cells. We also demonstrated that exogenous VASP expression or knockdown of HIF-1α relieved TNF-α induced inhibition of cell adhesion and proliferation. We identified a novel TNF-α/HIF-1α/VASP axis in which HIF-1α acts downstream of TNF-α to inhibit VASP expression and modulate the adhesion and proliferation of breast cancer cells. These data provide new insight into the potential anti-tumor effects of TNF-α.  相似文献   

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