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Interleukin-9 (IL-9) activates three distinct STAT proteins: STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5. This process depends on one tyrosine of the IL-9 receptor, which is necessary for proliferation, gene induction, and inhibition of apoptosis induced by glucocorticoids. By introduction of point mutations in amino acids surrounding this tyrosine, we obtained receptors that activated either STAT5 alone or both STAT1 and STAT3, thus providing us with the possibility to study the respective roles of these factors in the biological activities of IL-9. Both mutant receptors were able to prevent apoptosis, but only the mutant that activated STAT1 and STAT3 was able to support induction of granzyme A and L-selectin. In line with these results, constitutively activated STAT5 blocked glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis. In Ba/F3 cells, significant proliferation and pim-1 induction were observed with both STAT-restricted mutants, though proliferation was lower than with the wild-type receptor. These results suggest that survival and cell growth are redundantly controlled by multiple STAT factors, whereas differentiation gene induction is more specifically correlated with individual STAT activation by IL-9.  相似文献   

Members of the recently discovered SOCS/CIS/SSI family have been proposed as regulators of cytokine signaling, and while targets and mechanisms have been suggested for some family members, the precise role of these proteins remains to be defined. To date no SOCS proteins have been specifically implicated in interleukin-2 (IL-2) signaling in T cells. Here we report SOCS-3 expression in response to IL-2 in both T-cell lines and human peripheral blood lymphocytes. SOCS-3 protein was detectable as early as 30 min following IL-2 stimulation, while CIS was seen only at low levels after 2 h. Unlike CIS, SOCS-3 was rapidly tyrosine phosphorylated in response to IL-2. Tyrosine phosphorylation of SOCS-3 was observed upon coexpression with Jak1 and Jak2 but only weakly with Jak3. In these experiments, SOCS-3 associated with Jak1 and inhibited Jak1 phosphorylation, and this inhibition was markedly enhanced by the presence of IL-2 receptor beta chain (IL-2Rbeta). Moreover, following IL-2 stimulation of T cells, SOCS-3 was able to interact with the IL-2 receptor complex, and in particular tyrosine phosphorylated Jak1 and IL-2Rbeta. Additionally, in lymphocytes expressing SOCS-3 but not CIS, IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT5b was markedly reduced, while there was only a weak effect on IL-3-mediated STAT5b tyrosine phosphorylation. Finally, proliferation induced by both IL-2- and IL-3 was significantly inhibited in the presence of SOCS-3. The findings suggest that when SOCS-3 is rapidly induced by IL-2 in T cells, it acts to inhibit IL-2 responses in a classical negative feedback loop.  相似文献   

The role of IL-7 in lymphoid development and T cell homeostasis has been extensively documented. However, the role of IL-7 in human B cell development remains unclear. We used a xenogeneic human cord blood stem cell/murine stromal cell culture to study the development of CD19+ B-lineage cells expressing the IL-7R. CD34+ cord blood stem cells were cultured on the MS-5 murine stromal cell line supplemented with human G-CSF and stem cell factor. Following an initial expansion of myeloid/monocytoid cells within the initial 2 wk, CD19+/pre-BCR- pro-B cells emerged, of which 25-50% expressed the IL-7R. FACS-purified CD19+/IL-7R+ cells were larger and, when replated on MS-5, underwent a dose-dependent proliferative response to exogenous human IL-7 (0.01-10.0 ng/ml). Furthermore, STAT5 phosphorylation was induced by the same concentrations of human IL-7. CD19+/IL-7R- cells were smaller and did not proliferate on MS-5 after stimulation with IL-7. In a search for cytokines that promote human B cell development in the cord blood stem cell/MS-5 culture, we made the unexpected finding that murine IL-7 plays a role. Murine IL-7 was detected in MS-5 supernatants by ELISA, recombinant murine IL-7 induced STAT5 phosphorylation in CD19+/IL-7R+ pro-B cells and human B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemias, and neutralizing anti-murine IL-7 inhibited development of CD19+ cells in the cord blood stem cell/MS-5 culture. Our results support a model wherein IL-7 transduces a replicative signal to normal human B-lineage cells that is complemented by additional stromal cell-derived signals essential for normal human B cell development.  相似文献   

IL-2 stimulation of T lymphocytes induces the tyrosine phosphorylation and adaptor function of the insulin receptor substrate/Grb2-associated binder (Gab) family member, Gab2. In addition, Gab2 undergoes a marked decrease in its mobility in SDS-PAGE, characteristic of migration shifts induced by serine/threonine phosphorylations in many proteins. This migration shift was strongly diminished by treating cells with the MEK inhibitor U0126, indicating a possible role for ERK in Gab2 phosphorylation. Indeed, ERK phosphorylated Gab2 on a consensus phosphorylation site at serine 623, a residue located between tyrosine 614 and tyrosine 643 that are responsible for Gab2/Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase (SHP)-2 interaction. We report that pretreatment of Kit 225 cells with U0126 increased Gab2/SHP-2 association and tyrosine phosphorylation of SHP-2 in response to IL-2, suggesting that ERK phosphorylation of serine 623 regulates the interaction between Gab2 and SHP-2, and consequently the activity of SHP-2. This hypothesis was confirmed by biochemical analysis of cells expressing Gab2 WT, Gab2 serine 623A or Gab2 tyrosine 614F, a mutant that cannot interact with SHP-2 in response to IL-2. Activation of the ERK pathway was indeed blocked by Gab2 tyrosine 614F and slightly increased by Gab2 serine 623A. In contrast, STAT5 activation was strongly enhanced by Gab2 tyrosine 614F, slightly reduced by Gab2 WT and strongly inhibited by Gab2 serine 623A. Analysis of the rate of proliferation of cells expressing these mutants of Gab2 demonstrated that tyrosine 614F mutation enhanced proliferation whereas serine 623A diminished it. These results demonstrate that ERK-mediated phosphorylation of Gab2 serine 623 is involved in fine tuning the proliferative response of T lymphocytes to IL-2.  相似文献   

Identification of signaling molecules that regulate cell migration is important for understanding fundamental processes in development and the origin of various pathological conditions. The migration of Nara Bladder Tumor II (NBT-II) cells was used to determine which signaling molecules are specifically involved in the collagen-mediated locomotion. We show here that paxillin is tyrosine phosphorylated after induction of motility on collagen. Overexpression of paxillin mutants in which tyrosine 31 and/or tyrosine 118 were replaced by phenylalanine effectively impaired cell motility. Moreover, stimulation of motility by collagen preferentially enhanced the association of paxillin with the SH2 domain of the adaptor protein CrkII. Mutations in both tyrosine 31 and 118 diminished the phosphotyrosine content of paxillin and prevented the formation of the paxillin-Crk complex, suggesting that this association is necessary for collagen-mediated NBT-II cell migration. Other responses to collagen, such as cell adhesion and spreading, were not affected by these mutations. Overexpression of wild-type paxillin or Crk could bypass the migration-deficient phenotype. Both the SH2 and the SH3 domains of CrkII are shown to play a critical role in this collagen-mediated migration. These results demonstrate the important role of the paxillin-Crk complex in the collagen-induced cell motility.  相似文献   

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