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Induction of hepatic microsomal mono-oxygenase species after administration of various xenobiotics is a well-documented phenomenon. To examine the number and specific species of rat liver microsomal membrane polypeptides involved in such responses, we have used sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis to analyse microsomal fractions from animals treated with a number of important xenobiotics. The following are the principal points to have emerged from this study. 1. A minimum of twelve electrophoretically distinct patterns of induction of haemopolypeptides and other polypeptides could be distinguished after administration, either singly or in certain combinations, of phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, polychlorinated biphenyls, 2-acetylaminofluorene, safrole (or isosafrole), pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile and ethanol. The patterns consisted of various permutations of the amounts of eight polypeptides of 47000-56000 mol.wt., of which at least three were haemopolypeptides. The possible identities of these polypeptides, which included species of cytochrome P-450, cytochrome P-448 and epoxide hydratase, are discussed. 2. Agents (3-methylcholanthrene, benzo[a]-pyrene, polychlorinated biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and beta-naphthoflavone) that result in the induction of cytochrome P-448 caused a marked increase in two polypeptides of 54000 and 56000 mol.wt., whereas safrole and isosafrole induced only the former polypeptide. 3. Administration of 2-acetylaminofluorene resulted in the induction of two polypeptides; evidence is presented that suggests that one of these is a species of epoxide hydratase [cf. Levin, Lu, Thomas, Ryan, Kizer & Griffin (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 3240-3243] ANd that the other may be a novel haemopolypeptide. 4. The overall results emphasize the complexity of the responses exhibited by rat liver microsomal fractions to the administration of xenobiotics.  相似文献   

This laboratory has described the azoreduction of p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (1c) by rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450. To elucidate the mechanisms involved, the reduction of structurally related azobenzenes by hepatic microsomes was investigated. High substrate reactivity was observed for 1c, its corresponding secondary (1a) and primary (1b) amines and p-hydroxyazobenzene (1d). In contrast, only negligible rates were obtained for unsubstituted azobenzene (1g), hydrazobenzene (2g), p-isopropylazobenzene (1e) and 1f, the benzoylamide derivative of 1b. These results clearly indicate that electron-donating groups, such as hydroxyl or primary, secondary and tertiary amines, are essential for binding of azo dye carcinogens to liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 and, by implication, their enzymic reduction. No inhibition of azoreduction of 1c or 1d was obtained by addition of 1e, 1g, or 2g to the reaction mixture. In the presence of hepatic microsomes, a type I binding spectrum was obtained for 1d and type II binding spectra for 1a, 1b and 1c, the reactive azo dyes. In contrast, very weak binding was observed for the unreactive compounds 1e, 1f, 1g and 2g. Thus, there is good correlation between binding and substrate reactivity. The apparent lack of binding may explain the inability of the non-reactive compounds to inhibit azoreduction. The difference in the reduction rate observed for 1g vs. 1d suggested that hydroxylation would facilitate the reduction of an otherwise non-reactive azo dye. Support for such a mechanism was obtained in two experiments. In the first, marked facilitation of azoreduction of both the inactive compounds, 2g and 2f, was seen when they were incubated with microsomes under aerobic conditions where preliminary hydroxylation can occur. In the second, azobenzene was initially incubated aerobically with microsomes from phenobarbital- or beta-naphthoflavone-induced rats. The hydroxyazobenzene formed was then readily reduced anaerobically by microsomes from untreated rats.  相似文献   

The proteins of highly purified rat liver mitochondria were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and detected by staining with either Coomassie blue or silver. Approximately 250 polypeptides were detected with silver staining which is 2- to 3-times that observed with Coomassie blue. Silver staining was especially more effective than Coomassie blue for detecting polypeptides of less than 50 000 daltons. A two-dimensional gel pattern of rat liver microsomes was distinct from that of the mitochondria. The mitochondrial outer membrane was prepared from purified mitochondria either with digitonin or by swelling in a hypotonic medium. As assessed by marker enzymes, the latter method yielded a considerably purer outer membrane preparation (20-fold purification) than the former (2.6-fold purification). Approximately 50 polypeptides were observed in a two-dimensional gel (pH 3-10) of the highly purified outer membrane fraction. Three isoelectric forms of the pore (VDAC) protein were observed with pI values of 8.2, 7.8 and 7.1. Monoamine oxidase was identified as a polypeptide of Mr 60 000. About 50 polypeptides were also resolved in a reverse polarity non-equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis gel of the outer membrane, pH 3-10, with at least six isoelectric forms of the VDAC protein observed under these conditions. The six isoforms of the VDAC protein were also observed in a non-equilibrium gel with 2 micrograms of the purified protein.  相似文献   

