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KEX1 is a chromosomal gene required for the production of the killer toxin encoded by the linear DNA plasmid pGKL-1 of Kluyveromyces lactis. The nucleotide sequence of the cloned KEX1 gene has been determined. The deduced structure of the KEX1 protein, 700 amino acids long, indicated that it contained an internal domain with a striking homology to the sequences of the subtilisin-type proteinases, and a probable transmembrane domain near the carboxyl terminus. The results confirm the hypothesis that the product of the gene KEX1 of K. lactis is a proteinase involved in the processing of the toxin precursor.  相似文献   

Systematic disruption of genes encoding kinases and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) was performed in Kluyveromyces lactis haploid cells. The mutated strains were assayed by their capacity to mate and to respond to hyperosmotic stress. The K. lactis Ste11p (KlSte11p) MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK) was found to act in both mating and osmoresponse pathways while the scaffold KlSte5p and the MAPK KlFus3p appeared to be specific for mating. The p21-activated kinase KlSte20p and the kinase KlSte50p participated in both pathways. Protein association experiments showed interaction of KlSte50p and KlSte20p with Gα and Gβ, respectively, the G protein subunits involved in the mating pathway. Both KlSte50p and KlSte20p also showed interaction with KlSte11p. Disruption mutants of the K. lactis PBS2 (KlPBS2) and KlHOG1 genes of the canonical osmotic response pathway resulted in mutations sensitive to high salt and high sorbitol but dispensable for mating. Mutations that eliminate the MAPKK KlSte7p activity had a strong effect on mating and also showed sensitivity to osmotic stress. Finally, we found evidence of physical interaction between KlSte7p and KlHog1p, in addition to diminished Hog1p phosphorylation after a hyperosmotic shock in cells lacking KlSte7p. This study reveals novel roles for components of transduction systems in yeast.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces lactis is a yeast which cannot grow under strict anaerobiosis. To date, no factors responsible for oxygen sensing and oxygen-dependent regulation of metabolism have been identified. In this paper we present the identification of the glucose sensor Rag4 as a factor essential for oxygen-dependent regulation of the fermentative pathway.  相似文献   

Mutants of Kluyveromyces lactis denominated vga (vanadate glycosylation affected) bear various combinations of glycosylation and cell-wall defects. The vga3 mutation of K. lactis was mapped in the KlOCH1 gene, encoding the functional homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiaealpha1,6-mannosyltransferase. Quantitative analysis of cell-wall components indicated a noticeable increase of chitin and beta1,6-glucans and a severe decrease of mannoproteins in the mutant cells as compared with the wild-type counterparts. Fine-structure determination of the beta1,6-glucan polymer indicated that, in the vga3-1 strain, the beta1,6-glucans are shorter and have more branches than in the wild-type strain. This suggests that cell-wall remodelling changes take place in K. lactis in the presence of glycosylation defects. Moreover, the vga3 cells showed a significantly improved capability of secreting heterologous proteins. Such a capability, accompanied by the highly reduced N-glycosylation, may be of biotechnological interest, especially when hyper-glycosylation of recombinant products must be avoided.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen with a defined sexual cycle. The gene encoding a heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit, GPB1, was cloned and disrupted. gpb1 mutant strains are sterile, indicating a role for this gene in mating. GPB1 plays an active role in mediating responses to pheromones in early mating steps (conjugation tube formation and cell fusion) and signals via a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade in both MATalpha and MATa cells. The functions of GPB1 are distinct from those of the Galpha protein GPA1, which functions in a nutrient-sensing cyclic AMP (cAMP) pathway required for mating, virulence factor induction, and virulence. gpb1 mutant strains are also defective in monokaryotic fruiting in response to nitrogen starvation. We show that MATa cells stimulate monokaryotic fruiting of MATalpha cells, possibly in response to mating pheromone, which may serve to disperse cells and spores to locate mating partners. In summary, the Gbeta subunit GPB1 and the Galpha subunit GPA1 function in distinct signaling pathways: one (GPB1) senses pheromones and regulates mating and haploid fruiting via a MAP kinase cascade, and the other (GPA1) senses nutrients and regulates mating, virulence factors, and pathogenicity via a cAMP cascade.  相似文献   

I have isolated a new type of sterile mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, carrying a single mutant allele, designated dac1, which was mapped near the centromere on chromosome VIII. The dac1 mutation caused specific defects in the pheromone responsiveness of both a and alpha cells and did not seem to be associated with any pleiotropic phenotypes. Thus, in contrast to the ste4, ste5, ste7, ste11, and ste12 mutations, the dac1 mutation had no significant effect on such constitutive functions of haploid cells as pheromone production and alpha-factor destruction. The characteristics of this phenotype suggest that the DAC1 gene encodes a component of the pheromone response pathway common to both a and alpha cells. Introduction of the GPA1 gene encoding an S. cerevisiae homolog of the alpha subunit of mammalian guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) into sterile dac1 mutants resulted in restoration of pheromone responsiveness and mating competence to both a and alpha cells. These results suggest that the dac1 mutation is an allele of the GPA1 gene and thus provide genetic evidence that the yeast G protein homolog is directly involved in the mating pheromone signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

A STE20/p65pak homolog was isolated from fission yeast by PCR. The pak1+ gene encodes a 72 kDa protein containing a putative p21-binding domain near its amino-terminus and a serine/threonine kinase domain near its carboxyl-terminus. The Pak1 protein autophosphorylates on serine residues and preferentially binds to activated Cdc42p both in vitro and in vivo. This binding is mediated through the p21 binding domain on Pak1p and the effector domain on Cdc42p. Overexpression of an inactive mutant form of pak1 gives rise to cells with markedly abnormal shape with mislocalized actin staining. Pak1 overexpression does not, however, suppress lethality associated with cdc42-null cells or the morphologic defeat caused by overexpression of mutant cdc42 alleles. Gene disruption of pak1+ establishes that, like cdc42+, pak1+ function is required for cell viability. In budding yeast, pak1+ expression restores mating function to STE20-null cells and, in fission yeast, overexpression of an inactive form of Pak inhibits mating. These results indicate that the Pak1 protein is likely to be an effector for Cdc42p or a related GTPase, and suggest that Pak1p is involved in the maintenance of cell polarity and in mating.  相似文献   

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