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Rainbow trout macrophages maintained in short term culture when incubated with either calcium ionophore, A23187, or opsonized zymosan synthesize a range of lipoxygenase products including lipoxins and leukotrienes. These cells are unusual in that they generate more lipoxin than leukotriene following such challenge. The main lipoxin synthesized was lipoxin (LX) A4. This compound was identified by cochromatography with authentic standard during reversephase high performance liquid chromatography, by ultra violet spectral analysis, radiolabeling following incorporation of [14C]arachidonic acid substrate into macrophage phospholipids, and gas chromatography electron impact mass spectrometry of the methyl ester, trimethylsilyl ether derivative. Other 4-series lipoxins synthesized by trout macrophages were identified as 11-trans-LXA4, 7-cis-11-trans-LXA4, and 6(S)-LXA4. These cells also produced 5-series lipoxins tentatively identified as LXA5, 11-trans-LXA5 and possibly 6(S)-LXA5. No LXB4 or LXB5 was, however, detected. The dynamics of leukotriene and lipoxin release were also determined. Lipoxin generation was slower than leukotriene generation the latter reaching a maximum after 30 min of exposure to ionophore (5 microM, 18 degrees C) compared with 45 min for the former.  相似文献   

Activation of rainbow trout macrophages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rainbow trout peritoneal macrophages were stimulated in vitro using Concanavalin A (Con A) and in vivo using formalin-killed Aeromonas salmonicida in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA). Whether these cells had been activated was determined by the measurements of oxygen anions (NBT reduction), H2O2 production (oxidation of phenol red), RNA synthesis (3H-uridine incorporation), acid phosphatase activity and bactericidal activity.
In vitro -stimulated macrophages showed an increased NBT reduction and 3H-uridine incorporation over a range of Con A concentrations, compared with untreated control macrophages, but no detectable increases in H2O2 production or bactericidal activity were observed. On the other hand, in vivo -stimulated peritoneal cells showed increases in all the assays compared with FIA-elicited control cells, and were considered to have been activated.  相似文献   

The metabolism of arachidonic acid by cholesterol-enriched resident mouse peritoneal macrophages was investigated. The amounts of monohydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (mono-HETE) produced by the cholesterol-rich macrophages were 2.5-fold greater when compared to control macrophages. The major lipoxygenase product, identified by high-performance liquid chromatography in both macrophages was 12-HETE. Since macrophages are important participants in the formation of atheromatous lesions, the increased metabolism of arachidonic acid to HETE products by cholesterol-rich macrophages could contribute to the initiation and progression of the atherosclerotic process.  相似文献   

Stimulation of whole blood from rainbow trout with the calcium ionophore, A23187 (20 microM), produced leukotrienes B4 and B5 at concentrations in the range 22-30 ng.ml-1 and 8-24 ng.ml-1, respectively. Their identification and quantification was achieved using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, combined capillary column gas chromatography-electron capture chemical ionization mass spectrometry and ultraviolet spectroscopy. A number of other lipoxygenase products were also detected, but only partially analysed. The fatty acid composition of the leucocytes, which are presumed to be the site of leukotriene synthesis, was determined by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography to enable a comparison of the relative levels of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, which act as substrates for the synthesis of these lipoxygenase products. Arachidonic (20:4(n - 6)), eicosapentaenoic (20:5(n - 3)) and docosahexaenoic (22:6(n - 3)) acids represented approx. 6, 5 and 40%, respectively, of the total fatty acid content.  相似文献   

