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The oviposition behaviour of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday is influenced by both chemical and physical cues. Oviposition attack responses were elicited by paint pigments sealed into the tip of a glass capillary tube. Parasitoids reacted to yellow pigments with repeated oviposition attack responses, but they did not react to green pigments. The spectrum of reflected light from the yellow pigments was very similar to that from the `green' natural host Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), with a high proportion of the total radiation energy being emitted in the yellow-orange wavebands (580–660 nm). Pea aphid cornicle secretion also elicited oviposition attack responses, which were not exclusively induced by its pale yellow-green colour. In fact, the oviposition attack response to capillary tips coated with cornicle secretion remained evident under red light conditions, which, in contrast, nearly completely suppressed the response to yellow pigments. Chemical compounds from cornicle secretion do not appear to be involved in parasitoid orientation, even though they stimulate intense oviposition attack responses. Olfactometer experiments showed that the putative kairomone involved acts only at very short range or on contact. Host exuviae, which also elicited strong and persistent oviposition reactions from A. ervi females, appear to be a good alternative source of ovipositional kairomone(s). This work confirms the existence of an aphid cuticular kairomone.  相似文献   

Two-day-old mated females ofAphidius ervi Haliday andMonoctonus paulensis (Ashmead) were each provided with two sequential host patches. Patches were comprised of plastic petri dishes containing either 15 pea aphids,Acyrthosiphum pisum (Harris), or 15 alfalfa aphids,Macrosiphum creelii Davis. Both wasp species parasitized more hosts in patches containing pea aphids than in those containing alfalfa aphids, regardless of sequence. Females ofA. ervi also laid more eggs per aphid in patches containing pea aphids than in patches containing alfalfa aphids. When both patches contained alfalfa aphids,M. paulensis females parsitized more aphids in the second patch than in the first. Fewer alfalfa aphids were parasitized in the second patch when the first patch contained pea aphids, and fewer eggs were laid per alfalfa aphid. Parasitoid females of both species exhibited consistently higher rates of oviposition into their preferred host species and adjusted their reproductive allocation to hosts and host patches as a function of their experience in previous patches.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the biology of Praon volucre (Haliday, 1833) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas, 1878) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) hosts was studied and the thermal requirements of the parasitoid were determined. Experiments were carried out at 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28 ± 1°C with 70 ± 10% relative humidity and 12 h photophase. The developmental time of P. volucre males and females decreased between 16 and 23°C. The highest percentages of aphid parasitism and adult parasitoid emergence were observed at 16, 19, and 22°C. The sex ratio (expressed as % females) decreased between 16 and 23°C. Male and female longevity was high between 19 and 22°C and decreased strongly at 25°C. The lower temperature threshold for P. volucre was 5.17°C and the thermal constant was 243 degrees-days.  相似文献   

The effect of experience on the responsiveness of the braconid parasitoidAphidius ervi to host(Acyrthosiphon pisum)-associated cues was investigated on bean plants(Vicia faba) using a wind tunnel bioassay. Oviposition experience on the plant-host complex significantly increased the oriented flight and landing responses ofA. ervi females to an undamaged plant and to a plant-host(A. pisum) complex. However, oviposition experience onA. pisum aphids when isolated from the plant did not change their responses to the intact plant and the complex. Searching on an unwashed plant which had been previously damaged byA. pisum also increased their response to an undamaged plant and a host-damaged plant, whereas the experience of searching on an undamaged plant did not significantly change their responses to undamaged plants. However, when parasitoids were allowed to search on an undamaged plant which had been sprayed withA. pisum honeydew, this significantly increased their response to an undamaged plant. Oviposition experience on the plant-host complex and foraging experience on a host-damaged plant or an undamaged plant sprayed with honeydew also significantly reduced the mean time taken by the parasitoids to respond in the wind tunnel. The behavioral changes associated with such experience were acquired within 30 min and persisted for at least 3 days. The results demonstrate the capacity ofA. ervi to learn associatively olfactory cues from plants, host-damaged plants, and plant-host complexes and confirm the role of aphid honeydew as a host recognition kairomone forA. ervi.  相似文献   

