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A microtechnique for determining the superoxide dismutase activity in erythrocytes is described. This technique involves the inhibition of luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence of superoxide anion generated by xanthine-xanthine oxidase. Measurements required a steady-state chemiluminescence whether superoxide dismutase was present or absent; the level of luminescence was correlated to enzyme activity. Superoxide dismutase activity measured by this technique was 836 +/- 112 micrograms/g of hemoglobin for whole blood and 834 +/- 109 micrograms/g of hemoglobin for erythrocytes. When the reference technique was applied to larger amounts of blood, the results were 862 +/- 58 and 858 +/- 116 micrograms/g of hemoglobin for whole blood and washed erythrocytes, respectively. The enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase from fetal blood (obtained by venipuncture in utero and of 19-26 weeks gestational age) was similar to that of adult blood, when measured by the new technique.  相似文献   

Copper-specific damage in human erythrocytes exposed to oxidative stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ascorbate and complexes of Cu(II) and Fe(III) are capable of generating significant levels of oxygen free radicals. Exposure of erythrocytes to such oxidative stress leads to increased levels of methemoglobin and extensive changes in cell morphology. Cu(II) per mole is much more effective than Fe(III). However, isolated hemoglobin is oxidized more rapidly and completely by Fe(III)- than by Cu(II)-complexes. Both Fe(III) and Cu(II) are capable of inhibiting a number of the key enzymes of erythrocyte metabolism. The mechanism for the enhanced activity of Cu(II) has not been previously established. Using intact erythrocytes and hemolysates we demonstrate that Cu(II)-, but not Fe(III)-complexes in the presence of ascorbate block NADH-methemoglobin reductase. Complexes of Cu(II) alone are not inhibitory. The relative inability of Fe(III)-complexes and ascorbate to cause methemoglobin accumulation is not owing to Fe(III) association with the membrane, or its failure to enter the erythrocytes. The toxicity of Cu(II) and ascorbate appears to be a result of site-specific oxidative damage of erythrocyte NADH-methemoglobin reductase and the enzyme's subsequent inability to reduce the oxidized hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Summary Osmotic swelling of human and rat erythrocytes does not induce regulatory volume decrease. Regulatory volume increase was observed in shrunken erythrocytes of rats only. This reaction was blocked by the inhibitors of Na+/H+ exchange. Cytoplasmic acidification in erythrocytes of both species increases the amiloride-inhibited component of22Na influx by five- to eight-fold. Both the osmotic and isosmotic shrinkage of rat erythrocytes results in the 10- to 30-fold increase of amiloride-inhibited22Na influx and a two-fold increase of furosemide-inhibited86Rb influx. We failed to indicate any significant changes of these ion transport systems in shrunken human erythrocytes. The shrinking of quin 2-loaded human and rat erythrocytes results in the two- to threefold increase of the rate of45Ca influx, which is completely blocked by amiloride. The dependence of volume-induced22Na influx in rat erythrocytes and45Ca influx in human erythrocytes on amiloride concentration does not differ. The rate of45Ca influx in resealed ghosts was reduced by one order of magnitude when intravesicular potassium and sodium were replaced by choline. It is assumed that the erythrocyte shrinkage increases the rate of a nonselective Ca o 2+ (Na i + , K i + ) exchange. Erythrocyte shrinking does not induce significant phosphorylation of membrane protein but increases the32P incorporation in diphosphoinositides. The effect of shrinkage on the32P labeling of phosphoinositides is diminished after addition of amiloride. It is assumed that volume-induced phosphoinositide response plays an essential role in the mechanism of the activation of transmembrane ion movements.  相似文献   

