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Group A Streptococcus (GAS, Streptococcus pyogenes) is a Gram-positive human pathogen responsible for several acute diseases and autoimmune sequelae that account for half a million deaths worldwide every year. GAS infections require the capacity of the pathogen to adhere to host tissues and assemble in cell aggregates. Furthermore, a role for biofilms in GAS pathogenesis has recently been proposed. Here we investigated the role of GAS pili in biofilm formation. We demonstrated that GAS pilus-negative mutants, in which the genes encoding either the pilus backbone structural protein or the sortase C1 have been deleted, showed an impaired capacity to attach to a pharyngeal cell line. The same mutants were much less efficient in forming cellular aggregates in liquid culture and microcolonies on human cells. Furthermore, mutant strains were incapable of producing the typical three-dimensional layer with bacterial microcolonies embedded in a carbohydrate polymeric matrix. Complemented mutants had an adhesion and aggregation phenotype similar to the wild-type strain. Finally, in vivo expression of pili was indirectly confirmed by demonstrating that most of the sera from human patients affected by GAS-mediated pharyngitis recognized recombinant pili proteins. These data support the role of pili in GAS adherence and colonization and suggest a general role of pili in all pathogenic streptococci.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans antigen I/II (AgI/II) protein was one of the first cell wall‐anchored adhesins identified in Gram‐positive bacteria. It mediates attachment of S. mutans to tooth surfaces and has been a focus for immunization studies against dental caries. The AgI/II family polypeptides recognize salivary glycoproteins, and are also involved in biofilm formation, platelet aggregation, tissue invasion and immune modulation. The genes encoding AgI/II family polypeptides are found among Streptococcus species indigenous to the human mouth, as well as in Streptococcus pyogenes, S. agalactiae and S. suis. Evidence of functionalities for different regions of the AgI/II proteins has emerged. A sequence motif within the C‐terminal portion of Streptococcus gordonii SspB (AgI/II) is bound by Porphyromonas gingivalis, thus promoting oral colonization by this anaerobic pathogen. The significance of other epitopes is now clearer following resolution of regional crystal structures. A new picture emerges of the central V (variable) region, predicted to contain a carbohydrate‐binding trench, being projected from the cell surface by a stalk formed by an unusual association between an N‐terminal α‐helix and a C‐terminal polyproline helix. This presentation mode might be important in determining functional conformations of other Gram‐positive surface proteins that have adhesin domains flanked by α‐helical and proline‐rich regions.  相似文献   

Gram‐positive pili are known to play a role in bacterial adhesion to epithelial cells and in the formation of biofilm microbial communities. In the present study we undertook the functional characterization of the pilus ancillary protein 1 (AP1_M6) from Streptococcus pyogenes isolates expressing the FCT‐1 pilus variant, known to be strong biofilm formers. Cell binding and biofilm formation assays using S. pyogenes in‐frame deletion mutants, Lactococcus expressing heterologous FCT‐1 pili and purified recombinant AP1_M6, indicated that this pilin is a strong cell adhesin that is also involved in bacterial biofilm formation. Moreover, we show that AP1_M6 establishes homophilic interactions that mediate inter‐bacterial contact, possibly promoting bacterial colonization of target epithelial cells in the form of three‐dimensional microcolonies. Finally, AP1_M6 knockout mutants were less virulent in mice, indicating that this protein is also implicated in GAS systemic infection.  相似文献   

The group A streptococcus (GAS) Streptococcus pyogenes is known to cause self-limiting purulent infections in humans. The role of GAS pili in host cell adhesion and biofilm formation is likely fundamental in early colonization. Pilus genes are found in the FCT (fibronectin-binding protein, collagen-binding protein, and trypsin-resistant antigen) genomic region, which has been classified into nine subtypes based on the diversity of gene content and nucleotide sequence. Several epidemiological studies have indicated that FCT type 1 strains, including serotype M6, produce large amounts of monospecies biofilm in vitro. We examined the direct involvement of pili in biofilm formation by serotype M6 clinical isolates. In the majority of tested strains, deletion of the tee6 gene encoding pilus shaft protein T6 compromised the ability to form biofilm on an abiotic surface. Deletion of the fctX and srtB genes, which encode pilus ancillary protein and class C pilus-associated sortase, respectively, also decreased biofilm formation by a representative strain. Unexpectedly, these mutant strains showed increased bacterial aggregation compared with that of the wild-type strain. When the entire FCT type 1 pilus region was ectopically expressed in serotype M1 strain SF370, biofilm formation was promoted and autoaggregation was inhibited. These findings indicate that assembled FCT type 1 pili contribute to biofilm formation and also function as attenuators of bacterial aggregation. Taken together, our results show the potential role of FCT type 1 pili in the pathogenesis of GAS infections.  相似文献   

