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An 11S seed globulin has been isolated from Phaseolus aureus and P. vulgaris by zonal isoelectric precipitation and the MWs of the constituent subunits determined. The protein of P. vulgaris occurs in the protein body fraction and its chemical composition, including the N-terminal amino acids and amino acid composition has been determined. The similarity between the 11S globulin of the two Phaseolus spp. and legumin from other leguines is discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding experiments with 4′,7-dihydroxyisoflavone-[4-14C] (daidzein), 2′,4′,7-trihydroxyisoflavone-[T] and (±)-4′,7-dihydroxyisoflavanone-[T] (dihydrodaidzein) in suspension cultures of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) roots have shown that daidzein is a better precursor of the coumestan coumestrol than is the trihydroxyisoflavone and that dihydrodaidzein can also be converted very efficiently. The results provide further evidence for the intermediacy of a pterocarp-6a-en in coumestrol biosynthesis, and also indicate the possible existence of a 'metabolic grid' of isoflavones and isoflavanones in P. aureus.  相似文献   

The transfer of mannose from GDP[14C]mannose to lipid and to insoluble polymer by a particulate preparation of Phaseolus aureus has been investigated. The evidence favours the lipid being a prenol phosphate mannose. Of a range of prenol phosphates tried, betulaprenol phosphate was the most effective exogenous acceptor of mannose. Most of the insoluble [14C]polymer formed was glycoprotein in nature although small quantities of 14C were associated with glucomannan and galactoglucomannan fractions. Time studies failed to reveal a typical precursor-product relationship between the lipid and polymer fractions but on incubation of [14C]mannolipid with the particulate fraction a small transfer (0·5–0·7%) of [14C] to polymer was detected. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibited (by 90%) the transfer of [14C] from GDP[14C]-mannoseto polymer and simultaneously increased (3-fold) the [14C] recovered in the lipid fraction. The effect was nullified by mercaptoethanol. Attempts to solubilize the transfer system were only partially successful. The formation of a chromatographically identical mannolipid was demonstrated in particulate fractions of Codium fragile and tomato roots.  相似文献   

Naphthalene acetic acid increased the sterol content of mung bean hypocotyl sections mainly in the zone of elongation growth. The increased sterol synthesis can be explained by a stimulated conversion rate of cycloartenol into sterols. During the 20-hr incubation period the stigmasterol: sitosterol ratio increased considerably.  相似文献   

Pro-tRNA synthetase from Phaseolus aureus was photoinactivated in the presence of methylene blue or rose bengal. Pro and several imino acid analogues protected the enzyme against dye-mediated photoinactivation but ATP was ineffective. Together with kinetic data, this evidence suggested that a His-residue near the Pro-binding site was involved in the enzyme reaction. In the absence of methylene blue, Phaseolus enzyme was stable to light whilst that from Delonix was rapidly and reversibly photoinactivated. ATP as well as Pro, protected the Delonix enzyme against dye-independent photoinactivation. In the presence of methylene blue, the Delonix enzyme was more rapidly photoinactivated than in the absence of the dye. p-Chloromercuribenzoate (pCMB)-inhibited enzyme from both Phaseolus and Delonix was reactivated by sulphydryl reducing reagents. Reactivation of Delonix enzyme was markedly temperature-dependent whilst Phaseolus enzyme was reactivated equally efficiently at all temperatures tested. ATP, tRNA, Pro and several analogues of Pro, protected both the Phaseolus and Delonix enzymes against pCMB inhibition. The possible roles of the His-residue and SH group are discussed in relation to the known differences in substrate specificity between the Phaseolus and Delonix enzymes.  相似文献   

