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The modelling of contact processes between hosts is of key importance in epidemiology. Current studies have mainly focused on networks with stationary structures, although we know these structures to be dynamic with continuous appearance and disappearance of links over time. In the case of moving individuals, the contact network cannot be established. Individual-based models (IBMs) can simulate the individual behaviours involved in the contact process. However, with very large populations, they can be hard to simulate and study due to the computational costs. We use the moment approximation (MA) method to approximate a stochastic IBM with an aggregated deterministic model. We illustrate the method with an application in animal epidemiology: the spread of the highly pathogenic virus H5N1 of avian influenza in a poultry flock. The MA method is explained in a didactic way so that it can be reused and extended. We compare the simulation results of three models: 1. an IBM, 2. a MA, and 3. a mean-field (MF). The results show a close agreement between the MA model and the IBM. They highlight the importance for the models to capture the displacement behaviours and the contact processes in the study of disease spread. We also illustrate an original way of using different models of the same system to learn more about the system itself, and about the representation we build of it.  相似文献   

To provide theoretical guidance for the design and in vitro cultivation of bioartificial tissues, we have developed a multiscale computational model that can describe the complex interplay between cell population and mass transport dynamics that governs the growth of tissues in three-dimensional scaffolds. The model has three components: a transient partial differential equation for the simultaneous diffusion and consumption of a limiting nutrient; a cellular automaton describing cell migration, proliferation, and collision; and equations that quantify how the varying nutrient concentration modulates cell division and migration. The hybrid discrete-continuous model was parallelized and solved on a distributed-memory multicomputer to study how transport limitations affect tissue regeneration rates under conditions encountered in typical bioreactors. Simulation results show that the severity of transport limitations can be estimated by the magnitude of two dimensionless groups: the Thiele modulus and the Biot number. Key parameters including the initial seeding mode, cell migration speed, and the hydrodynamic conditions in the bioreactor are shown to affect not only the overall rate, but also the pattern of tissue growth. This study lays the groundwork for more comprehensive models that can handle mixed cell cultures, multiple nutrients and growth factors, and other cellular processes, such as cell death.  相似文献   

Understanding the biomechanical properties and the effect of biomechanical force on epithelial cells is key to understanding how epithelial cells form uniquely shaped structures in two or three-dimensional space. Nevertheless, with the limitations and challenges posed by biological experiments at this scale, it becomes advantageous to use mathematical and ‘in silico’ (computational) models as an alternate solution. This paper introduces a single-cell-based model representing the cross section of a typical tissue. Each cell in this model is an individual unit containing several sub-cellular elements, such as the elastic plasma membrane, enclosed viscoelastic elements that play the role of cytoskeleton, and the viscoelastic elements of the cell nucleus. The cell membrane is divided into segments where each segment (or point) incorporates the cell''s interaction and communication with other cells and its environment. The model is capable of simulating how cells cooperate and contribute to the overall structure and function of a particular tissue; it mimics many aspects of cellular behavior such as cell growth, division, apoptosis and polarization. The model allows for investigation of the biomechanical properties of cells, cell-cell interactions, effect of environment on cellular clusters, and how individual cells work together and contribute to the structure and function of a particular tissue. To evaluate the current approach in modeling different topologies of growing tissues in distinct biochemical conditions of the surrounding media, we model several key cellular phenomena, namely monolayer cell culture, effects of adhesion intensity, growth of epithelial cell through interaction with extra-cellular matrix (ECM), effects of a gap in the ECM, tensegrity and tissue morphogenesis and formation of hollow epithelial acini. The proposed computational model enables one to isolate the effects of biomechanical properties of individual cells and the communication between cells and their microenvironment while simultaneously allowing for the formation of clusters or sheets of cells that act together as one complex tissue.  相似文献   



Sperm cryopreservation has become an indispensable tool in biology. Initially, studies were aimed towards the development of efficient freezing protocols in different species that would allow for an efficient storage of semen samples for long periods of time, ensuring its viability. Nowadays, it is widely known that an important individual component exists in the cryoresistance of semen, and efforts are aimed at identifying those sperm characteristics that may allow us to predict this cryoresistance. This knowledge would lead, ultimately, to the design of optimized freezing protocols for the sperm characteristics of each male.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have evaluated the changes that occur in the sperm head dimensions throughout the cryopreservation process. We have found three different patterns of response, each of one related to a different sperm quality at thawing. We have been able to characterize males based on these patterns. For each male, its pattern remained constant among different ejaculates. This latter would imply that males always respond in the same way to freezing, giving even more importance to this sperm feature.