Abstract NAD+-glycohydrolase from Streptococcus pyogenes was purified by successive chromatography on CM Sepharose CL-6B, Sephacryl S-200 HR and hydroxyapatite. The purified enzyme possessed synthesis and hydrolysis activities of cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), a newly found second messenger for Ca2+ mobilisation, along with cleavage activity of the ribose-nicotinamide bond in NAD+.  相似文献   

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is an asymptomatic colonizer of human mucosal surfaces that is responsible for sepsis and meningitis in neonates. Bacterial persistence and pathogenesis often involves biofilm formation. We previously showed that biofilm formation in medium supplemented with glucose is mediated by the PI-2a pilus. Here, biofilm formation was tested in cell culture medium supplemented with human plasma. GBS strains were able to form biofilms in these conditions unlike Group A Streptococcus (GAS) or Staphylococcus aureus. Analysis of mutants impaired for various surface components revealed that the GBS capsule is a key component in this process.  相似文献   

Ribosomes from Streptococcus pyogenes, group A, strain 29 were studied. A comparison of different methods of ribosomal isolations has shown that the homogenous ribosomal samples can be obtained by the method of differential ultracentrifugation using tris-HCl buffer. The ribosomes of S. pyogenes had the sedimentation coefficient of 70S and consisted of 65% of protein and 35% of nucleic acids; the ribosomes dissociated into subparticles with the sedimentation coefficients of 50S and 30S under a low magnesium concentration. Thus the S. pyogenes ribosomes do not differ from the ribosomes of procaryotes. It was shown that the ratios of 70S, 50S and 30S ribosomal subparticles in the cells depend on the growth phase of S. pyogenes. The cells of the middle and the late logarithmic phase contained 50S and 30S particles in a stoichiometric ratio. In the cells of the late stationary growth phase there was a deficiency of 30S ribosomal subparticles which does not result from a loss during the isolation procedure, as it was already observed in the initial 30S fraction.  相似文献   

Lysine acetylation is a frequently occurring post-translational modification (PTM), emerging as an important metabolic regulatory mechanism in prokaryotes. This process is achieved enzymatically by the protein acetyltransferase (KAT) to specifically transfer the acetyl group, or non-enzymatically by direct intermediates (acetyl phosphate or acetyl-CoA). Although lysine acetylation modification of glucosyltransferases (Gtfs), the important virulence factor in Streptococcus mutans, was reported in our previous study, the KAT has not been identified. Here, we believe that the KAT ActG can acetylate Gtfs in the enzymatic mechanism. By overexpressing 15 KATs in S. mutans, the synthesized water-insoluble extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) and biofilm biomass were measured, and KAT (actG) was identified. The in-frame deletion mutant of actG was constructed to validate the function of actG. The results showed that actG could negatively regulate the water-insoluble EPS synthesis and biofilm formation. We used mass spectrometry (MS) to identify GtfB and GtfC as the possible substrates of ActG. This was also demonstrated by in vitro acetylation assays, indicating that ActG could increase the acetylation levels of GtfB and GtfC enzymatically and decrease their activities. We further found that the expression level of actG in part explained the virulence differences in clinically isolated strains. Moreover, overexpression of actG in S. mutans attenuated its cariogenicity in the rat caries model. Taken together, our study demonstrated that the KAT ActG could induce the acetylation of GtfB and GtfC enzymatically in S. mutans, providing insights into the function of lysine acetylation in bacterial virulence and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Because of the tradition of using honey as an antimicrobial medicament, we investigated the effect of natural honey (NH) on Streptococcus mutans growth, viability, and biofilm formation compared to that of an artificial honey (AH). AH contained the sugars at the concentrations reported for NH. NH and AH concentrations were obtained by serial dilution with tryptic soy broth (TSB). Several concentrations of NH and AH were tested for inhibition of bacterial growth, viability, and biofilm formation after inoculation with S. mutans UA159 in 96-well microtiter plates to obtain absorbance and CFU values. Overall, NH supported significantly less (P < 0.05) bacterial growth than AH at 25 and 12.5% concentrations. At 50 and 25% concentrations, both honey groups provided significantly less bacterial growth and biofilm formation than the TSB control. For bacterial viability, the results for all honey concentrations except 50% NH were not significantly different from those for the TSB control. NH was able to decrease the maximum velocity of S. mutans growth compared to AH. In summary, NH demonstrated more inhibition of bacterial growth, viability, and biofilm formation than AH. This study highlights the potential antibacterial properties of NH and could suggest that the antimicrobial mechanism of NH is not solely due to its high sugar content.  相似文献   