Different chemical treatments for mouse erythrocyte modification has been used. Oxidation treatments with Ascorbate/Fe(3+), a system able to react with intracellular proteins, produced a displacement of the O(2) binding equilibrium curve to a higher affinity behaviour with loss of the haemoglobin cooperativity for oxygen binding. Incubation of mouse erythrocytes with diamide showed that at low reagent concentration (0.8 mM) no modification on oxygen binding equilibrium curves was observed. At higher reagent concentration (2.0 mM), an increased affinity and a disappearance of the cooperative behaviour can be observed. Additionally, crosslinking reactions on mouse erythrocytes with band 3 crosslinkers seemed to affect oxygen binding properties when used at a crosslinker concentration of 5 mM. Oxyhaemoglobin levels in crosslinked and diamide-treated erythrocytes are similar to those found in control cells. In contrast, ascorbate/Fe(3+) treatments produced an increment in the proportion of methaemoglobin, decreasing the oxyhaemoglobin levels in these oxidized erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Thiamin transport in human erythrocytes and resealed pink ghosts was evaluated by incubating both preparations at 37 or 20°C in the presence of [3H]-thiamin of high specific activity. The rate of uptake was consistently higher in erythrocytes than in ghosts. In both preparations, the time course of uptake was independent from the presence of Na+ and did not reach equilibrium after 60 min incubation. At concentrations below 0.5 m and at 37°C, thiamin was taken up predominantly by a saturable mechanism in both erythrocytes and ghosts. Apparent kinetic constants were: for erythrocytes,K m =0.12, 0.11 and 0.10 m andJ max=0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 pmol·l–1 intracellular water after 3, 15, and 30 min incubation times, respectively; for ghosts,K m =0.16 and 0.51 m andJ max=0.01 and 0.04 pmol·l–1 intracellular water after 15 and 30 min incubation times, respectively. At 20°C, the saturable component disappeared in both preparations. Erythrocyte thiamin transport was not influenced by the presence ofd-glucose or metabolic inhibitors. In both preparations, thiamin transport was inhibited competitively by unlabeled thiamin, pyrithiamin, amprolium and, to a lesser extent, oxythiamin, the inhibiting effect being always more marked in erythrocytes than in ghosts. Only approximately 20% of the thiamin taken up by erythrocytes was protein-(probably membrane-) bound. A similar proportion was esterified to thiamin pyrophosphate. Separate experiments using valinomycin and SCN showed that the transport of thiamin, which is a cation at pH 7.4, is unaffected by changes in membrane potential in both preparations.  相似文献   

应用杂交瘤技术 ,混合人O型红细胞免疫纯系BALB/C小鼠 ,包被的红细胞作为固相抗原 ,ELISA法筛选出识别红细胞表面共同抗原的抗体 ,然后利用Coombs原理 ,加入抗球蛋白试剂。用玻片法筛选出非凝集型抗体 ,得到 2株稳定分泌上述抗体的杂交瘤并进行初步鉴定 ,单抗上清血凝效价可达 1∶5 0~ 1∶10 0 ,腹水血凝效价为 1∶8× 10 4 ~ 1∶16× 10 4 。另外 ,本文特别讨论了凝集型单抗的Fab段作为非凝集型抗体应用的可能性。  相似文献   

Direct bioluminescent ATP determination in platelets and erythrocytes involves the study of different parameters which are discussed here. Some parameters are linked to the bioluminescent reaction and to the analyte (ATP); others have regard to the biological matrix. The composition of bioluminescent reagents and the preparation and conservation of the ATP standard, also in the presence of excipients, are among the first given. Matrix problems involve cell characteristics related to age and form, lysis resistance and the possible formation of aggregates (platelets) that may inhibit the complete release of ATP. For these reasons we used the most efficient ATP release agent with the lowest inhibitory effect on luciferase. The data obtained correlate well with a bioluminescent method requiring extraction with ethanol/EDTA, and therefore more time, for ATP determination in platelets and erythrocytes.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to analyze the electrophoretic mobility data of human erythrocytes in media of different pH values and ionic strengths through cell surface models in which the surface charge layer consists of several ion-penetrable sublayers with a uniform charge distribution in each sublayer. As a result, the three-sublayer model was found to explain the mobility data much better than the two-sublayer model in a wide range of ionic strength at all pH values studied.  相似文献   

