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Distinct semimetmyohemerythrin species are produced by one-electron oxidation of deoxymyohemerythrin and one-electron reduction of metmyohemerythrin. The former, (semimetmyo)o, changes (greater than or equal to 90%) to the latter, (semimetmyo)R, with k = 1.0 x 10(-2) s-1, delta H = 15.1 kcal mol-1 and delta S = -17 eu. Oxidation of (semimetmyo)o by Fe(CN)6(3)- rapidly produces an unstable metmyohemerythrin form which converts to the final metmyohemerythrin with k = 4.6 x 10(-3) s-1, delta H = 16.8 kcal mol-1, and delta S = -13 eu. The two met forms react at the same rate with N3-, but the unstable form reacts very rapidly with S2O4(2-) in contrast to stable metmyohemerythrin. (Semimetmyo)R or a mixture of metmyohemerythrin and deoxymyohemerythrin equilibrate very slowly to a mixture containing all three species. The rate constants for disproportionation and comproportionation are 0.89 M-1 s-1 and 9.4 M-1 s-1, respectively. EPR spectra near liquid He temperatures and optical absorption spectra have been used to characterize and measure the rates at 25 degrees C, pH 8.2, and I = 0.15 M. The comparative behavior of octameric and monomeric protein is discussed.  相似文献   

 Water proton T 1 –1 measurements at magnetic fields between 0.01 and 50 MHz [nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) measurements] have been performed on solutions of phthalate dioxygenase (PDO) reconstituted at the catalytic iron site with copper(II) or manganese(II). The data show evidence of a weakly coordinated water molecule in CuPDO; in the presence of the substrate, phthalate, this water appears to become even less tightly bound, and an additional tightly coordinated water can be detected. In PDO reconstituted with manganese, one tightly coordinated water is detected in the presence and in the absence of phthalate. An attempt is made to reconcile these data with low-temperature near-IR magnetic circular dichroism and X-ray absorption data, which show that PDO reconstituted with iron or cobalt is six-coordinate in the absence of substrate and five-coordinate in the presence of substrate. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

The use of standard 2D NMR experiments in combination with 1D NOE experiments allowed the assignment of 51 of the 58 spin systems of oxidised [3Fe-4S] ferredoxin isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas. The NMR solution structure was determined using data from 1D NOE and 2D NOESY spectra, as distance constraints, and information from the X-ray structure for the spin systems not detected by NMR in torsion angle dynamics calculations to produce a family of 15 low target function structures. The quality of the NMR family, as judged by the backbone r.m.s.d. values, was good (0.80?Å), with the majority of φ/ψ angles falling within the allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. A comparison with the X-ray structure indicated that the overall global fold is very similar in solution and in the solid state. The determination of the solution structure of ferredoxin II (FdII) in the oxidised state (FdIIox) opens the way for the determination of the solution structure of the redox intermediate state of FdII (FdIIint), for which no X-ray structure is available.  相似文献   

 The structure of the second major adduct formed by the antitumor drug cisplatin with DNA, the intrastand cis–Pt(NH3)2{d(ApG)N7N7} chelate (A*G*), has been investigated using a double-stranded nonanucleotide, d(CTCA*G*CCTC)-d(GAGGCTGAG), by means of NMR and molecular modeling. The NMR data allow us to conclude that the oligonucleotide is kinked at the platinated site towards the major groove in a way similar to that observed elsewhere for the G*G*-crosslink in d(GCCG*G*ATCGC)-d(GCGATCCGGC). The main difference concerns the position of the thymine T(15) complementary to the platinated adenine A*(4). It remains stacked on its 5′-neighbor C(14), corresponding to the "model E" described previously, whereas in the G*G*-adduct, the cytosine facing the 5′-G* was found to oscillate between the 5′-branch ("model E") and the 3′-branch ("model C") of the complementary strand. Two "E-type" models are presented which account for the particular NOE connectivity and for two remarkable upfield NMR signals: those of the H2′ proton of the cytidine C(3) 5′ to the A*G* chelate, and of the H3 imino proton of T(15), the base complementary to A*(4). The former shift is attributed to shielding by the destacked A*(4) base, whereas the latter is accounted for by a swinging movement of the T(15) base between two positions where the imino Watson-Crick hydrogen bond with A*(4) remains intact and the amino hydrogen bond is disrupted, or vice versa. Possible implications of the structural difference between the AG and GG adducts of cisplatin in the mutagenic properties of the two adducts are discussed. Received: 19 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 November 1996  相似文献   