The autoinducer-2 signal (AI-2) produced by several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria mediates interspecies communication. In this study we were able to identify an orthologue of luxS, required for the synthesis of AI-2 signals, in Streptococcus anginosus. Comparative analyses revealed conserved sequences in the predicted S. anginosus LuxS. Expression of luxS was highest during early exponential growth phase. Compared to other oral streptococci, conditioned media from growth of members of the anginosus group were the most efficient in inducing bioluminescence in Vibrio harveyi, indicative of AI-2 signalling. Disruption of luxS in S. anginosus resulted in a mutant deficient in biofilm formation, whereas no effect on planktonic growth rate was observed under various growth conditions. S. anginosus is part of the human flora found in biofilms of the oral cavity, as well as of the upper respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Such habitats harbour large varieties of bacterial species, among which cell–cell communication may␣play an important role. S. anginosus has also been associated with purulent infections and cancer in the upper digestive tract. Knowledge about the molecular mechanisms involved in S.␣anginosus communication is important for understanding its commensalism and its pathogenic transition.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans, a gram-positive immobile bacterium, is an oral pathogen considered to be the principal etiologic agent of dental caries. Although some researches suggest that trace metals, including iron, can be associated with dental caries, the function of salivary iron and lactoferrin in the human oral cavity remains unclear. The data reported in this study indicates that iron-deprived saliva (Fe3+ < 0.1 microM) increases S. mutans aggregation and biofilm formation in the fluid and adherent phases as compared with saliva (Fe3+ from 0.1 to 1 microM), while iron-loaded saliva (Fe3+ > 1 microM) inhibits both phenomena. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that S. mutans aggregation and biofilm formation are negatively iron-modulated as confirmed by the different effect of bovine lactoferrin (bLf), added to saliva at physiological concentration (20 microg/ml) in the apo- or iron-saturated form. Even if saliva itself induces bacterial aggregation, iron binding capability of apo-bLf is responsible for the noticeable increase of bacterial aggregation and biofilm development in the fluid and adherent phases. On the contrary, iron-saturated bLf decreases aggregation and biofilm development by supplying iron to S. mutans. Therefore, the iron-withholding capability of apo-Lf or native Lf is an important signal to which S. mutans counteracts by leaving the planktonic state and entering into a new lifestyle, biofilm, to colonize and persist in the human oral cavity. In addition, another function of bLf, unrelated to its iron binding capability, is responsible for the inhibition of the adhesion of S. mutans free, aggregated or biofilm on abiotic surfaces. Both these activities of lactoferrin, related and unrelated to the iron binding capability, could have a key role in protecting the human oral cavity from S. mutans pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Dental plaque biofilm plays a pivotal role in the progression of dental diseases. Polysaccharides are of great importance in the ecology of the dental biofilm. We studied the effect of fructans, glucans and a mixture of both fructans and glucans, synthesized in situ by immobilized fructosyltransferase or glucosyltransferase, on the adhesion of Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus gordonii and Actinomyces viscosus to hydroxyapatite beads coated with human saliva (sHA). The adhesion of A. viscosus to sHA was found to be fructan-dependent. Adhesion of both S. sobrinus and S. mutans was found to be mediated mainly by glucans, while the adhesion of S. gordonii was found to be both glucan- and fructan-dependent. Treatment with fructanase prior to A. viscosus adhesion resulted in a significant reduction in adhesion to sHA, while adhesion of S. sobrinus, S. mutans and S. gordonii was slightly influenced by fructanase treatment. Treatment with fructanase after adhesion of S. gordonii to sHA resulted in a significant reduction in their adhesion to sHA. Our results show that fructans may play a role in the adhesion and colonization of several cariogenic bacteria to sHA, thus contributing to the formation of dental plaque biofilm.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscope techniques and multi-staining fluorescence microscopy were employed to study the steps in drinking water biofilm formation. During the formation of a conditioning layer, surface hydrophobic forces increased and the range of characteristic hydrophobic forces diversified with time, becoming progressively complex in macromolecular composition, which in return triggered irreversible cellular adhesion. AFM visualization of 1 to 8 week drinking water biofilms showed a spatially discontinuous and heterogeneous distribution comprising an extensive network of filamentous fungi in which biofilm aggregates were embedded. The elastic modulus of 40-day-old biofilms ranged from 200 to 9000 kPa, and the biofilm deposits with a height >0.5 μm had an elastic modulus <600 kPa, suggesting that the drinking water biofilms were composed of a soft top layer and a basal layer with significantly higher elastic modulus values falling in the range of fungal elasticity.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscope techniques and multi-staining fluorescence microscopy were employed to study the steps in drinking water biofilm formation. During the formation of a conditioning layer, surface hydrophobic forces increased and the range of characteristic hydrophobic forces diversified with time, becoming progressively complex in macromolecular composition, which in return triggered irreversible cellular adhesion. AFM visualization of 1 to 8 week drinking water biofilms showed a spatially discontinuous and heterogeneous distribution comprising an extensive network of filamentous fungi in which biofilm aggregates were embedded. The elastic modulus of 40-day-old biofilms ranged from 200 to 9000?kPa, and the biofilm deposits with a height >0.5 μm had an elastic modulus <600?kPa, suggesting that the drinking water biofilms were composed of a soft top layer and a basal layer with significantly higher elastic modulus values falling in the range of fungal elasticity.  相似文献   

