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Tidal creeks are strongly influenced by tides and are therefore exposed to large differences in salinity and depth daily. Here we compare fish assemblages in tidal creeks between day and night in two tidal creeks in southern Brazil. Monthly day and night, simultaneous collections were carried out in both creeks using fyke nets. Clupeiformes tended to be caught more during the day. Cathorops spixii, Genidens genidens and Rypticus randalli tended to be caught at night. Sciaenidae also tended to be caught more during the night. In general, pelagic species were diurnal, while deep water species were nocturnal. These trends are probably due to a variety of causes, such as phylogeny, predation and net avoidance.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in seasonal patterns of horse fly populations were examined in rainforests of tropical South America, where the climate is seasonal. These patterns were evaluated with robust analytical models rather than identifying the main factors that influenced the fluctuations. We examined the seasonality of populations of horse flies in fields and lowland areas of the Pampa biome of southern Brazil with generalized linear models. We also investigated the diversity of these flies and the sampling effort of Malaise traps in this biome over two years. All of the 29 species had clear seasonality with regard to occurrence and abundance, but only seven species were identified as being influenced by temperature and humidity. The sampling was sufficient and the estimated diversity was 10% more than observed. Seasonal trends were synchronized across species and the populations were most abundant between September and March and nearly zero in other months. While previous studies demonstrated that seasonal patterns in population fluctuations are correlated with climatic conditions in horse fly assemblages in South America rainforests, we show a clear effect of each factor on richness and abundance and the seasonality in the prevalence of horse fly assemblages in localities of the Pampa biome.  相似文献   

Brent Cowie 《Hydrobiologia》1985,120(1):35-46
Changes in benthic community structure at four sites along a flood-prone montane stream continuum in the South Island of New Zealand were analysed using rank correlation (Kendall's Tau and Spearman's rs) and a community similarity index (Sc) developed initially for stream pollution assessment. Species richness was highest in a forested headwater stream, which is attributed to its relatively greater physical stability and habitat heterogeneity. Community similarity decreased with distance apart, and pairs of open and forested sites showed the greatest similarity. Species composition and relative abundance along the continuum changed least in the numerically dominant Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, groups in which several species had broad habitat requirements. In contrast, a number of dipteran and trichopteran species had more restricted distributions. The more specialised niche requirements of some species in these orders are attributed to their generally small size, their ability to spin silk, and their holometabolous development. Physical rather than biological factors appeared to limit the distributions of most invertebrates, and there was little evidence of ecological segregation by either food resource partitioning or differences in life history patterns amongst many closely related species. Theories that stream communities are well ordered entities maximising the efficiency of energy utilisation cannot realistically be applied to such unstable stream systems.  相似文献   

Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) have been introduced on a global scale for sport fishing but represent a conservation concern given their documented negative impacts on native faunal diversity and abundance. Recent research using molecular data to characterize invasive Largemouth Bass populations elsewhere has demonstrated that populations are typically characterized by limited genetic diversity, or represent a combination of Largemouth Bass and Florida Bass (Micropterus floridanus). To test whether these traits were consistent with invasive populations in Brazil, we generated mitochondrial sequence data from four established populations of Largemouth Bass collected in southern Brazil as well as a local aquaculture facility to confirm species identity and quantify levels of genetic diversity. We identified the exclusive presence of Largemouth Bass in the region and observed limited levels of haplotype (haplotype diversity = 0.0684, SE = 0.038) and nucleotide diversity (0.0003, SE = 0.0002) which suggested the presence of a founder effect associated with introduction. Each of the four populations were dominated by a single haplotype that was identical to one recovered from a nearby aquaculture facility, which identified this facility as a potential introduction source.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated how cichlid assemblages are affected by seasonal and interannual variations in water volume in the floodplain lagoons of the Cuiabá River in the Pantanal wetland. Eleven lagoons were sampled in the early dry season and the early rainy season over a three-year period. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed that the species compositions and relative abundances were distinct between the seasons, which indicates that neither persistence nor stability was maintained on a seasonal basis. However, the interannual comparisons show the opposite tendency, indicating strong stability and persistence on an annual basis. These results indicate that the cichlid assemblages in these lagoons have two equilibrium points, one in the early dry season and the other in the early rainy season, and that the assemblages alternate between these points through the hydrologic cycle. In addition to the effect of the water level variation, the abundance distribution is also affected by conductivity and pH, which also influence the total abundance of the species in the assemblage.  相似文献   