Purification of protein methylase II from human erythrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein methylase II (S-adenosylmethionine:protein-carboxyl O-methyltransferase, EC. which methyl esterifies free carboxyl groups of protein substrate using S-adenosyl-L-methionine as the methyl donor, has been purified from human erythrocytes approximately 13000-fold with a yield of 12%. The purified enzyme was over 95% pure as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A bulk of hemoglobin present in the erythrocyte lysate, which severely limited the use of affinity chromatography for purification, was effectively removed by ammonium sulfate precipitation and by the subsequent salt washing of the precipitates followed by molecular sieve chromatography on Sephadex G-75. This preparation can be further purified by affinity chromatography, in which S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine is covalently linked to Sepharose-4B, followed by Sephadex G-75 chromatography to yield an enzyme with an activity of 27000 pmol methyl group transferred/mg/min at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The -anomer of glucose relative to the -anomer was more rapidly metabolized into lactate by rat erythrocytes at 37° C (/ ratio = ca. 1.3): the amounts of - and -D-glucose metabolized into lactate during 3 min were 0.21 and 0.27 mol/gHb, respectively. Also, the transport of -D-glucose into erythrocytes was more rapid than that of -D-glucose: the amounts of - and -D-glucose transported into erythrocytes during 3 min were approximately 3.5 and 5.0 mol/gHb, respectively. Glucose phosphorylation by rat erythrocyte hexokinase (i.e., a possible rate-limiting step in glycolysis) occurred at higher velocities with the -anomer than with the a-anomer (/ ratio = 1.28). The Km value of hexokinase for either anomer of glucose was 53 M. The glucose concentrations in erythrocytes incubated with - and -D-glucose reached about 1 mM in 1 min, indicating that hexokinase is almost completely saturated with glucose within less than 1 min. The results suggest that glucose phosphorylation and glucose transport are major and minor determinants, respectively, for the anomeric preference of glucose utilization in rat erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The phosphate self-exchange flux in resealed erythrocyte ghosts and in amphotericin B (5.5 m) permeabilized erythrocytes has been studied. The phosphate self-exchange flux exhibits an S-shaped concentration dependence and a self-inhibition in permeabilized red cells while in erythrocyte ghosts no self-inhibition of the phosphate flux has been observed. The apparent halfsaturation constants and the apparent Hill coefficients were assessed by the double reciprocal Hill plots of versus 1/[P] n . The phosphate half-saturation constants amount to approx. 125mm in ghosts and to about 75mm in permeabilized cells while the apparent Hill coefficients amount to 1.15 and to 1.65 (pH 7.2, 25°C), respectively. Both chloride and sulfate elicit a mixed-type inhibition of the phosphate self-exchange flux. In permeabilized cells, chloride and sulfate shift the flux optimum towards higher phosphate concentrations and reduce the apparent Hill coefficients. In erythrocyte ghosts, the apparent Hill coefficients are insensitive to these anions. The double reciprocal Hill plots indicate a mixed-type inhibition of the phosphate self-exchange flux by DNDS, salicylate and dipyridamole and a noncompetitive inhibition of the phosphate self-exchange flux by phlorhizin. By contrast, the Hill-Dixon plots for chloride and sulfate indicate a competitive inhibition of the phosphate self-exchange flux in erythrocyte ghosts and a mixed-type inhibition in permeabilized cells and provide Hill coefficients of greater than unity for chloride and sulfate. The Dixon plots for DNDS, salicylate, phlorhizin and dipyridamole show a noncompetitive inhibition of the phosphate flux and provide apparent Hill coefficients of 0.95–1.0 for inhibitor binding. Using the Debye-Hückel theory, the effects of ionic strength upon phosphate transport and inhibitor binding can be eliminated. The results of our studies provide strong evidence for the assumption that electrostatic forces are involved in phosphate transport and in inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