Fibronectin-binding protein I (SfbI) from Streptococcus pyogenes plays a key role in bacterial adhesion to, and invasion of, eukaryotic cells. In addition, SfbI exhibits a considerable potential as mucosal adjuvant and can trigger polyclonal activation of B cells. Here, we report that SfbI is also capable of binding human IgG in a nonimmune fashion. SfbI was reactive with IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 isotypes (type IIo IgG-binding profile). The affinity constant (Kd) of the SfbI-IgG interaction was in the range of 1-2 x 10(-5) M. Further studies demonstrated that the SfbI binding was mediated by the Fc component of the IgG molecule. Experiments performed using purified recombinant proteins spanning different domains of SfbI showed that the IgG-binding activity was restricted to the fibronectin-binding domains, and in particular to the fibronectin-binding repeats. Finally, the presence of recombinant SfbI resulted in an impairment of both phagocytosis of IgG-coated RBCs and Ab-dependent cell cytotoxicity by macrophages. These results demonstrated for the first time that, in addition to its major role during the colonization process, SfbI may also favor bacterial immune evasion after the onset of the infection by interfering with host clearance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ahn SJ  Burne RA 《Journal of bacteriology》2007,189(17):6293-6302
The Streptococcus mutans atlA gene encodes an autolysin required for biofilm maturation and biogenesis of a normal cell surface. We found that the capacity to form biofilms by S. mutans, one of the principal causative agents of dental caries, was dramatically impaired by growth of the organism in an aerated environment and that cells exposed to oxygen displayed marked changes in surface protein profiles. Inactivation of the atlA gene alleviated repression of biofilm formation in the presence of oxygen. Also, the formation of long chains, a characteristic of AtlA-deficient strains, was less evident in cells grown with aeration. The SMu0629 gene is immediately upstream of atlA and encodes a product that contains a C-X-X-C motif, a characteristic of thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases. Inactivation of SMu0629 significantly reduced the levels of AtlA protein and led to resistance to autolysis. The SMu0629 mutant also displayed an enhanced capacity to form biofilms in the presence of oxygen compared to that of the parental strain. The expression of SMu0629 was shown to be under the control of the VicRK two-component system, which influences oxidative stress tolerance in S. mutans. Disruption of vicK also led to inhibition of processing of AtlA, and the mutant was hyperresistant to autolysis. When grown under aerobic conditions, the vicK mutant also showed significantly increased biofilm formation compared to strain UA159. This study illustrates the central role of AtlA and VicK in orchestrating growth on surfaces and envelope biogenesis in response to redox conditions.  相似文献   

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