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Immunohistochemical methods were applied to the ultrastructural localization of the amyloid P component in the EHS tumor matrix. First, the preembedding approach was used by exposing frozen sections of tumor to antiserum against the mouse amyloid P component followed by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase sequence. Second, using the postembedding approach, Lowicryl K4M sections of the tumor were exposed to antiserum against the amyloid P component and subjected to the protein A-gold procedure. In both cases, the immunostaining was restricted to structures which appeared in longitudinal section as fairly straight rods and in cross section as 7- to 10-nm pentagonal or roughly circular profiles outlining a lumen with a central dot. Since these features are characteristic of basotubules, it is concluded that the basotubules of the tumor matrix possess the antigenicity of the amyloid P component and presumably contain this substance itself. Similar experiments carried out on the thick basement membrane known as Reichert's membrane demonstrated that its basotubules also possessed amyloid P-component antigenicity. It is likely, therefore, that the amyloid P component is a constituent of basotubules.  相似文献   

Structure of the mouse serum amyloid P component gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A genomic DNA clone corresponding to the mouse serum amyloid P component (SAP) has been isolated and characterized for the first time. The numbers of exons, the relative sites of intron/exon junctions, and the size of the coding region for mature SAP protein are all in complete agreement with those of the human SAP gene. In the 5'-flanking region of the mouse SAP gene, there is a small DNA segment (43-base pairs) which is highly homologous with the corresponding region of the human SAP gene. However, most parts of the 5'-flanking regions are not conserved between the mouse and human SAP genes, and several phorbol ester-responsive element-like sequences are present only in the mouse SAP gene.  相似文献   

Purified serum amyloid P component (SAP), the major acute-phase reactant of mice, induces enhanced interleukin 1 (IL-1) production by elicited monocytes/macrophages in vitro. SAP also enhanced IL-1 elaboration by macrophages from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-low responder mice and in the presence of polymyxin B, indicating that the small amounts of LPS present in the SAP preparation did not augment IL-1 production. Concentrations of SAP of 0.1 to 10.0 micrograms/ml enhanced IL-1 production by elicited and bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)-activated peritoneal macrophages, but not by resident peritoneal macrophages. The inflammation-induced monocyte/macrophage population displayed selective binding of SAP. The mouse macrophage line P388D1, also could bind SAP and display enhanced IL-1 production in response to SAP. SAP did not bind to the macrophage cell line RAW264.7 nor did it enhance IL-1 secretion by this line. The results suggest that this acute-phase reactant has the potential to enhance inflammatory and immunological events mediated by IL-1.  相似文献   

Isolation and analysis of murine serum amyloid P component cDNA clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In contrast to other animals, the biosynthesis of serum amyloid P component in mice is regulated as an acute-phase protein. As a first step in studying the regulation and biosynthesis of serum amyloid P component in the mouse, cDNA clones have been isolated from a liver cDNA library and sequenced. The largest of these clones was 960 bp in length, and contained an open reading frame encoding a protein of 224 amino acids. Comparison of the mouse cDNA sequence to that published for humans (Mantzouranis, E. C., S. B. Dowton, A. S. Whitehead, M. D. Edge, G. A. P. Bruns, and H. R. Colten, 1985. J. Biol. Chem. 260:7752.) revealed 74% identity for nucleotides in the translated region. Northern-blot analysis demonstrated that murine serum amyloid P component synthesis in the liver is directed by a 1.2-kb mRNA that is elevated in high responder (C57BL/6J) mice after thioglycollate-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans were prepared from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm mouse tumor. Enzymatic analysis demonstrated heparan sulfate (95.8%) and chondroitinase ABC-sensitive galactosaminoglycans (4.2%). HPLC analysis of the disaccharide units showed that heparan sulfate chains were undersulfated on average, comprising approximately 30% nonsulfated and 60% N-sulfated disaccharide units with small proportions of other monosulfated and disulfated disaccharide units. In contrast, galactosaminoglycan chains were oversulfated, containing an appreciable proportion (15%) of a 4,6-disulfated (so-called E-type) disaccharide unit in addition to 51% of a 4-sulfated, 22% of a 6-sulfated, and 11% of a nonsulfated disaccharide unit. The significance of the oversulfated disaccharide structure is discussed in relation to the possible regulation of functions of hybrid proteoglycans from which the galactosaminoglycan chains are derived.  相似文献   

