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Population density and daily rate of growth in relation to waterchemistry in the prosobranch gastropods Bithynia graeca andViviparus contectus were studied in the artificial Lake Kerkiniand in the marshes of Strymonas River upstream of its entryto Lake Kerkini (Serres Macedonia, N. Greece) respectively.PO4-Pconcentration proved to be the most significant hydro-logicalparameter for the density and the rate of daily growth in B.graeca. The water variable which proved to be significant forthe density of V. contectus was dissolved oxygen.B. graeca iscapable of true tissue-degrowth (40% loss of tissue dry mass)with low mortality rate during winter. (Received 24 March 1994; accepted 9 January 1995)  相似文献   

The life cycle of Xerolenta obvia (Menke, 1828) was studiedin two areas, Paleokastro (Chalkidiki), an inland mountainousarea, and Nea Karvali (Kavala), a coastal area in northern Greece.At Paleokastro snails hatch in autumn, become adult the followingJuly, but do not lay eggs until October, after which they die.Clutch sizes are small, but eggs and hatchlings are large comparedwith those at Nea Karvali. Growth is fast in spring, and continuesuntil the end of July. The young hatchlings have dark shell-bands,but by July a quarter of snails appear unbanded. At Nea Karvali,eggs are also laid in October, and young snails emerge fromhibernation in March. Here, however, they do not mature untilApril of the following year. They thus have a 2-year life cycle,with adults dying in their second autumn. Clutches are aboutthree times the size of those at Paleokastro, but eggs and hatchlingsare significantly smaller. A little growth occurs in winter,but the rate of growth is generally much slower than at Paleokastro.Only 1–2% of this population has banded shells; the bandsare less obvious and they become invisible in some individualsas they mature. At both sites population density fluctuatedduring the two study years, but it was always higher at NeaKarvali. These results are discussed in relation to the differingclimates of the sites, and comparisons made with studies onrelated species in the region. (Received 23 July 2004; accepted 30 December 2004)  相似文献   

Postingestive response to dietary imbalance of amino acids wasstudied in two species of terrestrial pulmonate gastropods Cepaeanemoralis and Achatina fulica using agar-based chemical diets.Both species showed preference responses to an experimentaldiet complete in all nutrients, and aversive responses to experimentaldiets containing excesses of methionine (in concentrations 1-10%dry wt of diet). Aversion to methionine was stronger in Achatinathan in Cepaea. One day's experience on a particular diet didnot significantly affect an animal's subsequent feeding responseon the same or different diets. What appeared to be more importantin influencing food choice in both species was day-to-day contactwith a given diet. (Received 7 March 1988; accepted 4 May 1988)  相似文献   

The life cycle, population dynamics, growth and secondary productionof the pulmonate land snail Bradybaena fruticum were studiedin northern Greece. The demographic analysis of the populationsof B. fruticum revealed that a) two cohorts exist in the fieldthroughout the year b) the reproductive period started in thebeginning of summer and c) growth was increased during springand autumn. According to von Bertallanffy' method B. fruticum needs 5 yearsto attain its maximum size in the field of 25.40 mm. Mortalityrate increases and life expectancy decreases with increasingage. Net reproductive rate (Ro) was equal to 3. 15 and per capitarate of increase (rc) was equal to 1. Annual secondary production, calculated by Hynes' size frequencymethod, revealed a mean annual density of 5.9 individuals/m2,a mean standing crop (B) of 8.09 g/m2/year and an annual production(P) of 1.92 ± 0.11g/m2/year. Annual turnover ratio (P/B)was equal to 2.37. (Received 25 May 1989; accepted 17 March 1989)  相似文献   

The life cycle, population dynamics, growth and secondary productionof the land snail C. vindobonensis were studied in northernGreece. Demographic analysis of the populations of C. vindobonensisrevealed that a) three cohorts were present in the field throughoutthe year, b) the reproductive period started in late April-Mayand the newly hatched snails appeared in the beginning of June,and c) increased growth rates were observed during spring andearly summer, but also during autumn for the newly hatched snails. According to von Bertalanffy's method C. vindobonensis needs7 years to attain its maximum size measured in the field. Mortalityrate is very high during the first year of life, while lifeexpectancy is higher during the second year of life and decreasesafterwards. Net reproductive rate (Ro) was equal to 3.1 andthe finite capacity for increase (antilogerc) was equal to 1. Estimated annual secondary production with Hynes' frequencymethod revealed a mean standing crop (B) of 0.99 g/m2/year anda production (P) of 1.3 ± 0.11 g/m2/year. Annual turnoverratio (P/B) was equal to 1.31. (Received 7 April 1997; accepted 2 October 1997)  相似文献   