Females of the larval parasitoidCotesia glomerata (L.) use plant-associated cues to locate their lepidopteran host,Pieris rapae L. In this study we investigated the influence of four host plant species,Brassica oleracea var.acephala (‘Vates’ kale),Tropaeolum majus (nasturtium),Lunaria annua (honesty), andCleome spinosa (spider flower), on two components of the host selection process inC. glomerata, namely, attraction and host acceptance. Choice tests in a flight tunnel showed that parasitoids were attracted to some host plant species more than to others in the absence of host larvae.B. oleracea was the most attractive plant species, followed byL. annua, T. majus, andC. spinosa. In previous studies it was shown thatB. oleracea carries highly suitable hosts forC. glomerata and that, in the field, parasitization rates on this plant were the highest. When host larvae were reared on the four host plant species and then transferred to a common substrate (B. oleracea var.capitata, cabbage), plant species that had served as diet for the hosts did not have a significant effect on acceptance for parasitization. Thus, parasitoids were attracted to host plant species differentially, but they did not discriminate among host larvae based on the dietary history of their hosts. ForC. glomerata, it appears that phytochemistry mediates host selection more by influencing parasitoid attraction than it does by affecting host acceptance.  相似文献   

Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is an important biological control agent of aphids, and a model organism for the study of host–parasitoid ecology and evolution. We isolated microsatellite loci from A. ervi to examine the genetic effects of its introduction from Europe to North America. We present primers for 11 microsatellites from A. ervi. We have assayed six of these loci for variability and found from two to 37 alleles. These six primer pairs were tested on 17 related species and appear broadly applicable. These microsatellite loci provide a new tool for research on A. ervi and its relatives.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors (PIs) have been shown to cause lethal and sublethal effects on aphids depending on the kind of PI and aphid species. Therefore, these proteins might affect aphid parasitoids directly by inhibiting their digestive proteolysis or indirectly via their development in a less suitable host. In our study, the risk of exposure and the potential effects of soybean Bowman-Birk inhibitor (SbBBI) and oryzacystatin I (OCI) on the aphid endoparasitoid Aphidius ervi were investigated using artificial diet to deliver PIs. Immunoassays showed that both SbBBI and OCI were detected in the honeydew of aphids reared on artificial diet containing these recombinant proteins at 100 microg/mL. However, only SbBBI was detected in parasitoid larvae, while this PI could not be detected in adult parasitoids emerged from PI-intoxicated aphids. Enzymatic inhibition assays showed that digestive proteolytic activity of larvae and adults of A. ervi predominantly relies on serine proteases and especially on chymotrypsin-like activity. Bioassays using SbBBI and OCI on artificial diet were performed. A. ervi that developed on intoxicated aphids had impaired fitness. Thus development and parasitism success of parasitoids exposed to OCI were severely affected. On the contrary, SbBBI only altered significantly female size and sex ratio. Direct exposure to PIs through adult food intake did not affect female's longevity, while SbBBI and OCI (100 microg/mL) induced 69% and 30% inhibition of digestive protease activity, respectively. These studies made it possible to estimate the risk of exposure to plant PIs and the sensitivity of the aphid parasitoid A. ervi to these entomotoxins, by combining immunological, biochemical and biological approaches. First it pointed out that only immature stages are affected by PIs. Secondly, it documented two different modes of effect, according to the nature of the PIs and both host and parasitoid susceptibility. OCI prevented the development of A. ervi mainly due to the host susceptibility, whereas SbBBI only induced sublethal effects on the parasitoid, possibly due to both direct action on the parasitoid susceptible proteases, and host-mediated action through size reduction.  相似文献   