Changes in the sperm head during cryopreservation process have resulted useful to identify the ability of semen of males for freezing. We suggest that analyses of these response patterns would represent an important tool to characterize the cryoresistance of males when implemented within breeding programs. We also propose follow-up experiments to examine the outcomes of the use of different freezing protocols depending on the pattern of response of males.  相似文献   

一种新型干细胞--侧群细胞   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侧群细胞(side population cell)是利用Hoechst染料和流式细胞术进行造血千/祖细胞分离时发现的一群特殊细胞,广泛分布于多种成体组织、胚胎和某些肿瘤细胞系中;它既具有类似千细胞的自我更新和多向分化潜能,还具有独特的表型标记和生物学特征,代表了一种新的千细胞类型。对侧群细胞的研究,不仅有助于人们增加对千细胞增殖、分化及其发育调控机制的理解,同时还提供了一种从不同组织中分离纯化和利用多能干细胞的新策略,为组织工程和细胞治疗提供新的千细胞材料来源。现就侧群细胞的组织分布、生物学特征、表型标记、信号转导机制及其与肿瘤发生相关性等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对侧群细胞的进一步研究和应用作了展望。  相似文献   

Studying populations, be it a microbe colony or mankind, is important for understanding how complex systems evolve and exist. Such knowledge also often provides insights into evolution, history and different aspects of human life. By and large, populations’ prosperity and decline is about transformation of certain resources into quantity and other characteristics of populations through growth, replication, expansion and acquisition of resources. We introduce a general model of population change, applicable to different types of populations, which interconnects numerous factors influencing population dynamics, such as nutrient influx and nutrient consumption, reproduction period, reproduction rate, etc. It is also possible to take into account specific growth features of individual organisms. We considered two recently discovered distinct growth scenarios: first, when organisms do not change their grown mass regardless of nutrients availability, and the second when organisms can reduce their grown mass by several times in a nutritionally poor environment. We found that nutrient supply and reproduction period are two major factors influencing the shape of population growth curves. There is also a difference in population dynamics between these two groups. Organisms belonging to the second group are significantly more adaptive to reduction of nutrients and far more resistant to extinction. Also, such organisms have substantially more frequent and lesser in amplitude fluctuations of population quantity for the same periodic nutrient supply (compared to the first group). Proposed model allows adequately describing virtually any possible growth scenario, including complex ones with periodic and irregular nutrient supply and other changing parameters, which present approaches cannot do.  相似文献   

Asthma is fundamentally a disease of airway constriction. Due to a variety of experimental challenges, the dynamics of airways are poorly understood. Of specific interest is the narrowing of the airway due to forces produced by the airway smooth muscle wrapped around each airway. The interaction between the muscle and the airway wall is crucial for the airway constriction that occurs during an asthma attack. Although cross-bridge theory is a well-studied representation of complex smooth muscle dynamics, and these dynamics can be coupled to the airway wall, this comes at significant computational cost—even for isolated airways. Because many phenomena of interest in pulmonary physiology cannot be adequately understood by studying isolated airways, this presents a significant limitation. We present a distribution-moment approximation of this coupled system and study the validity of the approximation throughout the physiological range. We show that the distribution-moment approximation is valid in most conditions, and we explore the region of breakdown. These results show that in many situations, the distribution-moment approximation is a viable option that provides an orders-of-magnitude reduction in computational complexity; not only is this valuable for isolated airway studies, but it moreover offers the prospect that rich ASM dynamics might be incorporated into interacting airway models where previously this was precluded by computational cost.  相似文献   

一类具年龄结构的线性周期种群动力系统的最优控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一类具有年龄结构的线性周期种群线性动力系统的最优控制问题,即讨论了具有周期的生死率和周期变化的控制项的模型.利用Mazur's定理,证明了最优控制问题最优解的存在性,同时由法锥概念的特征刻画,我们还得到了最优控制问题最优解存在的必要条件.  相似文献   

The conservation of the cell volume within values compatible with the overall cell functions represents an ubiquitous property, shared by cells comprising the whole biological world. Water transport across membranes constitutes the main process associated to the dynamics of the cell volume, its chronic and acute regulations therefore represent crucial aspects of cell homeostasis. In spite of the biological diversity, the dynamics of the cell volume exhibits common basic features in the diverse types of cells. The purpose of this study is to show that there is a general model capable to describe the basic aspects of the dynamics of the cell volume. It is demonstrated here that the steady states of this model represent asymptotically stable configurations. As illustrations, several cases of non-polarized (i.e., symmetrical) and polarized (e.g., epithelial) cells performing water transport are shown here to represent particular cases of the general model. From a biological perspective, the existence of a general model for the dynamics of the cell volume reveals that, in spite of physiological and morphological peculiarities, there is a basic common design of the membrane transport processes. In view of its stability properties, this basic design may represent an ancestral property that has proven to be successful regarding the overall homeostatic properties of cells.  相似文献   

Developing population dynamics models for zebrafish is crucial in order to extrapolate from toxicity data measured at the organism level to biological levels relevant to support and enhance ecological risk assessment. To achieve this, a dynamic energy budget for individual zebrafish (DEB model) was coupled to an individual based model of zebrafish population dynamics (IBM model). Next, we fitted the DEB model to new experimental data on zebrafish growth and reproduction thus improving existing models. We further analysed the DEB-model and DEB-IBM using a sensitivity analysis. Finally, the predictions of the DEB-IBM were compared to existing observations on natural zebrafish populations and the predicted population dynamics are realistic. While our zebrafish DEB-IBM model can still be improved by acquiring new experimental data on the most uncertain processes (e.g. survival or feeding), it can already serve to predict the impact of compounds at the population level.  相似文献   

