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Serum samples (n = 204) from 124 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northeastern Minnesota (USA) were collected from 1984 through 1989 and tested for antibodies to six serovars of Leptospira interrogans (bratislava, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohemorrhagiae, and pomona) using a microtiter agglutination test. Eighty-eight (43%) sera were positive at greater than or equal to 1:100 for antibodies against serovars pomona and/or bratislava; none was positive for any of the other four serovars. None of the 31 sera collected in 1984-85 was positive, whereas all 54 sera collected from 1986 through 1988 had titers of greater than or equal to 1:100. During 1989, only 34 (29%) of 119 sera had titers of greater than or equal to 1:100. Based on these results, we believe there to be wide variability in exposure of Minnesota deer to Leptospira interrogans.  相似文献   

Sarcocysts were found by light microscopic examination of muscle in 199 (51%) of 390 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from the southeastern United States. Sarcocystis infections were detected more frequently in histologic sections of tongue (45%) than of heart (9%). Sarcocysts were significantly more prevalent in adult deer (54%) than fawns (26%) (P less than .01). Statistically significant differences in prevalence were not found in deer from different physiographic provinces or between sexes. Artificial digestion was more sensitive in detecting Sarcocystis infections than examination of histologic sections when both techniques were used to examine tongues of 35 deer. Three different size sporocysts, possibly representing at least two species of Sarcocystis, were recovered during feeding trials. Seven dogs (Canis familiaris) shed sporocysts 9 to 12 days after eating infected venison. Sporocysts measured 13.4-16.8 x 9.0-12.3 micrometers with an average measurement of 15.2 x 10.9 micrometers (N = 195). One of three cats (Felis catus) and one of two red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) first shed sporocysts of Sarcocystis 10 days after eating infected venison. Sporocysts from the cat measured 11.2-13.4 x 6.72-8.96 micrometers (avg 12.0 x 8.7 micrometers, N = 18), and those from the fox measured 11.2-15.7 x 9.0-11.2 micrometers (avg 13.6 x 10.2 micrometers, N = 7).  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of intrinsic (e.g., age, birth mass, and sex) and habitat factors on survival of neonate white-tailed deer improves understanding of population ecology. During 2002–2004, we captured and radiocollared 78 neonates in eastern South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota, of which 16 died before 1 September. Predation accounted for 80% of mortality; the remaining 20% was attributed to starvation. Canids (coyotes [Canis latrans], domestic dogs) accounted for 100% of predation on neonates. We used known fate analysis in Program MARK to estimate survival rates and investigate the influence of intrinsic and habitat variables on survival. We developed 2 a priori model sets, including intrinsic variables (model set 1) and habitat variables (model set 2; forested cover, wetlands, grasslands, and croplands). For model set 1, model {Sage-interval} had the lowest AICc (Akaike's information criterion for small sample size) value, indicating that age at mortality (3-stage age-interval: 0–2 weeks, 2–8 weeks, and >8 weeks) best explained survival. Model set 2 indicated that habitat variables did not further influence survival in the study area; β-estimates and 95% confidence intervals for habitat variables in competing models encompassed zero; thus, we excluded these models from consideration. Overall survival rate using model {Sage-interval} was 0.87 (95% CI = 0.83–0.91); 61% of mortalities occurred at 0–2 weeks of age, 26% at 2–8 weeks of age, and 13% at >8 weeks of age. Our results indicate that variables influencing survival may be area specific. Region-specific data are needed to determine influences of intrinsic and habitat variables on neonate survival before wildlife managers can determine which habitat management activities influence neonate populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Nineteen white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from 5 counties in Alabama were examined for infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Twenty-gram samples of heart tissue were bioassayed in mice, serum was examined for T. gondii antibodies using the direct agglutination test, and sections of heart muscle were examined histologically for tissue cysts. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated from 4 of 19 (21%) white-tailed deer hearts. Antibody titers of greater than or equal to 1:50 were found in sera from 7 of 16 (44%) white-tailed deer. Histological examinations of tissue sections from white-tailed deer hearts were negative for T. gondii.  相似文献   