The present work describes Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) larval anatomy and development, focusing on time-related changes of body structure and cell ultrastructure, especially of the epithelial layers involved in nutrient absorption. Newly hatched 1st instar larvae of A. ervi are characterised by gut absence and a compact cluster of cells makes up their body. As the parasitoid larva develops, the central undifferentiated cell mass becomes hollowed out, leading to the formation of gut anlage. This suggests that absorption of nutrients at that stage may take place through the body surface, as more directly demonstrated by the occurrence on the epidermis of proteins associated with transepithelial transport, such as Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Second instar larvae show the presence of the gut with a well-differentiated brush border and a peritrophic membrane. Gut cells are filled by masses of glycogen granules and lipid droplets. The tracheal system starts to be visible. The haemocoel becomes evident in late 2nd instar, and contains large silk glands. Mature 3rd instar larvae are typically hymenopteriform. The midgut accounts for most of the body volume and is actively involved in nutrient absorption, as indicated by the well developed brush border and by the presence of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and ALP on the basolateral and luminal membrane respectively. At this stage, large lipid droplets have gradually replaced the cellular glycogen stores in the midgut cells. The tracheae are completely differentiated, but their internal lumen still contains fibrillar material, suggesting that they are not functional as long as host fluids bath the parasitoid larva. In late 3rd instar larvae, silk glands, structurally similar to Malpighian tubules, show a very intense vesicular traffic toward the internal lumen, which, eventually, results in being filled by secretion products, suggesting the possible recycling of metabolic waste products during mummy formation.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the primary source of volatile cues within the plant-host complex used by hostseeking freeflying female Microplitis cro-ceipesCresson in flight tunnel bioassays. In single-source and two-choice tests, using wasps given an oviposition experience on either cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)or cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)seedlings damaged by corn earworm (CEW; Helicoverpa zeaBoddie), the damaged seedlings were significantly more attractive than the CEW frass, which was in turn more attractive than the larvae themselves. In a series of two-choice wind-tunnel tests, the discriminatory ability of the wasps was examined, following various oviposition experiences. Significantly more wasps flew to plants with old damage than to plants with fresh damage, regardless of whether they had experience on fresh or old damage. In a comparison of plant species, wasps with only one experience on either hostdamaged cotton or host-damaged cowpea were unable to distinguish between them, and showed no preference for either plant, whereas wasps with multiple experiences on a particular plant preferentially flew to that plant in the choice test. In comparing hosts with nonhosts, wasps successfully learned to distinguish CEW from beet armyworm (BAW; Spodoptera exigua)on cotton but were unable to distinguish CEW from either BAW or cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni)on cowpea. The results show the important role played by plant volatiles in the location of hosts by M. croceipesand indicate the wasps limitations in discriminating among the various odors. The ecological advantages and disadvantages of this behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The host preference behaviour of the generalist aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemaniwas investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Female A. colemanishowed a preference for the host-plant complex on which they had been reared, even though the same aphid host was involved, demonstrating a host plant preference. This preference was not evident when the parasitoids were dissected from their mummies prior to adult emergence. Host plant preference exhibited during host selection appeared to be induced by chemical cues encountered on the mummy case at the time of emergence, but preferences could be changed by subsequent foraging experiences. It is concluded that plant chemical cues play a major role in determining initial preferences through a process of emergence conditioning but that learning processes, involving cues encountered during oviposition in or contact with the host, can modify these initial preferences.  相似文献   

The suitability of Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) and Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji (Hemiptera: Aphididae) as hosts for the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday was evaluated by assessing host size, host preference, and host quality. Tests were carried out in an environmental chamber at 22±1oC, 70±10% RH and 12h photophase. Replicates (11) consisted of one 24h-old mated female of A. ervi without a previous oviposition experience. Female was released into a Petri dish (5 cm) with 20 2nd and 3rd instars of one of each aphid species tested on a leaf disc of the host plant onto a 1% water-agar layer. Parasitoid emergency was lower in A. kondoi (78.7%) compared to M. euphorbiae (92.2%) and A. solani (91.7%). Acyrthosiphon kondoi (0.36 mm) was the smallest host. The parasitoid showed preference (74.0% parasitism) for M. euphorbiae, the largest host (hind tibia length=0.73 mm), which in turn yielded larger A. ervi females (0.75 mm).  相似文献   