Glioma is the most common form of primary brain tumor. Demographically, the risk of occurrence increases until old age. Here we present a novel computational model to reproduce the probability of glioma incidence across the lifespan. Previous mathematical models explaining glioma incidence are framed in a rather abstract way, and do not directly relate to empirical findings. To decrease this gap between theory and experimental observations, we incorporate recent data on cellular and molecular factors underlying gliomagenesis. Since evidence implicates the adult neural stem cell as the likely cell-of-origin of glioma, we have incorporated empirically-determined estimates of neural stem cell number, cell division rate, mutation rate and oncogenic potential into our model. We demonstrate that our model yields results which match actual demographic data in the human population. In particular, this model accounts for the observed peak incidence of glioma at approximately 80 years of age, without the need to assert differential susceptibility throughout the population. Overall, our model supports the hypothesis that glioma is caused by randomly-occurring oncogenic mutations within the neural stem cell population. Based on this model, we assess the influence of the (experimentally indicated) decrease in the number of neural stem cells and increase of cell division rate during aging. Our model provides multiple testable predictions, and suggests that different temporal sequences of oncogenic mutations can lead to tumorigenesis. Finally, we conclude that four or five oncogenic mutations are sufficient for the formation of glioma.  相似文献   

The fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator, also known as FUCCI, allows the visualization of the G1 and S/G2/M cell cycle phases of individual cells. FUCCI consists of two fluorescent probes, so that cells in the G1 phase fluoresce red and cells in the S/G2/M phase fluoresce green. FUCCI reveals real-time information about cell cycle dynamics of individual cells, and can be used to explore how the cell cycle relates to the location of individual cells, local cell density, and different cellular microenvironments. In particular, FUCCI is used in experimental studies examining cell migration, such as malignant invasion and wound healing. Here we present, to our knowledge, new mathematical models that can describe cell migration and cell cycle dynamics as indicated by FUCCI. The fundamental model describes the two cell cycle phases, G1 and S/G2/M, which FUCCI directly labels. The extended model includes a third phase, early S, which FUCCI indirectly labels. We present experimental data from scratch assays using FUCCI-transduced melanoma cells, and show that the predictions of spatial and temporal patterns of cell density in the experiments can be described by the fundamental model. We obtain numerical solutions of both the fundamental and extended models, which can take the form of traveling waves. These solutions are mathematically interesting because they are a combination of moving wavefronts and moving pulses. We derive and confirm a simple analytical expression for the minimum wave speed, as well as exploring how the wave speed depends on the spatial decay rate of the initial condition.  相似文献   

Asparagine-requiring Jensen and Walker rat tumor cells and their asparagine-independent variants have been analyzed. The following results were obtained: (1) Both cell lines have very low levels of asparagine synthetase, and non-requiring revertants isolated from these lines have elevated levels of the enzyme. (2) No differences in chromosome number were detected between the parent Jensen line and five Jensen non-requiring revertants isolated from it. (3) Both Jensen and Walker cells undergo asparagineless death when deprived of this amino acid, although the Jensen cells do so at a more rapid rate. (4) Jensen requiring lines are at a selective advantage when grown in competition with non-requiring variants in complete medium, and their growth rate is more rapid when grown separately. The selective coefficients for the variant with respect to the asparagine-requiring parent ASN(-) line were 0.94 for the competition experiments and 0.83 for growth rate estimates. (5) A somatic cell hybrid between Chinese hamster cells (which require asparagine at low densities, and posses measurable synthetase activity) and the Walker line was found to be asparagine-independent, and it possessed enzyme levels equivalent to the hamster parent. The results of these investigations suggest a parallel with microbial auxotrophic mutants and can be understood in terms of alterations within nuclear structural genes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A model relating environmental variability and populationvariability is proposed and discussed. The model strongly emphasizesthe importance of the different consequences of erratic andregular environmental variability, which are discussed fromboth the theoretical and empirical viewpoints. Data on populationvariability for six species in three communities (temperateintertidal, subtropical intertidal, and oligotrophic lake benthic)are presented and discussed in the context of the model. Ingeneral, environmental variability and population variabilityare trongly correlated. The impact of erratic environmentalvariability is apparent in one community.  相似文献   

Cell cycle times are vital parameters in cancer research, and short cell cycle times are often related to poor survival of cancer patients. A method for experimental estimation of cell cycle times, or doubling times of cultured cancer cell populations, based on addition of paclitaxel (an inhibitor of cell division) has been proposed in literature. We use a mathematical model to investigate relationships between essential parameters of the cell division cycle following inhibition of cell division. The reduction in the number of cells engaged in DNA replication reaches a plateau as the concentration of paclitaxel is increased; this can be determined experimentally. From our model we have derived a plateau log reduction formula for proliferating cells and established that there are linear relationships between the plateau log reduction values and the reciprocal of doubling times (i.e. growth rates of the populations). We have therefore provided theoretical justification of an important experimental technique to determine cell doubling times. Furthermore, we have applied Monte Carlo experiments to justify the suggested linear relationships used to estimate doubling time from 5-day cell culture assays. We show that our results are applicable to cancer cell populations with cell loss present.  相似文献   

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