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Ascitic fluid haptoglobins 1-1, 2-1 and 2-2 and their tryptic glycopeptides were fractionated by affinity chromatography on Con A-Sepharose. Three peaks were obtained, corresponding to non-binding, weakly binding and strongly binding fractions. Concanavalin A-non-binding and concanavalin A-binding fractions of haptoglobin and of glycopeptide III 2-2 consisted of a series of polymers with increasing molecular mass, except for the non-binding fraction of glycopeptide III 1-1. After reduction there was no difference between the subunit composition of the glycopeptides and their concanavalin A fraction. Concanavalin A-non-binding fractions from haptoglobin 2-1 and glycopeptides III 1-1 and III 2-2 did not form an active complex with hemoglobin and, in crossed immunodiffusion, showed a reaction of partial identity with haptoglobin 2-1, glycopeptides III 1-1, III 2-2 and their concanavalin A-binding fractions. Concanavalin A-binding fractions of the above preparations exhibited with hemoglobin higher peroxidase activity than before their separation on Con A-Sepharose and immunodiffusion gave a reaction of identity among themselves and with unfractionated preparations. The concanavalin A-binding glycopeptide III is the biologically active part of the haptoglobin beta-chain.  相似文献   

Papain digestion of Novikoff or AS-30D rat hepatoma cells released glycopeptides from the cell surface. That portion of the glycopeptides accessible to Sephadex G-50 was digested with pronase and the component glycopeptides partially resolved by ion-exchange chromatography. Each tumor type yielded two well resolved sialoglycopeptide fractions which possessed concanavalin A receptor activity. The amino acid and saccharide composition of these low molecular weight (3,100 ± 300 daltons) sialoglycopeptides was determined.  相似文献   

Interactions of concanavalin A with human erythrocytes were studied using 125I-labelled concanavalin A and a centrifugal technique with dibutyl phthalate which permitted complete separation of bound and free concanavalin A. Binding of 125I-labelled concanavalin A to human erythrocytes was dependent on cell concentration, pH and temperature. Specificity of binding was confirmed by inhibition and dissociation studies with sugars and native concanavalin A. Positive cooperative binding of concanavalin A to human erythrocytes was observed at low concanavalin A concentrations (less than 1 μ/ml) in both buffers studied. Positive cooperativity at higher concanavalin A concentrations (more than 100 μ/ml) was seen in Tris-Hepes buffer but not in phosphate-buffered saline. Consistent with this cooperative effect was the observation that although dissociation of 125I-labelled concanavalin A from the erythrocytes was complete in the presence of 1 mg/ml of the native lectin, release was inhibited by low concentrations (1 μ/ml). A comparison of concanavalin A binding with hemagglutination studies suggest that the amount of concanavalin A bound determines the rate of erythrocyte agglutination and the size of the aggregates formed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of carbohydrate binding to concanavalin A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The binding of concanavalin A in the dimer form to various saccharides has been studied by calorimetry, and estimates of the binding enthalpy and binding constants have been calculated. Methyl α-d-mannoside and methyl α-d-glucoside have a — ΔH0 of 21.5 and 11.5 kJ/mol, respectively, at both pH 4 and 4.5. The p-nitrophenyl derivatives react with enthalpic values of 15.6 and 14.6 kJ/mol. The galactosepyranosides show no heat effects during mixing with the protein solutions.The apparent binding enthalpies calculated from the variations of the equilibrium constants with temperature are in good agreement with the values measured experimentally. The two binding sites of the dimer form of concanavalin A are equal and independent, and the low enthalpies obtained do not justify a large conformational change during the reaction.The binding reaction has also been estimated for other sugars normally contained in glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The kinetics of calcium binding to concanavalin A was studied utilizing ultraviolet difference spectral measurements. The results show that calcium binds to the lectin in a biphasic process: a rapid and reversible phase, followed by a relaxation phase with a kobs of 0.012 sec?1. Kinetic measurements were used to calculate the association constant, Ka, for calcium binding to concanavalin A of 2.7 x 104 M?1, in reasonable agreement with values obtained by equilibrium methods.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A, which binds to specific carbohydrate determinants on the cell surface, was used to investigate the binding of prolactin to its receptors in liver membranes from female rats. The binding of 125I-labeled ovine prolactin to receptors was sharply inhibited by concanavalin A. This effect was reversed by the competitive sugar α-methyl-D-mannopyranoside and thus required the presence of specifically bound lectin. Concentrations of concanavalin A of up to 50 μg/ml caused a progressive decrease in the apparent affinity of the prolactin receptor for hormone. When higher concentrations were used, the number of available binding sites decreased. Concanavalin A-resistant receptors, about 30% of the total, had the same dissociation constant (Kd) as the controls. The binding of 125I-labeled concanavalin A in the same membrane preparations showed the presence of two distinct types of concanavalin A binding. At low concentrations, the lectin bound with high affinity (Kd ≈ 6.6 · 10?8 M). At high lectin concentrations, low affinity (Kd ≈ 6.7 · 10?5 M) binding predominated. Since high affinity concanavalin A binding was saturated at 50 μg/ml, this class of binding most likely alters the affinity of the prolactin receptor for hormone; low affinity concanavalin A binding may mask prolactin receptors, making them inaccessible to the hormone.Binding sites for concanavalin A and prolactin appear to be independent but closely related since (i) concanavalin A did not displace bound prolactin from its receptor, and (ii) detergent-solubilized 125I-labeled prolactin-receptor complexes bound to concanavalin A-Sepharose and were eluted by α-methyl-D-mannopyranoside.  相似文献   