We have investigated in the present study the effect of both non-selective and selective cationic 14-mer peptides on the lipid orientation of DMPC bilayers by 31P solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Depending on the position of substitution, these peptides adopt mainly either an α-helical structure able to permeabilize DMPC and DMPG vesicles (non-selective peptides) or an intermolecular β-sheet structure only able to permeabilize DMPG vesicles (selective peptides). Several systems have been investigated, namely bilayers mechanically oriented between glass plates as well as bicelles oriented with their normal perpendicular or parallel to the external magnetic field. The results have been compared with spectral simulations with the goal of elucidating the difference in the interaction of these two types of peptides with zwitterionic lipid bilayers. The results indicate that the perturbation induced by selective peptides is much greater than that induced by non-selective peptides in all the lipid systems investigated, and this perturbation has been associated to the aggregation of the selective β-sheet peptides in these systems. On the other hand, the oriented lipid spectra obtained in the presence of non-selective peptides suggest the presence of toroidal pores. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Interfacially Active Peptides and Proteins. Guest Editors: William C. Wimley and Kalina Hristova.  相似文献   

The heme environment and ligand binding properties of two relatively large membrane proteins containing multiple paramagnetic metal centers, cytochrome bo3 and bd quinol oxidases, have been studied by high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The oxidized bo3 enzyme displays well-resolved hyperfine-shifted 1H NMR resonance assignable to the low-spin heme b center. The observed spectral changes induced by addition of cyanide to the protein were attributed to the structural perturbations on the low-spin heme (heme b) center by cyanide ligation to the nearby high-spin heme (heme o) of the protein. The oxidized hd oxidase shows extremely broad signals in the spectral region where protons near high-spin heme centers resonate. Addition of cyanide to the oxidized bd enzyme induced no detectable perturbations on the observed hyperfine signals, indicating the insensitive nature of this heme center toward cyanide. The proton signals near the low-spin heme b558 center are only observed in the presence of 20% formamide, consistent with a critical role of viscosity in detecting NMR signals of large membrane proteins. The reduced bd protein also displays hyperfine-shifted 1H NMR signals, indicating that the high-spin heme centers (hemes b595 and d) remain high-spin upon chemical reduction. The results presented here demonstrate that structural changes of one metal center can significantly influence the structural properties of other nearby metal center(s) in large membrane paramagnetic metalloproteins.  相似文献   

 The different paramagnetic shifts of the four methyl groups in ferriheme proteins have been described as being due to the effect of the axial ligand nodal plane orientation. An equation, heuristically found and theoretically explained, describing the relation between contact and pseudocontact shifts and the position of the axial ligand(s) has been derived for bis-histidine ferriheme proteins and for cyanide-histidine ferriheme proteins. The values of the heuristic parameters contained in the equations were found by fitting the shifts of bovine cytochrome b 5 and several bis-histidine cytochromes c 3 and histidine-cyanide systems. The agreement between the observed and the calculated shifts was found to be good. Therefore, by taking advantage of this study, information on the position of the axial ligands, that can be used as a constraint for structure determination, can be obtained from the shifts of the methyl protons. Received: 13 April 1999 / Accepted: 4 June 1999  相似文献   