In laboratory bioassays, whole-body homogenates and fresh cornicle wax of Rhopalosiphum padi(L.) (the bird-cherry oat aphid) elicited antennal examination and attack behavior in naive females of the polyphagous aphidiid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson). No such response was elicited by either homogenates or cornicle wax of Aphis nerii(Boyer de Fonscolombe) (another known host of the parasitoid) or by preparations of the aphid alarm pheromone, (E)--farnesene. The response to R. padiproducts was independent of rearing host and appears to be innate. Application of R. padicornicle wax to the dorsum of a nonhost aphid [Acythosiphum pisum(Harris)] increased the frequency with which this species was attacked by L. testaceipes.There was a tendency for the kairomonal activity of the cornicle secretion to decline as the wax dried, although parasitoid attack behavior was still elicited by wax which had been allowed to dry for up to 30 min before testing.  相似文献   

The aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi was released in the major lucerne-growing areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, between 1978 and 1981. With the collaboration of district agronomists of the New South Wales Department of Agriculture, five State-wide surveys were conducted in 1982–1983 to determine the success of the release program. In each survey, the distribution of the parasitoid was checked in relation to populations of the aphids Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji and Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The surveys confirmed the successful dispersal and establishment of A. ervi in the major lucerne-growing areas of NSW. They demonstrated its ability to survive and recover rapidly after a severe and widespread drought.  相似文献   

The Neotropical‐native figitid Aganaspis pelleranoi (Brèthes) and the Asian braconid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) are two parasitoids of Tephritidae fruit flies with long and recent, respectively, evolutionary histories in the Neotropics. Both species experienced a recent range of overlap. In Argentina, A. pelleranoi is a potential species in biological control programs against the pestiferous tephritid species, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), whereas D. longicaudata is already used in open‐field releases against Medfly in central‐western Argentina. To characterize the host‐foraging strategies of A. pelleranoi and D. longicaudata, olfactometer experiments were conducted comparing responses to C. capitata and A. fraterculus larvae, in two kinds of food substrate: fruit and artificial larval medium. To control the possible influence of host larvae used for parasitoid rearing on olfactory response, two strains of both parasitoid species, reared on both tephrtid species, were studied. Volatiles directly emanating either from A. fraterculus or C. capitata larvae may be detected by both A. pelleranoi and D. longicaudata, although chemical stimuli originating from the combination of host larvae and the habitat of the host were preferred. However, olfactory cues associated with host larvae probably play a relevant role in host searching behaviour of A. pelleranoi, whereas for D. longicaudata, the host‐habitat olfactory stimuli would be highly essential in short‐range host location. The strain of the parasitoids did not affect host search ability on the two tephritid species evaluated. These evidences are relevant for mass production of both parasitoids and their impact following open‐field augmentative releases.  相似文献   

The detection of, and response to, parasitized hosts by female parasitoids can involve a number of complex phenomena, including the ability of females to discriminate between unparasitized and parasitized hosts, the physiological state of females, and the nature and longevity of the cues they are detecting. The discriminatory ability of Opius dimidiatus,a solitary endoparasitoid of Liriomyza trifoliiwas examined. Experiments showed, first, that when presented with a choice of unparasitized hosts and hosts which they had previously parasitized, O. dimidiatusfemales could discriminate between them, both upon encounter (before probing) and after probing with the ovipositor. It was further demonstrated that the detection of parasitized hosts was time dependent: females could discriminate on the basis of antennal examination for up to 2.5 h after the first egg was laid. Postprobing discrimination lasted for up to 3.5 h. Some of the causal and evolutionary factors resulting in superparasitism are discussed.  相似文献   