The early interactions of a low and a highly virulent Flavobacterium psychrophilum strain with head kidney and spleen macrophages of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were characterized. The highly virulent strain was killed 5.8 to 11 times less frequently than the low virulent strain. The head kidney macrophages showed a microbicidal activity approximately twice as high as that of the spleen macrophages. A 2- to 3-fold higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was induced by the highly virulent strain than by the low virulent one. The head kidney macrophages produced approximately twice as much ROS as the spleen macrophages. The low virulent strain was killed approximately 10 times more frequently by H2O2 than was the highly virulent strain. In spleen macrophages, the highly virulent strain caused twice as much cytotoxic effects compared to the low virulent strain. In conclusion, virulence in F. psychrophilum appears to be correlated with higher O. mykiss macrophage cytotoxicity and resistance to ROS and, therefore, with enhanced resistance to bacterial killing. Moreover, due to lower ROS production, spleen macrophages have a lower antimicrobial action against F. psychrophilum, compared to head kidney macrophages and, thus, might form a 'safe site' in which bacteria can reside.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis is pathogenic for a variety of cultured marine fish species worldwide. The organism has been observed within host macrophages in natural disease outbreaks among coho salmon and European sea bass. In vitro studies, incorporating transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ferritin loading of lysosomes, have confirmed that P. salmonis is capable of surviving and replicating in rainbow trout macrophages. Certain features of this intracellular survival underline its difference to other intracellular pathogens and suggest that a novel combination of defence mechanisms may be involved. Escape into the macrophage cytoplasm is not used as a means to avoid phago-lysosomal fusion and the organism remains at least partly enclosed within a vacuole membrane. While the piscirickettsial vacuole is often incomplete, survival and replication appear to require occupation of a complete, tightly-apposed, vacuolar membrane which does not fuse with lysosomes. Unlike some mammalian rickettsiae, actin-based motility (ABM) is not used as a means of intercellular spread. It is postulated that the presence of numerous small vesicles within vacuoles, and at gaps in the vacuolar membrane, may result from the blebbing of the piscirickettsial outer membrane seen early in the infection.  相似文献   

The major histone cluster (hisDNA) was mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to mitotic chromosomes of Atlantic salmon, brown trout, and rainbow trout. The data reveal that in the three species hisDNA is tandemly repeated in a single locus. Southern blots of genomic DNA indicate that these clusters are representative of the vast majority of the histone genes in these species. Similar reiteration values were found among the three species. Genetic variability in the hisDNA was found only in brown trout for an EcoRI site.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a single major chromosomal region controlling natural killer (NK) cell-like activity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A genetic map based on 484 AFLP and 39 microsatellite genotypes from 106 doubled haploid fish was constructed. These fish were produced by androgenesis from a hybrid of two clonal lines divergent in NK-like activity. NK-like activities for 75 of the doubled haploids were quantified by an in vitro chromium release assay utilizing 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 target cells. Composite interval mapping revealed a single major quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with NK-like activity in this rainbow trout model. Genetic mapping revealed this QTL to also be unlinked to: fragmented MHC class I and MHC class II regions, the leukocyte receptor cluster, the natural killer cell enhancement factor (NKEF) gene, the RAG-1 gene, and two QTL associated with resistance to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in rainbow trout. Collectively, these results extend the utility of rainbow trout as an immunological model and are consistent with the idea that a single chromosomal region homologous to the natural killer cell complex (NKC) located on syntenic portions of mouse chromosome (Chr) 6, human Chr 12, and rat Chr 4 may exist in a lower vertebrate model.  相似文献   

1. Specific activity and kinetic constants of trypsin from the pyloric caeca of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were measured. 2. Although one group was fed more than twice as much as the other (1.8 compared to 0.7% body weight per day), there were no significant differences in the weight of the pyloric caeca, specific activity of trypsin, or kinetic constants (apparent Km or Vmax) between the two groups. 3. The caecum of trout contains enough trypsin to digest all of the protein in a typical meal in less than 5 hr.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR (mPCR) method was designed for the simultaneous detection of 4 major fish pathogens, Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Lactococcus garvieae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and P. putida. Each of the 4 pairs of oligonucleotide primers exclusively amplified the 16S rDNA gene of their targeted microorganism. The average detection limits for each organism amplified by mPCR were 2 colony-forming units (CFU) of F. psychrophilum, 3 CFU of L. garvieae, 3 CFU of P. aeruginosa, and 5 CFU of P. putida in mixed cultures. Multiplex PCR did not produce any nonspecific amplification products when tested against 28 related species of bacteria. High amounts of DNA from 1 bacterial species had a significant effect on the amplification sensitivity of the other bacterial species when these were present in lower concentrations in the multiplex reaction. The mPCR assay proved useful for the detection of the bacteria in naturally infected fish. The assay is a sensitive, specific, and reproducible diagnostic tool for the simultaneous detection of 4 pathogenic bacteria that cause disease in fish and offers a potentially useful alternative to the conventional culture-based method.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis is the etiologic agent of the salmonid rickettsial septicemia (SRS) which causes significant losses in salmon production in Chile and other and in other regions in the southern hemisphere. As the killing of phagocytes is an important pathogenic mechanism for other bacteria to establish infections in vertebrates, we investigated whether P. salmonis kills trout macrophages by apoptosis. Apoptosis in infected macrophages was demonstrated by techniques based on morphological changes and host cell DNA fragmentation. Transmission electron microcopy showed classic apoptotic characteristics and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick end labeling showed fragmented DNA. Programmed cell death type I was further confirmed by increased binding of annexin V to externalized phosphatidylserine in infected macrophages. Moreover, significant increases of caspase 3 activation were detected in infected cells and treatment with caspase inhibitor caused a decrease in levels of apoptosis. This is the first evidence that P. salmonis induces cell death in trout macrophages. This could lead to bacterial survival and evasion of the host immune response and play an important role in the establishment of infection in the host. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 468–476, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Thrombocytes from mature rainbow trout (Sahmo gairdneri) aggregated in vitro after addition of ADP, ATP, collagen, epinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine or thrombin to thrombocyte-rich plasma.
  • 2.2. Thrombocyte aggregation was dose dependent and could be inhibited by preincubating the thrombocyte-rich plasma with adenosine, acetylsalicylic acid or prostaglandin E1.
  • 3.3. Thrombocytes released ADP and ATP when aggregated by 10 μM epinephrine. This release was blocked by 1 mM adenosine.
  • 4.4. Electron microscopic observations of thrombocytes revealed them to contain numerous microtubules and electron-dense vesicles. In addition a possible shape change associated with thrombocyte aggregation was noted.