The recognition that copper is essential but also potentially toxic to humans has prompted the search for biomarkers of copper excess. The experimental approach followed here involves the isolation and subsequent characterization of copper-binding molecules (CuBP) from human erythrocytes. Incubation (0–60 min) of freshly obtained erythrocytes in the presence of increasing concentrations of copper (10–50 M; as 64Cu-histidine) led to time- and concentration-dependent uptake of the radioisotope. A near-maximal incorporation was attained after 20 min, with 45–55% of the radioactivity being recovered in 20,000×g hemolysate supernatants (S-20). 64CuBP from S-20 were separated by size exclusion and metal-affinity chromatography. Most radioactivity loaded into a Sephadex G-75 column was recovered in association with molecules of MMr greater than 60 KDa (largely accounted for by hemoglobin; Hb). Only negligible amounts of radioactive Cu were associated with metallothionein. With further purification, the higher MMr 64Cu-binding fractions were resolved by Sephadex G-200 into two major peaks. The cpm/g protein ratios of the first peak (high MMr) were proportional to the concentrations of copper presented to the erythrocytes. The second one contained mostly Hb molecules. Proteins from the first peak were concentrated in an affinity chromatography mini-column, suited to trap CuBP. The higher-affinity CuBP were eluted as a single peak which comprised around 60% of the load. An SDS-PAGE analysis of such peak reveals the presence of three bands, of which two are non-hemoglobin Cu-binding proteins. The latter, whose identity remains to be established, had MMr of approximately 30 and 40 KDa, respectively. Preliminary data indicate that the two bands bind 64Cu within a range of concentrations, relevant to those expected to occur during copper over-exposure conditions.  相似文献   

In experiments on Wistar male rats, changes are studied of erythrocyte hematological, biochemical (activities of transport ATPases), and rheological properties (capability for aggregation and deformability) 7 days after bloodletting of 12–15% of the total blood mass. It has been shown that alongside with an elevation of erythrocyte volume and of the number of immature cells—reticulocytes, there was a statistically significant increase of Na,K-ATPase and Ca-ATPase activities in the whole erythrocytes and in their membrane preparations—ghosts, the increment of activity in the case of Na,K-ATPase being essentially higher in the whole cells. This indicates the appearance of an enzyme activator inside the erythrocytes. There are also revealed a decrease of firmness of erythrocyte aggregates, a deceleration of spontaneous aggregation, and an increase of index of erythrocyte deformability. The conclusion is made that changes of erythrocyte rheological properties are interconnected with changes of the Na,K-ATPase activity and are aimed at optimization of blood circulation in large vessels and capillary network.  相似文献   

Ethanol extracts of 12 marine unicellular algae were assayed for agglutinating activity against native and enzyme-treated human and animal erythrocytes. All of the algae assayed agglutinated at least one group of normal erythrocytes from humans. Notably, all algal extracts agglutinated erythrocytes of hemophilia patients arising from coagulation disorders. Meanwhile, all algae had a strong reaction with monkey erythrocytes, but to a lesser extent or not at all with sheep erythrocytes. Both trypsin and pronase improved the detection of most algal agglutinins and caused a drastic increase in hemagglutinating activity after treatment for 2 h or more. However, hemagglutinating activity decreased or disappeared completely when two extracts of different algal species were combined. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 262–266. Received 24 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 06 January 2000  相似文献   

Radioactive chromium accumulated in human erythrocytes exists in two forms: one bound to macromolecules, e.g., hemoglobin, and one in a low molecular weight form. Both forms are released from cells either spontaneously or as a result of toxic induction.  相似文献   

Effects of acute and chronic cold stress on glutathione and related enzymes in rat erythrocytes were investigated. Blood from both cold-acclimated (CA) and cold-adapted (CG) rats had significantly lower concentrations of glutathione than blood from control animals. Superoxide dismutase activity was increased significantly in CA rats and tended to rise in CG rats. Activity of glutathione peroxidase in erythrocytes was inconsistent in that it tended to increase in CA rats but decreased significantly in CG rats. The results may imply that CG rats suffered deleterious effects of hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, there were marked decreases in glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities in acutely cold-exposed rats in conjunction with unchanged levels of glutathione. In all treatments the state of riboflavin metabolism was estimated to be adequate, since no increases were observed in the erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity coefficient.  相似文献   