The fate of hydrogen atoms at C-2 of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) and C-1 of fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) was studied in the reaction catalysed by phosphoglucose isomerase from Thermococcus kodakarensis (TkPGI) through 1D and 2D NMR methods. When the reaction was performed in 2H2O the hydrogen atoms in the aforementioned positions were exchanged with deuterons indicating that the isomerization occurred by a cis-enediol intermediate involving C-1 pro-R hydrogen of F6P. These features are similar to those described for phosphoglucose isomerases from rabbit muscle and Pyrococcus furiosus.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed for defining a probability distribution on an ensemble of protein conformations from a 2D NOE spectrum, while at the same time back-calculating the experimental spectrum from the ensemble. This enables one to assess the relative quality and significance of the conformations, and to test the consistency of the ensemble as a whole with the experimental spectrum. The method eliminates the need to integrate the cross-peak intensities and is surprisingly insensitive to random noise in the spectrum. In this communication, these advantages are demonstrated by applying the method to simulated data, for which the correct result is already known.Abbreviations NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - BPTI basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor - rmsd root-mean-square deviation  相似文献   

 Proton magnetic resonance was used to characterize the dynamics of water in gelatin. Both sol and gel states were investigated. Transverse relaxation rates (R 2) were dependent on the proton frequency measurement. (R 2) measured with the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence was dependent on pulse spacing. These observations were interpreted in terms of chemical exchanges between water protons and those of the macromolecules in the sol state, whereas in the gel state the contribution of diffusion through microheterogeneities in the sample seems to provide an additional transverse relaxation mechanism. Received: 10 May 1999 / Revised version: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 25 January 2000  相似文献   

27Al and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies were used to investigate aluminum interactions at pH 3.4 with model membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC). A solution state 27Al NMR difference assay was developed to quantify aluminum binding to POPC multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). Corresponding one-dimensional (1D) fast magic angle spinning (MAS) 31P NMR spectra showed that aluminum induced the appearance of two new isotropic resonances for POPC shifted to -6.4 ppm and -9.6 ppm upfield relative to, and in slow exchange with, the control resonance at -0.6 ppm. Correlation of the (27)Al and (31)P NMR binding data revealed a 1:2 aluminum:phospholipid stoichiometry in the aluminum-bound complex at -9.6 ppm and a 1:1 aluminum:phospholipid stoichiometry in that at -6.4 ppm. Slow MAS 31P NMR spectra demonstrated shifts in the anisotropic chemical shift tensor components of the aluminum-bound POPC consistent with a close coordination of aluminum with phosphorus. A model of the aluminum-bis-phospholipid complex is proposed on the basis of these findings.  相似文献   

 A novel C 2-symmetric ring-fluorinated hemin, 13,17-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-2,8,12,18-tetramethyl-3,7-difluoroporphyrinatoiron(III), has been synthesized and was incorporated into sperm whale apomyoglobin to investigate protein-induced rhombic perturbations on the electronic structure of the active site of myoglobin (Mb) using 19F NMR spectroscopy. NMR signals for 19F atoms introduced as substituents on the present heme in ferrous low-spin and high-spin and ferric low-spin complexes have been observed and their shifts sharply reflect not only the electronic nature of the heme iron, but also in-plane asymmetry of the heme electronic structure. The two-fold symmetric electronic structure of the ring-fluorinated hemin is clearly manifested in the 19F and 1H NMR spectra of its dicyano complex. The chemical equivalence of the two fluorine atoms of the heme is removed in the active site of myoglobin and the splitting of the two 19F NMR signals provides a quantitative probe for characterizing the rhombic perturbation of the heme electronic structure induced by the heme-protein interaction. The in-plane asymmetry of heme electronic structures in carbonmonoxy and deoxy Mbs have been analyzed for the first time on the basis of the shift difference between the two 19F NMR signals of the heme and is interpreted in terms of iron-ligand binding and/or the orbital ground state of the heme. A potential utility of 19F NMR, combined with the use of a symmetric fluorinated hemin, in characterizing the heme electronic structure of myoglobin in a variety of iron oxidation, spin, and ligation states, is presented. Received: 23 December 1999 / Accepted: 3 April 2000  相似文献   