Blood samples were obtained from 138 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) harvested at three sites surrounding the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, metropolitan area (USA) and tested for neutralizing antibody to Cache Valley virus and three California serogroup (Jamestown Canyon, La Crosse, trivittatus) viruses (Bunyaviridae). Deer at each site had neutralizing antibody to one or more California serogroup viruses and/or Cache Valley virus. The majority of adult deer (85%) had antibody to both a California serogroup virus and Cache Valley virus. Antibody prevalence varied significantly with age of the deer. Fawns had a significantly lower prevalence of antibody to either a California serogroup (17%) or Cache Valley virus (39%) than did older (greater than 1-yr-old) deer (89% for a California serogroup virus and 91% for Cache Valley virus). The geometric mean titers of antibody in fawns to California serogroup (1:6) and Cache Valley viruses (1:17) were also less than that seen in older animals (1:11 and 1:28 for California serogroup and Cache Valley viruses, respectively). Of 76 older deer with antibody to the California serogroup, 91% had antibody specific for Jamestown Canyon virus. Jamestown Canyon is the primary California serogroup virus circulating in the suburban/rural Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Transmission occurs in an enzootic pattern similar to that documented in Indiana and Michigan. Cache Valley virus also appears to be enzootically transmitted in this area. However, the impact on domestic or wild animal populations is unknown.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of antibodies against brucellosis, leptospirosis, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northeastern Mexico. Deer (n=521) were captured from helicopter using a netgun on 15 ranches covering 62,114 ha in the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas during spring 2004. The prevalence of antibodies against Leptospira, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, BVDV, and brucellosis were 5.6, 41.1, 63.5, and 0%, respectively, indicating that white-tailed deer and cattle may share disease agents when cohabiting in northeastern Mexico.  相似文献   

The prevalence and distribution of "brainworm" (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) were examined in northern New York (USA) from 1986 to 1989. Sixty nine (46%) of 151 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) heads examined, contained adult P. tenuis. The proportion of infected individuals was not significantly different between males and females. Prevalence was significantly greater in the adult age class as compared to the juvenile age class (P less than 0.01). Deer pellet samples were examined for prevalence of P. tenuis-like larvae. Pellet samples in New York had an overall prevalence of 60%. The effects of precipitation and host density on prevalence of P. tenuis in deer was not significant.  相似文献   

Prevalence of renal urolithiasis in a large, captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herd was examined over a two-year period of time. In 1973, 1.3% of 225 deer examined had calculi in the renal pelvis and 4.4% had kidney lesions, either independent or in combination with the calculi. In 1974, prevalence increased and 5.9% of 354 deer had calculi and 6.5% had kidney lesions. Calculi and lesions affected all sex and age-classes. Involvement was both unilateral and bilateral with 23.8% having stones in both kidneys and 30.4% having lesions in both kidneys. Lesions and calculi occurred together in 42.8% of cases. Etiology is unknown, but possible relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Sporocysts containing four sporozoites and measuring (avg.) 15.2 micrometers X 10.7 micrometers (N = 195) were shed in the feces of dogs (Canis familiaris) 8 to 16 days (avg. 11.6 days) after the first feeding of venison infected with Sarcocystis sp. Sporocysts containing four sporozoites and measuring (avg.) 11.5 micrometers X 8.1 micrometers (N = 35) were shed by a cat (Felis catus) 14 days after ingesting Sarcocystis-infected venison. Statistical (pooled t-test) comparison of the mean measurements of the sporocysts passed by the dog and cat demonstrated a significant difference (P less than .01). The raccoon (Procyon lotor) and opossum (Didelphis virginiana) could not be infected with Sarcocystis from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). The name, Sarcocystis odocoileocanis, is proposed for the species transmitted from white-tailed deer to dogs. Sarcocystis odocoileocanis is differentiated from S. hemionilatrantis Hudkins and Kistner, 1977 of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), S. ovicanis Heydorn, Gestrich, Mehlhorn and Rommel, 1975 of sheep (Ovis aries) and S. cruzi Hasselmann, 1926 (=S. bovicanis Heydorn, Gestrich, Mehlhorn and Rommel, 1975) of cattle (Bos taurus) because S. odocoileocanis has (1) low infectivity for calves and sheep and (2) apparent insignificant pathogenicity for its intermediate host.  相似文献   

Seroepidemiology of leptospirosis in Minnesota wolves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serum samples (n = 457) from wolves (Canis lupus) in northern Minnesota were collected from 1972 through 1986 and were tested for antibodies against Leptospira interrogans using a microtiter agglutination test. Twelve serovars included in the study were: australis, autumnalis, ballum, bataviae, bratislava, canicola, copenhageni, grippotyphosa, hardjo, pomona, pyrogenes, and tarassovi. Fifty-two (11%) sera had antibody titers of greater than or equal to 1:50 against one or more serovars of L. interrogans. The seroprevalence of different serovars in decreasing order was: grippotyphosa, bratislava, autumnalis, canicola, pomona, ballum, pyrogenes, hardjo, and copenhageni. No antibodies were found against australis, bataviae, and tarassovi. These results indicate that L. interrogans infection may occur in wolves of Minnesota.  相似文献   