Williams  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,165(1):151-159
Selected epifaunal and infaunal species from three sites of differing substrate were examined over a 12 month period. The characteristic species comprising the epifauna at each site were found to be dictated by substrate type whereas the infaunal amphipods and tanaids were relatively similar between sites. No distinct seasonality of abundance was noted for the macroscopic species; however, the infaunal amphipods and tanaids exhibited distinct seasonal cycles of abundance. These temporal changes in population size can be correlated with the seasonal cycle of primary producers. Females, of each of the infaunal species that were monitored, exhibited brood protection throughout the winter period and released juveniles at times that coincided with the period of high primary productivity. All species exhibited properties characteristic of K-strategists; a result of the very stable and predictable nature of the antarctic benthic environment.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigates how abundance, diversity and composition of understorey spiders were influenced by four different forest habitats in a southern Brazilian Araucaria forest. The study area encompasses a landscape mosaic comprised of Araucaria forest, Araucaria plantation, Pinus plantation, and Eucalyptus plantation. Understorey spiders were collected by beating the vegetation inside three patches of each forest habitat. To assess possible predictors of spider assemblage structure, several patch features were analysed: potential prey abundances, estimation of vegetation cover, diversity index of vegetation types, patch ages, patch areas, and geographical distance between patches. To assess the influence of high‐level taxa approaches on spider assemblage patterns, analyses were carried out individually for family, genera and species levels. Additionally, Mantel tests were carried out in underlying similarity matrices between each taxon. Significant differences in spider abundances among forest habitats were found. Pinus plantations showed the highest abundance of spiders and Eucalyptus plantations showed the lowest abundance. Spider abundance was significantly influenced by patch ages, geographical distance and vegetation cover. Expected numbers of families, genera and species did not vary among forest habitats. Spider composition of two Eucalyptus patches differed from the other forest patches, probably due to their low vegetation cover and isolation. Genera composition was the best correlate of species composition, showing that a higher‐level surrogate can be an alternative to the species approach. The understorey spider diversity in this managed area could be maintained when suitable habitat structures are provided, thus ensuring the connectivity between different habitat types. Further studies should focus on individual species responses to the conversion of native forest to monocultures.  相似文献   

