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The α-glucosidase gene (agdA) of Aspergillus nidulans has a single CGGN8CGG type AmyR binding site in its promoter region. The binding site is functional in vivo as a cis-element responsible for induction by starch, and mutational studies indicated that both the CGG triplets are required for high-level induction. A part of AmyR (residues 1-411; AmyR1-411), which was produced as a MalE fusion protein in E. coli, bound to the CGGN8CGG site of the agdA promoter. DNA binding profiles to the mutant binding sites that lacked both or either one of the CGG triplets suggested that AmyR1-411 can bind to a single CGG triplet site with low affinity and that two AmyR molecules cooperatively bind to the CGG direct repeat.  相似文献   

A high affinity binding site for the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleocapsid protein (NC) of HIV-1 is a small zinc finger protein that contributes to multiple steps of the viral life cycle, including the proper encapsidation of HIV RNA. This is accomplished through an interaction between NC and a region at the 5'-end of the RNA, defined as the Psi element. However, the specificity of NC for Psi or for RNA in general is not well understood. To study this problem, we used SELEX to identify high affinity RNA ligands that bind to NC. A 'winner' molecule (SelPsi), as well as a subregion of Psi RNA, were further characterized to understand the interaction between NC and SelPsi and its relationship to the interaction between NC and Psi. The comparison makes predictions about the sequence and structure of a high affinity binding site within the HIV-1 Psi element.  相似文献   

His-Asp phosphorelays are widespread signal transduction mechanisms in bacteria, fungi, and higher plants. In order to investigate a His-Asp phosphorelay network in filamentous fungi, which has been genetically characterized in part, we attempted to construct an in vitro phosphotransfer network in Aspergillus nidulans comprising all the necessary components. As a first step, we established an in vitro phosphotransfer system with a histidine-containing phosphotransmitter YpdA, a response regulator SrrA, and a bacterial histidine kinase ArcB as a phosphate donor. We demonstrated the phosphotransfer from ArcB to A. nidulans YpdA and the subsequent transfer from YpdA to SrrA. This is the first direct biochemical evidence for the presence of the phosphotransfer system in filamentous fungi. Furthermore, a retrograde phosphorylation from YpdA to FphA, a histidine kinase similar to bacterial phytochrome, was found. The overall picture of the His-Asp phosphorelays in A. nidulans is discussed based on the results of the in vitro study.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing two inverted 0.6-kb stretches of human telomeric repeats transform Aspergillus nidulans at frequencies characteristic of autonomously replicating vectors. Transformation frequency is not affected when the plasmids are linearized in vitro prior to transformation by cutting between the inverted repeats. Southern analysis reveals the presence of a homogeneous pool of linear plasmid molecules in mycelium of transformants. Addition of the AMA1 plasmid replicator to the telomere-containing plasmids has only a minor effect on transformation. The phenotypic stability of the transformants is low. However, unlike conventional replicative transformants containing AMA1-bearing plasmids, these transformants are prone to spontaneous stabilization which occurs predominantly by conversion of the mutant chromosomal allele of the marker gene to the plasmid-borne allele. The data strongly suggest that telomeric DNA can act as a plasmid replicator. An alternative interpretation is that autonomous replication of linear DNA fragments, in contrast to covalently closed supercoiled molecules, does not require any special replicator sequences.  相似文献   

The discovery that some well-known growth factors have inducing activity in embryogenesis has accelerated our understanding of embryonic induction. Relevant receptors, signal transduction pathways and patterns of gene expression have been characterized over the past decade. Amphibian embryos have provided an excellent model for analysis of embryonic induction because they are easily surgically manipulated and cultured in vitro, and with the addition of treatment with various inducing factors we have been able to control organogenesis and body patterning during early development in vitro. Activin A, a TGF-beta family protein, has a potent mesoderm-inducing activity on the isolated ectoderm called the animal cap. Activin induces animal caps to differentiate into various mesodermal and endodermal tissues, including beating hearts, in a dose-dependent fashion. Activin, in combination with retinoic acid, also induces the formation of the pronephros, a primitive embryonic kidney. The in vitro induced kidney was confirmed to function in vivo in a transplantation experiment. Furthermore, the activin-induced animal caps organize heads or trunk-and-tails in exactly the same manner as the organizer. The potential use of in vitro induction systems to further our understanding of vertebrate organogenesis and body patterning will be discussed.  相似文献   

Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants are creating major challenges in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Being able to predict mutations that could arise in SARS-CoV-2 leading to increased transmissibility or immune evasion would be extremely valuable in development of broad-acting therapeutics and vaccines, and prioritising viral monitoring and containment. Here we use in vitro evolution to seek mutations in SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) that would substantially increase binding to ACE2. We find a double mutation, S477N and Q498H, that increases affinity of RBD for ACE2 by 6.5-fold. This affinity gain is largely driven by the Q498H mutation. We determine the structure of the mutant-RBD:ACE2 complex by cryo-electron microscopy to reveal the mechanism for increased affinity. Addition of Q498H to SARS-CoV-2 RBD variants is found to boost binding affinity of the variants for human ACE2 and confer a new ability to bind rat ACE2 with high affinity. Surprisingly however, in the presence of the common N501Y mutation, Q498H inhibits binding, due to a clash between H498 and Y501 side chains. To achieve an intermolecular bonding network, affinity gain and cross-species binding similar to Q498H alone, RBD variants with the N501Y mutation must acquire instead the related Q498R mutation. Thus, SARS-CoV-2 RBD can access large affinity gains and cross-species binding via two alternative mutational routes involving Q498, with route selection determined by whether a variant already has the N501Y mutation. These mutations are now appearing in emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants where they have the potential to influence human-to-human and cross-species transmission.  相似文献   

Seo JA  Guan Y  Yu JH 《Genetics》2003,165(3):1083-1093
Asexual sporulation (conidiation) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans requires the early developmental activator fluG. Loss of fluG results in the blockage of both conidiation and production of the mycotoxin sterigmatocystin (ST). To investigate molecular mechanisms of fluG-dependent developmental activation, 40 suppressors of fluG (SFGs) that conidiate without fluG have been isolated and characterized. Genetic analyses showed that an individual suppression is caused by a single second-site mutation, and that all sfg mutations but one are recessive. Pairwise meiotic crosses grouped mutations to four loci, 31 of them to sfgA, 6 of them to sfgB, and 1 each to sfgC and sfgD, respectively. The only dominant mutation, sfgA38, also mapped to the sfgA locus, suggesting a dominant negative mutation. Thirteen sfgA and 1 sfgC mutants elaborated conidiophores in liquid submerged culture, indicating that loss of either of these gene functions not only bypasses fluG function but also results in hyperactive conidiation. While sfg mutants show varying levels of restored conidiation, all recovered the ability to produce ST at near wild-type levels. The fact that at least four loci are defined by recessive sfg mutations indicates that multiple genes negatively regulate conidiation downstream of fluG and that the activity of fluG is required to remove such repressive effects.  相似文献   

Preparations of photosystem II complex from spinach chloroplasts with Triton X-100 were treated with 1 M KCl to release 17 KDa and 23 KDa polypeptides. The inhibited oxygen evolution activity could be reactivated by adding high concentration (mM) of Ca++ or by reconstituting 17 KDa and 23 KDa polypeptides which were found to promote high affinity binding of Ca++ to the reconstituted membranes (Ghanotakis et al. FEBS (1984) 170, 169-173). Inclusion of 50 mM Ca++ during KCl treatment did not prevent the release of 17 KDa and 23 KDa polypeptides but protected oxygen evolution from being inactivated. It is explained by preservation of the high affinity binding site for Ca++ if, Ca++ is present during the salt treatment even though depletion of 17 KDa and 23 KDa polypeptides usually results in replacement by a low affinity (mM) binding site for Ca++. It also implies that the high affinity binding site is not located on 17 KDa and 23 KDa polypeptides.  相似文献   

Summary Induced wildtype cells ofA. nidulans rapidly lost NADPH — linked nitrate reductase activity when subjected to carbon and or nitrogen starvation. A constitutive mutant at the regulatory gene for nitrate reductase,nirA c1, rapidly lost nitrate reductase activity upon carbon starvation. This loss of activity is thought to be due to a decrease in the NADPH concentration in the cells. Cell free extracts from wild-type cells grown in the presence of nitrate, rapidly lost their nitrate reductase activity when incubated at 25° C. NADPH prevented this loss of activity. Wildtype cells grown in the presence of nitrate and urea have a higher initial NADPH: NADP+ ratio and cell free extracts from such cells lost their nitrate reductase activity slower than extracts of cells grown with nitrate alone.The Pentose Phosphate Pathway mutant,pppB-1, had a lower NADPH concentration compared with the wildtype grown under the same conditions and cell free extracts lost their nitrate reductase activity more rapidly than the wildtype. Cell free extracts ofnirA c-1 and a non-inducible mutant for nitrate reductase,nirA --14, upon incubation lost little of their nitrate reductase activity.  相似文献   

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