Henry A.  Hespenheide 《Ibis》1971,113(1):59-72
Analysis of published records of the food of flycatchers (Tyrannidae), swallows (Hirundinidae) and vireos (Vireonidae) of North America, and terns (Laridae) of the Pacific Ocean showed that size, rather than taxonomic, differences in food appear to be the most important ones for these birds. Although the distribution of insect sizes in nature approaches a two-parameter log-normal distribution, the distributions of the sizes of food items taken by birds show no significant differences from log-normal. Birds of a given feeding type (e.g. flycatchers) show a strong correlation of average prey size with bird body weight, and a significantly less strong correlation with bill characteristics, indicating that body size is a better predictor of prey size than any single bill character. The slopes and/or intercepts of regressions of food size against body weight are different for birds of different foraging type. Values of overlap in food preference are proportional to the similarity of the two species compared, expressed as the ratio of their weights. Because insect taxa differ in size and because the amount of overlap in taxonomic composition of foods is therefore very roughly proportional to the amount of overlap in size, taxonomic differences in food may merely reflect differences in size preferences. Values for overlap in food are greater than for most cases involving spatial niche parameters, indicating space is more easily divided than food, a conclusion supported by the relative rarity of large flycatchers.  相似文献   

李鸿昌  王征  陈永林 《生态学报》1987,7(4):331-338
为了进一步明确蝗虫类群在草原生态系统内的功能作用,在内蒙古锡林河流域典型草原益和乌拉山地区,依蝗虫发生季节的次序,先后研究了3种优势蝗虫(毛足棒角蝗、宽须蚁蝗、亚州小车蝗)成虫群体在自然变温条件下取食羊草的食物消耗量和利用能力问题。 本文首先提出了群体饲育时,蝗虫个体平均寿命的计算式: (?)=sum from n=i-1 to (?) i·N_i/N_t 式中,i=个体寿命的天数;N_i=寿命为i的个体数,N_t=蝗虫实验种群的个体总数。 据上式计算得出3种蝗虫个体平均寿命,毛足棒角蝗:雄性为38.2±2.8天、雌性为31.4±2.2天;宽须蚁蝗:雄性为40.9±2.3天、雌性为30.2±1.6天、亚洲小车蝗:雄性为52.6±0.7天、雌性为40.6±2.3天。 3种蝗虫在其成虫历期内,平均个体累积食量玩 (干重,克)为:毛足棒角蝗的雄性为0.607±0.059、雌性为0.643±0.084;宽须蚁蝗的雄性为0.303±0.022、雌性为0.340±0.037;亚洲小车蝗的雄性为1.414±0.180、雌性为2.933±0.186。在不同蝗种间,其平均个体累积食量的差异显著(P<0.01)。 3种蝗虫的雌性个体的近似消化力(A.D.)均显著高于同种的雌性个体(p<0.01);季节发生早的蝗种之近似消化力相对高于较晚期发生的种类(毛足棒角蝗>宽须蚁蚁蝗>亚洲小车蝗)。对摄入食物的转换效率(E.C.I.,E.C.D.),则同种内的雌性个体均显著高于雄性(p<0.01);不同蝗种间,以个体最小、在中期发生的宽须蚁蝗对摄入食物的转换效率为最高。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic characteristics of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme , after complete recovery by rewetting, was investigated to see whether it could use bicarbonate as the external inorganic carbon source when submerged. The photosynthesis–pH relationship and high pH compensation point suggested that the terrestrial alga could use bicarbonate to photosynthesize when submerged. The photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates were significantly inhibited in Na + -free and Na + + Li + media but were not affected by the absence of Cl , implying that the bicarbonate uptake was associated with Na + / HCO3 symport rather than Cl /HCO3 exchange system.  相似文献   

重新研究了甘肃玉门含大山口动物群的地层,讨论了北祁连区二叠和三叠系划分,指出西大沟组存在误用,建议将上三叠统的西大沟组更名,将中二叠统产大山口动物群的西大沟组更名为青头山组,并将青头山剖面指定为青头山组命名剖面.  相似文献   

Food consumption and growth variations related to several dosagesof heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Hg and Pb) in diet were studied inthe terrestrial slug Arion ater for 27 days of experimentaltreatment. The work reported here is part of a larger project to investigatethe histological effects of metal exposure in pulmonate gastropods. Graphics on food consumption and growth vs. time for each metal,and regression for each behaviour observed are presented. (Received 30 May 1985;  相似文献   