1. The patterns of phosphopolypeptides produced by endogenous phosphorylation in vitro of rough- and smooth-membrane fractions of the microsomal fraction of mouse liver were studied by radioautographic analysis of sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoretograms. 2. A minimum of 17 polypeptides of both rough- and smooth-microsomal-membrane fractions were phosphorylated by using [gamma-(32)P]-ATP as the phosphate donor; only minor differences in phosphorylation pattern between the two membrane fractions were detected. 3. Phosphorylation in vitro by [gamma-(32)P]ATP was markedly stimulated by Mg(2+), but not by cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP or Ca(2+). The phosphorylation of certain polypeptides was preferentially stimulated by Mg(2+). Addition of cyclic AMP resulted in a decrease in the amount of (32)P detected in one polypeptide of mol.wt. approx. 56000, present in both the rough- and smooth-membrane fractions. 4. [gamma-(32)P]GTP was found to be a relatively poor donor of (32)P as compared with [gamma-(32)P]ATP. However, incubation of rough- and smooth-membrane fractions with this compound resulted in the phosphorylation of one polypeptide of mol.wt. approx. 96000 that was scarcely or not at all phosphorylated by [gamma-(32)P]ATP. 5. Under the conditions of incubation used, appreciable incorporation of (32)P from [gamma-(32)P]ATP occurred into products migrating at the front of the electrophoretograms; these products were identified as being principally comprised of 1-phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate. Incorporation of (32)P into this lipid was also markedly stimulated by Mg(2+). 6. The overall results show that a considerable number of polypeptides of the rough- and smooth-microsomal-membrane fractions of mouse liver may be phosphorylated in vitro and indicate that the enzymes responsible are principally non-cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

Induction of perfluorodecalin (PFD) of the liver microsomal system of metabolism of xenobiotics has been studied and compared with the inductions by phenobarbital (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC). It has been shown that PFD increases the content of cytochrome P-450, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity. Like PB, PFD induces the activities of benzphetamine-N-demethylase, aldrine-epoxidase, 16 beta-androstendion-hydroxylase. Using specific antibodies against cytochromes P-450b and P-450c (which are the main isoenzymes of cytochrome P-450 in the PB- and MC-microsomes respectively), an immunological identity of the cytochrome P-450 isoforms during PFD and PB induction has been found. According to the rocket immunoelectrophoresis the content of cytochrome P-450 in PFD-microsomes, which is immunologically indistinguishable from P-450b, was approximately 70% of the total cytochrome P-450. Two forms of cytochrome P-450 were isolated from the liver microsomes of PFD-induced rats and purified to homogeneity. A comparison of these forms with cytochromes P-450b and P-450e obtained from the PB-induced rat liver microsomes revealed their similarity in a number of properties, e.g., chromotographic behavior on DEAE-Sephacel column, molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, immunoreactivity, peptide mapping, catalytic activity. The data presented demonstrate that PFD induced in rat liver microsomes the cytochrome P-450 forms whose immunological properties and substrate specificity correspond to those of the PB-type cytochrome P-450. These findings suggest that PFD and PB, which differ in their chemical structure, induce in the rat liver microsomes identical forms of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

The influence of the physical state and the lipid composition on microsomal membrane-bound phospholipase A2 activity has been investigated. It was established that the decrease of membrane fluidity expressed by the alterations of the steady-state fluorescent anisotropy (rs) and the structural order parameter for DPH (SDPH) leads to augmentation of phospholipase A2 specific activity. Phosphatidylinositol is the only phospholipid having a specific activating effect on microsomal membrane-bound phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

The activities of the hepatic microsomal 2α-, 2β-, 18- and 7α-hydroxylase systems active on 5α-[4-14C] androstane-3α,17β-diol were studied in male and female rats which had been castrated and spayed at 14, 24, 35 and 45 days of age, treated for 5 days with 500 μg of estradiol benzoate per kg body weight and killed 6 days after gonadectomy. The hepatic microsomal 15β-hydroxylase enzyme system active on 5α-[1,2-3H] androstane-3α, 17β-diol 3,17-disulphate was also measured in these animals as well as in an additional group of animals that were gonadectomized at 56 days of age, treated with estradiol benzoate and killed at 62 days of age. The hydroxylase systems active on the free steroid substrate were all relatively unresponsive towards enstradiol in the developing rat, in contrast to the strong effects on hepatic hydroxylase activities previously noted following treatment of adult male rats with estradiol. On the other hand, the 15β-hydroxylase system active on disulphurylated 5α-androstane-3α, 17β-diol was inducible in both male and female rats of 41 and 51 days of age and in male rats of 61 days of age.  相似文献   