A pepsinogen from rainbow trout   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. A pepsinogen, Ia on the basis of its electrophoretic mobility, from rainbow trout stomach, has an optimum pH near 2 for activation. 2. The cognate pepsin is denatured at pH values above 7, in contrast to the zymogen, which is slightly more alkali-stable. It has an optimum pH of 3 for proteolysis of denatured hemoglobin. 3. The intrinsic reactivity of the zymogen and pepsin (rates of activation and of proteolysis, respectively) are quite high, but as they operate at the environmental temperature of the fish, are remarkably similar to rates of activation and proteolysis by mammalian pepsinogens and pepsins.  相似文献   

The contents of the stomachs of 38 rainbow trout stocked in Llyn Alaw, Anglesey, in August 1969 and caught between October 1969 and February 1970 were analysed. The fish were actively feeding on the bottom fauna throughout the winter and 21 of the stomachs were full or distended. The mean volume of the contents of the stomachs was 2–8 times greater than that of the contents of stomachs of similarly sized brown trout caught at the same time.  相似文献   

Production of androgenetic diploid rainbow trout   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Haploid androgenesis was induced in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) when eggs were irradiated with 60Co gamma radiation prior to fertilization. Diploidy was restored to the androgenetic haploid zygotes by suppression of first cleavage division using hydrostatic pressure. Peak survival in the androgenetic diploid lots (32.5-38.9 percent of control) occurred when a pressure shock of 9000 pounds per square inch lasting from one to three minutes was applied to the eggs 345 minutes post-fertilization. Chromosomal analysis confirmed diploidy in the androgenetic individuals and suggested that YY rainbow trout are viable to at least the "eyed stage" of development. Inheritance patterns at two loci confirmed all-paternal inheritance. The relatively high yields of completely homozygous androgenetic rainbow trout and the potential for the use of androgenesis in the production of inbred lines and in genetic studies indicate that androgenesis may become a valuable tool in fish research and breeding.  相似文献   

The pollution production rate as measured by the increase in the amounts of ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, urea, and faeces in an intensive fish farm is described and is related to the amount of food fed per day or the biomass weight. Pollution production varied with fish size. Main pollutants produced per kg food fed per day were ammonia 31–37 g; phosphate 5.2–5.9 g; nitrate 9–15 g and suspended solids 40–9O g. Expressed as g kg−1 fish produced per day ammonia ranged from 0.3–0.8 g; phosphate 0.067–0.17 g; nitrate 0.13–0.21 g and suspended solids 0.80–0.94 g. These rates differ from those reported in previous studies and these differences may be attributed to the design of the Shearwater farming system which involves self cleaning, intensively stocked tanks, a system which ultimately gives a more accurate assessment of pollution rates.  相似文献   

Rat peritoneal monocytes and macrophages when exposed to the ionophore A23187 release products of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism which cause the aggregation and chemokinesis of polymorphonuclear leucocytes suspensions. The major biologically active compound released was leukotriene B which accounted for greater than 80% of the activity. The remaining biological activity was due to the release of a more polar as yet unidentified compound. In addition rat macrophages release 5, 12 and 15-HETE but these mono-HETEs do not significantly contribute to the biological activity.  相似文献   

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