The binding of concanavalin A (ConA) to zona-free unfertilized and fertilized mouse eggs has been investigated using tritiated ConA. At low lectin concentrations (1–5 μg ml?1) the fertilized egg shows a higher affinity for [3H]ConA than does the unfertilized egg. In saturation conditions, however, unfertilized and fertilized eggs show the same binding capacity (1.55 × 108 ConA molecules/egg). The results indicate that ConA-binding sites change qualitatively following fertilization; possible connections between this change and other fertilization-induced changes in the egg surface are discussed.  相似文献   

Lectin-binding curves are reported for a concanavalin A receptor glycoprotein in lipid bilayers and intact cells. The results are consistent with previous studies of the structurally dissimilar transmembrane glycoprotein, glycophorin. High-affinity lectin binding to model membranes was influenced by the presence of apparently unrelated macromolecules, which we suggest is an example of receptor modulation by local interactions. Furthermore, high-affinity binding to the model membranes displayed characteristics, including positive cooperativity, similar to those seen with intact cells.  相似文献   

Titrations employing electron spin resonance spectroscopy and equilibrium dialysis studies have revealed that Mn2+ binding to concanavalin A is cooperative in the presence and noncooperative in the absence of Ca2+. The degree of cooperativity increases with increasing pH. Hill coefficients range from 1.4 at pH 5.0 to 1.8 at pH 6.85. In addition to inducing cooperativity in Mn2+ binding, Ca2+ influences the pH dependence and increases the affinity of Mn2+ binding. In contrast to previous suggestions based mostly on work conducted near pH 5, demetallized concanavalin A does bind Ca2+ with an appreciable binding constant. These observations indicate that at physiological pH the role of metal ions in determining functional properties of concanavalin A is different from that suggested by metal binding studies conducted at lower pH values.  相似文献   

Summary The early development ofPhallusia mammillata eggs, dechorionated with trypsin and treated with Concanavalin A, was studied. Vital staining with a very dilute solution of acridine orange (0.01 g/ml) helped to visualize the mitochondrial crescent by fluorescence. At high concentrations of Concanavalin A (20–200 g/ml) fertilized eggs did not cleave, but went through early ooplasmic segregation movements (formation of the crescent) and multinuclear syncytia were formed. At lower concentrations of Concanavalin A (less than 10 g/ml), cleavage occurred, but the blastomeres remained rounded, leading to a grapelike embryo. Eggs attached to Concanavalin A treated nylon surfaces either did not cleave or produced grapelike embryos. Attachment of the eggs did not affect ooplasmic segregation. Considering modern theories of membrane structure it was concluded that Concanavalin A prevented cleavage either by immobilizing surface structures connected with microfilaments or by indirectly modifying other membrane structures. These structures could not have been involved in ooplasmic segregation, but their mobility was necessary for further morphogenesis.This work was performed at the Station Zoologique, Villefranche-sur-Mer and at the Station de Biologie Marine et Lagunaire. Sète  相似文献   

Extensive binding of concanavalin A to the nuclear membrane   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Concanavalin A, which binds to specific carbohydrate determinants on the cell surface, was used to investigate the binding of prolactin to its receptors in liver membranes from female rats. The binding of 125I-labeled ovine prolactin to receptors was sharply inhibited by concanavalin A. This effect was reversed by the competitive sugar alpha-methyl-D-mannopyranoside and thus required the presence of specifically bound lectin. Concentrations of concanavalin A of up to 50 mu/ml caused a progressive decrease in the apparent affinity of the prolactin receptor for hormone. When higher concentrations were used, the number of available binding sites decreased. Concanavalin A-resistant receptors, about 30% of the total, had the same dissociation constant (Kd) as the controls. The binding of 125I-labeled concanavalin A in the same membrane preparations showed the presence of two distinct types of concanavalin A binding. At low concentrations, the lectin bound with high affinity (Kd approximately equal to 6.6 . 10(-8) M. At high lectin concentrations, low affinity (Kd approximately equal to 6.7 . 10(-5) M) binding predominated. Since high affinity concanavalin A binding was saturated at 50 microgram/ml, this class of binding most likely alters the affinity of the prolactin receptor for hormone; low affinity concanavalin A binding may mask prolactin receptors, making them inaccessible to the hormone. Binding sites for concanavalin A and prolactin appear to be independent but closely related since (i) concanavalin A did not displace bound prolactin from its receptor, and (ii) detergent-solubilized 125I-labeled prolactin-receptor complexes bound to concanavalin A-Sepharose and were eluted by alpha-methyl-D-mannopyranoside.  相似文献   

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