The host regulation effects of venom and ovary fluid of the endophagous braconid Aphidius ervi Haliday on the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), have been studied. Extracts of ovaries and of venom glands were injected into nonparasitized 4th instar pea aphids, both separately and mixed. Aphids treated with parasitoid material died as 4th instars, often showing developmental arrest. In contrast, control aphids that received an injection of Pringle's saline solution regularly moulted to the adult stage and reproduced. Venom alone was as effective as the combined extracts in determining developmental arrest and death. Separate heat and protease treatments of these parasitoid's reproductive secretions significantly reduced their biological activity, suggesting that the active component(s) involved is a protein(s). SDS-PAGE analysis of haemolymph samples obtained from pea aphids which had received an injection of combined venom and ovary extract revealed an increase of the titre of various proteins, particularly in the 43-47kDa interval, as registered for truly parasitized hosts. This altered protein profile was first detected 48h following injection. Based on this information a tentative physiological model is proposed. The apical tract of host ovarioles, where the germarium and growing oocytes are located, is suggested to be one of the major targets of female parasitoid secretions injected with the egg.  相似文献   

  • 1 New data on the phylogeny of the braconid subfamily Euphorinae supports the hypothesis that parasitism of adult insects by Euphorinae originated during parasitism of Chrysomelidae, a group whose larvae are ecologically coincident with adults.
  • 2 Evolution of the habit of attacking the adult stage opened a new adaptive zone; subsequently the Euphorinae have diversified on to a phylogenetically greater variety of hosts than any other braconid subfamily.
  • 3 Parasitism of eumastacid grasshoppers evolved from beetle parasitism in the tribe Perilitini.
  • 4 The tribe Euphorini shows the greatest diversity of hosts utilized. Most attack Heteroptera; however, Chrysopopthorus diversified on to adult Chrysopidae, Euphoriella on to Psocoptera, and Cryptoxilos on to Scolytidae.
  • 5 Parasitism of bark beetles (Scolytidae) has evolved independently in three genera: Cosmophorus, Cryptoxilos and Ropalophorus. This is the most specialized form of beetle parasitism by euphorines, since it involves direct parasitism of concealed hosts.
  • 6 Parasitism of adult hymenopterans by the tribe Syntretini may be related to attacking hosts while they are foraging at flowers.
  • 7 The pattern of diversification in the Euphorinae indicates several adaptive radiations within host orders, as well as a history of major host-shifts between phylogenetically distantly-related host groups: Coleoptera to Orthoptera; Coleoptera to Hymenoptera; Coleoptera to Heteroptera; Heteroptera to Neuroptera, Psocoptera, and back to Coleoptera. Both the‘host taxonomy’and‘host habitat’hypotheses of host-shifting are supported. Host-shifts have involved hosts occurring in the same micro-habitat and usually having similar feeding habits. This is consistent with current theory of host-location by means of host-produced kairomones and visual cues.

We studied the response of female Callosobruchus chinensis to chemical cues emitted by cowpea seeds at different stages of bruchid infestation (uninfested, egg carrying, L1-, and L4-infested). Olfactory attractiveness was determined in Y-tube olfactometer assays by testing individual seed categories against either clean air or uninfested seeds. Oviposition preferences between uninfested and infested seeds were determined in petri-dish choice-experiments. The olfactometer assays revealed that weevils discriminate between seeds containing different stages of developing bruchids on the basis of olfactory cues. While odors from uninfested and egg-carrying seeds acted as attractants, odors from L1- and L4-infested seeds failed to induce a positive response by the bruchids. When given a choice between uninfested and infested seeds in the olfactometer, weevils preferred uninfested seeds over L1- and L4-infested seeds, but failed to distinguish between uninfested and egg-carrying seeds. In the oviposition experiment as well, bruchids showed a distinct preference for uninfested seeds when offered in combination with L1- and L4-infested seeds. This experiment further showed a reduced acceptance of egg carrying seeds. Our results indicate that C. chinensis females use chemical information during both host searching and host acceptance. Volatiles from uninfested or egg carrying seeds act as attractants, while deterrence increases as development of bruchid immature stages progresses.  相似文献   

Three species of the Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) are reported for the first time in Korea: Aphidius rhopalosiphi de Stefani-Perez, 1902, Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, 1960 and Lysiphlebus orientalis Starý and Rakhshani, 2010. Their diagnosis, photographs and host list are included.  相似文献   

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