The cytosolic polypeptides of hepatocyte nodules in six models of liver carcinogenesis were analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and their patterns compared with these of control and variously treated livers. The amount of a polypeptide of Mr 21,000 was about tenfold elevated in the cytosol of five of the six types of nodules and moderately elevated in the sixth. Certain other polypeptides, particularly one of Mr 26,000, also varied in amount, so that all of the nodules analysed could be distinguished from liver by their electrophoretic patterns. Some possible identities of the two polypeptides are discussed. Their study may have mechanistic as well as diagnostic importance.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that incubation of rat liver microsomes with N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-OH-AAF) leads to formation of a 2-nitrosofluorene-membrane lipid adduct. This adduct exists as a nitroxyl free radical, termed N-O-LAF, in its oxidized state. When microsomes were incubated with the sulfhydryl binding agent, rho-hydroxymercuribenzoate, a larger amount of N-OL-LAF formed. We interpret this as a slowdown in the rate of endogenous chemical reduction of carcinogen-membrane lipid adduct. In this paper we present evidence that N-OH-AAF is deacetylated by a microsomal enzyme to form N-hydroxy-2-aminofluorene and this is then oxidized to 2-nitrosofluorene which adds covalently to membrane lipid double bonds to form N-O-LAF. Various antioxidants, peroxidase inhibitors, and P450 substrates and inhibitors were ineffective in altering the amount of N-O-LAF formed from N-OH-AAF; but two esterase inhibitors, dietyl-rho-nitrophenylphosphate and alpha-toluene-sulfonyl fluoride, prevented N-O-LAF formation. Of the following purified enzymes tested: porcine liver carboxyl esterase, pepsin, chymotrypsin, cathepsin D, ficin, papain, leucine aminopeptidase, Naja naja phospholipase, acetylcholinesterase (type I), trypsin (type I and V) and epoxide hydrase; only carboxyl esterase was effective in deacetylating N-OH-AAF.  相似文献   

The amounts of five different forms of cytochrome P-450 and of microsomal epoxide hydrolase were determined immunochemically in rat liver microsomes before and after treatment of the animals with 2-acetylaminofluorene and 15 structurally related compounds. The amount of cytochrome P-450c was found to be increased about 60-fold after treatment with 2-aminofluorene and 3-aminofluorene. Administration of 1-aminofluorene, 4-aminofluorene, 2-acetylaminofluorene and nitrofluorene increased this isozyme about 15-19 times. 2-Aminofluorene was found to inhibit the binding of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin to a cytoplasmic receptor 50% at a concentration of 3.12 microM, while no such inhibition could be detected with 2-acetylaminofluorene. Induction of ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity was found to be highly correlated (+0.95) with the induction of cytochrome P-450c. Also correlated with the induction of this form was the amount of cytochrome P-450d (+0.84), which could be maximally increased about fourfold. Cytochromes P-450b + e were induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene, 4-acetylaminofluorene and fluorene (about tenfold), while 4-aminofluorene and 4-acetylaminofluorene were found to elevate cytochrome P-450PB/PCN-E about threefold. Microsomal epoxide hydrolase was induced by many of the compounds tested, with 2,7-diaminofluorene, 2,7-diacetylaminofluorene, 2-acetylaminofluorene and 2-(N-hydroxy)acetylaminofluorene being the most potent. No correlation of the induction of this enzyme with the induction of any isozyme of cytochrome P-450 was observed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate age and sex as determinants of hepatic cytochromes P-450, the polypeptide compositions of liver smooth microsomes from Fischer-344 rats were examined using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (G. P. Vlasuk and F. G. Walz, Jr. (1980)Anal. Biochem. 105, 112). The effects of phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene treatments were investigated using sexually immature (1 month), young adult (3 months), middle aged (12 months), and senescent (26 months) animals of both sexes. The appearance of five major microsomal polypeptides characterized sexual maturation in males. The only qualitative difference in the patterns of xenobiotic-induced polypeptides were found for young adult and middle-aged males where cytochrome P-450a (D. Ryan, P. E. Thomas, D. Korzeniowski, and W. Levin (1979)J. Biol. Chem. 254, 1365) was not induced by phenobarbital. A number of major microsomal polypeptides which might represent unidentified forms of cytochrome P-450 in untreated males and females were markedly decreased in a specific manner as a result of phenobarbital and/or 3-methylcholanthrene treatments. Microsomes from females of all ages tested and immature males were essentially indistinguishable on the basis of their total cytochrome P-450 contents and polypeptide patterns. Untreated senescent males were characterized by a reversion of their microsomal polypeptide patterns and total cytochrome P-450 contents to those for females and sexually immature males. In addition, phenobarbital-induced levels of total cytochrome P-450 for senescent males were the lowest observed for all of the groups tested even though their pattern of induced polypeptides was qualitatively the same as that for females.  相似文献   