Natural maize starches having a range of amylose contents have been characterised by CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shifts, relative resonance intensities, line-widths and spectral shapes were compared at different moisture contents. At 10% moisture content, these parameters showed few significant differences across a range of apparent amylose levels from 0 to 84%. After hydration of the granules to ≈30% moisture, it was found that the amylose content significantly affected the relative signal intensities and line-widths especially of C-1 and C-4 resonances. Narrower line-widths after hydration were attributed to (i) an increased degree of crystallinity, and (ii) disappearance of the signals of amorphous material which, on becoming more mobile, became invisible to the CP/MAS experiment. The enhanced resolution at higher moisture levels revealed signals which were assigned to the amylose–lipid complex, i.e. V-type amylose. The amount of V-amylose detected by NMR increased with both amylose content and lipid content of the granule. Prolonged treatment of the granules with iodine vapour significantly increased the amount of V-type amylose in the high amylose samples, but caused a decrease in their degree of crystallinity. Waxy-maize starch was barely affected by iodination. The results provide evidence that amylose tends to disrupt the structural order within amylopectin crystallities. This effect is enhanced by the formation of the amylose–iodine complex, indicating that V-amylose could be a major crystallite-disrupting agent in native starch granules.  相似文献   

High-resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to analyze human cerebrospinal fluid obtained from patients with several neurological problems. The major metabolites measured included glucose, lactate, glutamine, citrate, inositol, acetate, creatine, creatinine, beta-hydroxybutyrate, alanine, and pyruvate. A drug vehicle, propylene glycol, was also measured. Alterations in the cerebrospinal fluid of these metabolites provided information concerning metabolism of the brain. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy offered a simple and rapid means of assessing these and other exogenous and endogenous compounds in diseases affecting the nervous system.  相似文献   

A method based upon targetting of intro-gressed markers in a Phomopsis-resistant line (R) of cultivated sunflower, issuing from a H. argophyllus cross was used to mark the Phomopsis resistance regions. Our study was based upon 203 families derived from a cross between an inbred line susceptible to Phomopsis (S1) and the introgressed resistant line (R). Families were checked for Phomopsis resistance level in a design with replicated plots and natural infection was re-inforced by pieces of contaminated stems. Thirty four primers were employed for RAPD analysis. Out of 102 polymorphic fragments between (S1) and H. argophyllus, seven were still present in (R) suggesting that they marked introgressions of H. argophyllus into (R). The plants were scored for the presence or absence of 19 fragments obtained from five primers, and the relationships between the presence/absence of fragments in plants and Phomopsis resistance/susceptiblity in the progenies was determined by using an analysis of variance. We found that at least two introgressed regions, as well as favourable factors from sunflower, contributed to the level of Phomopsis resistance in cultivated sunflower. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 July 1996  相似文献   

 The synthesis of cis-Pt(NH3)2(dCMP) is reported and by various physico-chemical methods it is demonstrated that it is a macrochelate in which Pt(II) is bound simultaneously to the N3 site of cytosine in dCMP2– and to a phosphate-oxygen atom. According to the NOESY spectra (cross-peaks between cytosine H6 and H2′ and H3′) the cytosine ring adopts an anti orientation. Highly unusual is the significant (1 ppm) downfield shift of the sugar proton H5″ in the 1H-NMR spectrum and the sensitivity of the cytosine H6 resonance on the protonation state of the phosphate group. Based on these three features a geometry for the macrochelate is proposed. The compound is a major product of the reaction of cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2]2+ with dCMP2– at neutral pH, but it even forms at pH 5. By applying pD-dependent NMR spectroscopy (1H, 31P) and potentiometric pH titration, it is demonstrated that the Pt-coordinated phosphate group can be protonated (pK a/1=3.21±0.10 and 3.31±0.05, respectively), and 1H- and 31P-NMR spectra also indicate deprotonation (pK a/2=13.35±0.25) of the exocyclic amino group of the cytosine moiety. The metal ion binding affinity of cis-Pt(NH3)2(dCMP) is very small, as shown for Cu2+ (log K<0.6). The cis-Pt(NH3)2(dCMP) complex reacts with nucleosides and nucleotides (L′) by losing its chelate structure and forming mixed ligand complexes, cis-Pt(NH3)2(dCMP)(L′); this means that the phosphate group is released from the coordination sphere of Pt(II), indicating that the Pt(II)-O(phosphate) bond is not very strong. Received: 23 October 1997 / Accepted: 17 February 1998  相似文献   