Tissue pieces from the caput epididymidis of the rat were incubated in vitro with (35S) methionine to produce radioactive secretory proteins. The radioactive secretory proteins so formed were tested for their ability to bind to washed rat spermatozoa collected from the rete testis and cauda epididymidis, and to rat erythrocytes. The sperm and erythrocytes bound approximately 5% of the total radioactive protein. Binding was protein-specific in that only selected proteins became associated with the cells. Binding was not cell-specific, however, since testicular spermatozoa, caudal spermatozoa, and erythrocytes all bound the same proteins to a similar degree.  相似文献   

Analysis of the nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase specific activity of red cells obtained from a random Caucasian population indicated at least two subclasses. The specific activity of 18% of the population ranged from undetectable activity to 27.5 nmol ITP cleaved/20 min/mg hemoglobin. The remainder of the population had higher activity, 27.5–125 nmoles ITP cleaved/20 min/mg hemoglobin. The variation of NTPH activity evident in the red cells of an individual is reflected in granulocytes, lymphocytes, and platelets of that individual. Erythrocyte activity ranges from 0.7 to 21 units (nmol of ITP cleaved in 20 min)/107 cells, granulocytes have 17–201 units/107 cells, lymphocytes have 91–462 units/107 cells, and platelets have 1.1–7.1 units/107 platelets. These cell differences are discussed with respect to the hypothesis that NTPH prevents incorporation of ITP or dITP into nucleic acids.This work was supported by funds allocated by the Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal No. 8727.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(7-8):454-461

Previous studies have shown that certain saturated lipids protect red blood cells (RBCs) during hypothermic storage but provide little protection during freezing or freeze-drying, whereas various unsaturated lipids destabilize RBCs during hypothermic storage but protect during freezing and freeze-drying. The protective effect of liposomes has been attributed to membrane modifications. We have previously shown that cholesterol exchange and lipid transfer between liposomes composed of saturated lipids and RBCs critically depends on the length of the lipid acyl chains. In this study the effect of unsaturated lipids with differences in their number of unsaturated bonds (18:0/18:1, 18:1/18:1, 18:2/18:2) on RBC membrane properties has been studied. RBCs were incubated in the presence of liposomes and both the liposomal and RBC fraction were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) after incubation. The liposomes caused an increase in RBC membrane conformational disorder at suprazero temperatures. The fluidizing effect of the liposomes on the RBC membranes, however, was found to be similar for the different lipids irrespective of their unsaturation level. The gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of the liposomes increased after incubation with RBCs. RBC membrane fluidity increased linearly during the first 8 hours of incubation in the presence of liposomes. The increase in RBC membrane fluidity was found to be temperature dependent and displayed Arrhenius behaviour between 20 and 40°C, with an activation energy of 88 kJ mol-1. Taken together, liposomes composed of unsaturated lipids increase RBC membrane conformational disorder, which could explain their cryoprotective action.  相似文献   

The oxidative action of 1 mmol l(-1) phenylhydrazine hydrochloride (PH) was studied on human erythrocytes treated with the antioxidants vitamin C (vit. C) and vitamin E (vit. E). The erythrocytes were resuspended in PBS to obtain 35% cell packed volume, and then submitted to the oxidative action of PH for 20 min, with or without previous incubation for 60 min with vit. C or vit. E. Heinz bodies and methemoglobin formation by PH were inhibited in the presence of vit. C. At the concentration of 90 mmol l(-1), vit. C, not only seemed to lose its antioxidant effect, but it also promoted an increase in methemoglobin formation. Vit. C (0.5-80 mmol l(-1)) did not protect against GSH depletion by PH. Vit. C alone produced insignificant hemolysis, but, in the presence of PH, the hemolysis indices were more accentuated. Heinz body formation by PH was inhibited in the presence of vit. E. Formation of methemoglobin induced by PH was decreased by vit. E (0.1-2 mmol l(-1)), although vit. E (3-80 mmol l(-1)) did not lower the concentration of methemoglobin and did not lead to the recovery of the GSH depleted by PH. The results obtained suggest that vit. C and vit. E contribute to the decrease in oxidative stress caused by PH.  相似文献   

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