The membrane topology of rat liver microsomal glutathione transferase was investigated by comparing the tryptic cleavage products from intact and permeabilized microsomes. It was shown that lysine-4 of microsomal glutathione transferase is accessible at the luminal surface of the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas lysine-41 faces the cytosol. These positions are separated by a hydrophobic stretch of 25 amino acids (positions 11–35) which comprises the likely membrane-spanning region. Reaction of cysteine-49 of the microsomal glutathione transferase with the charged sulfhydryl reagent DTNB (2,2′-dithiobis(5-nitrobenzoic acid))) in intact microsomes further supports the cytosolic localization of this portion of the polypeptide chain. The role of two other potential membrane-spanning/associated segments in the C-terminal half of the polypeptide chain was examined by investigating the association of the protein to the membrane after trypsin cleavage at lysine-41. Activity measurements and Western blot analysis after washing with high concentrations of salt, as well as after phase separation in Triton X-114, indicate that this portion of the protein also binds to the membrane. It is also shown that cleavage of the purified protein at Lys-41 and subsequent separation of the fragments obtained yields a functional C-terminal polypeptide with the expected length for the product encompassing positions 42–154. The location of the active site of microsomal glutathione transferase was investigated using radiolabelled glutathione together with a second substrate. Since isolated rat liver microsomes do not take up glutathione or release the glutathione conjugate into the lumen, it can be concluded that the active site of rat liver microsomal glutathione transferase faces the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the ability of phenobarbital, testosterone and their combination to induce the liver microsomal monooxygenase system after 9-day administration of these compounds to intact male and female rats was carried out. It was shown that administration of testosterone does not increase the level of cytochromes P450 and b5 in the livers of male and female rats. However, after a combined administration of the two compounds testosterone significantly enhances the inducing effects of phenobarbital (i. e. superinduction) in female rats; no such effect was observed in the livers of male rats. The rates of oxidation of hexobarbital, ethylmorphine and testosterone by liver microsomes are also increased after a combined administration of the two inducers. However, the additive effects of the two substances on substrate oxidation are observed when the latter was calculated per mole of cytochrome P450. An administration of testosterone to male rats does not result in an increase of the rate of hexobarbital and testosterone oxidation by isolated liver microsomes.  相似文献   

N-Hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-OH-2-AAF) sulfotransferase is an enzyme that catalyzes the sulfate transfer from the active sulfate, 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS), to N-OH-2-AAF to form a highly reactive product acetylaminofluorene N-sulfate. It has been purified about 2000-fold with a yield of over 12% from adult Sprague-Dawley male rat livers by an eight-step procedure. The final preparation was homogeneous on analytrical disc gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme had activity toward p-nitrophenol with an approximately 1600-fold increase in specific activity over the crude homogenate, but it had almost no detectable activity toward steroids such as estrone, beta-estradiol, testosterone, dehydroisoandrosterone, and corticosterone. There was also very little sulfation activity toward serotonin and L-tyrosine methyl ester. The optimal pH for the enzyme activity is approximately 6.3 when measured in sodium phosphate buffer. Mg2+ at 6 to 9 mM could increase the enzyme activity up to 30%. Mn2+ activated the enzyme only slightly at very low concentrations. Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+, and Ni2+ were all strongly inhibitory, but Ca2+ had very little effect. Thiol compounds were found to have a stabilizing effect and thiol-blocking reagents were potent inhibitors for this enzyme. The pure enzyme was very unstable especially in diluet solutions. The isoelectric point (pl) of the enzyme is 5.66 +/- 0.07. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was 68,000 +/- 500 as estimated by Sephadex G-100 and G-200 gel filtrations. A single component with molecular weight of 38,250 +/- 1,350 was observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis in the absence and presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. Comparison of the enzyme activity in mail and female rat livers at each stage of purification revealed that there was only a trace amount of N-OH-2-AAF sulfotransferase present in the female rat liver.  相似文献   

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