The study determined the 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) status of Filipino adults and how it relates to their body mass indices (BMI) and food preferences. Self-reported food preference checklists were administered to 100 male and female adults aged 18–60, classified according to BMI. Increasing concentrations of PROP and NaCl solutions were rated in labeled magnitude scale to establish the PROP taster status of the selected respondents. The Filipino adult respondents were composed of 12% nontasters, 45% medium tasters and 43% supertasters. No association ( P >  0.05) between BMI and PROP taster status was found. Sweet-tasting foods were the most preferred and bitter-tasting foods were the least preferred within each taster status. Furthermore, medium tasters and supertasters had the highest acceptance for meats, fish and poultry, and least acceptance for beverages, which were mostly bitter. Decreased preferences for fats and oils, sugars and confectionery, and beverages were correlated ( P <  0.05) with responsiveness to PROP.


The research provides a general baseline data of the PROP taster status of Filipino adults. The findings from this study can be used as a reference and can be compared to similar studies conducted in other countries. Likewise, the information from the study can add to the scarce data for taste genetics specifically for the Asian population. The relationship of PROP taster status with body mass index and food preferences can be a guide in the design of products and dietary plans. Likewise, the study would be a means to understand why people vary in liking for particular food items and how these can be reflected in their food consumption and nutritional status.  相似文献   

西藏北部安多地区中侏罗统(巴通阶-卡洛夫阶)菊石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近从藏北安多地区中侏罗统发现较丰富的菊石类化石,巴通期的菊石有OxyceritesoppeliElmi,Ho moeoplanulitescf. homoeomorphus(Buckman),H. cf. acuticosta(Roemer), Choffatiacf. vicentiMangold, Siemiradzkiacf. matisconensis(Lissajous), Proceritessp., Neuquenicerascf. yokoyamaiKobayashiandFukada和Indosphinctessp.。卡洛夫期的菊石有Oxyceritescf. subcotarius(Oppel), Macrocephalites? sp., Homoeoplanulitescf. furculus(Neumayr),Indospinctes(Elatmites) cf. reveliMangold和Reineckeitessp.。其中Indosphinctes,Indospinctes(Elatmites),Neu queniceras,Siemiradzkia和Procerites等属(或亚属)在西藏北部地区为首次报道。安多地区中—晚巴通期和早卡洛夫期菊石动物群凸现较强的地方性色彩; 晚巴通期ORBIS菊石带和早卡洛夫期KOENIGI菊石带是藏北地区菊石动物群扩散的重要时期。  相似文献   

王世贵  廉振民 《昆虫学报》1998,41(2):218-222
祁连山山地草原四种蝗虫成虫期的食物消耗量及其利用的初步研究王世贵(杭州师范学院生物系杭州310036)廉振民(陕西师范大学动物研究所西安710062蝗虫作为初级消费者之一,在草原生态系统中占有重要地位。定量地分析蝗虫对其生境中喜食植物的消耗量以及对摄...  相似文献   

1985年4月用标志重捕法观察了大仓鼠的活动范围;野外直接观察了鼠的活动及危害;室内直接观察了昼夜活动节律;在笼养状况下,观察了大仓鼠捕食黑线仓鼠和小白鼠的行为;室内观察了大仓鼠选食种子的行为。  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Bulinus globosus and B. nasutus as separatespecies remains unclear, espécially in areas of EastAfrica where their distribution overlaps. In order to throwfurther light on this question, a study was carried out on snailscollected from the islands Unguja and Pemba, collectively knownas Zanzibar, which lie in the Indian Ocean close to mainlandAfrica. In total, 169 snails from 22 sample sites were characterisedby three methods: morphometric analysis of 15 shell measurements,enzyme analysis involving three enzyme systems and analysiswith random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Enzyme analysesindicated that both B. nasutus and B. globosus were presenton each island and their distribution was allopatric. Shellvariation was considerable but did not clearly differentiatethese taxa. Similarly, RAPD analysis indicated substantial geneticvariation with in and between samples; more often than not,no two RAPD profiles were identical within the sample. On Pemba,B. globosus is more widely dispersed than B. nasutus which isconfined to the eastern coast of the central region. On Unguja,B. globosus is found in more northern areas than B. nasutus. (Received 15 August 1996; accepted 31 January 1997)  相似文献   

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