Cellular membranes were prepared from the non-extending part of dark grown hypocotyls of Phaseolus aureus. The relative effectiveness of continuous and discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation for the separation of membranes was investigated. Characteristic densities of membranes were determined by the localization of enzyme activities on continuous sucrose gradients: NADH-cytochrome c-reductase for endoplasmic reticulum, β-1-3-glucan synthetase for plasma-membrane and IDPase for dictyosomes. The diffuculties involved in the application of ATPase and IDPase as specific membrane markers are discussed. Negative staining of isolated fractions indicated that intact dictyosomes could be prepared from this tissue without the use of chemical fixatives in the homogenization medium.Extraction of isolated membranes showed that carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) were present both in an easily removable and in a more strongly bound form. In vivo incorporation of d-[U-14C]glucose and subsequent isolation and solubilization of the different membranes showed that sugar-containing polymers could be released without hydrolytic techniques and were present in the equivalent extracts that exhibited lectin activity. The possibility of lectin-polysaccharide complexes in endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes and their involvement in the synthesis and transport of secretory substances by the membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides, obtained by digestion of a xyloglucan from the cell walls of Phaseolus coccineus with cellulase, have been isolated by gel filtration. Oligosaccharides containing 2–6 residues accounted for ~57% of the hydrolysate, with larger oligosaccharides (d.p. ~10) and partially degraded xyloglucan accounting for ~32% of the polymer. The major glycosidic linkages were determined by methylation analysis. Methylated penta- and hexa-saccharide alditols were isolated by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. and characterised by e.i.-m.s. and f.a.b.-m.s. Methylated derivatives of the di-, tri-, and tetra-saccharide alditols were examined by g.l.c.-m.s. in the e.i. and c.i. modes. A structure based on these results is proposed.  相似文献   

Unsubstituted anthraquinones and anthrones have a low uncoupling activity on isolated mitochondria. The presence of phenolic groups is a prerequisite for a marked effect. The number of phenolic groups is of minor importance but their substitution pattern is important. The methylene group of the anthrones increases the activity.  相似文献   

Pro-tRNA synthetase from P. aureus and D. regia was protected against thermal denaturation by various substrates; the kinetics of this protection was investigated. The affinity of substrates for each synthetase was studied by a thermal inactivation technique. In the presence of ATP, Pro and several Pro-analogues were bound to each enzyme more efficiently than when ATP was absent. The efficiency of imino acid analogue binding, relative to that of Pro, was greater when ATP was absent. Pyrrolidine and 3-pyrroline were able to bind to the enzyme only in the presence of ATP. The ratio of the ATP/Pro binding constants for the Delonix enzyme was greater than that for the Phaseolus enzyme. Values for several thermodynamic parameters involved in substrate binding were determined for each synthetase. The results are discussed in relation to the order of substrate binding and the known differences in substrate specificity between the enzymes from P. aureus and D. regia.  相似文献   

The hypocotyl cuttings of Phaseolus aureus brought about the biotransformation of a guaiane 6,12-diol to the corresponding lactone during the formation of adventitious roots.  相似文献   

Lectin variability within Phaseolus coccineus is revealed by non-denatured electrophoretic patterns and immunological labelling of total seed protein extracts, showing that the different cultivars and wild varieties studied can be classified into three main categories according to the number of isolectins (three, two or one) present in each extract. Attempts in the purification of these isolectins were performed on three different affinity systems in which ligands were thyroglobulin (known to purify the P. vulgaris isolectins), pig red cell membrane ghosts (stroma) or antibodies against the P. vulgaris cv. Contender E2L2 isolectin. The P. coccineus isolectins exhibit varied affinities towards thyroglobulin and stroma, the cathodic and anodic (pH 4.5) isolectins being respectively retained by the two systems, whereas the antibody affinity system is the only one able to purify the totality of the isolectins present in an extract.  相似文献   

After treatment with CuCl2, the following isoflavonoids have been isolated from the runner bean, Phaseolus coccineus: daidzein, genistein, isoprunetin, 2′-hydroxygenistein, phaseoluteone, 2′-hydroxydihydrodaidzein, isoferreirin, kievitone, cyclokievitone, glycinol, phaseollidin, phaseollin, demethylvestitol, phaseollinisoflavan, 2′-hydroxyisoprunetin and 7,4′-dihydroxy-5,2′-dimethoxyisoflavanone. The latter two compounds are novel natural products.  相似文献   

Water-soluble polysaccharide material comprising d-galactose (53·0%), l-arabinose (33·2%) and d-glucuronic acid (13·8%) has been isolated from the leaves of Phaseolus atropurpureus. Acid hydrolysis, periodate oxidation and methylation have indicated a highly branched structure. The principal interglycosidic linkages have been tentatively identified as 1,3- and 1,6-linked d-galactopyranose and 1,3-linked l-arabinofuranose residues. In synthesising polysaccharide with these structural features, P. atropurpureus differs from other legumes such as soybean, lucerne and Centrosema.  相似文献   