The ability of lysolipids to enter into a membrane bi-layer and disturb the membrane structure was used to study the behavior of K562 erythroleukemic cells, K562 wild type (K562wt) as well as the multidrug resistant cells K562adr. Both types of cells, when analyzed by proton NMR spectroscopy exhibit the high resolution signals assigned to so-called "mobile lipid" signals, which, in most cases, are located outside the lipid bi-layer as lipid droplets. In order to perform these studies, the K562wt and K562adr cells were treated for 48h with lysophosphatidylcholine oleoyl (LPC18), lysophosphatidylcholine palmitoyl (LPC16) and L-alpha-lysophosphatidyslerine (LPS). After evaluating toxicity of lysolipids, proton NMR of whole treated cells was used to analyze the mobile lipid content. Nile red staining and fluorescence microscopy were used to detect the presence of intracellular lipid droplets. Membrane lipid asymmetry perturbation was estimated by annexin V staining with use of flow cytometry. Using fluorescence spectroscopy the functioning of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) responsible for multidrug resistance was also evaluated after the treatment with lysolipids. Lysolipids were found to be more toxic for K562wt than for K562adr cells. LPS and LPC16 produced an increased of a mobile lipid NMR signal and amount of lipid droplets in K562wt cells only. LPC18, with the lowest toxicity, has shown more intense effects on NMR spectra with a large increase of lipid NMR signal without changes in lipid droplet staining. The functioning of the P-gp pump and membrane asymmetry were not modified by any of the lysolipids used.  相似文献   

A V Xavier  J J Moura 《Biochimie》1978,60(3):327-338
The sulphate-reducing bacteria have a complex electron transfer system which leads to the reduction of sulphate by oxidation of either organic substrates or molecular hydrogen. These bacteria can either produce or consume molecular hydrogen. The central part of this electron pathway for Desulovibrio gigas is constituted by hydrogenase (3 X (4Fe-4S)). cytochrome c3 (4 haems with different redox potentials) and a one (4Fe-4S) cluster ferredoxin. This ferredoxin is isolated in different oligomeric forms, which stabilize different oxidation states and have different physiological roles; the trimer FdI being involved in the production of H2 and the tetramer FdII being more efficient for the consumption of H2. The presence of intrinsic probes (the iron ions) in these proteins is particularly helpful for structural studies using NMR spectroscopy. These studies allowed a characterization of the oxidation states used by the different oligomers of the ferredoxin and obtaintion of structural information on multi-haem cytochromes (c3 and c7). NMR is also suitable to study protein-protein interaction. The study of the complex formed between FdII and cytochrome c3 has shown that there is an alteration of the kinetics of electron transfer upon complexation.  相似文献   

The influence of a cellular size distribution on NMR diffusion measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the magnetic resonance community, the usefulness of diffusion-weighted imaging is undisputed. However, the correct interpretation of multicomponent diffusion is not widely agreed upon, and progress in this direction is impeded by several confounding experimental results. It is thus of great importance to resolve possible interfering factors. The objective of the present study is to examine the influence of a cellular size distribution. Using the Kärger equations, numerical calculations show that even substantial cellular size variations induce only small changes in the estimated compartmental diffusion constants and volume fractions.  相似文献   

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