Several methods for calculating indices of biological integrity (IBIs) have been developed for different ecogeographic regions of the world. All of them calculate IBI scores by comparing against reference sites or historical data on fish assemblage composition. Because of intensive agriculture and urbanization in our study area, we located no reference sites, and historical information about fish assemblage composition did not exist. Instead, we developed hypothetical reference scores based on seasonal electrofishing surveys at six study sites in adjacent but geomorphologically different watersheds. Our IBI included 10 metrics that varied with degree of degradation. We found that Shannon–Wiener indices varied significantly between seasons, indicating significant changes in species composition. Therefore, we calculated seasonal IBI scores also, but these did not significantly differ from each streams general IBI score, which was calculated on the basis of four samples per site. General stream IBI scores reflected differing levels of anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Oxygen measurements in the burrows of freshwater insects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Thin-tipped micro-electrodes were used to measure oxygen concentrations in the burrows of two common aquatic insects, the mayfly Hexagenia limbata and the alderfly Sialis velata . Both species maintain their surroundings oxygenated by drawing water from above the sediment surface into their tubes. 2. The temporal pattern of oxygen in the burrows differed between the species. The constant high oxygen concentration (>75% of air saturation) measured in the tubes of the mayfly suggest that this animal pumps water almost continuously, which is consistent with its high oxygen requirements. In contrast, oxygen concentration in burrows of the alderfly fluctuated widely over time, suggesting that this animal irrigates only irregularly, probably because it can tolerate short periods of low oxygen concentration in its burrow. 3. The interval between pumping episodes by the alderfly decreased with increasing temperature, a result of increased oxygen consumption by the animal and by sediment at high temperature. 4. Based on the tube dimensions, oxygen penetration depth and animal density in lakes, we estimate that Hexagenia could create an oxic micro-environment equivalent to 3–35% of the volume of the surface oxidized sediment layer created by molecular diffusion. The mosaic of oxic micro-environments created by the burrowing and irrigation of freshwater animals could influence chemical and biological processes in sediments, the fluxes of materials between the sediment and the overlying water column, and the exposure of benthic animals to sedimentary contaminants.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages across a complex,tropical freshwater/marine ecotone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis Riverine fish assemblages in the temperate zone generally show strong longitudinal patterns of faunal turnover and increases in species richness with increasing stream order. We examined the composition and structure of tropical fish assemblages across a complex freshwater/marine ecotone in Tortuguero National Park on the Caribbean coast of Central America. Species turnover was high between four characteristic habitats that largely corresponded with a longitudinal gradient of stream order over distances of less than 30 km. Suites of common fish species characterized each habitat: creeks, rivers, lagoons, and the sea. In addition to the habitat endemics, several species spanned two habitat types, but only three species were collected in more than two habitats. Multivariate gradient analysis of fish assemblages reflected a gradient of habitats that to some extent corresponded to fluvial distances. Due to the unusual configuration of coastal lagoons lying parallel to the coast, the ordination gradient showed little correlation with linear distance to the coast. Environmental variables related to habitat size and salinity showed greatest correspondence with the fish assemblage ordination gradient. Invertebrate-feeding fishes were the predominant trophic group in 15 of 16 fish assemblages, and inland creek sites contained a greater proportion of herbivores and omnivores than other sites. The relative fraction of herbivorous and detritivorous fishes showed a monotonic decline along the longitudinal habitat gradient from inland to coast. Patterns of species composition and richness at Tortuguero Park appeared to agree well with earlier models of factors influencing temperate zone stream fishes. Headwaters have low aquatic primary productivity and contain small colonizing fish species subject to large fluctuations in local densities and intermittent competition. Lagoons contain both large and small species, the latter being restricted largely to shallow edge habitats by predation. Lagoons exhibit more lentic environmental conditions, experience relatively fewer periodic disturbances than headwaters, and their assemblages are inferred to be under relatively greater influence of biotic factors. Fish assemblages of rivers and caños (swampy side channels and braids) appear to be under less abiotic control than headwaters and influenced less by biotic factors than lagoons.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity of the Petunia integrifolia species group using a phylogeographical approach, and attempted to understand better its diversification and taxonomy. Plants from five morphological groups were collected, covering a large part of the geographical distribution of most of the species. Two major clades were found in the phylogenetic tree, and an additional lineage, corresponding to P. inflata, was found in the haplotype network obtained for plastid markers. All three lineages are clearly delimited geographically, but, with the exception of P. inflata, the morphological groups were not genetically distinct. Our results suggest that a population expansion after a size reduction resulted in the establishment of two distinct and allopatric groups c. 0.5 Mya, one group occurring in a geologically ancient area, and the other occurring in areas that were under the influence of a series of marine transgressions/regressions at the end of the Pleistocene. These two clades are evolutionarily significant units with significantly different allele frequencies in their nuclear genome and reciprocal monophyly in maternal, uniparentally inherited markers. All our results suggest that the morphology‐based taxonomy in this group does not reflect its evolutionary history, and revision of its species limits should incorporate the distribution of the genetic diversity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 199–213.  相似文献   

渤海中、南部大型底栖动物物种多样性的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
以1997年 6月、1998年9月和1999年4月共3个航次,覆盖渤海中、南部大部分海区的大型底栖动物丰度、生物量和生产力的研究为基础,进一步对其物种多样性进行了分析。结果表明:研究海域的大型底栖动物物种多样性没有明显的平面分布规律;物种多样性指数与沉积物因子的相关性高于其与底层水因子的相关性;沉积物中污染物含量的确会对大型底栖动物的多样性造成影响。通过对3个航次中3个相同站位的比较,发现不同年份之3个季节的平均Shannon Wiener指数无显著差异(P>0.05);而1998年9月和1999年4月2个航次中20个相同站位的平均Shannon Wiener指数同样也未表现出明显的差异(P>0.05)。此外,渤海的物种数量要明显地高于胶州湾。  相似文献   