More ethanol soluble material (carbohydrate and amino nitrogen) was found in both host cell and bacteroid components of Phaseolus vulgaris nodules from plants grown at 28 W/m2 than from plants grown at 7 W/m2. The range of compounds identified was similar at the two irradiances. On feeding 14CO2 to the plant tops at either irradiance the labelling patterns of carbohydrates and organic acids in the nodule host cells and bacteroids suggested that any or all of the following substances could be donated by the host to the bacteroids for general metabolism: sucrose, fructose, glucose, an unidentified carbohydrate, malic acid and an organic acid co-chromatographing with 6-phosphogluconate. Distribution and labelling patterns of nodule amino compounds were consistent with the hypothesis that ammonia is the primary product of nitrogen fixation within bacteroids, and that this ammonia is transported to host cells for assimilation, initially into glutamine and glutamate.  相似文献   

Centrifugal fractionation showed that 70% of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity of Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings is recovered in the 1  相似文献   

Isolated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) chloroplasts were used to investigate the mode of synthesis of transitory amylose and amylopectin from ADP-glucose. Pulse chase experiments showed that labelled glucose in amylose decreased when chased with cold substrate as compared to controls. A significant portion of this decrease appeared in the amylopectin fraction indicating that amylopectin was formed from amylose. However, time course experiments showed that the rate of amytopectin synthesis is higher than that of amylose at the early stages of incubation, suggesting a certain degree of independent synthesis of the two fractions. High concentration of citrate increased the rate of amylopectin synthesis.  相似文献   

Serine and hydroxyproline participate in protein-polysaccharide linkages in hydroxyproline-poor glycoproteins from Phaseolus vulgaris cv Pinto. Most substituted hydroxyproline residues contain arabinose, galactose and glucose, but some have arabinose only. Serine residues contain arabinose, galactose and glucose.  相似文献   

R. B. Mellor  J. M. Lord 《Planta》1979,146(1):91-99
A crude organelle preparation from germinating castor bean endosperm catalysed the incorporation of mannose from GDP[14C]mannose into acid-labile mannolipids. Solubility and chromatographic properties have identified the most rapidly synthesized products as mannosyl-phosphoryl-polyisoprenol, while the more polar lipid formed was shown to contain oligosaccharide. Little radioactivity from GDP[14C]mannose accumulated in insoluble product in the cell-free system, but supplying GDP[14C]mannose to intact endosperm tissue has shown that the major incorporation product in vivo is glycoprotein. This product was readily solubilized by either pronase or sodium dodecyl sulphate treatment suggesting it was membrane bound glycoprotein. Incorporation of mannose into mannosyl-phosphoryl-polyisoprenol during the cell-free assay was stimulated by the addition of dolichol monophosphate. This enzymic activity was optimal at pH 7.5 and in the presence of 10 mM Mg2+. The Km for GDP-mannose was estimated to be 5×10-7 M. Cellular mannosyl transferase activity changed markedly during early post-germinative growth; from being absent in the dry seed, enzyme activity increased to peak between the second and third days of growth and subsequently declined.Abbreviations TCA trichloroacetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Feeding experiments in CuCl2-treated French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seedlings have demonstrated that labelled 2′,4′,4-trihydroxychalcone, daidzein, 7,2′,4′-trihydroxyisoflavone, 3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan and phaseollidin are all good precursors of the pterocarpan phytoalexin phaseollin. These compounds represent a logical sequence in the biosynthetic pathway to phaseollin.  相似文献   

Since the ability to genetically engineer plants was established, researchers have modified a great number of plant species to satisfy agricultural, horticultural, industrial, medicinal or veterinary requirements. Almost thirty years after the first approaches to the genetic modification of pulse crops, it is possible to transform many grain legumes. However, one of the most important species for human nutrition, Phaseolus vulgaris, still lacks some practical tools for genomic research, such as routine genetic transformation. Its recalcitrance towards in vitro regeneration and rooting significantly hampers the possibilities of improvement of the common bean that suffers from many biotic and abiotic constraints. Thus, an efficient and reproducible system for regeneration of a whole plant is desired. Although noticeable progress has been made, the rate of recovery of transgenic lines is still low. Here, the current status of tissue culture and recent progress in transformation methodology are presented. Some major challenges and obstacles are discussed and some examples of their solutions are presented.  相似文献   

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