Acute-phase response of mRNAs for serum amyloid P component (SAP), C-reactive protein (CRP) and prealbumin was examined in C57BL/6 mouse liver by hybridization to specific cDNA probes. Although the level of SAP mRNAs in the unstimulated mouse was about one-tenth of that of CRP mRNAs, it increased up to 60-fold during the first 20 hr, and returned gradually to the original level at 69 hr after the administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide. On the other hand, the level of CRP mRNA rapidly increased up to 6-fold during the first 4 hr, and reverted to the original level as early as at 20 hr. In contrast, the level of mRNA for prealbumin decreased to about 0.5-fold during the first 20 hr, recovered and increased up to 1.6-fold of the original level during 32 to 69 hr.  相似文献   

The basement-membrane-like matrix of the mouse EHS tumor: I. Ultrastructure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fine structure of the extracellular matrix was examined in the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor of the mouse. The matrix is composed of layers parallel to the surface of the associated cells; the layers are poorly defined close to the cells (proximal region) but quite distinct at a distance from the cells (distal region). In the proximal region of the matrix, the indistinct layers are composed of three types of structures: 1) a network of 3- to 8-nm-thick "cords" makes up the bulk of the tissue. 2) Within the network are scattered few 7- to 10-nm-wide, hollow rods of indefinite length, referred to as "basotubules"; their cross section has a dense, more-or-less-circular or -pentagonal wall and a light lumen containing a spherule. In addition, many pale profiles similar to these cross sections are present; they are interpreted as small, independent structures. 3) Minute structures composed of two parallel, 3.5-nm rodlets are referred to as "double pegs." In the distal region of the matrix, the distinct layers include the same three types of structures, but basotubules are numerous and prominent; in each layer, they are arranged in picket-fence fashion along two parallel planes. Cords are packed between them. Double pegs are scattered throughout the clear interlayer spaces. Inasmuch as cord network, basotubules, and double pegs are present in the two regions of the tumor matrix, both regions resemble basement membrane. To explain the contrast between the paucity of basotubules in the proximal region and their abundance in the distal region, it is proposed that, as the production of newer matrix by the cells causes the older matrix to be displaced distally, the independent structures seen as pale profiles in the proximal region gradually assemble into basotubules.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid P component (SAP) has been purified from human serum by means of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). It was selectively concentrated on carboxymethylated aspartic acid agarose (CM-Asp-agarose) loaded with calcium and, employing very mild conditions, purified to electrophoretical and immunological homogeneity in a single step amounting to about 1900-fold purification. As a purification method our procedure thus compares well with bio-specific affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

The capacity of immunoadjuvants to enhance serum amyloid P component (SAP) levels and to modulate the humoral immune response to sheep red blood cells in a number of different mouse strains was investigated. Although the synthetic adjuvants dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide, dextran sulphate and bacterial-derived lipopolysaccharide did not enhance SAP levels in some of the mouse strains tested, these strains responded normally to the immunomodulating effects of the adjuvants. We conclude that increased SAP levels and modulation of immune responses are induced via at least partially different pathways. For these reasons, it is impossible to screen drugs for potential adjuvant activity by only measuring SAP levels in mice.  相似文献   

Calumenin interacts with serum amyloid P component   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Vorum H  Jacobsen C  Honoré B 《FEBS letters》2000,465(2-3):129-134
We recently reported the identification of human calumenin, a novel Ca(2+) binding, transformation-sensitive and secreted protein [Vorum et al. (1998) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1386, 121-131; Vorum et al. (1999) Exp. Cell Res. 248, 473-481] belonging to the family of multiple EF-hand proteins of the secretory pathway that include reticulocalbin, ERC-55, Cab45 and crocalbin. In order to further investigate the extracellular functions of calumenin we immobilized the recombinant protein to a column. After application of a placental tissue extract we were able to elute one protein that interacts with calumenin in the presence of Ca(2+). Amino acid sequencing identified this protein as serum amyloid P component (SAP). Furthermore, we verified and characterized the calumenin-SAP interaction by the surface plasmon resonance technique. The findings indicate that calumenin may participate in the immunological defense system and could be involved in the pathological process of amyloidosis that leads to formation of amyloid deposits seen in different types of tissues.  相似文献   

Complementary and genomic DNA clones corresponding to the human serum amyloid P component (SAP) mRNA have been isolated and analyzed. The nucleotide sequences of the cDNA and the corresponding regions of the genomic SAP DNA reported here were identical, and revealed that after coding for a signal peptide of 19 amino acids and the first two amino acids of the mature SAP protein, there is one small intron of 115-base pairs (bp), followed by a nucleotide sequence coding for the remaining 202 amino acid residues. The SAP gene has an ATATAAA sequence 29-bp upstream from the cap site, but there is no CAAT box-like sequence. A possible polyadenylation signal sequence, ATTAAA, was found to be located 28-bp upstream from the polyadenylation site. A comparison of the genomic SAP DNA sequence with that of human C-reactive protein (CRP) revealed a striking overall homology which was not uniform: several highly conserved regions were bounded by non-homologous regions. This comparison provides further support for the hypothesis that SAP and CRP are products of a gene duplication event.  相似文献   