In the Neotropics where fragmentation is common, environmental factors structuring fish communities are poorly known. In this study two hypotheses were tested in 13 coastal wetlands of southern Brazil: 1) physical features (such as wetland area, habitat diversity, water depth and temperature, and water and sediment chemistry) are important determinants of richness, density and composition of fish assemblages; and 2) species richness and composition of fish assemblages differ between wetlands with different hydroperiods (i.e. permanent versus intermittent). A total of 1,597 individuals distributed among 20 species were collected. Richness was positively associated with wetland area and water depth and it was negatively associated with water conductivity. The species-area power function explained 27.3% of the variation in richness. Fish richness was similar between permanent and intermittent wetlands. The density was negatively associated with water depth and temperature, and it was positively correlated with water nitrate concentration. The first three axes from the CCA accounted for 55.5% of total variation in fish composition. The most important variables related to fish composition were percentage of sediment organic matter, phosphorus concentration, habitat diversity and water depth. Composition of fish species changed among permanent and intermittent wetlands. Understanding the environmental factors that shape and maintain the biodiversity in these ecosystems is essential to develop conservation and management programs of wetlands in this region, where more than 90% of wetland systems have already been lost due to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Seasonality in Southern Hemisphere freshwater phytoplankton assemblages   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
P. J. Ashton 《Hydrobiologia》1985,125(1):179-190
Seasonal climatic cycles induce corresponding fluctuations in phytoplankton abundance and productivity at all latitudes, the magnitude of these fluctuations tending to increase with distance from the Equator. In equatorial regions seasonality is dependent on prevailing wind and rainfall patterns while annual temperature fluctuations exert increasing control over seasonal events at higher latitudes. The small annual temperature range of equatorial aquatic systems increases their sensitivity to localized climatic events which can bring about diel changes that exceed normal month-to-month variations. Long-term hydrological cycles with a periodicity greater than one year can also cause dramatic changes in equatorial and tropical aquatic systems leading to greater unpredictability.The factors regulating seasonal patterns of phytoplankton abundance and species composition in equatorial and low-latitude temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere are examined and compared with similar features in the Northern Hemisphere. Despite the striking diversity of phytoplankton populations and the wide variety of habitats they occupy, seasonal succession follows a common sequence controlled, successively, by physical, chemical and biotic factors. This permits a high degree of predictability in the environmental conditions promoting growth of different taxa.Examination of Southern Hemisphere data indicates that, at class level, phytoplankton successional sequences in Southern Hemisphere aquatic systems are in agreement with the successional paradigm formulated for northern tropical and temperate latitudes. Diatoms characterize early successional episodes and these are followed by chlorophytes, and finally blue-green algae. Extreme habitat modification (e.g. hypertrophy, salinity) tends to lead to dominance of the habitat by a single taxon, often represented by a single species. Predictions of within-taxon species succession in phytoplankton assemblages are far less precise.  相似文献   

Studies on elevation diversity gradients have covered a large number of taxa and regions throughout the world; however, studies of freshwater fish are scarce and restricted to examining their changes along a specific gradient. These studies have reported a monotonic decrease in species richness with increasing elevation, but ignore the high taxonomic differentiation of each headwater assemblage that may generate high β‐diversity among them. Here, we analyzed how fish assemblages vary with elevation among regional elevation bands, and how these changes are related to four environmental clines and to changes in the distribution, habitat use, and the morphology of fish species. Using a standardized field sampling technique, we assessed three different diversity and two structural assemblage measures across six regional elevation bands located in the northern Andes (Colombia). Each species was assigned to a functional group based on its body shape, habitat use, morphological, and/or behavioral adaptations. Additionally, at each sampling site, we measured four environmental variables. Our analyses showed: (1) After a monotonic decrease in species richness, we detected an increase in richness in the upper part of the gradient; (2) diversity patterns vary depending on the diversity measure used; (3) diversity patterns can be attributed to changes in species distribution and in the richness and proportions of functional groups along the regional elevation gradient; and (4) diversity patterns and changes in functional groups are highly correlated with variations in environmental variables, which also vary with elevation. These results suggest a novel pattern of variation in species richness with elevation: Species richness increases at the headwaters of the northern Andes owing to the cumulative number of endemic species there. This highlights the need for large‐scale studies and has important implications for the aquatic conservation of the region.  相似文献   

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