The prevalence of the Ixodes dammini spirochete (IDS) in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) was studied on the eastern end of Long Island, New York. Both species commonly occur in a variety of habitats, are preferred hosts of Ixodes dammini, and can harbor the spirochetes in the blood. Each animal was examined for spirochetemia, tick infestation, and IDS infection rates in the ticks that were removed from it. The results obtained suggest that in winter deer can be infected by questing adult I. dammini. Adult ticks apparently are infected through transtadial transmission of spirochetes from subadult ticks which had fed earlier in their life history on infected animals. Deer are important hosts of adult ticks and the IDS in winter and probably are a reservoir host in other seasons. The patterns of spirochete prevalence suggest that deer and mice are reservoirs of the organism and thus are fundamental to the ecology of Lyme disease on Long Island.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis sp. from the muscle of naturally infected white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) was examined by transmission electron microscopy. The primary cyst wall forms regularly spaced protrusions filled with electron-lucent ground substance; no fibrils are present in the protrusions. The cysts are divided by septa into compartments containing typical coccidian metrocytes and merozoites. Taxonomy of the protozoon from the white-tailed deer-dog is discussed.  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were successfully infected with Haemonchus contortus of sheep origin. Individual deer in each of three groups were inoculated with 0, 25,000, and 100,000 larvae respectively. Severity of infection was related to dose and signs of infection were most obvious in the heavily inoculated animals. Infected deer were weak, emaciated, and anemic, similar to the clinical response in sheep. Hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and total serum protein values for both infected groups were significantly lower than for the controls. Inhibition of larval growth was noted in both infected groups, but was most pronounced in the group which received 100,000 larvae. Inhibition of egg production was also noted in this group. The potential importance of H. cortortus in deer populations was discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of white-tailed deer fawns with Salmonella meleagridis was accomplished. The fawns suffered clinical illness, similar to spontaneous cases observed in the field. This disease may be an important factor in fawn survival in wild herds based on the frequency with which Salmonellae could be isolated in wild fawns. The clinical disease was acute, characterized by rapid depression and dehydration. Death ensued in three of eight experimental cases. The survivors suffered clinical illness.  相似文献   

To determine exposure to a variety of infectious diseases potentially important for native ungulates, livestock, and humans, serum samples from 114 (94 adults, 20 fawns) female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were collected during January 2000-03 from multiple locations in southeast (SE) and southwest (SW) Minnesota. Antibody prevalence was determined for the following pathogens: Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Leptospira interrogans (six serovars), Anaplasma marginale, Borrelia burgdorferi, Brucella abortus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) types 1 and 2. Samples collected in 2001 were screened for antibodies against Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and whole blood was submitted for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for A. phagocytophilum and B. burgdorferi. In addition, serum selenium concentrations were evaluated for samples collected during 2001-03. Antibody prevalence and selenium concentration were compared by age-class and geographic region. Antibodies to all of the infectious agents except A. marginale and B. abortus were detected; when detected, antibody prevalence was highest in adults. Deer collected from SE Minnesota had a higher antibody prevalence to B. burgdorferi than SW deer. Blood culture and PCR results for A. phagocytophilum and B. burgdorferi were negative. Antibodies against BVDV (combined types 1 and 2) were more prevalent (chi(2) = 3.617, P< or = 0.029) in deer collected in SW (41%) than in SE (25%) Minnesota. No statistically significant differences in serum selenium concentrations were detected when data were analyzed by age-class or by geographic location.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis caused high mortality among white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Beulah Island, Desha County, Arkansas. Sixty-seven carcasses were located and the total loss was estimated between 200 and 300 deer. Range conditions indicated that the deer herd had greatly exceeded carrying capacity. Lesions in deer were similar to those ascribed to anthrax in domestic cattle, sheep, and goats.  相似文献   

Parelaphostrongylus tenuis was found in 79 (62.2%) of 127 white-tailed deer heads (Odocoileus virginianus) collected in New Hampshire. Prevalence of infection was higher in fawns and male deer, but older female deer (5.0 + years) had a higher intensity of infection (3.1) than any other age or sex class. Male deer in forest cover type 2 (northern hardwoods-hemlock-white pine) had a significantly greater prevalence of infection than the females in the same habitat (P less than .05). Adult females had a higher prevalence of infection (67.0%) than female fawns (20%) in forest cover type 1 (spruce-fir-northern hardwoods). In the craniums examined, P. tenuis was found most frequently in the tentorium cerebelli (23.6%) while the falx cerebri, the most prevalent site of infection in fawns, was a significantly less frequent site of infection in older deer (P less than .02). Male deer of age class 3.5 years had a significantly higher rate of infection in the dura mater-olfactory lobe than any other age or sex group (P less than .02). The cavernous sinus was the most frequent site of parasitism in male fawns (25.0%) and was the second most common location in all deer (13.4%).  相似文献   

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