Amyloid P component is a glycoprotein found in association with connective tissues throughout the body and is also a component of human serum. We have identified a dodecapeptide from amyloid P component which is capable of supporting the attachment of a wide variety of cells to the surface of polystyrene plastic dishes. 83% of the activity is confined to a hexapeptide, FTLCFR. Saturation of cell attachment occurs at a peptide concentration of 100 micrograms/ml used to coat the plastic. These results indicate that the active peptide may represent a functional property of amyloid P component which heretofore has no function.  相似文献   

Two major serum components from the dogfish, Mustelus canis, have been isolated using affinity chromatography. Both proteins bind to an AH-Sepharose 4B-phosphorylcholine affinity matrix in the presence of Ca2+ and are eluted from the column by EDTA. Upon readdition of Ca2+ to the eluted proteins, the two proteins can be separated by passage through a column of Sepharose CL-4B. The first protein, C-reactive protein, passes through the Sepharose CL-4B column in the presence of Ca2+ whereas the second protein, serum amyloid P component, remains bound. The serum amyloid P component is then eluted from the Sepharose CL-4B in pure form by EDTA. The dogfish C-reactive protein isolated by the phosphorylcholine affinity matrix precipitates with pneumococcal C-polysaccharide and with a synthetic derivative of bovine serum albumin to which phosphorylcholine is covalently attached. The precipitation is inhibited by either EDTA or by phosphorylcholine. Dogfish C-reactive protein has a molecular weight of approximately 250,000 with dimeric subunits of Mr = 50,000. Upon addition of beta-mercaptoethanol these dimeric subunits dissociate to two identical monomeric subunits of Mr = 25,000. The protein cross-reacts immunologically with goat antisera prepared against rabbit C-reactive protein. The dogfish serum amyloid P component has a molecular weight of at least 250,000 with monomeric subunits of Mr = 25,000. Cross-reactivity of the amyloid P component with the C-reactive protein could not be shown. However, NH2-terminal sequence analysis of the first 20 amino acids showed some homology. The relationship of dogfish C-reactive protein to the C-reactive proteins in Limulus polyphemus and in rabbits and humans is discussed.  相似文献   

Coker AR  Purvis A  Baker D  Pepys MB  Wood SP 《FEBS letters》2000,473(2):199-202
The selective binding of serum amyloid P component (SAP) to proteins in the pathological amyloid cross-beta fold suggests a possible chaperone role. Here we show that human SAP enhances the refolding yield of denatured lactate dehydrogenase and protects against enzyme inactivation during agitation of dilute solutions. These effects are independent of calcium ions and are not inhibited by compounds that block the amyloid recognition site on the B face of SAP, implicating the A face and/or the edges of the SAP pentamer. We discuss the possibility that the chaperone property of SAP, or its failure, may contribute to the pathogenesis of amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive enzyme immunoassays have been developed for the quantification of the mouse acute-phase SAP and C3 proteins. The ELISA systems were validated using sera from mice injected with S. dysenteriae endotoxin, and detected 500 pg protein/ml. The assays use 96-well microtitre plates permitting rapid processing of a large number of samples.  相似文献   

Hepatic mRNA levels of the mouse major acute phase proteins serum amyloid P component (SAP) and serum amyloid A component (SAA) were monitored at timed intervals after i.p. injection of thioglycollate or s.c. injection of azocasein. Both mRNA increased dramatically in response to either inflammatory stimulus. The increase in SAA mRNA levels accompanied an abrupt change in mRNA size from 650 to 750 bases. Peak SAA mRNA concentrations were observed 18 h after either stimulus; by 72 h concentrations had returned to preinflammatory levels. Peak SAP mRNA concentrations were observed 8 h after thioglycollate and 12 to 18 h after azocasein injection; by 36 h concentrations were close to preinflammatory levels. All mRNA species studied (SAP, SAA and the complement components C3, C5 and factor B) were induced more rapidly by the thioglycollate stimulus and reached higher peak concentrations. SAP mRNA levels were correlated with other parameters of inflammation: infiltration of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) into the peritoneum after thioglycollate injection, and serum concentrations of SAP after azocasein injection. Serum SAP concentrations rose 20-fold in response to the latter stimulus by 36 h, i.e., 18 to 24 h after the peak SAP mRNA levels. The highest numbers of PEC were present 24 h after the thioglycollate stimulus, i.e. 16 h after the maximum SAP mRNA concentration, indicating the continuation of an active local inflammation many hours after one aspect of the systemic response has ceased.  相似文献   

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